The Meeting

It was a cold winter night and the moon was full and shining down on the mostly sleeping village of konoha. The only people up were the shinobe of the village doing their regular sweeps along the village walls and if you looked  hard enough youd be able to see a small boy about 4 years old walking near the edge of the woods on the outskirts of town.

This boy was around 3'5 in hight, blond spiked hair lay atop his head, ocean blue eyes that seemed dim and tired stared ahead of him as he dragged his feet along the dirt path. He wore a pair of old warn shinobe sandals, dirty black shorts, and a mud stained white t-shirt that had a red swirl on the front of it.

This was naruto uzumaki, self proclaimed future hokage - when the old man retired - oh and he was know as two more thing. One being the most hated person in the village dispite only being 4, and two, being the jinchuriki for the kyuubi no kitsune. Not that he knew the last one anyways.

Naruto was hungry and tired. It had been a week since he's eaten anything and he honestly wasnt sure how he was still able to walk. He disnt know why everyone seemed to hate him or fear him, he was 4 for kami sake.

Hed seen the stares, heard the mutters of demon and monster when he passed by some people, hell he was even hunted down and beat a few times every year and he just couldn't understand why they all seemed to hate him so much.

He was kicked out of the orphanage sometime last year and had since been living on the streets, eating what he could find from trashcans and just prayed he wouldnt get sick from it.

Hes tried to go see the old man many times to hopefully find out something or to get some answers but everytime he went he was told that the old man was in a meeting or busy so after about ten tries he gave up and accepted his fate and stayed away.

Right now though naruto was walking next to the woods in hopes of finding some food like berries or and animal to try and hunt but so far nothing caught his eye.

He was just about to give up when he saw a glash of dark colored clothing in the moonlight  from the woods before it vanished. At first he thought it was just a trick of his mind but then he heard a few twigs snapping and before he knew it he was grinning and dashing after the strange 'animal' hoping for an easy meal.

He tracked the animal for what seemed like forever, being as quiet as possible before he stopped behind a tree overlooking a clearing. He was surprised to see that instead of an animal as he hoped it was an older man with a large bag hung over his shoulder.

The man was dressed in all black clothes equipped with a black face mask to hide his face, but naruto could see what looked to be a metal headband with a cloud carved into it.  He raised an eyebrow in confusion before moving back into the shadow of the tree he was on.

'Whats a cloud nin doing here in konoha no less?' Naruto asked himself. He decided to just keep watching for now. So he quietly watched as the cloud nin dropped the bag he had on the ground before sighing lightly.

"That was a lot easier than i thought itd be" he smirked down at the bag and kick it gently." Dont hold back, you should be awake by now" he grinned as he leaned diwn and reached his hand into the bag before pulling the object out.

" ow!" A small but pained cry rang out through the clearing as he pulled a small girl out of the bag. Naruto eyes widened as he observed the girl.

She was small and frail, no older than him. She had short blackish blue hair that was cut in a hime style. But what caught his eye most was her eyes. White pale eyes filled with tears stared back at the man.

" p-please mister l-let me g-go!" She cried out. Fear written on her face.

"Ah shutup you brat!" The cloud nin growled, making the girl squeeze her eyes shut and whimper." Youre going to kumo soon and by then youll be made into a breeding cow" he grinned darkly.

Narutos mind was going a hundred miles an hour. What was he gonna do? He was clearly witnessing a kidnapping and he didnt know what "breeding cow" ment but by the look if horror on the girls face it wasnt anything good.

What should he do? He didnt have a way to call for any help without being discovered and killed before he could do anything anyways. He closed his eyes and began to make a plan.

Back with the cloud nin who was now tying the girls hands and feet together. The girl was a mess, crying for her mom and dad quietly praying for anyone to help her that is untill the man smacked her in the face, causing her to cry harder.

" shut up already girly. I didnt get this far just to get found out because you wouldnt stop crying!" He growled but the girl continued to beg for help. " thats it!" He leaned down and picked her up by the hair, causing her to cry out in pain. She watched her attacker pull out a cloth and began reaching for her face. " just go back to sleep" he grinned as her eyes widened in fear.

" no please! Anyone! Help me!" She screamed. Before the cloth reached her face a rock came flying out of nowhere and smashed into the mans hand, causin him to yelp out in pain and drop her. She hit the ground with a grunt of pain and laid there facing the edge of the woods where the rock flew from with hooe in her eyes.

" whos there?!" The cloud nin shouted as he pulled a kunai out from it resting place on his leg and stared into the woodline with anger in his eyes. He expected to s an anbu, maybe they found him? But instead he heard something else.

A growl. An animalistic growl came from the darkness behind him. He spun around to face the wolf? Dog? He didnt know.  Then he saw it. Slowly stepping out of the shadows of the trees and into the clearing was a ten foot tall fox, not just any fox but an orange fox with nine tales.

He knew what this was. The kyuubi no kitsune, supposed king of the bujji. The man grinned and chuckled. " genjutsu huh?" He clasped his hands togething and formed a hangsign before shouting "kai!" His chakra flailed and instead of the image he was seeing vanishing like a normal genjutsu, the fox just snarled and bared its fangs in irritation. 

" you dare.." came the thick growling voice of the fox as it snarled and slowly stepped closer to the now sweating cloud nin. The foxs red glowing eyes seemed to bore into him." You dare come into my land and disturb my rest?" It growled lowly as it looked over the shaking nin and the now frightened hyuuga child. Chakra poured off the fox in waves.

