Please Take Me

[ Chapter 53 ] [ R-17 ]

Long Jinnian and Brina were on their knees on top of bed and their lips never leaving each other, drowning themselves once again in passionate kisses for what seemed like eternity.

Her eyes were dilated, she was breathing hard.

His lips continued on sucking on her lips with utmost concentration as his tongue swaying inside her in sensuous dance.

The kiss controlled her, both of them. She wrapped her arms around his neck tightly as she could feel the thickness of his hardness on her stomach getting harder as the kiss got aggressive.

Hot, warmer, wetter, taking on a grinding, seductive life of its own. His fingers dug into her back under her blouse, into her bare skin, scratching her.

Her breasts was tightly against his as his passionate kisses making her breathless. Holding onto his neck like she was drowning, and their bodies could not have been more tightly together, his fingers letting go of her back and onto her sides, under the blouse.

Their tongues were deep, so deep, their lips working together, and she lost where she was. His mouth worked hers aggressively, hard, and so good, feeling her hands in his hair, pulling it with her fists tightly in it, pulling his down, forcing his lips onto hers harder, hotter.

Her hands left his neck and ran down his arms, and to his hips, and her fingers moved into the top of trousers, under his sweater, feeling his heated skin, fluttering her eyes as she could feel the firmness of his abdominal muscles making her body turned weak like a jelly.

Long Jinnian pushed away from her mouth for a second, looking into her eyes. Reaching her face he traced her mouth with his thumb and she did lick it, kiss it, as she whimpered.

"Eager are we?" He smirked, his voice grew thick and a groan rumbled in his chest.

Flushing crimson showing how aroused she is, "Yes," she breathed.

"Good," he shot her his breathtaking grin before he worked his hands to get his sweater removed, feeling the heat in his body is about escalating to explode.

Clutching on the bottom of the sweater he pulled up slowly showing off his sexy abs underneath, then tossed it to the side, giving her front seat of his glorious muscles.

And sure enough.

Brina's mouth watered instantly and her blush deepened. Her heated eyes staring at his topless figure without blinking.

Long Jinnian has a lean yet well-shaped and muscular body, his physique was enough to make any woman to get wet just by seeing it, which was not surprising since the lines of his sculpted muscles looks extremely strong and inviting.

He was a living work of art, his fair skin so tempting to lick. His skin was so beautiful and she could swear that any woman would be jealous over such a jade-like skin.

His body was orgasm-worthy, enough to make any woman's panty fall. He had a chiseled chest and the skin on it was glowing healthily. His abdominals were sculptured to perfection as his six-packs pop.

His shoulders were round and protruding, giving his whole look like an extremely dangerous aphrodisiac. It was so tempting, delicious, and addictive.

The more she looked at it the more she could not take her eyes off from it.

She sucked in a sharp breath as his glorious topless body was exposed before her very eyes, she ended up gawking at the sharp lines of his adonis belt. Those V-lines was so sexy and alluring making the dampness inside her panties intensified.

Having seen countless high-end topless man yet still she could not deny that neither of them could match those beautifully crafted body of his, he was even sexier than any hottest male model or actors she had seen in magazines.

How can a man having such a beautiful skin and sexy body she had no idea. Any woman would feel shame and jealous upon seeing such a flawless skin of his since his is even better than women.

Fuck he was driving her crazy as her virgin self was ready to be consumed by the man in front of her. Sadly, she is not sure about him willing to take her or not.

Long Jinnian has gotten used to have such devouring gaze of women upon his body, so her lusting over him is a nature of course.

His perfect shape is not something like work out could afford, it was more like the nature itself bestowed him such a flawless body, as if the god must really have spent extra time in perfecting his shape to the point where one glance can make any woman to get their panties drenched.

Brina is one of those blessed woman who have their eyes graced by his topless self.

A low chuckle escaped his lips as he looked at her mesmerized eyes as she bit her lip preventing herself from drooling. A fire of passion glimmered in his eyes as he teased, "Satisfied with what you're seeing? Want to lick?"

