Chapter 100 The Malicious Woman Has Evil Thoughts Again 2

At this point, Wang Yiping turned a bit red. She paused and then continued, "Yiniang was afraid that others will find out I was alone with fifth brother, so she lied and told that darned yatou I left. But that little wench had bad intentions, so she deliberately brought people to come find me. Fifth brother and I dared not come out. Our lives were almost lost. Jiejie, go back and tell father that he must take revenge for your meimei. I suspect that little wench let out that poisonous snake to bite us. I heard your brother-in-law said that the little wench's mother raised poisonous snakes."

Wang Yaping angrily scolded, "Yes, that little wench publicly insulted my Xuan'er [Yu Lanxuan]. I was just about to go settle debts with her."

Wang Yiping nodded. "That little wench is very malicious. She had Yanhong kneel in my courtyard that whole day. When she fainted away, that little wench finally came to beg for mercy for me to forgive Yanhong. My anger is still stuck in my throat and it's still unbearable."

Wang Yaping nodded. Her expression was fierce as she said, "But father has no real power. The little wench's grandfather is a first-rank general. How can father help you? I think it's better to find a man to sneak into the little wench's room at night and rape her."

Wang Yiping smiled and nodded. She said lowly into Wang Yaping's ear, "There is another way: have the old fool lose the Emperor's trust. The little wench brought fifty-plus female slaves home. She said she was going to train them into female doctors. They and she would follow the old fool and young fool [Mu YingYi] onto the battlefield and protect them. Some of the female slaves are daughters of criminal officials. Moreover, the old fool hoarded so many slaves. If the Emperor finds out, he will surely be suspicious. Then father can have someone say some words in front of the Emperor. The old fool will certainly be doomed. Then wouldn't the little wench be at my mercy?"

Wang Yiping's face turned more ferocious. "Have father let the imperial censor know so he can censor the old fool. Huh! As long as the old fool is in trouble, the little wench can't be arrogant. Jiejie, we can kill two birds with one stone. I don't believe that we can't kill them."

"There's also me, Aunty," Yu Lanxuan viciously said. "I will pretend to be friends with her and find out all her secrets. Then I will make trouble for her. I will seduce whoever she will be engaged to."

"Haha…" The three people emitted low crow-like laughter.

No one noticed the Weishali who crawled out from beneath Wang Yiping's feet. Weishali heard the three women's vicious plan. It hissed in anger. It hated that it couldn't bite the three women to death.

You want to hurt my little master?! See how I will take care of you.

Wang Yiping and company's evil plan was quickly known by Zi You. After these days with Weishali, the two were basically able to communicate. Zi You was able to guess Weishali's meaning 80% of the time.

Zi You immediately went to find her grandfather and cutely said, "Grandfather, Taizi already found out that day that granddaughter is forming a female medical team. For the sake of safety and eliminating an excuse for gossip, why don't you go to the Palace and submit a memorial to the Emperor? After all, the slaves were brought from the slave market. Some are relatives of criminal officials. We can't have anyone criticize, right? Grandfather?"

Old General Mu also had this intention. This matter would be known sooner or later. His granddaughter was right. If the censor didn't cause a commotion every day, he would be uncomfortable.

Old General Mu nodded and said gratifyingly, "Our You'er grew up and knows how to share her grandfather's burdens. Not bad, not bad. Grandfather will go to the Palace now and report this matter to the Emperor."

When Old General Mu returned, he did not speak of how he reported it or how the Emperor reacted. Zi You also did not ask. As long as grandfather did not tell her to stop training the females, she would keep on doing it.

On the third day, while Zi You was explaining to the females about human anatomy, people from the Palace came.

Since the Mu YingRui couple couldn't leave their beds, Née Liu could only greet them with Zi You. Coincidentally, they were looking for Zi You. "The Emperor decrees that Great General Mu's Di granddaughter, Mu Zi You, enters the Palace for an audience."

The eunuch announced in a duck-like voice. Zi You sat on a palanquin and was carried into the Imperial Palace. She directly arrived at the throne room the Emperor used to meet officials.

The eunuch opened the palanquin's door. He smiled, "Would Mu Xiaojie please follow this servant?"

"Yes. Please lead the way, gonggong [eunuch]." Zi You faintly felt that the reason the Emperor wanted to see her had something to do with her forming a female medical team. She curtsied and elegantly took light, dignified steps towards the throne room.

Today, Zi You wore an ice-blue, silver-embroidered white mandara flowered dress. A light blue silk girdle with tassels was around her waist.

