A Lord and His Son

Elise groaned as she felt the sunlight on her face "Arrgh it can't be morning already" she muttered. It felt like she'd only fallen asleep 10 minutes ago. She lay there contemplating whether to force herself up as her levels of consciousness slowly increased. Finally, she threw back the covers and stood slouched beside the bed, her clothes bottoms creased and hair in a frightful mess. "Looking good Elise." she said to herself as she shuffled past the small mirror and yawned her way down the hall to the kitchen in search of a much-needed tea.

"No way." She said with a glint of surprise. That's when she came to realize something. Everything that happened inside the Ethereal Forest. Her clash with the Witch and her meet and greet with a 'gorgeous man'. She searched for any wound at her stomach but there was nothing. That is not possible. She was extremely wounded that night.

But the real question is, how did she get back at the mansion. Is it all the man's doing? Healing her and sending her to the house. But how did that man know where she lives? Elise was consumed by confusion. She does not understand at all. But whatever happens, she needs to find that man and thank him a million times.

"If that man didn't barge in that night, I would be a lifeless body right now." Elise said. "It is quite embarrassing though, he might have seen how weak I am." Elise mumbled.

"Great, I look like a prostitute." Elise commented seeing her hideous face and torn clothes in a big mirror. "I need to change." She muttered, going back to her room.

Looking again at the mirror already changed, she saw her normal self. Wearing a simple long sleeve shirt and a plain skirt despite being a noble. After all, no one will ever take a glance at her in the mansion if ever she wears those gowns and heavy pieces of jewelry. Besides wearing them is 'a pain in the ass'.

Feeling hungry, Elise leaves her room and had gone downstairs to pick some snacks the maid had prepared. Elise frowned as she watches the maids running errands and unusually busy. Usually, the kitchen would be quiet and not hectic at all. But this time she can see all of them are panicking.

"Umm, Why are you all busy Kate?" Elise asked one of the maids she had befriended.

"Don't you know a Lord is visiting the mansion and everyone is preparing for it. Your Aunt, Uncle, cousins, nieces, and nephews are unexpectedly preparing." Kate answered.

"And he's bringing his son. And you know what Lady Elise? his son is cute!" One maid added and shrieked.

"That's why Lady Kely is preparing for it, she wants to earn a good first impression, I bet she had taken a liking on the Lord's son." Another maid commented. But Elise didn't bother, she needs to prioritize her training, she doesn't know if Kelly is making a fuss, telling her that she'll be killed on the day of her birthday. She needs to be ready for what may happen.

Exiting the kitchen with a snack on her hand. Elise was surprised to meet Kelly wearing a massive gown and her face covered with make-up. She wants to roll her eyes, but no way, she'll just turn the situation heated.

"Have you turn into a maid?" Kelly sarcastically asks her looking at her head to toe. 'She must be judging what I'm wearing.' Elise thought to herself. 'Grrr, I hope you won't earn a good impression with that Lord's son.' Elise thought again.

Kelly felt happy as soon as she saw her so-called fake cousin wearing those ugly clothes, she feels like Elise was nothing compared to her. But her happiness fades away as soon as she didn't receive any response from Elise. Elise just walks passed by her wearing a poker face. 'That damn hag! How dare she!' She cussed Elise in her thoughts. Killing her multiple times inside her mind.

"That sure annoyed her." Elise said. She goes back to her room and topped her clothes with light armor. Her training begins at this hour.

"Lady Elise, Lady Elise!" The maid called her in a panic voice entering her room. "I'm here okay, just stay calm." Elise reassured her.

"Oh god, what are you wearing?" The maid looks at her clothes in horror. "What's wrong with my clothes, it's fine." Elise responded. Still confused at the maid's reaction.

"Any minute from now the Lord will arrive and you're one of the people who will greet the guest. We don't have time to dress you up." The maid said. "It's fine, after all, they don't care. I'm even sure they'll be glad to see me like this. Let's feed them with satisfaction. So keep calm, okay." Elise said.

"Umm if it's your decision, Young Lady, I will gladly respect it." The maid said civilly.

'Aish that guest is disturbing my training.' Elise thought to herself, she wants to train but she's forced to do useless things.

As she enters the entrance hall. Her relatives started to look at her in confusion except for her cousin Kelly who was smirking the whole time. Her father Lord Killian didn't bother to look at her so it was fine, it means his father doesn't care what she wears. 'Oh, what a good father.' Elise sarcastically thought.

"Here comes the guest." Someone near the main door announced.

"Let us greet Lord Vandran himself."

As her relative lined up, greeting the Lord individually, shaking hands with them, she looks at the lord with confusion. He was familiar and the name Vandran. She's sure she heard it before.

Consumed by her thoughts she didn't realize she was the next one to greet the lord. "You must be that girl, you're different from the other girl I've greeted. My son has good taste." The Lord said to her, that sent her brain flying off. What's with that Lord? She doesn't understand. 'Am I crazy or is it the Lord?' She thought to herself. But her thoughts flew by the next scene.

"Next, let us greet Lord Zander, Lord Vandran's heir."

As soon as the next guest arrive everyone's eye was into him. People's eyes were filled with admiration looking at a handsomely perfect man. Maids and Elise's cousin were squealing with excitement. He was so charming. Walking at the red carpet wearing a poker face with a strong, authoritative aura was quite admiring for the girls.

When everyone was squealing and had fallen in admiration with the Lord's son, there's Elise who was trembling with shock. She never expected to see the man she never expects to see at this moment. The man who saved him is here and surprisingly, he's a lord's son. 'Who would ever think of that?'

That explained Elise's confusion. That is why his father was familiar because they have similar features.

But Lord Zander didn't bother to greet those nobles in front. He walks continually. Eyeing on his target, the girl she would like to meet today, Lady Elise Delacroix.

People were whispering and were confused as Lord Zander walks toward their so-called fake heiress, Elise. A glint of jealousy was visible at her cousins' eye. Even Kelly was boiling in anger, she didn't understand why his beloved Lord Zander is walking towards the girl she hates the most.

Elise stepped back seeing Lord Zander approaching her. 'Great, now what?' Elise thought. Unable to escape through the crowd she was left there keeping her head down.

She stared at the marble floor. Not too soon when a man's shoes stepped in at her eyesight. As she raises her head Lord Zander was already in front of her.

"Did you sleep well?"