"Pretty yes," came her spontaneous reply, but soon her face turned more reddish the moment she realized how embarrassing her answer was.

He grinned, wrapping his hands over her slim waist.

Reaching down to the edge of her blouse he slid his hands inside, trailing her bare skin. His fingers tracing and caressing her waistline and then down slipped inside her panties.

Sliding his hands underneath to feel the softness of her bare, voluptuous buttocks. He squeezed it passionately, massaging her butt with his hands, pressing her and pulling her closer against him.

Kneading both of her butt cheeks his throbbing hardness could not help but twitched inside his trousers, it was pulsating painfully begging to get out of its confines.

As his hands touching and defiling her virgin body indecently she could not stop herself from letting out a needy moan under her breath.

The way she squirmed and whimpered under his touch and every moans she was letting out only encourage his desire further and he could not wait anymore to get her undressed.

His hands moved to get her blouse unbuttoned, then down to the bottom of her blouse and began lifting it up her body. She felt the fabric moving and assisted, bringing her arms up over her head to completely remove the blouse.

Her clothes did not stay on her body for much longer than that. He leaned back a little to have a good look of the topless woman with only bra before him.

Brina felt her cheeks was burning under his intense passionate gaze over her body.

Lifting her hands she reached to cover her breasts but it stopped halfway, hell they already have reached this far so there is no point acting shy, might as well showing off and offered all of her to this gorgeous man.

Arching her back she gives him a better look of her breasts and sure enough, his heated eyes gazing at her cleavage and he could not help but licked his lips to wet his dried lips.

Feeling very satisfied as his lips seemed so eager to suck on her, she smiled. She bent a little further, revealing more of her breasts to him.

"Such a beautiful breasts." His husky voice rumbled under his breath.

"Touch them for me." He leaned and whispered, his hot breath brushed her earlobe making her gasp and she bit her lip.

The way he said those words were so sexy and seemed to have some sort of magic as it lingered in her ears, her entire being could not help but docile the moment his voice entered her ears making her feels wanted, making her feels like she is the most beautiful woman out there.

No woman could say no to anything he asked with those beautiful mouth of his. He seemed to know every fatal spot of women as if his mouth was crafted solely for women to relished.

Compliment is always what women are craving from men, on top of that a single praise from such highest male type certainly to have more fatal impact to any woman's heart.

Feeling very confident she smiled at him.

Languidly she complied, tracing the outline of her breasts as they were caged in her bra.

He tilted down his head and she caught a flash of a smirk, "Yes, just like that," his sexy voice encouraged.

"You touch them so well, such pretty breasts." He teased, sliding his hands to rest her hips, teasing the edge of her skirt.

The combination of his praise and his raspy voice made her squirm, gasping as she palmed her meager breasts through the bra.

She watched as he bended down to undid her skirt and pushed it down her legs to reveal her sexy blue panties.

She heard him hiss through his teeth. "So pretty," he whispered placing a kiss on her breasts trailing his hand till it lightly touched her panties.

"What a naughty girl, your panties was already dripping wet." He lightly passed over said spot smirking as she gasped in pleasure.

Blushing, her already shortening breath becomes more ragged under his continuous teasing. "Such a good girl, already wet for me," trailing his hand over her wet spot.

Letting out a moan she continued on messaging and kneading her erected breasts, just by his words alone she was already weak in the knees. "Yeah, you make me so wet," she bashfully whispered to him.

He touch her pussy over her panties, "Good, you're so pretty when you're wet." She felt her pussy twitch as she felt more of her sex fluid leak out.

"Take off your bra, let me see those gorgeous breasts." She blushed and looked back to his handsome face, then shyly took off her bra letting it go down on the bed.

While she was doing so, his heated eyes stayed focused on her breasts, tongue swiping at his upper lip. "Such a gorgeous breasts, so perky." He praised, admiring her twin peaks.

