Future plans!

Two days after the 'hyuuga kidnapping' incident we find naruto still in the hospital bed snoozing away. Hurizen had sent out a message to his student jiriya yesterday and now all he could do was wait until he showed up.

Right now him, hinata and hitome who was holding her youngest daughter hinabi who was one, were walking down the hallway of the hospital towards narutos room.

" has he woken up at all hokage-sama?" Hitome asked in her usual kind and sweet voice. Hiruzen rubbed his chin slowly.

" im afraid not quite yet my dear" he answered with a small frown on his face." The doctors had said that he was alright and should be waking up anytime now. But it could be possible that his body could still just be getting used to his new eyes" he pondered, getting a nod from the two hyuugas.

" that could be. Activating a doujustu for the first time can put a new strain on ones chakra system" hitome added as they came upon the correct room.

Hurizen stepped in front of her and slid the door open before stepping to the side, allowing her to carry hinabi into the room with hinata fallowing closely behind. Hiruzen entered the room and closed the door behind him before turning his gaze to the blond that was snoring rather loudly as he seemed to be cuddling his pillows. Hurizen sweat dropped. Yes naruto was still naruto.

" awww look at him" hitome squealed silently." Hes so cute sleeping like that" she was leaning over the blond with a puppy dog look in her eyes. Hinata giggled and agreed with her mother. Hinabi who was dangling in front of narutos sleeping face reached her chubby baby hand out and smacked him in the forehead as hard as she could, which wasnt really that hard.

Narutos snoring stopped and his eyes slowly pealed open and he froze. Silverish purple ripple like eyes locked with big doe like white eyes. The room fell silent as everyone noticed what had happened.

"Bleh" hinabi grinned a toothless grin, naruto screamed in shock before falling off his bed.

" ahhh naruto-kun" hiruzen snickered along with hitome. Hinata was currently berating her little sister for scaring the poor blond.

" old man?" Half of narutos head popped up from behind the bed as he stared at all the people in the room.

He notices the old man who looked like he usually did, with his hokage robes and hat. He noticed the girl that he stopped from being kidnapped, hinata was her name if he remembered correctly. Then his eyes shifted over to the other grown up in the room.

She had the same shade of hair as hinata did but her hair was much longer, reaching down to just above her waist. She wore white robes that made her pearl eyes pop, and lastly she was holding a small girl with the same eyes and brown short hair. The kid had on what looked like her mothers clothes just smaller to fit her.

Naruto jumped up onto the bed with a big grin on his face while holding his arms out wide towards hinata." Sunny place! Look at you, youre all right!" He cheered happily, the 4 year old hinata blushed and began pushing her index fingers together, getting a small giggle from hitome.

" she sure is" hitome spoke up, getting narutos attention." And thats all thanks to you naruto-kun." Hitome smiled kindly as she stepped closer to his bed." My name is hitome hyuuga, and im hinatas mother. This little girl here is hinatas little sister hinabi" she introduced them.

" bubba" hinabi babbled as she waved her arm around.

" sup" naruto waved happily as he sat on the bed wearing the hospital gown. Hiruzen stepped forward with a small smile on his face. He always did enjoy seeing naruto happy.

" naruto-kun" he spoke, getting everyones attention." Now i know you just woke up and we've gotten hinatas side of the story but i need you to tell me about everything that happened two nights ago" he spoke gently.

" two nights ago? Is that how long ive been asleep?" He asked in surprised. He got a small nod from the third and he scratched the back of his head before nodding and narrowing his eyes as he began.

" well i was out by the woods looking for food when i saw something black vanish into the woods. I thought it was an animal so i started to try and track it down.. you know to eat" the blond scratched his cheek." Well we ended up stopping at a clearing and i saw that it was a cloud nin instead of and animal and i thought ' why would a cloud nin be here in the leaf?'" Getting nods from everyone.

" so you were unaware of the cloud ambassador coming to the village in order to make a peace treaty between the hyuuga and kumo?" Hiruzen asked curiously. Naruto looked at him strangely.

" whats an amba- ambasador?" Naruto asked. Hurizen shook his head and smiled at the kids lack of knowlage. He was only four after all.

