
Naruto was just staring at the demon fox in pure horror as the beast continued to laugh like a maniac. Slowly but surely it stopped laughing and stared back at naruto with a wide fang filled grin.

" oh god im in hell arent i?" Naruto asked aloud to no one in particular." Youre here for my soul huh? Well you cant have it!" He shouted while pointing at the beast. Kyuubi sweat dropped.

" ah.. im not here for your soul. Youre not dead" it deadpanned.

" but i was stabbed" naruto pointed out with a confused look on his face.

" yep, you sure were" kyuubi replied with a nod of its giant head.

" usually you die if that happens" naruto replied.

" usually yes. But luckily for you im sealed in your gut, so i healed you" kyuubi got a grin on his face." Oh and good job pretending to be me, did you see how scared that lowly human was when he thought you were me? Ha!" The fox laughed." Though you got the wrong shade of orange for my fur, but we'll work on it" he added almost as an afterthought.

Naruto just grinned and nodded his head like an idiot." I know right! He thought i was really yo- wait a minute!" Naruto yelled as he looked up at the caged beast." Youre sealed in me!? I thought the fourth killed you!" Naruto shouted in surprise. Kyuubi let out a scoff and turned his head.

" we bijuu cant die you idiot we're beings of pure chakra, you cant kill chakra you can only seal it away- and for the record if i wasnt being controlled by that damned uchiha i wouldve whooped blondies ass" kyuubi replied in a haughty tone.

"The forth.. h-he sealed you in m-me?" Naruto stuttered out as a look of realization came upon his face.

The blond fell back on his ass as he stared off into space. Of course, the stares, the comments, why he was hated, starved and beaten. The village thought he was the kyuubi. They made him the scapegoat for all their anger! Why didnt he notice it before??

Kyuubi watched his container as he realized why everyone hated him. Truth be told this was a test. Kyuubi wanted to know how the boy would take the news. Would he hate him like the rest of his kind? Yell, scream, or curse his existence. 

Kyuubi had watch his container for a long time now, seeing the boy struggle through life just trying to survive. He thought of helping the boy  multiple times but he wasnt sure if the boy was like the other humans. So full of greed and hatred. But tonight had shown him that naruto was willing to sacrifice himself for someone that was in trouble, someone he didnt even know.  This was the final test. So he stared at the kid and waited.

Narutos mind was filled with thoughts and questions. Why did the fourth choose him? Were his parents criminals? Dead? He didnt know. He gazed up at the fox and saw that it was gazing at him, almost as if it was waiting to hear what he thought. Then it clicked. Kyuubi said that was controlled that night by an uchiha, he didnt really know to much about them but if one of them couldve forced the king of bijuu to his will and make it attack the village then he or she must've been really strong.

Naruto let out an almost tired sigh before standing up and running a hand through his hair. He gazed up at the fox and gave it a small smile.

" i have so many questions, and i wont lie and say im not a little upset about this but i cant do much about it now can i?" He chuckled softly." You said you were controlled that night so i cant blame you and i cant blame the fourth because he was just protecting his home and its people." Naruto rubbed his chin in thought." I still wonder why he chose me to hold you though" he added as an afterthought.

Kyuubi couldnt keep the grin from growing on his face. The kid didnt blame him or freak out. He thought over the information given to him and calmly talked it out, though the blonds next words surprised him.

" i guess now we gotta team up and take this uchiha down!" Naruto pumped his fist in the air. Kyuubi choked on air.

"W-what?" He half yelled half choked. Naruto stopped his celebration and looked up as the fox stared down at him." Why would i team up with you?" It asked in an almost distrusting tone.

Naruto snapped his fingers and nodded his head sagely." Think about it. You probably want revenge for being controlled like that, and i want to bring this man to justice! Because of him so many people died! Moms, dads, kids, they deserve to be able to rest in peace knowing their killer was either put away or put down" naruto told him.

Kyuubi and naruto stared at one another in silence. The fox searching the blonds eyes for any sign of lies or deception while naruto just stared up at him waiting for his reply. Slowly but surly the kyuubi gave a toothy grin.

