Making new friends?

- noon the next day, council room-

The council was made up of two parts. The shinobe council- made up of various clan heads- and the civilian council- made up of merchants businessmen and women- so when the third finally entered the room he wasnt to surprised to see everyone in uproar and not acting their age nor calmly. He let out an almost silent sigh.

" hokage-sama" homaru- his old teammate and member of his personal council, along with koharu and donzo- greeted him with a small nod. Noticing that the hokage entered the room everyone fell silent before standing and bowing their heads. Hurizen nodded to them and they all sat back and relaxed into their chairs as the third sat in his.

" now that everyone is silent I believe we have things to discuss " he rubbed his grey beard as the council nodded. He waved his hand and koharu began to speak up.

" last night around midnight the village was awoken by a very loud howl and a burst in chakra that frightened almost all of us-" she paused to look around the room and saw everyone except hashi nodding their heads." We've only known of one thing that can sound like that, and we need to know if our jinchuriki is stable" she finished. Sarutobie let out a sigh before looking at hashi.

" hashi-kun, if youd please began" the third asked kindly, much to the confusion of most. The younger man nodded and stood up while folding his hands behind his back and began.

" my fellow councilmen and women. Last night around eleven me and my wife hitome discovered hinata, my eldest daughter missing from her room" he began, everyones eyes widened.

" did that boy do-" council women haruno was stopped by hashi holding his hand up to silence her.

" let me finish please." Hashi spoke coldly." Now as i was saying hinata was taken from her room and i sent out branch members to search in the east part of the village. Me and hitome were heading towards the west side when the roar and chakra spike was thrown out and we immediately headed towards it fearing the worst." The white eyed man looked at the hokage. The elder man nodded his head and signaled for him to continue which he did.

" when we got to the scene we saw hokage-sama and hinata kneeling over naruto before hinata saw us and ran to us. We also saw anbu taking away the unconscious cloud ambassador. Hinata was so frantic that we had to knock her out after making sure the boy was alive." He cleared his throat and looked around the room to see everyones eyes narrowed.

" about an hour later hinata woke up at the hospital after being checked over and explained what had happened." He closed his eyes in an attempt to hide his anger." She explained that the cloud nin had taken her from her room in the middle of the night before running off towards the village walls. But thankfully before he got away the uzumaki boy managed to stop him."

" but the what about the roar and chakra?" Shikaku nara asked.

" hinata explained that as he was about to drug her a rock flew out and smashed his hand, causing him to drop the rang and her. She told me how she saw a giant nine tailed fox come out of the woods" hashi was cut off as the room exploded into protests about how they knew naruto was the demon all along.

" silence!" The third shouted and everyone went silent." Let hashi finish before opening your mouths!" He ordered. He looked at hashi and nodded.

" hinata told me that when the fox got in the nins face the nin cut it with a kunai and it vanished in smoke, signaling that it was just a henge." Hashi told them. He could see the relief on everyones faces." She told me how naruto dashed outta the smoke and picked her up before running into the woods. That is before the cloud nin caught up to them and naruto defended her, taking a kunai to the chest, and protected her long enough for hokage-sama and anbu to arrive on the scene before taking the nin into custody" hashi finished before nodding his head and sitting back into his seat.

" but why did the boy pick the kyuubi to henge into? It doesn't make sense" inochi yamanaka stated.

" actually it does" everyone looked at the speaker. It turned out to be shikaku.

" explain please" the third told him. The nara looked up from the table and looked at everyone.

" think about it everyone" he began." Hes only four years old. Hes heard stories about how scary the kyuubi was from the village im sure. If he knew he was to small to fight the jonin off what better way to get everyone attention then scaring the cloud nin and roaring in order to summon help?" Shikaku stated. Everyone slowly began to nod.

" its a simple but effective plan of action" surprisingly it was danzo who commented. Everyone nodded in agreement.

" now heres the.. troubling part" the third stated, getting everyones attention." As you all no doubt know that most jinchuriki gain some sort of advantage from their bijuu" he began. " like the one tail and how it gives its host the power to control sand in a 'perfect' defense. I do believe last night that young naruto gained something from the kyuubi" he looked around the room to see everyones shocked expression.

" what could it possible give to him, and why would it do that anyways? Everyone knows the beast hates humans" donzo spoke up for everyone.

" im not sure but after it healed him last night i did see the boys eyes change from their blue to something else" the third sighed." I believe naruto has unlocked an unknown doujutsu" everyone fell silent at that.

" then i believe he should be under my care" donzo called out, getting the hokage to sigh and rub his eyes.

'Not this again' hiruzen thought.

" i cant train him in use of his new eyes and into the perfect weapon the village would need" the one eyed cripple told them confidently. A few mutters broke out.

" donzo for the last time I refuse to let you turn naruto into a mindless drone!" The third shouted as his eyes narrowed at his expressionless ex teammate." This will be the last i hear of it do i make myself clear?"

" or course hokage-sama" danzo replied through gritted teeth. " what do you suggest then?" He asked.

" ill summon my old student. I remember him saying he stumbled upon  and unknown doujutsu in a kid back in ami during the second war. Maybe he can identify it or help naruto in training with it." The third responded. Getting nods of agreement from everyone accept donzo. "Now is that all?" He asked while looking around the room.

"If i may hokage-sama" hashi spoke up, getting a nod from the elder man." Naruto uzumaki saved my daughter from being kidnapped. If the kidnapping wouldve been successful than i have no doubt that hinata wouldve been turned into a breeding cow-" most clan heads besides the uchiha head grimaced at the thought."- but thankfully he managed to save her" he closed his white eyes before snapping them open and everyone could see the fire in the usual emotionless eyes if the hyuuga." From this day forward naruto uzumaki has the hyuuga backing. Should anything happen to him within the walls of our village the hyuuga will retaliate. He will be welcome to my compound any time he wishes. That is all"

Everyone stared at the hyuuga head in surprise as the third called the meeting to a close. Everyone slowly filtered out of the room leaving the hokage alone with a small smile on his face.

"Making friends in high places naruto" he chuckled softly as he got up and headed back to his office, to wait for any update on naruto and to send out a summons for jiriya.