Syra even believed that she handled herself very well for not screaming right away. 

"What are you doing?"

She asked while their faces still only a few inches away from each other.

For some reason, Clyde's palm started to sweat when he heard Syra's voice. He felt so awkward and embarrassed at the same time being caught at such a weird angle.

"Oh? I-I- I w-was just checking... y-you-your wo- wounds."

Clyde replied while stuttering real hard. Anyone who would hear him that time would definitely doubt him.

Meanwhile, a deep crease appeared on Syra's forehead when she heard Clyde's answer. It seemed that she was not buying his alibi.

Clyde felt more awkward the longer he held their position so he tried his best to move away, yet as though his own body was trying to play a trick on him, he fell again right after he tried to stand up.