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Spending the day with the hyuugas!

"...and that is how the senju and uchiha clans came together and created the first hidden village." Iruka finished his lecture and he put his textbook o his desk and looked up at his class. He let out a silent sight as he saw that most of his students were either sleeping or talking amongst themselves. " tomorrow we'll start on math, you wont have homework tonight so make sure you guys get some rest tonight. The real work starts tomorrow" he finished as the bell rang, signaling the end of the school day.

He watched as the kids basically shot out of the room. He sat at his desk and rubbed his head before looking up as he heard papers rustling to see the only kid left in the room was naruto who was folding his papers up.

Iruka slightly narrowed his eyes at the boy. Of course he knew who the blond was. He knew what the boy held and some part of him hated the boy, even though he knew the death of his parents wasn't the kids fault, it was still hard to look over it. He was surprised to see that naruto had actually taken notes during class.

The blond picked up his papers and walked down the stairs and to the door. Before opening the door the blond looked back at iruka with a small smile.

" thanks for not treating me like I was kyuubi" and then the blond was gone. Vanishing into the hallways.

Iruka who was startled by that yelped and fell out of his chair before shooting to his feet. The kid knew!?! There was a freaken law in place so he wouldn't find out! He needed to see the hokage.

So with a single hand sign he vanished in a poof of smoke.

-with naruto-

After dropping off his things at home, naruto wash currently running towards the hyuuga compound in his fox form. In order to get there faster he was jumping and dashing from roof to roof.

After a good ten minutes he dropped down onto the dirt rode and walked up to the hyuuga clan gate.

The first thing he noticed was the huge white brick wall that was about 15 feet high and seemed to go on forever in both directions. Then he notice two tall guards with black long hair that was tied into high ponytails. To him they looked like twins. He shook his small head and began walking towards them.

The guards noticing the small fox walking towards them stepped forward and narrowed their eyes. Their eyes widened however when the fox went up in smoke and a four year old blond boy walked out of the smoke. They seemed to slump a bit.

'Great it's the demon brat' the guard on the left thought.' I don't know why hashi-sama would want this kid around the clan. Still I guess he did save hinata-sama'

"Halt, what do you want kid?" The guard on the right asked aloud. Naruto stopped in front of the guards.

" uh hi.." he began nervously." Is this the hyuuga compound?" The two white eyed guards deadpanned.

" yes. It is." The left guard answered. Naruto seemed to brighten up.

" sweet then im at the right place. Id like to see hinata-chan" they narrowed their eyes and the right guard spoke up.

" that's hinata-sama to you brat" the guard pointed at the young blond who just walked between them waving the guards words off.

" yeah sure whatever" if naruto heard the guards growl at him he didn't say anything and just vanished into the compound. " now where are you sunny place?" Naruto grinned before turning back into his fox form and dashing off to find the girl.

- Ten minutes later-

After getting lost and almost spotted about fifty times naruto finally heard what sounded like a spar going on. He fallowed the noise into a medium sized one story building where he discovered a small group of people.

Sneaking silently behind everyone he eventually spotted hitome sitting on the second row of the bleachers with hinabi on her lap. He also saw a stern faced man with black hair that went to his waist. They were surrounded by a bunch of old men and women with the same eyes as them, watching the two people in the small arena area fight.

Naruto, after silently climbing up the bleachers and sitting next to hitome, looked down at the two people as well only to see hinata and a boy who looked about a year older than her standing apart from one another. Both were in a fighting stance as the dude next to hitome stood up.

" hinata, neji. Are you both ready to begin?" He asked sternly.

" yes, hashi-sama" the now named neji replied.

'So that's the clan head hashi huh?' Naruto asked himself.

Hinata who looked a little shaky slowly nodded her head." Y-yes father" naruto caught the look of disgust neji threw at hinata when she stuttered and narrowed his ringed eyes.

"How have you not been seen yet?" Kurama spoke up in his mind." For people that claim to see all, they sure are blind" the fox added.

' yeah im not sure. Maybe theyre just to busy focusing on hinatas match?' He replied. He turned his head and locked eyes with a wide eyed hinabi.

" goggy" she said in an awe like tone.

" hush hinabi-chan, your onii-chan is about to fight" hitome hushed the young girl without looking away from the match, making hinabi pout cutely and naruto sweatdrop.

"Get ready!" Both kids activated their byakugans, getting the veins to bulge out around their eyes."Begin!" Hashi shouted and the fight was on.

Neji dashed forward and struck faster than hinata could react. The boys finger which were laced with chakra, began closing the chakra points in hinatas left arm. She cried out in pain before jumping away from her attacker with unshed tears in her eyes as her left arm hung uselessly down by her side.

" if that is all you can do I am not impressed hinata-sama" neji spoke coldly, making naruto narrow his eyes.

