Everything Was Meant To Be?

"Good news!"

Jason said without hesitation.

Listening to the bad news before the good news helped dispel some of the terrible feelings brought about by the bad news, allowing one to feel some sense of comfort. But on the same note, the good news might become something that was not worth being so happy over.

Jason hated such a feeling.

Since he was happy, he should only be feeling happy, through and through.

And the bad news?

That would be a matter for later on.

"His Lordship, the director, is very pleased with you, Jason."

"Whether it was before or just now, he's satisfied with everything."

"So, you got a pay raise."

"Two grams of gold a week, and this is the employment fee you are entitled to receive from earlier on, as well as your first week's salary."

Bondy said as he took out 4 grams of gold and 6 grams of silver from his wallet.