First day!

Naruto let out a groan as he slowly opened his eyes. He was currently laying on his sofa after falling asleep on it the night before. He looked out into the kitchen, or more specifically, the clock on his microwave.

" 9:45... to early" the blond groaned as he rolled back over and closed his eyes... only for them to snap open a few seconds later." 9:45! Oh crap im gonna be late!" Naruto shouted as he scrambled of the couch and into his bedroom.

He raced to his closet and threw the doors open, rummaging through his clothes until he pulled out an outfit before scrambling into the bathroom to brush his teeth and change. 

Throwing the bathroom door open after finishing up he took a moment to look himself over in the mirror. He had on a black t-shirt that had a small orange spiral over his heart area, the same style of black pants from the other day and the same sandals.

After checking himself out he walked into the kitchen and check the time, 9:51 the clock read. He had ten minutes to make it to the academy and he wasnt about to show up late on his first day.

So after laving his apartment and locking the door behind him he ran towards the railing and jumped over it. About ten feet above the ground he held his hands into a hand sign and he was engulfed in a cloud of smoke. A small orange fox came out of the smoke and landed on the ground. Its silver rinnegan eyes seemed to gleam as its snout raised up into a grin, showing of it fangs.

'Lets see how fast I can get there in this form' naruto thought to himself as he dashed off towards the academy.

- Flashback a couple days ago-

After picking up new gear such as kunai, shuriken, and a few other things from the shinobe shop the old man recommended, and dropping them off at his apartment, naruto was just now entering the hokages office in order to pick up his new training schedule.

" hey old man im here" he called out to the hokage who was currently sitting behind his desk finishing up a few papers.

" ah, naruto I was just wondering where you were" hurizen put his pen down and waved the young boy over to him." Come here I have your schedule for you"

" sweet!" Naruto called out as he ran over to the elder shinobe. Sarutobie took a scroll out of his desk drawer and unrolled it, showing the boy what was written on it.

" now since youre still so young youll have to work your way up to the harder stuff okay?" He got a nod from the boy." Now your work out schedule goes as fallowed-

5am- 5 mile jog

6am- 7am- 50 push ups, 50 pull ups, and 50 squats.

8am-9am- another 5mile jog.

10am – 3pm – academy time.

3:30pm- 5pm- 50 punches and kicks to a log with each limb- and tijutsu practice.

Does everything sound right naruto? Anything you wanna change?" Hurizen looked at the boy as he finished reading the scroll and rolling it back up. 

Naruto thought about it for a minute. The work out sounded fine. Itd leave him time to get a good workout in, along with finishing up any homework hed have from the academy. But there was on thing he wanted to add.

" the workout is fine old man, but I wanted to know about something" naruto looked up at the man." Do you know where I can get any weights from?"

"Hmmmm" the third thought about it for a moment before nodding." I believe I can help you with that as well. Oh yeah before I forget, wait here for a moment naruto" hurizen said as he walked towards a bookshelf on the far side of the room.

Naruto watched in awe as the third pulled on a book and the entire shelf swung outwards, showing a tall solid steel vault door that had somehow been hidden behind the bookcase.

The third typed in a pin and channeled his chakra into a seal that was on the door before the door unlocked. The third opened the door and walked in. Naruto lost sight of him for a few moments before he came out of the vault with a scroll in one hand and four black bead like bracelets in the other.

After closing the vault up and putting the false bookcase back in place, hurizen walked back to the blond and handed him the bracelets.

" put one on each wrist, and one on each of your forearms" the third instructed. After doing as he was told naruto looked back up at the hokage.

"Now what?" Naruto asked with a curious look on his face.

" now add chakra into those bracelets until you feel like you can barely stand straight. Keep them on all day, everyday, no matter what. Once you get used to the weight of them, add more chakra and repeat the process. Understand?"

Naruto nodded his head and focused on adding his chakra to the bracelets. He noticed a change instantly. He continued to add chakra until he was a little hunched over before stopping the flow of chakra. He saw and orange swirl appear on one bead of each bracelet.

" good, now listen up naruto" sarutobies voice grew serious as he handed naruto the scroll he had taken from the vualt. Naruto took the scrool and furrowed his eyebrows.

"Whats this?"

"This is an old tijutsu style i think youd like very much. Its called swirling storm. Its broken down to three different parts. First is beginner, second stage is advanced, and the third is master level. I just gave you a copy of the first level. Once you learn that scroll come back and ill give you the next level." Naruto nodded his head in understanding.