" never mind that my boy, keep going" naruto nodded and continued the story.

"Well anyways i saw him pull hinata out of the bag and i knew i had to do something" naruto held his fist up." I knew i needed to stall him and somehow get the village shinobes attention so i made a plan!" He smacked his fist into his other hand and nodded in a sage like way. " what stops people? Fear. What do people fear? Bijuu. Whats the scariest bijuu? Kyuubi no kitsune" he told them all.

" so you henged into the kyuubi to stall for time?" Hitome asked. Naruto nodded his head and smiled softly at hinata who blushed again.

" that and i needed to get close enough to him in order to get to hinata easier. The roar was an on the fly type of thing" everyone sweat dropped. Naruto looked embarrassed.

" well thanks to your plan. You managed to save the heir to the hyuuga clan" hiruzen smiled at suprised look on the boys face. That is before the blond got a smug look on his face as he crossed his small arms over his chest and nodded his blond head back and forth.

" man, you might as well give me that hat right now old man." Naruto smiled happily as everyone chuckled.

" im not ready to give up this hat quite yet my boy. Maybe in a few years time you get it from me" hiruzen replied as he tipped said hokage hat with a smile.

" now hitome, hinata" said girls looked over to the hokage who gave them a gentle smile." I hate to cut this short but i need to talk to naruto here about something important" hitome saw the seriousness in the mans face and nodded before grabbing hinatas hand and looking at the blond with a small smile.

" of course hokage-sama" she walked over to naruto and patted his head." Now naruto, for what youve done for the hyuuga clan my husband and i have made a decision."

"Oh?" The blond raised an eyebrow.

" you are now a friend of the hyuug coan. You may come to our compound anytime you wish for you will always have our friendship" narutos eyes widened at that and he started to tear up. " and im sure hinata would like to be friends with her hero right hinata?" She giggled as hinata began stuttering.

"O-of c-course!" Hinata blushed and bowed her head to naruto." Th-thank you for saving m-me n-naruto-kun" she said softly. Naruto whipped the tears from his eyes and smiled happily at hinata before giving her a thumbs up.

" of course hinata. Ill see you soon yeah? And maybe we can play sometime!" He said happily. Hinata nodded happily and waved at the blond as the hyuuga trio left the room, leave the third and naruto alone.

" so what did you need to talk about old man?" Naruto asked as he watched the third sit in a chair next to his bed.

" naruto-kun i need to know about you eyes" hiruzen began, getting a look of realization to fall upon the boys face.

" are they not blue anymore?" Hiruzen shook his head 'no'. Naruto let out a sigh and rubbed his eyes. " i met kyuubi" naruto stated as he looked down at the bed sheets. He couldnt see the sad look on the thirds face.

"Naruto. Im sure you have many questions about why i didnt tell you" he got a sad nod from the blond." I wanted to wait to tell you untill you became either a gennin or reached the age thirteen" hurizen rubbed his eyes and sighed sadly." I wanted you to have a good childhood without know about the weight of your secret." He told the young boy.

" i cant say i agree with that old man but i can understand why you would want that" naruto said as he looked down." But it wouldve been nice to at least know why everyone hated me-" tears began to fall from the boys eyes."- why all the grown ups pulled their kids away from me telling them that i was a monster!" His voice hitched as the third pulled him into a hug." They kicked me out of the orphanage! Ive been living on the streets for the last year eating out of trashcans like some street rat!"

Hurizens eyes widened upon hearing this. He didnt know that naruto was homeless. But if thats so then why was he still sending money to the orphanage in order to pay for narutos expenses? Hed have to have a word with the caretakers there soon.

" naruto i didnt know" hiruzen rubbed the crying boys back." Why didnt you come to me when it happened?" He asked softly.

" i tried but the lady outside your room always sent me away" he sniffled and rubbed his eyes, sitting back on the thirds knees. Hiruzen closed his eyes and gritted his teeth in order to hide his anger.

" but after i was hurt trying to protect hinata i met kyuubi" naruto rubbed his eyes as he began to calm down.