Her blue-clad back flowed like water. Her posture was straight and her steps were light. Under the autumn sunshine, her whole body emitted faint silver and blue brilliance. She was exquisite, elegant, and peerlessly noble. One felt ashamed of one's inferiority looking at her.

Once she walked into the hall, everyone's eyes involuntarily followed her. The Emperor looked at his officials looking non-stop at a little yatou and helplessly shook his head.

The little yatou was so young, but already peerless in her magnificence and capable of causing the downfall of a nation. Some people didn't have to do a thing since birth and still have a soul-hooking charm.

Zi You bowed. Her voice was as clear and delicate as a yellow warbler out of a valley. "Chennu Mu Zi You pays respects to the Emperor. Wishing Emperor lives tens of thousands of years!"

She wasn't rushed or panicked, but calm and steady. The Emperor thought it was surprising. Worthy of being a military family's Di daughter. Even Zhen's [the imperial "I", how Emperors refer to themselves] daughters are inferior compared to her manner and grace.

"Rise. Lift your head up. Let Zhen take a look." The Emperor's voice was calm and didn't emit any emotion.

Zi You slowly got up. Her posture was elegant and calm. Her reply was neither humble nor assertive. "Chennu doesn't dare. Chennu's appearance is vulgar. Chennu is afraid of startling Emperor."

The Emperor lightly smiled. "Zhen pardons you."

"Yes." Zi You slowly raised her head. The Emperor took a look and was stunned silly.

[TL Note: Finally meeting the Emperor…]

The little girl in front of him had jet-black hair combed into a bun on top of her in an unmarried girls' hairstyle. She had a flower in her hair. The flower was studded with star-shaped sapphires. A curved blue gemstone necklace hung from her bun across her forehead.

Her whole person was fresh and elegant, classic and noble, and pretty as the autumn moon. Her jet-black eyes especially shone with luster, more brilliant than obsidian.

There was actually such a stunning beauty hidden in the General's Manor! The Emperor stared at Zi You without blinking. The Eunuch Yu next to him was getting anxious. He quickly coughed.

His heart thought, 'Don't be so useless, okay, old man? The guniang is still young, only twelve years old. Don't scare her.

Besides, you're about to turn forty in a few years, old man. I don't even know how many times you tangled with your heap of women. Now you lost your soul because of an underage little yatou? If this spreads out, if you don't feel ashamed, the country will feel ashamed.'

Eunuch Yu's cough called back the Emperor's soul. The middle-aged uncle also felt a bit embarrassed. His face turned red and he covered up with a cough. "Yatou, Zhen heard you wanted to form a female medical team and follow your grandfather and uncle onto the battlefield. Can you tell Zhen why?"

Zi You curtsied. She replied calmly, unhurriedly, clearly, and distinctly, "Emperor, a war has many casualties. Although Chennu had not done surveys, Chennu understands the numbers won't be small. Chennu is troubled watching the soldiers guarding their homes and defending the country die or be disabled; and watching relatives face the same dangerous situations as the soldiers. Grandfather and uncle are Chennu's family and these soldiers are our Great Yan's guardians. Without them, how can we civilians lead happy and peaceful lives? Before mother died, she told Chennu to guard grandfather and uncle in her place. Emperor, Nanjiang is dense with jungles. There are all kinds of poisons and poison miasmas. The northern grasslands have wolves and Xiongnu people. They are even more elusive, cruel, and vicious. The army only has about a dozen or so doctors. How can they cope?"

The eunuch opened the palanquin's door. He smiled, "Would Mu Xiaojie please follow this servant?"

"Yes. Please lead the way, gonggong [eunuch]." Zi You faintly felt that the reason the Emperor wanted to see her had something to do with her forming a female medical team. She curtsied and elegantly took light, dignified steps towards the throne room.

Today, Zi You wore an ice-blue, silver-embroidered white mandara flowered dress. A light blue silk girdle with tassels was around her waist.

Her blue-clad back flowed like water. Her posture was straight and her steps were light. Under the autumn sunshine, her whole body emitted faint silver and blue brilliance. She was exquisite, elegant, and peerlessly noble. One felt ashamed of one's inferiority looking at her.

Once she walked into the hall, everyone's eyes involuntarily followed her. The Emperor looked at his officials looking non-stop at a little yatou and helplessly shook his head.

The little yatou was so young, but already peerless in her magnificence and capable of causing the downfall of a nation. Some people didn't have to do a thing since birth and still have a soul-hooking charm.

Zi You bowed. Her voice was as clear and delicate as a yellow warbler out of a valley. "Chennu Mu Zi You pays respects to the Emperor. Wishing Emperor lives tens of thousands of years!"



