This Is Weird

Lord Zander smiled, hearing Elise rants. He was too occupied, that he didn't notice Elise exited the training room.

"She's loud." Lord Zander mumbled, to his surprise he was the only one left in the room. 'This is not me at all.' Lord Zander thought, concerned by the way he acts today. If any man sees him act like an idiot he'll be doomed, after all, he's known to act authoritatively and always set his heels high. He never smiles and never let someone shout in front of his face, well except for Elise.

"Lord Zander, Lord Vandran is looking for you to accompany him at the meeting. Your presence is greatly needed in the meeting room." His Butler told him civilly. Lord Zander nodded and followed his butler.

Entering what seems to be a meeting room. Zander sat beside his father facing nobles connected to the Delacroix family.

"I have called all of you here to talk about my alleged daughter Elise." Lord Killian announced. Lord Zander's brows furrowed hearing Elise's name. 'Alleged daughter?'

"Most of you know that Elise, my daughter hasn't manifested any mana throughout these years. Considering the fact that she's my daughter and belonged to a family who wields high-class mana. Honestly, this issue is concerning me. As rumors spread, people started to doubt my late wife Eussilia from cheating." Lord Killian spoke greatly concerned. This was the first time he acted so concerned over issues.

"And did you believe people's rumors?" Lord Zander asked Lord Vandran directly.

His father who was sitting beside him didn't bother to react. Calmly taking a sip of hot tea.

"I don't know..." Lord Killian answered.

"So you believe other people more than your daughter." Lord Zander commented seriously. His father, Lord Vandran looked at him with an impression, he was indeed his son.

"I don't intend to disrespect you Lord Killian, but she is your daughter you must trust her capability. And instead of focusing on what she lacks go focused on what she has. Don't you know your daughter has great skill in swordsmanship?" Lord Zander spoke calmly.

"How did--"

"Wait..." Lord Zander uttered signaling everyone to be quiet. He had felt a strong aura of mana.

"Someone is using mana inside your household Lord Killian." Lord Zander announced. "What do you mean?" Lord Killian confusingly looked at Lord Zander. Without any response, Lord Zander rushed through the halls, exiting the meeting room.

As he goes forward he feels the aura more intense. Running through the halls he heard a woman's scream. He rushed to the direction he heard the noise.

"Elise?" Lord Zander mumbled as she looks at Elise. Her eyes were red, at first glance he knew Elise was not in her right mind. But what's more shocking for him is the fact that Elise is using mana. Her mana has awakened!

Without thinking he rushed towards her and hugged him tightly. There was no way he'll let Elise hurt someone, she'll be in danger if she hit her cousins with her mana.

"Please stop, Elise stop, I'm here now, you don't need to worry." Lord Zander mumbled as he hugged her tightly.


Elise breathe heavily, as she wakes up. Her head was throbbing from pain. As if her head was hit on the wall multiple times. "Arghh" She groaned in pain gently touching her temple. She rested her head at the headboard. Her mind was fuzzy she didn't remember going to bed. She tried to get up but ended up stumbling on the floor.

"My head hurts and my body's sore, what the hell happened to me," Elise muttered. She is quite concerned about herself. She had no recollection of the night before and she felt so disoriented.

With little strength, she stands up and exited her room. "I need to ask someone what had happened yesterday, I'm really in a complete daze," Elise mumbled as she lazily strolls to the hall.

On the other hand, her cousin Mein walked passed by her. Knowing it was her opportunity to ask she approached her without any hesitation.

"Hey, Mein—" Elise was cut off. The moment Mein noticed Elise approaching her, she ran as fast as she can like a scared rabbit afraid to be eaten by her predator.

"What's wrong with her?" Elise frowned in a complete haze. Her morning was weird. And everything was weird. But she shrugged off her cousin's weird approach.

As she continues to stroll around the hall. The aroma of braised leeks with mozzarella lingered through her nose. It was tempting. "Oh God, where's that smell coming from?" Elise asks herself. Looking at the double door at the dining room she can already tell the smell came from that room and for sure her relatives are gathering inside for a fancy breakfast. "I'm not coming in, for sure they'll just make fun of me, for joining their exclusive breakfast," Elise muttered bitterly.

"But on the second thought, I'll come in," Elise added as she was tempted by the food they are currently eating. "I don't care if they don't like, me joining their almost perfect breakfast, I just want to eat. After all, I'm a human I eat and starve." Elise said as she opens the double door.

As she enters the dining room. Shock was written all over their faces. As if they've seen a ghost.

They panicked seeing the girl they've been bullying, berating and verbally abusing had proved them wrong. They felt ashamed knowing that all these years they've been doubting Lord Killian's daughter. But the truth sends them to the highest level of shame and guiltiness. She was really the Heiress. The one and only Heiress.

"Young Lady." All of them chorused as they stand up.

"Young Lady?" Elise asked. What did her cousins, uncles, and aunties had eaten?

They've turned into angels. This is weird.