Sleep Right into His Arms

"Did you sleep well?"

With the awkward situation plus the people whispering like there's no tomorrow. Elise just nodded and headed straight to the corridor. There was no way she's talking with that man. For sure her cousins will sue her to death.

Leaving Lord Zander behind is disrespectful, knowing he's a son's Lord but in her current situation, who cares?

"Alright, now let me start my training" Elise mumbled and took her sword.

She went to their Family's training ground. She's not going back to Ethereal Forest. After all, she had learned her lessons to never wander inside there or else you'll be half dead.

Taking out her sword. She positioned herself, they're training ground is bounded with spells and magic. Once someone ought to train inside this ground, a training mage will pop out and fight you, their skills and expertise will mostly match or even outmatch trainees.

"Goodmorning Lady Elise, as of now I am your training mage. My mana class is Sorcerer. Please don't hold back." The training mage said.

Lady Elise nodded. Keeping an eye to her training mage. She needs to come up with moves that will suit her training mage skills. To her first glance, Elise can already tell her training mage is an overmatch for her. It has good skill in swords plus it can use mana, that's a huge gap.

The mage made the first move charging at her with the hooked blade upheld, going to its foreswing and following it with a backswing. Elise dodged the first and met the second with her broadsword. The weight of the thing sent her opponent's blade back, back, back…but not far enough to knock the blade free of its hands.

"Meteor Swarm." The training mage incanted. Four meteors fly forward to Elise's direction. Using a shield Elise manages to defend herself from the spell. Elise takes one strike. This arcing shot sliced the fabric of the Training Mage at the midsection. It missed the flesh behind it by perhaps a centimeter.

"Magic Missile" The Training Mage incanted once again. A bolt of pure energy from the caster's fingertips was released directly aiming Elise. But Elise made brief eye contact with her opponent letting her predict its next move. Stoutly, she swings her sword with a strong force and letting it hit the spell. Unable to hit or harm Elise. Elise makes a counter-attack swinging her sword.

Swing. Swing. Swing. The first two missed badly, but the third, a backswing off, the one before it, found flesh. The heavy broadsword ate through her opponent as easily as air. The Training Mage dropped to a knee, tried to stand, and dropped again. The Training Mage fades into thin air, it means it was defeated.

"The winner is Lady Elise!"

"Arghhh! I've had enough." Elise groaned as she felt very exhausted from her training. She was a bit disappointed. She had been training her self ten times more than the regular but no matter how hard she trained herself she can't manifest any mana. It felt like everything was pointless. But no matter how many times she complains she never considers to give up. If ever Kelly is telling the truth about the upcoming execution on her birthday then she'll be doomed if ever, up until that day she's unable to wield mana.

"I'm impressed." Lord Zander came into view. Giving Elise a heart attack. She wants to curse this man for a million times despite the heroic act he had made, back at the Ethereal Forest. 'Is he a mushroom? Appearing everywhere. Aish, this man is crazy!' Elise thought to herself.

"I need to clear some things with you Mushroom Man." Elise civilly spoked out of nuisance. Without giving Lord Zander a chance to respond, Elise asserted quickly. "If you're really asking compensation for helping me out in the forest, I'm so sorry but I can't give you any valuable things because despite me, being a Delacroix I'm actually poor, I don't have money to buy those shimmering sparkling and tantalizing whatsoever things. But I can thank you for a million times, so please stop nagging my life and go back to your country!" Elise exclaimed. This man is giving her a headache.' Did he think he sounds like a cool guy if he keeps on appearing suddenly? More like mushrooms' Elise thought.

To Elise annoyance, Lord Zander just smiled like he didn't hear all her rant. 'This man is absolutely crazy, I'm outa here.' Elise thought to herself. Leaving her sword behind she exited the training ground. ''I'm going back to my room. I've had enough of this crazy day." Elise muttered.

"Oh, there you are, bitch." Kelly said with a smirk on the face behind her are also her four cousins who were filled with intimate jealousy. 'Why do people appear so suddenly today?' Elise thought as she glances at her annoying cousins. 'Well, I did expect this to happen. Knowing that crazy man they admired so much approached me at the entrance hall. Aish, curse him!' Elise thought killing Lord Zander in her mind a million times.

Elise doesn't want to argue with her cousins so instead of responding she just walks passed by them like they were nothing than shadows. But to her surprise, she was dragged back furiously by Mein, one of her evil cousin. "You can't run away this time Elise." Kelly said shooting a death glare to her.

"My guess was really right, you were really a bitch!" Fuming with anger, Kelly exclaimed. "Please stop this we're just making a scene." Elise begged she had enough of their ugly attitudes.

"I don't care bitch, but you need a lesson for being a slut and stealing us Zander!" Llorie exclaimed, sassily crossing her arms. 'God, I know most of them are 16 or 15 but this is just too much. They are so immature, how did my uncles and aunties raise them?' Elise thought, concerned by there childlike minds.

"Oh, no need to question her bitchiness. After all, her mother is a bitch." Kelly added. Elise clenched her fist after she heard Kelly insulting her late mother, once again. "Take back what you said." Elise asserted.

"Why would I, I'm just telling the truth." Kelly said sarcastically. "I said take it back or I will forget that we are cousins Kelly!" Elise threateningly exclaimed. But her cousins just laughed out her threat. How can a girl hurt or threatened them knowing the fact that she can't manifest any mana?

"Cousins? In the first place, we are not cousins Elise nor you are a part of this family, your just some girl pretending to be someone. Calling yourself an Heiress." Kelly mocked Elise.

"If I happened to be a fake heiress then I hope none of you will be the heiress. Because if this family is going to choose one from the five of you. Delacroix's family will meet its downfall." Elise spoke on the verge of crying. She can't take any more of their insults. Every word was killing her and her mother's dignity. She felt weak knowing she can't do anything to zip their mouth, to stop them.

"So you're saying we don't deserve to be one? How dare you!" Kelly furiously exclaimed.

"Wrathful Smite." Kelly incanted, directly hitting it on Elise.

"Arghhh!" Elise groaned in pain. She is badly hurt, it hit her right leg causing her to stumble on the floor. "That's what you earn from insulting us, you hag!" Rosetti her cousin shouted glaring at her with no mercy.

"Death Hex." Kelly incanted a level 4 spell which is way too dangerous. Her cousin was agitated to hear as Kelly casts the spell. It could possibly kill Elise if she didn't manage to dodge it. "No! No, stop it Kelly!" Rosetti shouted but it was too late.

The spell flies forward to Elise's direction. A deafening sound echoed through the halls as the spell seemingly landed on Elise.

But to their surprise, Elise was still standing with a magic barrier protecting her. Llorie covered her mouth as she was shocked to see Elise blue eyes shifted into red. "Something is odd about Elise." Shane commented.

Elise's spread her hands at her side, palms up, and lifted them, something was forming in her palm. But what was clear as a day is Elise is wielding a mana. She swung her palm in their direction.

"Arggghh." Her cousin shouted in pain. As all of them were hit by a strong force, Elise had wielded.

"Die." Elise muttered. She was not in her right mind. She was eaten by her rage. Causing her to act violently towards her cousin. Her cousins were scared to see Elise in that state. As if they're dreaming.

But before Elise could use her mana again. Someone stopped her from doing so.

"Please stop, Elise stop, I'm here now, you don't need to worry." Lord Zander soothingly said. Hugging Elise tightly.

With Zander's word. Elise calmed right away.


Lord Zander smiled as he watches Elise sleep right in his arms.