" i think im starting to like you kit" the fox chuckled. Naruto scratched the back of his head awkwardly.

"Thanks?" The blond didnt know if that was a good thing or not.  The kyuubi straitened up and looked down at the boy.

" we need rules if were gonna be partners" he told the small kid. Naruto nodded in agreement and signaled for the fox to continue with a motion of his hand." One, every jinchuriki like you is able to call on their bijuus chakra, especially in a time of anger or great sadness. I dont want you stealing my chakra without asking, got it? And if i say no then you cant bitch or complain" 

" thats fair" naruto nodded.

" second, if i give you advice then take it and listen to it" naruto nodded again." Those are the only rules i can come up with at this point in time" kyuubi had the decency to look embarrassed.

" okay, i can agree to that" naruto smiled and gave the beast a thumbs up. Kyuubi looked down at the boy and sighed.

" ill give you a gift too" that caught the boys attention, hes never gotten a gift before and was really excited to know what the gift was.

" sweet! What is it? Will i be able to shoot lasers outta my eyes? Pick up mountains and throw them? Call on the dead to aid me in battle?!? Come on what is it?" Naruto shouted in a hurried sentence. Kyuubi sweat dropped at the blonds guesses.

" shut up and listen brat" kyuubi growled, naruto nodded quickly and closed his mouth." Every jinchurike gets an ability from their bijuu. The one tails gives its container control over sand, two tails is the ability to control whats known as hell fire, it cant be put out unless the host wishes it to be-"

" coool" naruto had stars in his eyes, which kyuubi ignored and continued as if he wasn't interrupted.

" three tails give its host control over coral, four tails gives control over lava, five tails is control over steam, six tails is control over acids and can heal things or people, seven tails gives control over insects and gives the container wings to fly or glide with, eights tails gives the container control over ink and then theres me" kyuubi grinned as if proud of himself.

" what do you give?" Naruto asked curiously, making the bijuu grin.

" i can give you larger chakra reserves, and a special pair of eyes" here kyuubi lost his grin and turned completely serious." Ill be giving you the doujutsu tonight but be warned. These eyes could very well turn you into a god on earth. If i even get a hint of you going power hungry ill flood your system with so much of my chakra that itll melt you from the inside out. Got it?" He growled.

Naruto paled at the thought of being melted from the inside out and nodded quickly." Yes sir!"He gulped.  Kyuubi narrowed his eyes before nodding slowly.

"Now theres something else you need to know" he waited for naruto to nod before continuing." The henge you used tonight wasnt the same one as other shinobe use"

"Oh?" The blond raised an eyebrow in confusion.

" you put so much chakra into that technique that instead of it making an illusion it made you into the real thing" kyuubi grinned as he watched his containers eyes widen.

" you mean i can freaken shape shift!?!" Naruto shouted in pure joy.

" yes but it takes a lot of chakra for you to do it. But luckily you have me here to continue feeding your chakra pool" kyuubi replied.

" thats so freaking awesome" naruto whispered in awe.

" anyways its getting late and im tired so lets finish this up, id like to sleep soon" kyuubi rested his head on his front human looking hands? Paws? Naruto didnt know. 

" so what do i do?" Naruto asked curiously. Kyuubi grinned back.

" nothing i do all the work oh and just so you know, this is gonna hurt like a bitch" before Naruto could say anything orangish- red chakra burst out from behind the bars of the gate and shot directly into his eyes. Pain shot throughout his entire body and he screamed out in pain before his world went black. " oh yeah my names kurama by the way!"The last thing he heard was the fox chuckling.

- hospital room-

Hurizen sarutobie was standing in a hospital room looking down at the blond 4 year old that was lying asleep in the hospital bed. He sighed sadly as he remembered what had happened after coming to the clearing where he saw the cloud nin with the two kids.

-flashback 2 hours ago-

" what have you done!" The third shouted as he came upon the scene. He looked from the cloud non to the two kids, his anger grew as he saw naruto slumped over the tied up hyuuga heir and noticed he wasnt breathing.