' hopefully this catches the anbus attention' naruto thought as he held the henge and pretended to be the kyuubi. It was a simple plan. What did everyone fear? Bujji. Who was the strongest and scariest of them all? The fox. Hed henge as the fox, hopefully scare the shit outta this guy and rescue the girl and alert anbu with the chakra he was throwing out in waves.

" tell me why you have one of the villages clan children when youre a cloud nin" kyuubi demanded as it stepped closer to the man until its snarling snout was inches from the terrified mans face. The nin stared with wide eyes as sweat poured down his face. His hands were shaking at this point. This clearly wasnt a genjutsu so that only ment this was real. He wouldnt have made it to joinin if he didnt know how to crack the toughest of illusions." Speak human!" The fox growled."no?" It seemed to grin before letting out an ear spliting roar into the mans face.

- in the village-

A mighty roar echoed through the village along with a powerful chakra spike. People woke up screaming, kids crying and the hokage of the village shot out of his chair and looked out the windows of his office towards the area of the powerful chakra spike.

"Anbu! Go now!" He shouted before him and four anbu vanished in a shunshine along with most joinin in the village.

- back in the clearing-

The nin slashed his kunai across the foxes face out of pure reflexes, causing the - unknown to naruto- solid henge to disperse creating a large smoke cloud within the clearing.

Naruto shot threw the smoke and pushed the surprised nin down before bolting towards the crying tied up girl. He quickly picked her up in mid sprint before dashing into the woods with her in his arm.

" hey calm down" he spoke gently as the girl looked up at him with shocked and hopeful tear filled eyes.

" wh-who are you?" Her voice hitched. He grinned down at her as he jumped from tree branch to branch heading deeper into the woods.

" names naruto uzumaki." He replied. She opened her mouth to say something but before she could they were blind sided by a black blur, throwing them towards  ground. They both cried out in shock.

Naruto grabbed her arm in mid air before bringing her close to his chest, letting him take the fall as they hit the ground. Naruto cried out in pain as they slid to a stop.

" i cant belive i was fooled by a simple kid!" The cloud nin came into view as he walked towards the kids with a kunai in hand and a pissed off look in his eyes. " no doubt by now everyone in the village heard your little howl, nice plan by the way" naruto didnt miss the sarcasm in the mans voice.

" now im going to kill you quickly and get that little skank to kumo before anbu or the hokage himself gets her" he grinned down at the scared kids." My name is shin bu the way blondie" he grinned as he watched naruto get up and stand between him and the hyuuga.

" i dont care who you are!" Naruto shouted in defiance. A fire lit in his blue eyes." Ill never let you take her!" He held his arms out, blocking shins view of his prize.

" just shut up and die brat!" Shin threw the kunai towards the blond who stood still with fear and determination in his eyes as he watched the kunai said towards him in what seemed like slow motion.

This was it. He was going to die. At least someone would hopefully find his body and be able to track shins scent and save the girl behind him. He closed his eyes and waited for death as he heard the hyuuga girl scream his name out from behind him.

Hinata watched in pure horror as the kunai sailed towards her savior. Before she knew it she was screaming out his name. Her eyes widened as she watched him turn his head to look at her. All she could see was his bright blue eyes and his lips as he mouthed something to her.

" sorry that i couldnt save you" she read his lips before her eyes widened as he gave her a small smile before the kunai entered his chest till it reached its hilt. She screamed his name again as she tried to wiggle her way over to him as he stumbled back and coughed up blood. He stumbled over to her and fell to his knees.

" haha!" Shin laughed evilly as he watched the blond kneel over hinata.

" no no no no" hinata kept repeating the word over and over as he leaned over her smiling down at her. " why why would you do that?!" She cried out. Tears stained her face along with his blood as it dripped from both his chest and mouth.

" shhhh" he whispered softly to try and comfort her. Even now his vision was dimming and darkness threatened to engulf his being." Whats your name?" He asked with a tired smile on his face.

Hinata stared at naruto as he asked her for her name. He just took a kunai to the chest and he wants to know her name?!? She began to cry silently as she stair wide eyed into his blue eyes that seemed to get dimmer with every second that passed. She opened her mouth and replied.

" h-hinata hyuuga" she cried." My names hinata hyuuga" she told him.

Naruto gave her a big grin"sunny place... what a beautiful name" his eyes began to close. The enemy nin already forgotten.

" no please stay awake!" Hinatas tears began to flow down her face even harder as naruto seemed to slump over her. His face inches away from hers."dont leave me! You saved me! Stay!" She all but begged.

" no ones wanted me to be with them before" his tired voice reached her ears as his eyes closed. His breathing stopped and hinata cried out in sorrow until a new voice was heard.


"Shit!" Shin cried as he watched the hokage and multiple anbu and jonin dropped down into the clearing with weapons drown.

" what have you done?!?" Sarutobie cried out in pure anger.

-with naruto-

Narutos body seemed to be floating in water in front of a large gate that had a paper on it that said seal on it. Behind the gates two giant glowing red slitted eyes seemed to just watch the blond.

" wake up" the deep guttural voice that came from the entity spoke out. Narutos body stirred as he began to wake up.

Naruto groaned as he opened his eyes and stared at the brick like ceiling. Where was he? What happened?

His eyes widened as the memories of what had happened flew back into his brain. He shot up and spun around wildly looking for hinata.

"Where..where am i? What happened to hinata?" He asked aloud, not expecting a response.

" its nice to finally meet my jailer " naruto froze at the deep booming voice. He slowly turned around and faced the large gate like doors. He watches as two red eyes turned into a giant fox face, a face that was connected to a giant body that had nine swishing tails flowing behind it.

" what the hell?!?" Naruto screamed out, his voice being drown out by the loud booming laugh of the giant nine tailed fox in front of him.