He Milked Himself

[ Chapter 42 ] [ R-17 ]

Long Jinnian lifted her up as he placed his left hand beneath her legs and his right on her back, gently princess carried her toward the bathroom.

His lips arched into warm smile as his eyes looked tenderly at the exhausted little kitten in his embrace.

Heavily panting, her breasts rose up and down as she felt her body was so exhausted and extreme sore between her legs.

As always, he overdid it again so no wonder that she is in this current sorry state. He had sucked her energy like insatiable beast.

He satiated on her body and lips for more than two hours until they were sore and full of love marks.

Although it was so satisfying for her, but Qin Feixue could not keep up with his vigorous stamina as she had always the first one to beg him to stop.

"Jinnian, I'm sorry. I can't last long to satisfy you." She muttered softly as she closed her eyes, her voice was somewhat sad. If only she was much younger, maybe she can last longer to completely make him satisfied.

He could feels what she was thinking. "Auntie, you're wonderful and I can't ask more as you had always make me satisfied. I like the way you're." He comforted as he kissed her forehead gently.

Having such a gentle and caring man as her partner, what more could she ask for? She rested her head on his broad chest as her delicate hands wrapped on his warm neck like a koala.

She was enjoying his gentleness and warmness as a contented smile graced her beautiful face. Little did she expect that in her thirty six years of life, there will be such a day when her heart feels so warm because of man aside her dearly husband.

"Kitten, open the door please." He teased her as he said to little koala who was clinging on him when they arrived in front of bathroom. Because both of his hands were hugging her he can not open the bathroom's door.

"You're so bad always bully me." She opened her eyes and glared cutely at him. Reluctantly, she parted her clinging hands off his neck, and reached it on the handle to open the door.

Walking inside he took a slow steps toward the shower. Once they have gotten in the shower, he laid her gently on her feet and turned on the taps to the warm shower.

Turning around he made his way toward the bathtub. He prepared the tub and adjusted the temperature. After searching around he found a box of rose-scented bath salts and poured some into the tub.

Qin Feixue closed her eyes and let the waters splash over her, over her head and down to her breasts. She stood still as warm water flushed down onto her body, she felt so tired and her legs were sore. Not long after he returned with a towel in his hand.

"Auntie, let me clean you." He said softly as he kneeled down in front of her.

"Mm," she nodded lazily.

He began to wipe her feet with towel gently, lifted her left leg with his right hand so he could wipe the down of her feet with his left, and then her left leg. He ran his hands over her milky, long legs.

Unconsciously, tears started to pool in her eyes. She had never have someone to bath her like this, as far as she could remember only her dearest late mother had done this to her.

She opened her teary eyes to looked down at him, only to find his warm eyes who were looking at her legs tenderly and his hands were cleaning her legs gently.

Her heart felt so warm, the way he touched her made her feels that she was the happiest woman, to have such a man taking care of her.

He moved his hands higher to her thighs, his fingers gently hold the wet towel to wipe her thighs. Roaming his hands to the back and reached her soft butt to wipe it.

He gulped as he looked at her swollen pink folds, so beautiful and so pink, it was shaven clean and so tiny. He do wonder how can such a tiny entrance of hers can handle his humongous hardness.

Brushing off his lewd mind, he rub her swollen flesh gently with warm towel as the warm water cascaded down her body and off his head from the shower.

"Mm," she bit her bottom lip as she felt his touch on her bottom lips, flushed. She spread her legs for him. The warm waters soothed the aches in her core.

Finished, he pulled her by her hand gently and walks his way toward the bathtub. He stepped into the tub, sitting down as he told her. "Come."

Looking down at him, she could not help but redden when she saw his towering hardness. It has been standing proud for more than two hours and had orgasm for how many times she could not remember how many times he came inside her. And right now, it still standing proud.

Long Jinnian was little shy and proud at the same time. Honestly, he was so eager to have another round with her, but he did not want to hurt her as she was at her limit.