Her breast was not too large but it was firm and tempting enough as if it is begging attention on him for caring, well-rounded and had a tantalizingly erect nipples.

"Your nipples look so edible, pinch them for me." He said as he moved from touching her pussy to caressing her thigh.

Keeping her eyes on him she reached up to touch her erected pink nipples, stroking them softly.

Her breasts felt fuller under his gaze somehow, wetting her lips she teased her nipples and began pinching them while she gasped and moaned, "Mm…"

"Yes, just like that." He said with a smile, spoiling his hungry eyes over such sensual perform before him.

Alternating her eyes between closing and gazing at his gorgeous topless she kept squeezing her breasts, she felt so sensitive as she could feel another orgasm was building inside her.

Looking at how those enticing lips of hers biting each other to suppress her moan he could not stop himself from reaching his hand to her lips, she was surprised at first but then willingly let them to do as it pleases.

Pressing his fingers against her warm tongue he trailed it inside her, soon he began to danced his fingers inside by entwining with her tongue.

How can his fingers feel so good inside her she had no idea, finding how delicious it feels she bit his fingers and slurped and sucked at it. Her juicy saliva was dripping from her lips.

Hoarsely breathing, he bit his lip at how amazing the feeling of her tongue in his fingers. "Keep on pinching your nipples."

She followed his lead, pinching her nipples, rolling them in her fingers. While his hand was being eaten inside her mouth his other hand left her waist and she could feel his hand coming around to grope her breasts.

As the warm, strong hand of his touched her breasts, Brina was immediately hit by a wave of pleasure, "Mm..."

Feeling how round and soft her breast he ended up wrenching his hand away from her mouth and soon her breasts were at full mercy to both of his hand.

"You have such pretty breasts, they seemed begging to be milked." She moaned loving his warm hands on her.

Her eyes fluttered closed as he took over pinching her nipples pulling them, making her moan at the pleasure he gives on her.

She blinked when he moved his hands down and felt him bended down before her. She watched, panting, as he placed a kiss at the top of her thigh. He waited a moment and gave her thigh a soft pinch and then caressing it.

She jolted, watching him, bending before her. Gently she scrapped her nails through his hair.

Long Jinnian looked up and asked, "Can I?" She knew what he was up to and she nodded shyly, panting as she felt his hand slowly pulled the hem of her panties.

The thoughts nervous anticipation shot through Brina's head and she shivered excitedly as he began to peel her panties down to her thighs revealing her dripping pink lips.

He paused for a moment, eyes darkening with desire, sniffing on her enrapturing scent. He swallowed away another stiffening surge, the sight was beautiful.

Satisfied, he slid down past her thighs, she assisted by lifting his leg and finally off her legs, then he tossed her panties aside.

She gasped as she felt the rush of full and total exposure and she bit down hard on her lip to steady her nerves. It took all of her willpower to hold on her knees as she squirmed.

Now Brina was completely nude in front of him, he raked his eyes over her figure and for a moment she felt nervous until he praised, "Beautiful."

She bit her lip looking him over. "Thank you," she muttered in response, smiling. His praised means so much for her, it was her first time on completely naked in front of man.

No one would blame her for feeling nervous and insecure in front of gorgeous man such as him. She knew a man like him surely had his share of many beautiful naked woman and it was hard get a good compliment from him, so his praise meant a lot for her

All he gave her was a smirk before he kissed her hard, tongue sweeping all over her mouth, she loved his kisses, they always seemed to consume her.

Sucking on her tongue she moaned her nails scraping down his back. Then all of a sudden his fingers were teasing her pussy.

Slowly he let go of their kiss biting her bottom lip as he went. "So damn wet down there," he teased as he pushed two fingers inside her, coaxing that sponge spot inside her pussy.

Brina whimpered and reflexively bowed her thighs outward as she felt he enter her with his touch. Warm waves of pleasure soaked her senses she clutched his shoulders trying to stay upright as her knees buckled and she moaned while he played her pussy like a violin.

