Have You Ever Done This?

[ Chapter 52 ] [ R-17 ]

They barely even make it through the half way to the bed before her lips are captured in a gentle, wet kiss and an arm snaked around her waist.

Their lips touched and she breathed in the scent of his cologne, his breath and his very being. Her heart skidded to a halt as the soft brush of his mouth against hers forced her legs to grow weak. Brina closed her eyes and her fingers slid up to grip his shoulders as she melted into him

His lips are hot and demanding on hers, prying her mouth open so his tongue can explore the warmness inside her.

Brina felt his tongue slip out and when it touched her lips, she gasped from the surprise, but then she opened her mouth willingly and let his hot tongue swirling around inside her mouth sensuously. Snaking up her hands she crossed her wrist behind his neck.

She felt the spark of heat rush through her and her face flamed hot from the emotions that ran over her. Unsure of what to do, but loving the sensations that were quietly surfacing she tilted her head and timidly danced her tongue with his.

She was lost as his fingers moved into her head gently and coaxed her to deepen the kiss and when she did, she was lost in his dominant and passionate touch.

Long Jinnian's exploring hand wrapped around her slim waist and she leaned into his hard frame that completely engulfs her own slim build.

Snaking down his hand over her butt, he could feel the plump and soft of her bum through her skirt as he squeezed her buttock sensuously.

"Mm," she moaned between their kiss as she felt his demanding hand massage her butt in most vulgar way.

Her legs squirmed as the lips between her legs soaked wet with her sex fluid that seemingly flooded out every time his sensual touch graced her heated body.

Tilting his head so he could have his mouth pressed deeper against hers, his smoldering eyes kept gazing at her as his tongue swaying inside her watering mouth.

Pulling out her tongue he led it inside his mouth and enjoyed its softness as he pressed himself to have his chest against her soft, inviting breasts. He could feel her breasts hardening showing how erected it becomes through their clothes.

Her eyes could not help but opened wide when she felt his naughty middle finger pressed against her butt and forced its way toward the softness between her thighs.

Her already shortening breath becomes more ragged the moment her eyes met with his smoldering gaze, their eyes reflecting each other's lust and desire. His eyes were blazing with raw lust, forcing her to surrender herself to his devouring gaze.

He rhythmically had his middle finger in and out between her thighs as his lips biting her tongue softly while her tongue was being feasted inside him.

Her delicate fingers were moving behind his broad back and she tip toed to accommodate the gap of their height.

She shut her eyes and could not help but wonder, he sure had kissed countless times to became such an experienced kisser, she thought. Regardless, she loved the feeling of his tongue on hers, it was warm, wet, demanding, and yet somehow gentle.

The sound of smacking lips resonating across the room as his mouth kept sucking and nibling her luscious lips and tongue. Strengthening her hand over her head gently he deepened their kiss.

Moving down his other hand he cupped and kneaded both of her butt cheeks through her skirt tightly and she whimpered. Feeling for the first time in her life someone touch her body inappropriately, yet somehow she loved his touch.

Every touch of him were passionate and gentle, the way he treated her reignited her deepest desire as it seemed he was not only touching her body, but also her soul.

He made her feels wanted.

Standing on her tip toes she did not want to break the kiss, but she ends up wrenching her mouth away from his when her lungs' demands become too much. He does not leave her skin though, he continued trailing and pressing hot, wet kiss along her jawline and down to her neck.

Her hand clutched at his hair as she tried to catch her breath, "God, you're so good," she gasped as he bit a certain delicious spot on her neck.

"So you are," he said, his voice was deep, sexy rumble. How could a voice manage to convey so much lust she had no idea, but fuck every touch of his lips on her skin sending tingling down to her cunt and driving her crazy.

Breathlessly gaping, she smiled at him before directing his mouth to hers once more.

They did not stop kissing even as Long Jinnian grabbed each of her thighs with a hand and bring them to wrap around his waist.

Blushing, she could not help but moaning between their kiss as In this position, she could feel his long, thick hardness pressing against her. She could swear that her sex fluid was leaked out from her soaked wet panties.

He carried her easily to the bed, and their lips can not seem to bear separating for long even as he laid her down.

He lifted her juicy legs gently and removed her shoes before he sheds his own shoes.

He climbed the bed and before he could start unbuttoning her blouse, he stopped and gazed into her eyes with his penetrating eyes.

"Have you ever done this before?"

Brina bit her lip, hesitant to respond, but eventually decided to be honest. As pitiful as it might sound but the truth is this is her first time so intimate with a man.

"First time for everything, eh?" she could not help but tease, suddenly nervous he was going to stop now out of some misguided sense of honor.

Caressing his incredible, prominent jaw. Her lips curved as she smiled up at him, "Not backing out on me now just because it's my first, are you?"

He smirked, absolutely filthy and dripping with lust. "It would be my honor, beauty," he chessied before he ravishes her neck with another sensual kisses.

Long Jinnian seemed to know exactly which spots on her body to put his touch, and every place his touch leaves seem to be on fire and sending tingling down her moisten folds.

He slipped his hand inside her skirt and when he put his touch down there, his fingers touching the most sensitive parts of her body through her panties, yet somehow she feels that her panties was not there as his fingers seemed be able to pleasure her even with the panties on.

Her body arched off the bed on its own, her mouth dropping open in a silent gasp.

"Jin! Oh god yes!" She moaned as his mouth kept licking and sucking with utmost concentration on her neck while his fingers serving her sensitive part in circular motion.

His strong kness pressing her thighs apart and making sure she does not move one inch away from his sensuous fingers. The pleasure he was giving on both of her neck and wet mound driving her crazy, she feels so hot all over her body.

She shakes and gasps when something suddenly threatening to flow out and sure enough, she reached her peak and orgasms.

Her mind nothing but a blank white haze of pleasure and more pleasure. When she glances down at him, he caught her gaze with heated eyes and flashed her an absolutely filthy and seductive smirks.

[ End of chapter ]