Hinata dashed forward and struck out with her good arm in an attempt to hit the older boy. She managed to strike three points on the right side if his chest before he kicked her away. She fell onto her back.

After realizing that hinata had managed to hit him, a look of pure anger came to his face and before anyone could react he pounced towards the downed girl with chakra infused fingers.

He managed to make it about two feet away from her before an orange blur appeared in front of him and smacked him in the face with a chakra infused tail. He sailed across the room and crashed into the wall.

Hinata managed to look up as gasps filled the room, and standing in front of her was a small orange fox with silverish purple ringed eyes. It was looking down at her with amusement in its eyes.

" we have to stop meeting like this hinata-chan" hinata recognized that voice and she blushed.

" what in the name of the sage!?!" One of the elders stood up and shouted.

Everyone watched as the fox went up in smoke and naruto stepped out of the cloud before helping hinata up to her feet.

" goggy?" Came hinabis rambling as hitome and hashi walked up to the pair after ordering a branch member to take the unconscious neji to his room to rest.

" hello again Naruto-kun " hitome smiled softly.

" hello hinatas mom" the blond waved happily before hashi stepped forward, getting narutos attention.

"Im hashi hyuuga, head of the hyuuga clan and hinatas father. Thank you for stopping neji. Hes been having anger issues lately, but I didn't think it had gotten so bad so fast" hashi shook narutos hand.

" no problem" naruto put his arms around hinatas shoulders and grinned. I have to look out for my friend ya know!" He gave them a thumbs up as hinata blushed and rubbed her sore arm. Hitome giggled.

" my, I was beginning to think youd never come over" hitome spoke softly.

" sorry about that" naruto took his arm off hinatas shoulder, much to the girls disappointment, and poked hinabi on the nose, getting the child to let out a happy giggle." Ive been super busy since you visited me in the hospital" he smiled up at the women.

" might I ask what you've been up too?" Hashi asked plainly.

" I started on my ninja training and I entered the shinobe academy. Today was my first day." Naruto answered while scratching his cheek.

"Oh my, so hokage-sama let you join two years early?" Hitome asked curiously.

"Yeah, I asked him to let me join and he said yes. I need to start training in order to become strong enough to protect the village ya know!" The blond said happily.

" are we just going to ignore the fact that this boy just broke in here, interrupted the match, and injured a clan child?!?" A elder man with wrinkles all over his face shouted with angered eyes, getting everyone to look at him.

" whos this old fart?" Naruto asked with a curious tilt of his head. Hitome covered her mouth and giggled, hashis lip twitched slightly in amusement and hinata let out a giggle. The 'old fart' as naruto named him flushed in anger.

" boy im an elder of this clan and you will bow your head and show me respect, understand?!?" The man shouted.

" sure sure whatever" naruto replied as he looked at hinata." So I came over to see if youd like to hang out today!" He said happily, totally forgetting the elder.

" o-oh" hinata blushed lightly before looking at her parents." I-is that okay?" She asked curiously.

" sure we can all go to the park and play!" Hitome spoke up before hashi could. " you two could also play with hinabi, she needs to socialize more" she held hinabi out in front of her and began to talk to her in baby talk" don't you baby girl, does hinabi want to hang out with her oni-chan at the park?" She gushed to the small kid.

Hinabi giggled and clapped her hands before reaching her hands out to naruto." Goggy" she said happily.

" it's a fox, not a dog!" Naruto cried out in sadness at being called a dog by a baby.

" oh I think she wants you to hold her naruto-kun" hitome said. Before he could say anything naruto found himself holding hinabi out in front of him by her armpits.

"Uhh.." naruto tried to speak out but almost facefulted as hitome began to gush about how cute he looked holding hinabi. " dose she do this a lot?" He looked over at hinata for an answer, blocking out hitomes words as she somehow pulled out a camera and began snapping photos of them from every which angle.

" y-yes, father calls it b-baby fever" hinata whispered back to him. Naruto nodded his head as he held a now mumbling hinabi close to him.

" well lets go to the park now" naruto took ahold of hinatas hand and began walking towards the compounds gate.

" wait for me!" Hitome cried out as she chased after the trio.  Hashi who was standing there frowned.

" oh hashi would you like to go?" He asked himself quietly." No that's fine dear I didn't wanna go" he mumbled to himself as he walked towards his office.

- At the park-

Hitome, hinata, and naruto who was still holding hinabi who was mumbling something in baby talk, finally arrived at one of the parks in the village. They stopped next to a bench and looked out over the park.

" so what should we do first?" Naruto asked hinata who scanned the park.

"U-um, could you push me on the swings?" Hinata asked shyly. Naruto nodded his head and handed a reluctant hinabi back to hitome before taking hinatas hand and walking towards the swings.

After playing on the swings and slides for a few hours the sun was beginning to set and we find naruto and hinata playing with hinabi in the sandbox.