"Come auntie, I won't ravish you in the bathtub. It was just the warm water keep it sensitive so… I could not help it." He smiled shamelessly as he promised and explained.

Qin Feixue blushed. Stepping into the tub and he pulled her to sit on his thighs. She could feel his cock beneath her, but he keep his gentleman words not to enter her.

They spent a couple of minutes in silence as she sat on his thighs with his hardness slipped between her legs. He closed his eyes and was embracing her from behind as his hands enveloped her waist.

She let herself relaxed in his embrace as the warm waters soothed both her mind and body. 'I would not mind if the time stops, me sitting in him and being embraced by him for eternity, that dream is too beautiful to be true." She chuckled at her own silly thought.

As the times went by, he could not stop himself from moving his lips to kiss her shoulders, up to her neck softly as he ran his fingers over her smooth thighs.

Feeling his naughty hands traveling over her thighs and his hot lips kept kissing her back, she bit her sweet lips and placed her hands on his hands. She felt his pulsating cock between her legs.

He knew that she is still sore and sensitive, he did not want to hurt her but he could not endure this any longer either. "Auntie, could I come on your face?" He told her hoarsely.

"Well, this was inevitable." She opened her eyes as a pink blush graced her beautiful face and nodded softly.

He did not need asking twice and stepped out from the bathtub in urgent. He stood in front of her as he gripped his throbbing cock and slowly created the comfortable loop with his finger and thumb. He then stroked his length all the way down and then back up.

Her delicate face was facing him and she leaned forward, her nose was almost brushing against his hardness as he slowly pleasuring himself.

"Jinnian, does that feel good?" She could not help but tease him.

His ardent gaze looking at her. He nodded and used his finger to circle around the tip of his cock. "God yes," he groaned.

He could not take his eyes away from her breasts as he was stroking his cock. Seeing how he was drooling over her breasts, she let out seductive giggle and arched her back to give him a best view of her prominent twin peaks.

Long Jinnian placed his hand around the length of his hardness and pointed it towards Qin Feixue. Keeping his grip very tight, he stroked over the engorged head of his cock.

He felt the ridge of the head as his fist passed over it and he sighed aloud. He then moved his hand back down over his cock. Using a slow and steady movement, he repeated this movement.

He brought his cock closer to her face and he stood directly before her as the tip of its head touch her lips.

Looking up at him, her lips quirked up into smile as she felt he was too naughty to actually used his scarlet cock to kiss her lips.

He held his cock still in a tight grip. He was so close to her pretty face right now and he wanted to reach out and touch it. The view of her sexy flushing face alone was becoming too much for him to bear.

He gripped his cock and stroked it furiously. The pre-cum that had gathered on his cock was starting to dribble down its mushroom head.

"Aaaah… Aaaaahhh…"

He moaned as he felt the orgasm building up inside and ready to burst any minute.

Long Jinnian lost all ability to hold back. "Feixueeee, Feixueeee," he kept moaning out her name as the first orgasm from his cock shoot on her beautiful face.

He kept stroking and another spurt landed across her hair and nose, dribbled down into her open mouth.

More sperm spurted from his cock across her cheek and down her neck. He milked his himself one more time and the last of his sperm dribbled down past her head and onto the bathtub.

Heavily panting, he looked down at her sperm covered face and smiled. The sight of his sperm on her beautiful face was so lewd as white liquid splashed across all over her hair and face.

Qin Feixue nose was attacked by his manly scent as the thick sperm of his covered her nostril. She brought her hand to wipe the sperm on her closed eye but sperm kept dripping down from her eyebrows. She smacked her lips, tasting him.

He grabbed her chin gently to face him. "God, you're too beautiful." He complimented before he placed a gentle kiss on her sweet lips.

Afterwards, Long Jinnian continued wiping and bathing her and then brought her to bed. They were cuddling each other warmly before Qin Feixue fell asleep in his embrace with beautiful smile on her face.

[ End of chapter ]