Provoking Him Hard

Ji Shiting was defeated.

That's right. He couldn't do anything to her.

"Okay. Even if the child isn't mine," the man said. "I'm willing to treat it as my own child. Are you satisfied?"

"I didn't expect you to be so magnanimous, Mr. Ji," Ye Shengge said.

Ji Shiting glared at the woman's sarcastic and angry face and clenched his fists.

That woman was capable enough to provoke him just because he couldn't do anything to her.

"Ye Shengge." The man sounded meaningful. "Don't push your luck."

"I don't even want an inch. You'd better take it back with you." Ye Shengge didn't care about his threat at all. She turned around and said, "Lin Ran, are you here?"

"Yes, yes!" Lin Ran answered and rushed into the ward. "You're awake, Sister Shengge! Wonderful!"

"Did you get hurt anywhere?" Ye Shengge remembered that Lin Ran had fallen harder than her. If the girl hadn't been a meat cushion, she might not have been able to keep the child.