She angled her chin up and arched her back, elongating and opening her posture. Nothing but pure pleasure coursed through her as she flexed her tight stomach and let him work his fingers inside her to his content.

Just as suddenly he pulled out his fingers only to raise them to her mouth, keeping her eyes on him she sucked his fingers clean of her own juice.

Gently he removed his fingers and ran his hand over her back, Brina complied by angled her back over him and blushed.

Letting her hanging breasts brush teasingly across his muscular chest, nothing but pure pleasure shot through her entire body as she could feel the firmness of his warm chest through her breasts.

Drooling over his tantalizing adam's apple and his incredible chiseled chest she could not stop herself from zeroing her head over it. She brought her lips to his neck and began planting a series of hungry, needy kisses.

Her lustful motions swept downward over his torso, sucking and licking on it, oh god so delicious his taste driving her crazy. Then traced his lips down, passing his pecs and reaching the upper limits of his god damn gorgeous abdominal muscles.

Feeling how her wet and lustful lips working over his body Long Jinnian could not help but groaned, holding his hands tightly on her back he grabbed her hair gently.

Just as she brought her face and reached her hands on the belt of his trousers a hand suddenly gripped her shoulder stopping her from what she was up to.

She looked up at his handsome face only to find a complicated expression on his face and she could see in his eyes that he is fighting inside.

A disappointment could not be hidden in her eyes and she did not know why, suddenly she became a bit emotional as her eyes welled up a little.

After so many years being a lonely woman, just like any other woman as a woman herself deep inside she was yearning a figure of man, being cherished and cared, she had always been wondering what it feels having a man that always be there for her.

Waiting, she had always been waiting for a man to enter her lonely life. She had experienced so much in life and what she wanted is a man with commitment, a man she could spend her entire life with. Yet sadly, till this day her heart still belong to no one.

But suddenly, she met him. His so ever handsome appearance and all about him is clearly manifestation of perfect man in every woman's dream. Just like any other woman, her lonely heart could not but raced and she even did not know that her heart could beating so wildly for a man like that.

Love at the first sight, maybe she was experiencing those feeling. At first she was denial of such feeling and was convincing herself that the feeling she feels is not a love. Given to his ever beautiful face, It was normal for a woman like her is fascinated and interested with him.

However, as she spends her time more with him, she began to realize that the feeling she has for him is much more than interested. An unknown feeling crept inside her, yet somehow she loved that feeling.

Sadly, the more she knew about him the more she realized that it was just a wishful thinking on her side. How cruel the life for her, she just found out how wonderful the love is but then she had to part with it before she could experience it further.

She sighed, at least she was satisfied enough to have him on her side, even just for a short time. Though she could not be with him, at least maybe she can have him for a night. In the end she decided to give all of her to him, and cherish this dream-like memory throughout her entire life.

As the saying goes, sometimes women could become stupid when they are in love. She knew that this is wrong, she knew she had to avoid him the moment she realized she could not be with him, least to make her hurt. Yet the way he smiled, she could not bring herself to refuse him.

She was aware that he will never belong to her. Maybe she can try to fight for her love, but the way he talked his fiancee hurt her. As a business woman herself she spent her life to read people based on their facial gesture, and she was also a quite sensitive person. As he did not hide how deep his love for his fiancee she could feel the genuineness on it.

She did not know but for once, like Eve, she wanted to taste the forbidden fruit even though she knew it might bring her pain.

She began to hate him, they have reached this far, she was ready to give all of her on him, yet he refused to take her, how selfish of him.

She was not expecting much, she would not demand anything on him. Just take her so she can live with this memory of him, though it was fleeting, but it was beautiful enough for her to cherish.

Brina looked into his eyes. "Please take me, I won't demand anything, " she said as she hold his hand. "Jinnian, please." Her sad eyes expecting on him.

[ End of Chapter ]