She wasn't rushed or panicked, but calm and steady. The Emperor thought it was surprising. Worthy of being a military family's Di daughter. Even Zhen's [the imperial "I", how Emperors refer to themselves] daughters are inferior compared to her manner and grace.

"Rise. Lift your head up. Let Zhen take a look." The Emperor's voice was calm and didn't emit any emotion.

Zi You slowly got up. Her posture was elegant and calm. Her reply was neither humble nor assertive. "Chennu doesn't dare. Chennu's appearance is vulgar. Chennu is afraid of startling Emperor."

The Emperor lightly smiled. "Zhen pardons you."

"Yes." Zi You slowly raised her head. The Emperor took a look and was stunned silly.

The little girl in front of him had jet-black hair combed into a bun on top of her in an unmarried girls' hairstyle. She had a flower in her hair. The flower was studded with star-shaped sapphires. A curved blue gemstone necklace hung from her bun across her forehead.

Her whole person was fresh and elegant, classic and noble, and pretty as the autumn moon. Her jet-black eyes especially shone with luster, more brilliant than obsidian.

There was actually such a stunning beauty hidden in the General's Manor! The Emperor stared at Zi You without blinking. The Eunuch Yu next to him was getting anxious. He quickly coughed.

His heart thought, 'Don't be so useless, okay, old man? The guniang is still young, only twelve years old. Don't scare her.

Besides, you're about to turn forty in a few years, old man. I don't even know how many times you tangled with your heap of women. Now you lost your soul because of an underage little yatou? If this spreads out, if you don't feel ashamed, the country will feel ashamed.'


Eunuch Yu's cough called back the Emperor's soul. The middle-aged uncle also felt a bit embarrassed. His face turned red and he covered up with a cough. "Yatou, Zhen heard you wanted to form a female medical team and follow your grandfather and uncle onto the battlefield. Can you tell Zhen why?"

Zi You curtsied. She replied calmly, unhurriedly, clearly, and distinctly, "Emperor, a war has many casualties. Although Chennu had not done surveys, Chennu understands the numbers won't be small. Chennu is troubled watching the soldiers guarding their homes and defending the country die or be disabled; and watching relatives face the same dangerous situations as the soldiers. Grandfather and uncle are Chennu's family and these soldiers are our Great Yan's guardians. Without them, how can we civilians lead happy and peaceful lives? Before mother died, she told Chennu to guard grandfather and uncle in her place. Emperor, Nanjiang is dense with jungles. There are all kinds of poisons and poison miasmas. The northern grasslands have wolves and Xiongnu people. They are even more elusive, cruel, and vicious. The army only has about a dozen or so doctors. How can they cope?"

***[TL Note: I know there are some disparities between Zi You thinking her mother is dead [public opinion] and the implication that her mother was taken by Zi You's Indian grandmother, but still alive [from Née Liu and Old General Mu]. I'm not sure what the author's going with or whether Zi

"Emperor, Chennu's family and enemies are battling on the frontline. Chennu may be a female descendant from a military family and cannot fight on the battlefield, but Chennu can save the wounded in the army with a female medical team. Chennu can protect Chennu's family and Great Yan's soldiers. It is a medical professional's duty to provide timely treatment. Chennu cannot hide in fear. Emperor, injuries on the battlefield are 30% treatment and 70% support. It's not sustainable to focus on medical treatment without prevention. This is the valuable experience Chennu's mother worked hard to accumulate. Emperor, please grant Chennu permission to train a female medical team and go onto the battlefield."

Zi You knelt down with a bang.

A censor hurriedly reported, "Emperor absolutely cannot. With young women in the army, can the soldiers focus on killing the enemy? Moreover, I heard that some of these women are descendants of criminal officials. If they aspired for vengeance, wouldn't our soldiers be in danger?"

Zi You bit her vermilion lips and asked with a mournful face, "Has this official been to the slave market?"

The censor tilted his head up proudly. "Why would this official go there?

Zi You looked at him and clearly said, "It is like hell on earth there. Does this official think that someone who escaped from hell would want to go back to hell? The oldest female slave is fourteen years old and the youngest is only ten years old. They were bought by Chennu at their most hopeless point and taught medical skills. They hate that they can't immediately make achievements and erase their slave status. How can it be possible that they would commit criminal acts? Besides, does this official think Chennu is dead? If Chennu can't even manage a medical team of fifty females, why talk about going to save people on the frontline? Chennu is willing to accept a military order. If things turn out the way this official says, then Chennu is willing to put her head up for guarantee."