Let me tell you a story..

Young naruto groaned as the sun light filtered into his hospital room. He slowly opened his eyes and turned his body towards the wall, letting the light bathe his back as he thought about his and kuramas conversation yesterday. He let out a sigh as he thought back to it.

-flashback to yesterday-

"... your doujutsu is called the rinnegan" kurama told him, naruto nodded slowly.

'so what can it do?' Naruto asked curiously. Hes heard about special doujutsus before, the uchihas had the sharingan thing and hinatas clan had the byakugan. The sharingan could copy cool jutsu and hinatas eyes could see chakra. He was curious if his new eyes would let him do the same thing.

" your new eyes can let you do something similar " kurama told him, catching the boys thought." Not many people have even heard of the rinnegan before, and those that have are either long dead or believe it to be just a legend. A myth." Naruto tilted his head in confusion.

'Why do they think it's a myth?' the boy asked. Kurama laid his head on his from paws and closed his eyes.

"For you to understand that youd have to let me tell you a story" the bijuu replied, naruto nodded his head and kept his mouth shut. He really was curious and wanted to hear the ancient beasts words.

" about two thousand years ago the lands were plunged into whats known as the endless war era. There were no villages like there are now, just clans. Each clan was a war with a different clan. This lasted for about a hundred years." Narutos eyes widened at this. Hed never heard anything like that before. Kurama continued. "For a hundred years war ravaged the lands until a women appeared. Her name was kaguya otsusuki, she was truly beautiful. Her soul and heart were pure and when asked where she came from she told them that she had been watching the human races from another dimension and had grown tired of seeing them kill one another for no other reason then to just do it" kurama took a breath and continued after making sure naruto was still paying attention.

" so kaguya searched for years to find a way to stop the hatred but after so long she began to lose hope. But then she heard of a tree. The humans named it the god tree as it grew and fed off of blood and hatred, every few years it would bare a fruit that would turn any man or women into a god, but it was forbidden to eat the fruits."

'She ate the fruit didn't she?' Naruto asked softly. Kurama nodded his head as his tales swayed behind him.

" yes, she took a fruit and ate it. The fruit gave her an amazing power called chakra. She became so powerful that she single handedly ended the hundred year war and by then humans began to warship her as the 'rabbit godess' due to her growing horns from her forehead." Narutos eyes widened.

" she grew freaken horns?!?" Naruto called out loud, getting an eye roll from kurama.

"Yes now let me finish." Naruto nodded and closed his mouth." A few years after the war she fell in love and had two children. The oldest was hagoromo otsusuki and the youngest was hamura otsusuki. After the sons had grown up kaguya had noticed that they had inherited her chakra along with a deluded version of her eyes. Hogoromo was born with the rinnegan and hamura with whats now known as the byakugan." Naruto let out a small whistle.

" so hogoromo had my eyes and the hyuuga clan must've been descendants of this hamura person." Naruto stated.

" correct. Now as the years passed both hogoromo and hamura grew strong, hogoromo left home and began teaching humans how to use chakra, calling it ninshu and got the title sage of the six paths. Hamura stayed home with his mother, he cared and loved her with all his heart. But soon after finding out what hogoromo was doing kaguya became angered, her heart and soul was turned dark. She believed that she was the only one who deserved to use and have chakra. In her blind rage she fused herself with the god tree and she became something truly demonic. Humans began calling her the dark god or the fallen god. She became whats known as the jibuu."

"The ten tails?" Naruto whispered as he rubbed his chin.

"Yes. Kaguya rampaged across the lands, killing anyone who had chakra and sometimes killed even those without it. Hogoromo and hamura were deeply troubled by their mothers change, believing it to be their faults. So they hunted their mother and battled her for seven days and seven nights. Hogoromo with the aid of his rinnegan, ripped all the chakra out of the ten tails and sealed it inside of him, becoming the first ever jinchuriki. He also used the rinnegan to seal the jibuus body into what you now know as the moon"  narutos eyes widened to dinner plate size.

He couldn't believe it! The moon was actually a giant prison! A prison that kept an unstoppable demon god locked up! Holy shit!

"After the moon prison was made hamura took his children and wife to the moon in order to keep eternal guard over the body while hogoromo stayed here and continued to spread peace through ninshu. Fast forward a few decades and he found out that kaguyas chakra was killing him. He knew he couldn't let it free as itd rampage through the lands again. So with his mastery over yin-yang chakra thanks to the rinnegan, he tore kaguyas chakra into nine parts, each tail represented how much power each one held, in doing so he created us... the bijuu"

'Holy shit..' naruto replied in shock. Kurama only nodded in agreement." Hogoromo must have been really strong"

"He was kit. Anyways since he created us we were his children and he was our father. After a few more years he began to grow frail and sick. He was dying, and on his death bed he chose his heir along with giving me the ability to give a human the rinnegan." Kurama finished his story. Naruto took a minute to go over the information given and nodded his head.

" hogoromo seemed like an amazing person. But what all can my eyes actually do?" Naruto asked curiously.

" you can eventually control gravity, creat life with yin-yang chakra given to you by your eyes. You can creat a new moon one day if you get strong enough and you have an affinity towards all five elements making it possible to use most sub elements as well. Hell maybe even more than what ive listed. Youll just have to find out" kurama told him with a grin.

" that sounds really awesome kurama. Thank you for all your help" naruto replied with a grateful smile. Kurama nodded softly.  Before they could say anything else there was a knock on the door.

Naruto looked at the door as it opened and watched as and anbu wearing a dog mask with spiky silver hair entered the room holding four books in his hand.

