Chapter 7: Do You Accept It???

When they heard the young man singing or more like talking, but in a way that made you think he was singing, they all freaked out and sent their killing intent towards the voice. But what they heard next nearly made them red in anger.

"Darn, what's this? Killing intent? It's so weak!" (Isaac)

"Stop it, they're gonna be dropped anyway. Why would lower yourself to consider them as opponents" (Adam)

"Dropped? Weren't we going to kill them?" (Isaac)

"No! I have plans for them so please refrain from doing that" (Adam)

'What do you think we are, dogs for you to play with?' At that time all the bandits thought of the same thing and waited for these two persons to approach them.

Adam and Isaac arrived at the door of the room the people they were supposed to fight with were, they saw 13 people in total and among those only two of them were kind of strong 'Maybe they are D-Rankers, they have an aura but it's still too weak, so, anything above that is impossible' Adam thought when he analyzed the strength of their opponents.

In this world, there is a very simple power level System unlike what he had thought when he was back at the higher beings domain. In this world, there ranks from F to S the latter being the highest known but there are people who transcended that level. Let's take the higher beings, for example, you can't compare them to S-Rankers in this world they must be way stronger than anyone on this planet.

Adam also found out that his Dad is an S-ranker, one of the twelve strongest Humans in this world, though he particularly doesn't know anything about his past. Maybe he'll open up to him, eventually!

Right now Adam is only a B-Ranker, In the Imperial army, he would be considered as a 5.000 men leader or a cavalry group leader. The B-rankers are few in this State, to his knowledge, there are only 30 B-rankers and ten Rankers with a higher grade in the entirety of Amaryllis State which is why it is considered as the weakest kingdom under the Empire.

The system is quite simple, it's like this, Right now Adam is a B-Ranker so, he can fight against a hundred C-Rankers without any difficulty. Of course, the number can be higher than that if we include combat experience and the skill sets of the B-ranker, it can even go up to a thousand.

So, There an enormous Gap between each rank but that doesn't mean that someone from a lower can beat a higher ranker. In terms of power, the latter is way stronger than the formal but if he uses great strategies and plans ahead the lower ranker can still win, even if it would be very difficult.

There are gaps between people of the same ranks too. For example, two A-Ranker are fighting each other, one is a war veteran and the other managed to break through by training instead of fighting experience. Who do you think will win.

Without a doubt, the war veteran would crush him in seconds. Also, it is in battles between people from the same rank that you can see who is a genius at fighting and who isn't.

The bald guy looked at the duo and suddenly felt the urge to beat them up and he didn't resist it, he looked at them and said indignantly and said.

"What was all that singing sh*t about and what are you doing here, ain't there supposed to be guys on the lookout"

Adam just shrugged and sat down on the floor placing his Spear in front of him. He did not want to bother with these people, if it's training he can do it with his father later so Adam let Isaac fight against the bandits and just sat down watching the show.

Seeing his actions, Isaac advanced cracking his knuckles and declared "I guess I'll be your opponent!"

He took his stance and waited for the others to attack him. The bandits did not know what to do, so they just waited for their leader to move before taking action. Noticing what was going on the bald guy clicked his tongue and charged forward, sword in hand, ready to cut his enemy.

'Do I have to fight these weak people' Isaac sighed and dodged the sword coming toward him and countered with an uppercut which made the head of the bald guy go back and threatened to detach itself from his body. The bald guy did not even see where the fist came from, the counter was so fast that he didn't realize what happened.

Who could blame him though, he's only a D-Ranker who could talk sh*t about him if he were dropped by a B-Ranker, nobody would. So, it's kind of alright and seeing what happened there was only one thing on the bandit's mind 'I need to run away'.

Some of them went towards the exit on the back while others charged towards Adam thinking that he is weak. Unfortunately for them, Adam let a bit of his killing intent which made them bow down in front of him and ask for forgiveness. Without minding their pleas, Adam augmented the killing intent to force his superiority in their mind before they collapsed because of it.

For those who went to the back, they all came back to the room with burn marks all over their bodies and underwent the same process as the people who tried to attack Adam. Right now, there were only three men left conscious, Adam, Isaac and the young man who was threatening the bandits earlier.

"I praise your courage for not running away." Adam got up and started walking towards him

"I'm but a humble D-ranker, how can I compete against higher ranker?" He said smiling bitterly

"Do you want power?" Adam asked

"What do you mean?"

"I can see it in your eyes, but I'm still going to ask again. Do you want power?" The young man nodded

"Yes, I do!" Adam smiled and advanced towards him

"What's your name?"

"My name is Gabriel, sir"

" Starting from today, Gabriel, you shall be one of my loyal servants and bear the Token of your new lord for eternity. Do you accept it?" Gabriel kneeled and said

"Yes, my Lord!"

----------- Two hours later -----------

"Why did he accept so quickly?"

Isaac asked. He could not understand why the guy called Gabriel accepted so quickly. Even Walter and him, who have been Adam's best friends since they were 8 years old hesitated for some days before accepting his Token. To that question, Adam just shrugged and said

"You never know what happens inside of someone's mind. Maybe he thought that this would be his only chance to find power"

Walter nodded his head to confirm it. You never know what is going inside a human brain, sometime you might think that you a person inside and out. Let us tell you, you're wrong. Just based on the way he acts around people, the way they react to things, their facial expressions, their body language, sometimes you can even tell their motives if they're not careful enough.

But just basing yourself on that to affirm that you know him more than anyone else, you're f*cking wrong. Based on that you'd only know like 10 % percent about him, hell, it may even be lower than that. Reflecting that point, even Walter, someone who is known for his amazing reflection, memorization, and learning capabilities couldn't find the answer to the question asked. In the end, he just shrugged and said the obvious.

"Maybe, it's because Ad is one of the chosen people!" Adam looked at him and sighed and told Walter

"Told you not to say that carelessly, someone may hear it!" Walter just laughed it off

"I mean you were born with a god's blessing why do you need to hide it. Hell, you didn't even tell us which God blessed even though we are your best friends and first retainers." Adam just laughed at that, he had his reasons to not disclose that information. Doing so would only lead to more trouble for the future. Plus each 'God' only has to choose one being and bless and the one who chose him is kind of troublesome. 'I don't know why he chose me. I get it that's my ambition in this role but I don't think it was enough to gain his attention' he thought

"Don't sweat it, you will know when the time comes!"