I'm Very Greedy

Ye Shengge refused to let go. She looked up at him and said, "I don't want to move."

Ji Shiting frowned and asked, "Does it hurt a lot?"

He had been very restrained last night.

"It doesn't hurt…" She buried her face in his chest. "But I'm exhausted. I don't have any strength."

Ji Shiting stroked her hair and said, "You'll have strength after dinner. Put on your clothes first."

"But I don't even have the strength to put on my clothes," she mumbled. "And I don't have the strength to go downstairs for dinner."

Ji Shiting frowned and said, "Is it that serious?"

Ye Shengge said, "I'm being coquettish!"

The man looked at her and curled his lips. "Eat first. There are plenty of chances to act coquettish."

"No." Ye Shengge glared at him.

"Aren't you starving?" Ji Shiting looked at her patiently. "You said it yourself."

Ye Shengge was rendered speechless.