Every Morning, With You Beside Me

[ Chapter 43 ]

It was warm morning as the orange rays of the sun broke the shadow of the dark night and found its way out of the horizon when Long Jinnian awoke.

He squinted his eyes and turned his head once he realized that he was not alone. Looking at the beautiful figure lying beside him, his lips arched into a warm smile as the love lit in his sleepy eyes.

Qin Feixue was sleeping beautifully and fully naked beneath the duvet. Her silky long hair splayed all over the pillow like a beautiful painting.

She was turned in his direction, her eyes closed and lips slightly parted as she slept peacefully beside him. Her natural ethereal face was displayed in all its perfection for him to admire at.

He rolled over his side and watched her. He watched her breathe, watched her expression change as she slept, watched and he watched, the love he felt for this incredible woman filling him up and it grows denser as the days passed by.

And he was fully aware of it.

Qin Feixue took in half a breath and awoke with a bit of a start, opening her blue eyes and focusing them on his pair of warn eyes. Her lips spread into a sleepy smile as love shone from her eyes.

"Hm," she murmured, her smile widening. "Are you just lying there staring at me?"

"I am," he replied, returning her smile. "Of course yes. You're so very beautiful, Feixue."

Of course she remembered that for the first time, last night he called her by her name in the heat of passion. But, her heart could not help but beating wildly when he addressed her by her name just now.

She knew, there is something he wanted her to know. Something has changed in their relationship in the moment he no longer addressed her by Auntie.

Both of them were aware of the unspoken feeling they have for each other. As some things are better left unsaid.

"You're so cheesy." She said with a shake of her head, but her smile and expression said otherwise.

She knew he meant every word and the happiness that showed on her face melted his heart.

"Good dreams? You looked so peaceful I didn't want to disturb you."

"Hm, it was." She nodded, smiling. "In my dream, I found myself wake up every morning with you beside me, till our hair turns grey."

"Oh?" He surprised. "That was indeed a nice dream indeed."

He brought his hand to hold her warm hand and place it in his chest. "You know, If every morning I open my eyes with you in my first sight, I would be content with that life."

She smiled silently, feeling the warm and every beats of his heart in her hand.

"Does it still hurt?" He questioned suddenly, a lewd grin formed in his face as his eyes looked at her sensuously.

Qin Feixue blushed from his sudden change. "A little bit, it was better since you gave me a hot bath last night." She answered shyly and she felt her cheeks burning.

"I see... sorry. I was not able to control myself last night." Long Jinnian apologized but she can not feel any sincerity.

She rolled her eyes at him and gave him a mischievous gaze. "Are you really sorry?"

He made a boyish smile and shook his head. "No... I enjoyed it very much."

She laughed at him and made a judgmental look. "Pervert." She uttered and shook her head. He was really shameless that she can only shake her head.

He laughed as well and reached out his hand and brushed his fingers across her cheek, his eyes locked on her.

In her eyes, he saw everything she felt. Words were never necessary when he really looked into her eyes.

He leaned over and kissed her softly, it was a gentle and fleeting kiss, held with yearning. They kissed for a few moments before he pulled away and caught her eyes with his again.

He bit his bottom lip and gave her a small nod.

"Mm," she nodded, understanding his unspoken request.

Pulling her closer, a sensual grin crossed his lips before he rose a bit and pulled down the duvet. He placed his lips delicately against her skin.

Light, teasing kisses moved along her bare shoulder before he buried his face on her neck.

"Mmmhh." A soft moan escaped from her lips and her hand snaked its way toward his hair as he kissed her neck.

He moved his hand slowly down her arm and intertwined with her fingers, lifting them up so he could kiss her palm.

The feel of the warmth of her body pressed up against his was intoxicating and soon he was lost entirely.

His wants, his needs, for her only grew and soon became obvious from the low chuckle as she let go of his hand to grab his hip.

Pushing her own hips forward hard against his she started to slowly grind as he wrapped an arm around her waist.

His hand now moved slightly as he adjusted his forearm so his fingertips glided down to between her legs. His middle finger slowly running circles around her pink folds.

"Mmmhh." A soft, sultry moan escaped her lips.

His right hand now moved reluctantly from hers. Fingertips lightly traced the outline of her breasts, playful patterns being drawn as they went.

His hand slowly moved around to knead and caress first one breast, and then the other. All the while he placed soft kisses along her shoulders.

Carefully adjusting his position he moved his hand up to place a finger under her chin, pulling her closer as he leaned over so finally their lips met in warm kiss.

The kiss started softly, then became more passionate, hunger and need driving both of them as their hands travelling around each other urgently.

Gripping her tightly he rolled onto his back and took her with him. Her legs spread to straddle him as her hands moved through his hair, one gripping it as if to stop him from moving away.

Long Jinnian groaned in between their kisses as he felt her thighs grip him tighter and her hips began to move slightly and it was so damn good for him.

He grasped her head and pulled back just enough to break the kiss and bury his face on her neck. The scent of her skin was so delicious, driving him wild with its sweetness.

Her hands pressed against his wonderfully sculpted chest. He lightly bit her neck and her nails dug in just enough to made him groan in both pain and pleasure.

He pulled away and looked deep into her eyes. The desire so easily seen there, and he was also sure that his eyes told her the same.

"I want you." She stated in need of him as she arched her back in an almost feline way before her hands slid down to his hips as she sat up.

She bit her lip sensuously as her fingers trailing the sharp lines of where his lower abdomen met his obliques, eliciting a sudden inhale from him.

Her hand moved and lightly gripped him through his underpants. She stayed like that for a moment, staring intensely into his eyes as she held onto him like that, the thought behind the action was obvious.

The sensation of her thighs tightly gipping him. The softness of her skin pressed against his bulging pants, it was obvious for him that she wanted him to ravish her.

But he did not make any movement. He placed his arms behind his head, watching her with his seductive eyes, in amusement as he flashed a cocky grin. "Oh my, Feixue. I wonder what would you do to me."

Looking at his cocky smile, she could not help but puff her cheeks. "Sshh, I'm going to ride you intensely."

[ End of chapter ]