This Child Has Nothing To Do With You

"Didn't Producer Chu say I'm not suitable?" Ye Shengge said with a cold face. "I don't want an unsuitable role in case others say I relied on sleeping around to get my roles."

"Fine, then don't act anymore." Ji Shiting still held her hands and said gently. "You're not suitable for acting now, so I'll keep any good roles for you in the future, okay?"

"Why isn't my body suitable for acting now?" Ye Shengge looked angrier. "I'll have the operation immediately to abort the child. It won't affect my acting at all!"

Ji Shiting's eyes twitched. He felt sorry for her seeing how pale and furious she was.

"You can do whatever you want, but don't move for now," he chided. "Finish the drip and I'll take you home."

"I'm not going home with you," Ye Shengge said without hesitation.