Chapter 99 The Malicious Woman Has Evil Thoughts Again 1

She took a bit of the medicine and tasted it. Then Zi You helped Wang Yiping up. "The temperature is just right. Come, mother. Drink the medicine."

Wang Yiping pushed it away. She said weakly, "Have Imperial Doctor Qin come over. It's not that mother doesn't trust you, but you just started studying medicine. Can you do it?"

Nee Liu walked in and heard her words. She was immediately displeased. "Sister-in-law, you really shouldn't suspect You'er's medical skills. If not for her, you and your brother would have died from venom. The doctor even said that it was fortunate You'er treated you in time. Also, You'er's prescription is very proper. It's even more meticulous in consideration than his own. You don't know how scared You'er was when she saw you bitten by a snake today. Seriously, if I have such a filial daughter, I will laugh in my sleep."

Since Nee Liu said so much, Wang Yiping couldn't insist anymore. She could only gulp the medicine down.

Zi You considerately put a candied fruit in her mouth. She sweetly said, "Father wanted to tell you to take care of yourself. He can't get up so he can't come see you. He tells you not to get angry. Mother, daughter will tell you a story now. Sleep well after you hear it. It won't hurt when you're asleep. Once upon a time…"

Zi You added sleeping agents to the medicine. Wang Yiping indeed fell asleep shortly. Zi You tucked her quilt in and walked outside.

Outside, ShiYun deliberately lowered her voice, but Wang Yiping's maidservants still heard her. "Xiaojie, why did you lie to First Furen? First Laoye listened to the yiniangs' words and knew that First Furen was bitten by a snake. He clearly and angrily scolded, 'Why didn't it bite her to death? Slut!' But since you lied to her, what will we do if Laoye never comes to see Furen?"

Zi You seemingly sighed and faintly said, "What else can I do? Poor mother! If she finds out father said such words, how can she be at ease to recuperate? Father, really… how can he listen to those yiniangs? Ai…"

Wang Yiping's maidservant Liulu and Nanny Song heard these words. They waited until Wang Yiping woke up and told her every word. Wang Yiping was furious. She hated Mu YingRui even more.

Zi You left and went to Mu YingRui's study.

Mu YingRui looked at her red eyes and couldn't help but ask, "What is it? Did your mother scold you again?"

Zi You shook her head. She said with a face full of guilt, "Blame me for my poor medical skills. I can't help mother immediately to alleviate her pain. That's why mother didn't believe You'er and refuses to drink You'er's prescribed medicine. Father, I really hate that Wang Shengmin! The snake bite just happened to be on the thigh area. No wonder people were suspicious. Fortunately, mother was unconscious at the time. If she was awake, wouldn't she be angered to death? Even I can't listen to such disgusting words."

Mu YingRui thought of his father telling him with a displeased face: "Your wife can really cause trouble! After returning to her maiden family, she not only threw You'er aside, but stayed in her yiniang's room alone with her brother. I don't even know what happened, but the two can both be bitten on their thighs by a poisonous snake. Fortunately, You'er found her in time and saved her. Otherwise, she would have died. At the very least, she's from a noble household. Doesn't she know that men and women should maintain distance? She needs to avoid him even if he is her own brother!"

Mu YingRui couldn't help but frown. He asked suspiciously, "When you saw your mother, were her clothes tidy?"

Zi You thought for a bit. She blankly shook her head. "Daughter was focused on providing treatment and didn't pay attention."

Shui YouLian said in a small voice, "Laoye, don't ask Xiaojie that. Xiaojie is still young. What does she know? Laoye should ask older maidservants."

Then she smiled at Zi You. "Xiaojie, you're really kind! You're so thoughtful towards others. Anyone who thinks you have a bad heart is immoral."

Zi You smiled modestly. "Mother saved You'er's life. You'er should be good to mother."

She then lightly curtsied. She said to Mu YingRui, "Father, you can rest assured and focus on recuperating. I will take good care of mother."

After Zi You left, Mu YingRui immediately asked Shui YouLian, "Did you hear someone say something?"

Shui YouLian pretended to have a guilty conscience. She said evasively, "No. Lian'er is here taking care of Laoye every day. What can Lian'er hear?"

"No, your words obviously held a different meaning earlier." Mu YingRui looked at Shui YouLian. He grabbed her arm and asked, "Tell Ye. What do you know?"

Shui YouLian hesitated. She reluctantly said, "Laoye, your injuries aren't healed yet… Listening… why would you want to listen to this nonsense? It's better you don't know."

"Hurry and tell Ye." The more she was like this, the more Mu YingRui wanted to know. He apparently lost his patience. His voice raised an octave.