Hitome who was watching them from her spot on the bench frowned. She had seen how the villagers looked at naruto and whispered thing about him when they were walking through the village. She new naruto heard them but didn't pay attention to them and it made her blood boil, even though she hid it well.

How could they hate a kid like naruto? He was such a sweat boy and it was a true shame that the village couldn't see that. She was also very proud of naruto for not stooping to their level either.

She was brought out of her thoughts when she saw a small light blond haired girl walk towards the trio in the sandbox. She knew who it was, it was inochis kid, ino yamanaka.

" boom I built a pyrimid" naruto stated proudly at the hill of sand. Hinata sweatdropped at the blond.

" naruto-kun that's just a pile of sand, its more like a hill" hinata pointed out.

" bwaaa!" hinabi shouted as she smacked narutos sand hill getting a shocked cry from the blond.

" my pyramid!" Naruto cried out.

" it was a hill" hinata stated matter of factly.

" excuse me" came a small voice. Naruto and hinata looked behind them and saw a short haired blond girl standing there. She was wearing a pink shirt with black shorts and white shoes.

" Uhhh.." naruto looked around before looking back at the girl." Hello?" The girl smiled and moved some of her bangs behind her ear, showing she had a small pink hair clip.

" my friends left earlier And im waiting for my parents, do you mind if I play with you guys until they come get me?" She asked." Oh and im ino bu the way" she introduced herself.

" sure" hinata smiled, before hearing naruto cry out as hinabi threw a handfull of sand at his head and giggled happily.

" gah!" Naruto spit out some sand and glared at the baby." Why can I not get mad at you!" Naruto shouted." Why do you have to be so adorable?!" He said as he picked hinabi up and shook her a bit, getting a happy laugh from the girl.

" goggy!" Hinabi shouted back at him.

" gah! It's a fox, not a dog!" He cried out.

"Whats he talking about?" Ino asked hinata who was smiling at the pair.

" naruto-kun can turn into a fox, and hinabi keeps calling him a dog" hinata giggled." Oh and im hinata by the way" she added. Ino sat next to her on the sand and nodded while watching the duo.

" here ill show you!" Naruto sat hinabi down on the sand and he was engulfed in smoke. The smoke cleared and in his place was the small orange fox.

"Wow!" Ino said in awe as hinabi cried out happily.

"Goggy!" She giggled. A tick mark grew on narutos head.

" im a fox!" He cried out. He trudged over to hinabi and brushed her face with his tail, getting a happy giggle from the girl. A small smile seemed to come to his snout as he looked at hinata and ino. " cool huh?"

" how do you do that?!?" Ino asked in shock as she reached forward and unsurely petted the foxs head. Naruto narrowed his eyes and looked right and left before purring and leaning closer to the blond girl.

" you promise not to tell?" He asked in a secretive manner.

" yes!" Ino replied quickly, truly curious about the answer.

" well..." he began, ino moved her head closer as did hinata. What? She wanted to know as well." It's a secret" he nodded sagely, both girls face faulted.

"Ino dear!" Ino looked back to see her mother waving towards here and she waved back.

" well I got to go, ill see you guys later!" She looked back at hinata and then naruto only to see the small fox gone." Where did he go?" She wondered aloud, hinabi was looking around as well." Oh well, see you guys!" She waved at them before running towards her mom.

" naruto-kun? Where are you?" Hinata called out before she saw an orange fluffy tail wag behind hinabi, she let out a giggle as a fox head popped up above hinabis should and grinned at her.

" goggy!" Hinabi cried happily as the tail tickled her nose. The all stopped playing as hitome came up towards the sandbox.

" well the suns going down I believe its time to get home" the women said to the kids. Hinata stood up as hitome picked up hinabi who laid her head on her mothers shoulder.

" oh right!" Hinata said as she patted the sand off her pants. Both women looked down at the fox.

" would you like to stay over at our house tonight naruto?" Hitome asked the sitting fox.

" I cant tonight. I have some training I need to get done before I head to sleep." He nodded his head a bit with a small smile." Maybe some other time? " he asked.

" that's fine" hitome smiled down at him." Well then goodnight, and good luck in your training" she finished as she began walking away.

" bye goggy!" Hinabi waved with her chubby hand.

" im a fox!" Naruto cried back with a tick mark. Hinata giggled at the two.

" goodnight naruto-kun. Come visit soon okay?" Hinata smiled cutely. Naruto grinned up at her.

" sure thing hinata-chan. Ill come back over in a few days, goodnight" naruto replied as he watched hinata run to catch up with her mom.

After fallowing the girls home to make sure they got there safely, naruto arrived at his training ground and turned back to his human form.

" what are we gonna work on tonight?" He asked out loud.

" tijutsu for a bit then we'll start on your gravity manipulation." Kurama answered the boy. Naruto nodded his head and began his stretches.

" well, maximum effort" he called out and began his katas.