" hello dog-san" naruto greeted with a small smile.

" hello naruto" dog replied kindly as he held the books out to the boy." Hokage-sama asked me to bring these to you. He said youd be starting the academy next week and he wanted to make sure you were well prepared." Naruto nodded and took the books from the anbu, laying them on the bed in front of him.

"Yeah, the old mans letting me join early. I have to start training if I wanna protect the village you know" naruto grinned up at the man, getting a small chuckle in return.

" well, I wish you good luck then naruto. Ill be back tomorrow morning with a change of clothes for you, so if you have any questions about anything in the books there ask me then yeah?" Dog said as he walked towards the door.

" thank you dog-san. If I have any questions ill let you know then." Naruto nodded and watched as the anbu gave him a small wave before leaving the room. Naruto let out a sigh and grabbed a book before laying back in the bed.

' everything you need to know about the shinobe academy' naruto read the title of the book in his head." Well I need to know all this in order to become strong. Anyways the old man always said that knowledge was strength.. or something like that" kurama snorted and naruto ignored the tailed beast as he opened the book and started reading.

- Flashback end-

Naruto groaned as he looked at the four books that were laying on the nightstand next to the bed. He read both the ' everything you need to know about the academy' book and the ' chakra control for academy students' book.

The first book just told him about what was expected of an academy student along with what hed be learning in the different grades. First grade was mostly learning how to write, learning about the villages history, math, and most academic things any normal person would need to know. In their later years hed learn about more ninja related things such as tijutsu, the academy ninjutsu, kunai and shuriken throwing, along with detecting and casting genjutsu . He was really excited to get started on all of this, hopefully he would make friends as well. 

The second book was just informing him about the leaf sticking exercises. Youd take a leaf and put it to your forehead and try to hold it there with just your chakra. It was just a book on how to do it and the such.

Just as he sat up in bed and rubbed the sleep out of his eyes there was a knock on the door."come in" naruto called out and the door slid open to reveal dog, the anbu from last night holding a pile of folded clothes.

" good morning naruto. Ive brought your new clothes" dog said as he handed the pile of clothing to the blond.

"Thank you, ill ho get changed now" naruto replied as he ran off into the bathroom, closing the door behind him.

Dog looked at the door before turning and looking at the four books on the table before calling out to the blond." Say, how much did you read last night?" He raised his voice a bit so the young boy would be able to hear him through the door.

" two!" Came his reply. " I read the academy and the chakra control one. Hey how would sticking a leaf to your forehead help control chakra anyhow?" Naruto asked as he came out of the bathroom.

The boys new clothes consisted of a plain grey long sleeve shirt, black baggy pants that stop at his shins – eliminating the possibility of his pant legs getting snagged on anything- and a pair of black shinobe sandals that stopped just above his shins and the ends of his pant legs.

" lets talk as we walk to hokage-samas office" dog replied as he lead the boy who picked his books up and fallowed him out of the hospital room." Being able to stick the leaf to your forehead is really tricky if you have large chakra reserves- which you do." Dog told him as the left the hospital.

Naruto put a hand up over his eyes to block the sun. Who wouldve thought that not seeing the sun for a few days would hurt your eyes?

" do you know why chakra control is so important for a shinobe?" Dog looked down at the blond who was at his side.

" the book said that if you have good chakra control than itll be easier to preform most jutsus, and it wastes less chakra in the process." Naruto answered with a nod of his head.

As they walked towards the hokage tower naruto could see the shocked and worried stares of the villagers. He acted like he didn't though. He had a goal and their thoughts on him didn't matter. Let them stare, he told himself.

" correct again, good job." Dog replied kindly." Anyways after the leaf exercise theres a few other levels of chakra control, like tree walking, water walking, kunai balancing and etc." dog lectured the young boy." Each exercise gives you better control over your own chakra, which in turn makes your jutsus more effective while wasting as little chakra as possible" naruto just nodded his head, soaking the information into his brain for later use.

The two walked in silence until they reached the hogake tower, which was a large red building with the kenji for 'fire' over the front door.

The two entered the first floor and naruto watched as both chuunin and some jounin were walking past them and around them in order to get their assignments done.

Naruto fallowed the anbu up a few flights of stairs until they reached the top floor that only had three rooms on it.

One being the secretaries area complete with a desk, chair, shelfs, and an entire waiting area for clients or shinobe just waiting to get a mission. The next was the mission select room where a jounin, chuunin, or a gennin team would go to get missions or a potential client would go to request the villages services. The last room was the hokages office, fitted with a desk, chair, two chairs in front if the desk for guests, a couch to rest on and 3 walls that were lines with book shelfs. The last wall held paintings of the previous hokages.

" hey old man!" Naruto called out as he rushed into the hokages office. The third who looked up and smiled as the blond ran around his desk and hugged him, chuckled and rubbed the boys head.

" hello naruto, how was your night? I hope you got the books dog gave you?" Hiruzen asked as the blond smiled and held the books up to his face for him to see.

" yeah I got them, I read the first two of them and dog answered some questions for me" naruto answered as he gave dog a thumbs up, the anbu just nodded his head before vanishing into smoke. " anyways old man I got some news about my eyes for you"

Hurizen rubbed his beard as naruto sat in a chair in front of his desk, putting the books in the seat next to him.

" please tell me what you found out and then we'll get you your apartment " the third replied.

" alright so after you left yesterday I talked to.. my friend... about them" naruto replied nervously. Hurizens eyes narrowed a bit. It wasn't to hard to tell that the boy meant kyuubi.

" go one.." he requested, getting a nod from the blond.

" well this is what he told me.."