" did he try to hurt you?" Hurizen asked in concern for the boys health. But naruto shook his head.

" at first i was scared but then i realized that he was kind of a goof ball" naruto giggled, confusing the third.

"Goof ball?" The aged leader rose and eyebrow at that. Kyuubi and goof ball dont go in the same sentence. But naruto nodded happily.

" yeah. We talked for a bit and guess what i found out?" Naruto didnt wait for an answer as he continued." The night he attacked he was being controlled" hiruzens face grew serious.

" did he say by who?" He always speculated that there was a third party in play that night, after all both his wife and an entire unit of anbu were found with their throats cut at the cave entrance to where the fourth and his wife kushina were delivering their child. And he knew neither the fourth nor kushina would willingly kill them and let the kyuubi free. So someone else had to be there.

" well the only name he gave was that it was an uchiha" naruto told him with a nod of his head, not seeing the eyes of the hokage go from serious to cold in a millisecond." So we struck a deal. Wed team up in order to hunt this guy down and bring him to justice and if i cant do that then wed put him down for good" narutos voice was serious.

" youd kill this uchiha?" Sarutobie asked the young boy.

" i mean if he could control the kyuubi, whats stopping him for controlling the other tailed beast?" At that the thirds eyes widened." And i cant do it now, after all i know im only four and im really weak but thats why i gotta train super hard!" Naruto smacked his fist into his hand, a look of determination lit in his eyes." I know now the villagers hate me because they think im the kyuubi, but they wont hate me anymore if i brought the real reason all those innocent people died into justice." The blond nodded.

" i see" hiruzen looked down at the boy with a calculated gazed." And how will you start your training naruto?" Hiruzen asked. Naruto got down from the mans lap and stood in front of him, bowing his head which surprised the aged leader. Naruto never showed anyone respect, so for him to bow was a huge deal.

"Old man, i request you allow me to join the academy early. I know its too soon but i need to do this. I need to get stronger to protect the village so something like the kyuubi attack or the kidnapping never happens again. Please, let me become a ninja" naruto looked up at the man with a fire in his eyes. He watched as the third stood up and looked down at him with pure pride on his face.

"Naruto" hurizen put his hand on the boys head." You are the embodiment of the will of fire and i cant find it in me to deny you after your speech."   Hiruzen closed his eyes and smiled." Ill allow you to enter the academy, along with giving you a pass so youll be able to get into the shinobe library. Youll need to work extra hard in order to keep up with everyone yeah?" Naruto smiled up at the man with tears in his eyes.

"Thank you old man!" Naruto cried happily.

" but i need you to agree with something first" hiruzen watched the boy rub his eyes and nod.

"Anything old man."

"I have sent out a summons for an old student of mine to come to the village soon. Your doujutsu is unknown and i believe he might be able to help you control it" naruto nodded.

"I could ask the kyuubi about it as well when i see him again" naruto promised.

" that sounds alright but tell me what he tells you okay?" Naruto nodded in agreement." Now stay here for the night and tomorrow ill have an anbu bring you new clothes tomorrow. After that i want you to meet me at my office were ill be giving you your own apartment and an allowance until you become a gennin." Naruto was practically jumping with joy.

" you got it old man! Ill see you tomorrow! " naruto whooped. Hiruzen chuckled.

" ill have an anbu drop off some books you'll need to read before you enter the academy next week okay?" Hiruzen asked as he walked to the door.

" no problem old man, ill be getting that hat as soon as possible, so keep my hokage chair warm for me ya hear?" The blond replied as he hopped up on his bed. Hiruzen let out a haughty laugh.

" i will my boy dont keep me waiting to long now" the third waved over his shoulder at the blond before leaving the room and closing the door behind him.

"I believe now that we're alone i can tell you about your eyes" naruto yelped out as the deep voice spoke to him. He looked around the room for anybody but no one was there.

"Kyuubi?" Naruto called out.

"Speak in your head boy, i dont want a mob to be kicking the door down because they heard you speaking to me!" Kurama called out quickly.

'Of course sorry' naruto mentally chuckled in embarrassment.

"Its fine, now onto more important things. Your doujutsu is called the rinnagan..."
