Chapter 6: Training In The Morning

" Hahaha... I need to learn how to do that, you can still give them an unreasonable offer while still making it sound like it would benefit them, ptff.. hahaha... you're Sly man... hahaha" Isaac added

"Hey, stop it... we've got other things to do later. For now, let's just go and rest" Adam calmed down and talked to his friend before turning around heading to his house.


The next day, Adam woke up at 4 am. He drank a bottle of water since coffee does not exist in this world yet 'I will have to develop cacao' he thought as he took his Spear and went out of the house and closed the door slightly to not wake his father up.

He was wearing the Karate-Gi, he made alongside his black belt. He plans to use the new tailor shop he acquired yesterday to make a lot of these and give it to the close quarter specialized people of the group. For the magicians, he would later think of some kind of uniform that would be convenient for them.

He is currently heading to the forest, well, the inner part of the forest. He wants to train a little bit and 'fighting against some bandits would just do for a morning practice' he thought. So, before heading in he took 30 minutes to warm up in the outskirt of the forest and at the same time waiting for Isaac and Walter, who was forced to come as some kind of payback for deceiving them yesterday, to join him so they could head out.

"Yo, I've brought him with me!" Isaac said enthusiastically as he was bringing Walter who was grumbling, the latter said with a dissatisfied tone.

"Just let me go back to sleep" he pouted, Adam smiled and retorted

"You don't look cute at all" Walter just 'hmphed!' and stare at Adam and said

"Talking about cute, where is that girl we brought back from DorWall State?" Adam tried to remember

"You're talking about Lilith, right? She is training with my dad as one of the 150 nominees to become our guards. By the way, he also told me, to tell you, to come to the gymnasium at 9 o'clock" Walter furrowed his brows and asked

"He doesn't plan to include us in the training, right?" Adam shook his head

"Nah, I don't think so. We've already finished training under him, the most plausible answer is that he wants us to meet the nominee" Walter nodded

"It's likely that's the case. But we never know when it concerns him" Adam nodded too and slightly smiled.

"Why are you thinking about trivial things, let's just finish cleaning up a settlement or two before we go and see what's up?" Isaac said and dragged them both inside the forest.

They entered the forest and headed towards one of the previously identified bandit settlements, Adam stopped them when they were a hundred meters away from the cave they were residing in. He looked at the situation and looked at his friends who were waiting for his orders.

"There are three people in front of the cave. Wal, I want you to eliminate them. I don't how you do it just eliminate without being seen. After the information we gathered, there is One other entrance. So, Wal, I want you to go there and ambush them just after your task here.

"Is (AN/: Short for Isaac), You and I will be entering the cave and fight them head-on. I can use recovery magic in case we're injured. It's a simple plan so let's just finish it up"

They both nodded and Walter went and hid on bush 30 meters away from the target. He started gathering Mana from the surrounding and three Long Arrows or 'Lance?' made of Fire formed through the condensed Mana and started floating above His head.

With a simple wave of his hand, the projectiles sped toward the targets at an unimaginable speed, most likely around 200 to 250 miles per hour coupling it with the short distance, the targets died without even knowing what had killed them. 'He improved again, what a beast!!!' Adam thought as he saw three fire lances pierce through each head in less than 15 seconds after he gave the order, He smiled and signaled Isaac to follow him.


-------------- Inside the bandit's settlement -------------

" Hey, what's your problem? Drink!!! We got a lot yesterday, hahaha"

A bald middle-aged man said as he looked at one of his 'friends' or companions who was not celebrating like the rest of them were doing.

"I don't know, man. It was awful killing people I don't want to kill" The young man said as he grabbed his head not wanting to hear the voices of the people they killed earlier in his head. The bald man got up and pointed at him with ridicule in his face.

"See! This why I hate newbies, fortunately, we only took one of them, hahaha..."

"You don't know what I'm saying like right now if I want to kill you I would gladly do so without hesitating but for the ones I don't want to kill... You don't understand, man"

"Hahahahahaha..." They all started laughing, which infuriated him.

Inside the room were 12 strong men, excluding the young man, eating and drinking while enjoying the show their leader was giving them. They could not help, apart from having fun with the women they usually bring back, this is the only time they could laugh this much.

"I don't wanna do this no more! Why did I join y'all anyway." The young man said loudly and everybody started laughing at his cowardice but what they heard after that made them laugh even more. The anger started to gather up and he started talking louder

"Stop laughing at me, I'm serious! All of you aren't worthy to be called Humans, I wanted to be part of the army and help the populace. If it was not for that corrupted Count Aspen, I would have made it by now" He stared at the people around him and started yelling.

"Fuck you all, if I ever have the chance I'll f*cking kill you all the bandits before being satisfied" Not taking the threat seriously they laughed even harder saying things like

"Yes murder us all!!"

"I'm rooting for you boi"


Not being able to take it anymore, the young man let out his killing intent which stopped everybody from their laughter. They all had the same thought 'This kid is f*cking strong'. Being on their guard, they all took out their weapons and waited for any movement from the kid. But they all suddenly heard a weird rhythmical sound and the voice of a rather young person coming from outside the cave getting closer.

And without knowing it, they all started moving his head up and down acknowledging that the 'song?' was great. They were not even sure if this was a song since it was completely different from what they usually hear. Adam would call this type of song 'Beatbox and rap'.

*Beatboxing sound*

"Just waking up in the morning gotta thank God

"I don't know, but today I feel kinda Good

"No barking from my dogs

"No snog

"They're even waiting for me in a small cave

"Now what to do man, I think I'm gonna save those

"They intended to treat as their hoes

"But listen to me, I'm kind of a messenger

"Those that most people know as the predators

"So better give yourself and become my men

"No don't that I still wanna fight y'all

"Even though I know that you're all going to get swept