The cloud ninja took a few steps back as the thirds killer intent fell upon him. Shin was scared, scratch that, he was almost pissing himself. This wasnt how it was supposed to go! He was supposed to get in and out without being noticed damn it! It was all that blond kids fault!

" i see now" the hokage growled out." I was a fool to think that kumo actually wanted a peace treaty. It was all a farce just so you could get the byakugan under your villages control!" His voice rose into a shout. " your village will be held accountable for its actions, anbu i want him alive!" Shin pulled out two more kunai and held them in reverse grips.

" youll never take me alive you old fool!" Shin shouted out in either rage or terror, he didnt know." For kumo!" He shouted before charging right at the hokage who just stood there unfazed.

Before he made it three feet he was surrounded by 4 anbu. He clashed kunai with katana as the fight began. Swerving and ducking under the anbus strikes for a few moments before an anbu managed to slap a chakra suppression seal onto his back before he was hit in the back of the head and his world went dark.

As the anbu carried the prisoner away the third rushed towards the two kids, kneeling down and gently rolling naruto off of the tied up hyuuga. His breath hitched as he saw the kunai lodged hilt deep into narutos chest.

" anbu get hinata untied now!" He shouted and a few seconds later hinata was free of her bindings and was crying over narutos body.

" he saved me" hinata cried over and over again. Thats when hashi and hitome, hinatas parents and heads of her clan entered the clearing.

" hinata!" They both shouted. The young girl practically shot into their arms and began to sob loudly.

" mom, dad! N-naruto he-he-" she broke down into sobs before she could finish her sentence.

" oh sweety" hitome held her daughter close and rubbed her back as she and hashi looked at the still form of the blond that had clearly protected their daughter.

Hashi took a small step towards the hokage who was still kneeling next to the blond." Hokage-sama is he-" he stopped talking as everyone in the clearing watched as and orang glow seemed to push the kunai out of the boys chest before closing the wound. Then the boys eyelids seemed to glow orange and before anyone could say anything his eyes snapped open and he let out a pained cry.

"Naruto!" The third held the boy and gazed down at his face worriedly. He watched as the boys eyes went from their blue color to a flashing red with a slitted pupil before they shifted into a silver purple color with thin black rings around his entire eye, making them look like ripples in a pond. Naruto stopped screaming and tears of blood flowed down his cheeks from his eyes. " naruto can you hear me!?" Hurizen shouted in worry.

"Old man?" Naruto asked as he huffed in both pain and exhaustion.

" yes naruto its me" the elder man replied. Naruto shifted his head and looked the man in his eyes.

" when i wake up... remind me to kill the fox" naruto said before his eyes closed and he passed out. That sentence unnerved even the hardened anbu.

" oh naruto" sarutobi whispered worridly.

"He-hes alive!" Everyone looked at hinata as she yelled that in pure joy. Tears fell from her eyes." Hes alive" she whispered before her mother hit a pressure point on her neck, causing her to pass out.

" we need to get to the hospital, get these to checked up on, now!" The third shouted as he picked the blond up and held him close to his chest. Hitome did the same with hinata and they all vanished into the night.

-flashback end-

Sarutobie was worried about the blond. The doctors said he was fine and just resting from usuing so much chakra but that didnt comfort the elder mans worries.

What happened when naruto was stabbed? Did he meet the demon fox? Is the fox responsible for the blonds new eyes?  He didnt know and that was what truly scared him. Would naruto be okay?

He let out a tired sigh and leaned back in his chair, his gaze still fixed on the sleeping boy. After hinata woke up again and told them all about the cloud diplomats attempt kidnapping and naruto saving her and holding the cloud jonin off long enough to let the anbu get there, he felt great pride in the boy. But with that pride came worry.

Due to the roar and the amount of chakra he let off the village was in uproar. The council was breathing down his neck for an explanation and he didn't know what he wanted to tell them. The truth maybe? By now word wouldve already spread about what had happened and what the shinobe that showed up had seen.

He let out a tired sigh. He was getting to old for all this.