" don't worry old man ill get this down in no time" naruto grinned and gave the old man a shaky thumbs up, getting a smile from the old leader.

" I have no doubts youll be ready for the second scroll by the second week of the academy" hurizen chuckled." Now run along, I have things to do."

"Right, thanks old man!" Naruto gave the hokage a shaky hug before fast walking towards the door. It wouldve been a run but the weights had taken their toll on the young boy.

" oh and make sure youre not late on the first day of school!" The third called out called out as the door closed behind the blond. He heard a muffled ' okay' from the boy. He chuckled and went back to work.

-flashback end-

Naruto in his fox form dashed through the hallways of the academy, racing towards his assigned classroom. He passed a few teachers who yelped as the orange blur flew by them. He turned a corner at high speeds before he was engulfed in a cloud of smoke. Naruto came sliding out of the smoke on his feet before stopping right in front of his class door. He huffed in order to get control of his breath before looking down at the weights on his wrists.

' these things really work' he thought as he got his breathing under control." Im definitely feeling some type of burn' he opened the door just as the bell rang.

The teacher who looked right at him had brown hair tied up into a spiky ponytail, brown eyes, and a scar over his nose. He wore the standard chunnin outfit.

"You must be uzumaki naruto, you made it just in time" naruto scratched his cheek nervously.

"Yeah, sorry for almost being late" naruto replied, walking into the room and standing before the class. He could tell that everyone here was about 2 years older than him.

" yes well im iruka umino. You may call me iruka sensei or just sensei" the now named chunnin told him.

" whats this little kid doing in here?" Called out a no name kid from the back of the room, getting the attention of both teacher and four year old.

" whats up with his eyes?" A girl called out, mutters began rising throughout the room.

" now now!" Iruka called out, quieting the class down." This is naruto and he'll be your new classmate, and as for his eyes well.." iruka trailed of lookin at naruto for an answer.

" ive somehow acquired an unseen doujutsu" naruto spoke out, getting everyone's attention." We still don't know what it is or does so hokage-sama wanted me to learn the ninja arts in order to try and understand my new eyes better" of course he was lying. He and the hokage knew what they could possibly do but they didn't need to know that.

'Now time to put the icing on the cake' naruto thought as he bowed at the waist." I hooe we can get along, please treat me well" naruto finished and straightened back up.

"Yes, thank you for answering that." Iruka spoke up before anyone else could." Now if youd please go sit down in any of the free seats we'll began todays lessons." Naruto jodded his head and went to sit in the back of the class closer to the windows. No one sat around him which he was fine with. As iruka began to tell everyone what to expect for the next six years narutos mind wandered off.

After he had left the old mans office two days ago he had been training every chance he could, only stopping fo food and bathroom breaks of course.

To say he already felt stronger was an understatement. He felt great truth be told. He had started moving forward to finally achieve his dream. With his – what he dubbed – fox transformation, he had been able to avoid the villagers in order to focus on getting stronger.

Now that he was thinking about it he should stop over at the hyuuga compound today, check up on hinata and see hitome and hinabi again. He hadnt seen them since they visited in the hospital. Damn.. he kinda felt like a jerk for not showing up sooner.

His tijutsu was also coming along. Whoever invented it must've been a genius though because even the beginner katas were pretty difficult to master, but so far hes managed to get them down. The swirling storm tijutsu focused mostly on speed and strength. It used hands, elbows, knees and feet in order to both block and attack your opponent. It also used your senses in order to anticipate your targets movement so youd be able to act before they even made a move. It was like a blind version of the sharingan but better.

He also discovered more about his eyes. He had to send a bit if chakra to them for them to activate, and with his chakra pool being the size of a high joinins already, well it didn't do much to him or strain his body. When he activates his rinnegan the world around him changes to white and black, white usually being buildings and background things and black being trees, humans or animals.

He also noticed that he could see chakra as well. He couldn't see the chakra system like the hyuugas could but he would be able to see how someone molds their chakra in order to utilize their attacks. Other than that he hadn't really figured out anything else yet.

He let out a silent sigh as he focused back in on iruka sensei as he finished up his overview of the next few years.

" now lets start with the villages history.." iruka began his history lesson.

' this is gonna be a long day..' naruto thought to himself as he gazed outside the window.