Shui YouLian rushed over. She tearfully patted his chest. Feigning anger, she said, "Why so impatient? Lian'er will say it. Don't be angry, Laoye. Lian'er… Lian'er will be distressed."

After Mu YingRui was caressed by such a charming and delicate beauty, his anger dissipated a lot. His voice was also gentler. "Hurry and tell Ye. Ye doesn't want to be confused and treated like a monkey."

Mu YingRui thought about that time he was drunk at Duke Yingguo fu. Wang Shengmin helped him into a warm room. He woke up to find Wang Yiping naked and lying in the same bed as him. There were spots of red blossoms on the bedsheets.

Truthfully, he was dazed and confused and had a wet dream. He wasn't very clear on whether he had intercourse with Wang Yiping or not.

It was actually Wang Shengmin who helped him into the room. What exactly was the relationship between this man and Wang Yiping? Why was he involved everytime?

Such a coincidence, with so many suspicious points. Mu YingRui couldn't help but be suspicious.

Shui YouLian came from a brothel. Observing and understanding body language was a must. Once she saw a non-comprehending, gloomy light in Mu YingRui's eyes, she knew that Mu YingRui had grown suspicious about Wang Yiping.

Once trust between a husband and wife was broken, their relationship would soon have troubles.

Shui YouLian's heart was happy, but she had an exceedingly indignant expression on her face. "It wasn't only Furen's maidservants who went today. Second Furen, Xiaojie, and her maidservants also went. They said that Furen could be saved thanks to Xiaojie. Without her searching for Furen and her decisive treatment, Furen would be in a dangerous situation. But Furen's maidservant spread rumors that the snake that bit Furen was raised by Laoye's deceased furen. Xiaojie released the snake to bite Furen. These words made Lian'er feel bad for Xiaojie. If this was really the case, then Xiaojie didn't need to save Furen. Why would Xiaojie save her? Isn't that superfluous?"

"Nonsense! That snake is long gone," Mu YingRui scolded.

Shui YouLian continued to say, "Yes, the other maidservants said that Furen came out of her yiniang's room with her clothes disheveled and hair untidy. Furen's brother was like that too. He didn't even wear socks on his feet. Besides, if you were sitting properly, how can a snake bite you on your thigh? And once bite, it bit two people. Could the two be dead asleep? One person was bitten and the other couldn't evade it?"

"Slut!" Mu YingRui's eyes held an ominous glint, as he yelled. "If she dares to deceive me, I'll divorce her and make you the main wife."

Shui YouLian's heart sneered, but her expression was gentle. Her voice became more enchanting, "It is Lian'er's blessing to meet Laoye. Lian'er is very content just to be by Laoye's side like this. Lian'er dare not ask for anything else. With Laoye's family background, talents, and character, Laoye is worthy of a noble xiaojie."

Mu YingRui loved hearing these words. He caressed Shui YouLian and his ** rose up. He gloomily howled, "My punishment by the boards is all that slut's fault. I can't sleep with you now."

Shui YouLian secretly scolded him as a rogue. She pretended to be bashful and started to massage Mu YingRui again.

With Shui YouLian's work and constant influx of information, it would be strange if Mu YingRui would have a good impression of Wang Yiping again.

As for that Liu Yanhong, Zi You had her kneel in Wang Yiping's courtyard. Her kneeling angered Wang Yiping into hiccupping. Afterwards, the place that Weishali bit started hurting as much as if her heart was being drilled.

She could not have Liu Yanhong get up, because Mu Zi You was taking revenge for her. But that yatou kneeling there was a constant reminder of the humiliation she suffered today.

Thinking that Liu Yanhong was her mother Bai Yiniang's nurtured confidant and maidservant, she was even more distressed and loathing.

Three days later, Wang Yiping's sister, Yu Lanxuan's mother, came with Yu Lanxuan to visit Wang Yiping.

Yu Lanxuan's mother Wang Yaping was older than her sister by ten years. She was twenty-six years old this year and looked a lot like Bai Yiniang.

Zi You felt that Nee Bai and her two daughters not only looked beautiful, but they were also very charming. They had an air of enchantment and carelessness about them that noble xiaojies did not have.

Maybe because of this, they attracted men in droves. It seemed like most men like this.

Wang Yiping looked at her sister and immediately was aggrieved. "Jiejie, meimei was framed. That day, fifth brother had something to discuss with me. He wanted to borrow money from me. But you know that I wasn't in charge of the Mid-Autumn Festival. Your brother-in-law's money isn't in my hands either. Where would I get money? Fifth brother knelt to beg me. How can I have him kneel to me? I bent to help him, but unluckily the poisonous snake bit the both of us."