Clyde subconsciously crumpled the report that he was holding in his hands just as when he balled them into a fist.

At this point, everything about the expression that he was sporting on his face was screaming with resolve.

"Go ahead, Naomi. Try to meet this infamous old witch at the west at once and see if she could actually help us. At most, I only need two feathers for my spell, so you could bring the rest with you and offer it to her in exchange for her help."

When Clyde finally made up his mind, he issued his command right away and started formulating a plan.

However, Naomi seemed to have a different take on the situation. Apparently, the tomcat was against going out as of the moment.

He was still reluctant to leave just yet; knowing well enough that two of his housemates were not feeling well, to begin with, and in fact, was still in the process of nursing their strength back to normal.