New place!



Hiruzen and naruto just stared at one another. Naruto had just finished relaying the story kurama had told him, along with the description of just some of the abilities granted to him from his eyes.

" I want to test this theory about having all the elements" the third spoke up as he opened the too left desk drawer. He reached his hand into the cubby and brought out a small square shaped piece of paper.

"Okay, what do I do with this?" Naruto asked as the man handed him the paper.

" this is chakra paper. All you have to do is pump your chakra into the paper and itll tell us what element affinity you might have." Hiruzen told then young boy who gazed at the small paper with a raised eyebrow.

"So all I do it send chakra into the paper?"

"Yeah. Now if it doesn't react don't be too upset, its rare for one so young to have an affinity yet. Usually elemental training starts when one turn chuunin. Even then most jounin can only have up to two elements, on rare occasions we see three-"

Hurizen was cut off as naruto channeled his chakra into the paper. The first thing that happened was the paper splitting into five parts, signaling that he had a wind affinity. Then each strip of paper reacted. A slip of the paper caught aflame, then another slip crinkled up, the third slip turned soggy as it was flooded with water chakra, and then the last piece turned to dust.

Both naruto and hurizen just stared at the now five pieces of paper as the landed on the floor. Narutos eyes were wide and hurizen just looked on in awe, even the four anbu that were hidden in the room watch in shock.

" so... what does that mean?" Naruto asked curiously. Hurizen took a moment to collect himself before replying.

" my boy it seems you were correct. The paper split, showing a wind affinity. Then each slip reacted differently. The fire means a fire affinity, the one that crinkled up into a ball is lightning, soggy one is water, and the one that turned to dust shows us an earth affinity." The third explained as he began to pack his pipe with tobacco. If naruto through out anymore surprises like this, well he didn't know if his heart could take it.

" heh" naruto scratched the side of his head with a foxy grin." I guess the ol' furball was right then" he chuckled nervously.

"Oi! My furs soft boy, don't hate on it!" The tailed beast shouted out at its container, naruto promptly ignored him.

" okay, now that that's all over with, I believe you have an apartment waiting for you" hurizen stood up from his chair and adjusted his robes.

"Almost forgot about that!" Naruto shouted happily as he jumped up. Hurizen chuckled as he walked to the door. He noticed the room had gone quiet and looked behind him to see naruto holding his books to his chest standing in front of the hokage paintings. He ringed eyes were looking up at the photo of the fourth hokage. Minatos painting seemed to almost be smiling down at the boy.

" you okay naruto?" The third asked as he walked to stand next to the boy.

" yeah.. im alright old man" naruto replied softly." Ive always wanted to be like the fourth hokage. He was my hero. Then I find out that the village hates me for something he did.." hurizen grew a little worried as the boy lowered his head.

" but I don't hate him. I know I should but I cant. He sacrificed both himself and me in order to save his home and its people. I cant lie and say I wasn't a little angry when I found out but truth be told I think that if it really called for it... id do the same thing without hesitation " naruto turned his back to the fourths photo. " I wanna be a hero one day to the village. But instead of dying for the village im gonna do something better!" Narutos voice rose as a fire lit in his eyes. His silver eyes bore into the thirds own brown ones.

" im gonna live for my home. Every future battle, every life that I'll eventually take.. itll all be to keep everyone safe. Ill endure for as long as needed. No matter how many times I fall ill always get back up cause I have to live to protect everyone you know?" Naruto pit a hand on his stomach and a smile smile lit his face up." You know what that means right old man? "

" oh? What does it mean naruto?" Hurizen asked with a smile on his old face. This boy just kept surprising him. He was truly the will of fire given both body and mind.

" that means you have to live as well!" Naruto poked the older mans belly. Getting a small laugh from the third.

" but im not as young as I once was naruto." Hurizen told the younger blond. Naruto stared up at the man for a moment before giving him a grin.

" then all you gotta do is start training again you know!" Naruto laughed happily as he grabbed the mans hand." Now come on old man lets go look at my new place!"

Hurizen chuckled as the boy dragged him along, his anbu guard fallowing from the shadows. As they walked out of the building and off towards the boys new home hurizen couldn't help the smile that spread on his face as he stared ahead of them.

' naruto, you just might be right. For ages we believed that the greatest honor one can get is from dying to protect our home. But what if youre right naruto? What if we lived for it instead?' Hurizens mind wondered.

- 30 minutes later-

After a quick walk through the village both hokage and blond boy came upon their destination. The building didn't look old nor new, just slightly warn from the weather.

After climbing two flights of stairs they came upon a simple white painted wooden door with the number '206' painted in gold on it. Hurizen handed naruto a key and the boy excitedly stuck the key into the deadbolt and unlocked it before pushing the door open.

"Haaaaa" naruto let out in amazement as he dashed into the apartment. It was too big if a place. It had a nice sized living room that was connected to the kitchen. Both rooms were fully furnished with a couch, coffee table, and a stand with a 37" flatscreen tv.  The kitchen had a new stove, microwave and even its own dishwasher- which naruto would have to learn how to work and a fully stocked fridge and the dishes were put away.

He walked down a short hallway that led to three doors. He opened one to see that it was a small closet for coats. The next one was the bathroom, which came with a toilet, sink with a mirror on the wall, and a bathtub that doubled as a shower.

After that he came to the last door. He slowly opened the door and his eyes widened. The room was about the same size as the living room. It had a king sized bed pushes against the wall right between two windows. Two nightstands on each side of the bed, both had lamps on them. The floor was covered in light grey colored carpet, just like the living room while the kitchen and hallway had light brown hardwood floors. There was a small walk in closet across from the bed as well.

"What do you think naruto?" Hiruzen asked from behind the boy. Naruto who forgot he was even there jumped and spun around and hugged the man tightly as tears welled up in his eyes.

" this is amazing! Thank you so much old man, ill take good care of the place, I promise!" Naruto shouted happily. Hurizen chuckled happily.

" I know you will naruto." Hiruzen rubbed the boys head. He reached in his robe and pulled out and envelope before handing it to the boy who took it with a confused look on his face.

" this is your monthly allowance. Use this money to buy yourself food and clothes, along with gear for the academy. Theres a not in there with the name of a ninja shop that I want you to go to for stuff. Hes an old friend of mine and he'll treat you fair" the third told him, getting a nod from the boy.

"What about rent and that stuff?" Naruto asked curiously.

" ill be taking care of that so you wont have to worry about it until you become gennin, sound good?" Naruto grinned and hugged the old man again.

"Thanks for everything old man!" Naruto said happily.

" youre welcome naruto. Niw I have to get back to the office. Stay here and get used to your new home, okay?"

"You bet. I still have to finish these two books today as well. Say I wanna start physical training and taijutsu training tomorrow but I don't know where to go to find stuff on that. Do you think you could help me out?" Naruto wondered as he walked the hokage to the door. Hurizen rubbed his chin in thought for a moment.

" hmm ill make you a schedule for physical training. Ill see if I can find a tijutsu style that might suit you. So come back to my office tomorrow and ill have everything ready by then" the third smiled down at the boy.

" youre the freaken best old man!" Naruto whooped with a pumped fist. Hurizen laughed at the boys enthusiasm.

" thanks naruto, now have a good night my boy" hurizen walked off with a wave.

" night, see you later!" Naruto called out after him before walking inside and closing the door behind him.

" man I cant wait for tomorrow " he told himself as he went off to the kitchen to find something to eat. Afterall, three days in the hospital running off of IV's made a boy hungry.