The Body Is Completely Dominated by the Sensory

The man buried his head between her legs.

Ye Shengge's eyes widened, and she wanted to retreat, but Ji Shiting seemed to have expected it. He grabbed her lower body and stopped her from moving.

"Shiting… Um!"

The man's breathing brushed against her sensitive area, and Ye Shengge couldn't even speak.

Two hours later, they finally came out of the bathtub.

Ji Shiting wrapped her in a towel and carried her back to the bedroom.

The woman in his arms stared blankly. She was leaning against his chest, and her eyes and face were red. Her lips were swollen, as if she hadn't recovered from the passion.

Ji Shiting smirked, put her on the bed, and bent forward to suck on her lips again.

Ye Shengge snorted softy with a trace of resistance.