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" so youre the dude that was supposed to help me with my Eyes awhile back huh?" Naruto asked with a tilt to his head.  He and jiraya had gone to training ground 7 after they left the thirds office.

" yeah and now I gotta train you as punishment for being two years late" tears formed in jirayas eyes as he stared off into the distance." All that time I could be spending to conduct my research" he sniffled." But instead I gotta train you" the tears were gone just as fast as they came.

" its your fault for being so late" naruto shrugged as he leaned against one of the three wooden posts that were in the training field.

" anyways lets get this over with." Jiraya said, crossing his arms and staring down at the shorter kid. " lets start with introductions, ill go first. My name is jiraya. Im one of the three sannin and an old student of the the third. I also trained the fourth" jiraya finished his introduction.

" oh man you must be like, super strong then!" Naruto said with wide eyes. He shook his head and began his introduction." Anyways, im naruto uzumaki and im 6." Naruto told the man.

"Alright good start. Now, what is your dream for the future kid?" Jiraya asked curiously as he rubbed his chin while staring at the blond.

"Well I guess I kinda have two dreams" the blond answered with a small tilt to his head." The first one is to protect the village, and the second one is to bring the uchiha responsible for the kyuubi attack into justice, or kill him, witch ever opportunity shows itself first." He said.

" I see" jiraya took a fey steps back and created a sign that the boy was familiar with." Shadow clone jutsu" jiraya spoke out and in a poof if smoke, another jiraya appeared next to the original.

" now, I want you to attack my clone and try to dispel it. Use any jutsu or attack you want to alright?" The sage asked. Naruto nodded his head.

" I can do that" the boy replied cheerfully as he stood across from the clone while the real jiraya jumped on top of a wooden post in order to get a good vantage point over the fight.

" and remember. Im a sannin so its alright if you cant kill even my clone" jiraya told the boy who smirked under his mask. " you can begin now"

Naruto jumped back a bit and formed a handsign." Shadow clone jutsu!" Jiraya was a little surprised to see four more narutos pop up out of the smoke.

'So he can do this jutsu to eh? Minato your boy just might be as good as you.'

The four clones dashed towards the sannin clone at high chunnin speed, catching the sannin off guard a bit but it managed to recover and block the first clones punch. Another clone appeared next to his head in mid air and attempted to kick him but the sannin leaned back, causing the clone to kill the clone who he had blocked the punch from.

Acting as if it didn't just kill an ally, the three clones charged at the sannin, surrounded him and began punching, kicking and even blocking the sannin clones hits. It didn't take but a few minutes for the sannins clone to deal with narutos clone.

The sannin smirked and looked back at the real naruto." Is that all you can do kid? Or is that headband just for show?"

" well I was attempting to use my clones in order to figure out your tijutsu stile, but I figured something else out."

"Oh? What, might I ask, did you figure out?" The sannin clone asked curiously. He saw narutos eyes light up in amusement before he held up a hand seal and shouted.

"Kai!" The seals on his bracelets lit up before going back to normal. The clone narrowed his eyes as he watched naruto shake his limbs a bit." Youre easy to distract" naruto answered before disappearing into smoke, signaling that he was a shadow clone as well.

The sannin spun around just in time to catch a flying blonds fist in his right hand. Narutos other hand grabbed onto the sannins arm, braced his feet on the clones stomach and eye smiled.

"Not bad so far naruto" the clone smirked at the blond.

"Thanks, though im not quite done yet." The clones eyes widened before letting narutos hand go just in time to see a black rod seemingly faze out of the boys knuckles. The clone swerved it head to the side, letting the rod sail by its head as it pulled a kunai out. He jumped back as the blond dashed towards him at mid jounin speed. The blond swung his chakra rod and jiraya put his kunai up to block it, but was surprised to see the circler rod cut through his kunai. The cloned quickly let the kunai go and shunshined a few yards away from the boy who looked at the clone and laid his chakra rod against his shoulder.

" damn brat what is that thing?" The clone asked with furrowed brows." It doesn't look like any metal or weapon ive ever seen and yet it cut through my kunai. What is it?" Naruto held the rod out in front of him and examined it.

" a little over a year ago I found out that I was able to creat these 'chakra rods' out of my own chakra. Usually attempting to create something like this-" he wiggled the 5 foot rod"- would be to hard for them. But my rinnegan grants me the ability to creat them, and ive gotten so good at it that as long as I have access to my chakra I can creat them from any part of my body." Naruto finished explaining.

The sannin clone furrowed its brows and mauled over the information he was just given for a few seconds." I see, what else can you do with your eyes?" Jiraya asked curiously.

" well when I send chakra to them the world changes and I can see a persons chakra, though not as good as the hyuugas im able to see how a person molds their chakra." The blond explained." Other than that so far I can only do one more thing" naruto explained with a sagely nod.

" that is?..." the clone asked. The blond lifted his arm, his palm facing towards the clone of the sannin. The clone was ready for almost anything. But what he wasn't ready for was his entire body seizing up before being pulled towards the eye smiling blond as if an invisible hand was pulling him towards his doom.

" almighty pull" naruto spoke out as a black rod sprouted out of his outfacing palm and stabbing through the clones stomach. 

The clones eyes widened before it vanished into smoke. The boy let both his chakra rods vanish into nothing before looking over at the real sannin who was still standing on the wooden post with his eyes closed.

Jiraya stood there with his eyes closed. Going through his clones memories very carefully. He had instantly recognized the boys tijutsu style, it was the same as his mother, the swirling storm. He had used a B-rank kinjutsu with no draw backs. The boy didn't even flinch when his 4 clones died. Naruto had also been working on speed these last two years, the boy was as fast as a jounin. Then finally he thought about the rinnegans power. Those chakra rods were amazing. To be able to creat something like that out of nowhere, and have the thing cut through solid steel? That was amazing. Then the boys ' almighty pull'. At first he thought that it was some sort of wind technique, but if it was wind then he wouldve been able to move his limbs freely as he was pulled towards the kid. So what was it then?

"Gravity" his eyes snapped open and looked at the boy standing down in front of him.

" what?" Jiraya asked.

" youre wondering how I pulled you to me right?" The sannin nodded his head." Well thanks to my rinnegan im able to use gravity like you would use fire, water, or wind. Its just another element to me. And one day after I train it enough ill be able to use pure yin and yang chakra. Even then im still not sure what else my eyes can do. Ill just have to wait and find out" naruto finished with a shrug.

" what else can you do with gravity? And how did you train it?" Jiraya asked the boy.

" well right now I can just use almighty push, and almighty pull. And I train it like this-" the blond closed his eyes and held his hands out, palms facing the ground. Jiraya felt a shift in gravity as he watched pebbles, rocks, and even bugs float about two feet off the ground for a moment before they dropped back down. Narutos eyes opened and he looked at the man." One day I hooe to control it so well that ill be able to float " the blond told him sagely.

" that would be amazing" jiraya nodded in agreement." Anyways that's enough for today. Go home and eat or whatever it is you wanna do. I have to talk to the old man and creat a training schedule for you" jiraya didnt wait for the boy to reply before vanishing in a cloud of smoke.

"Okay.." naruto looked around at the training ground for a moment before turning into a fox and dashing off.

-ten minutes later-

Naruto dashed through the hyuuga clan gates and towards the main house, leaving two hyuuga guards coughing up dust.

Stopping at the door and opening it with his tail he walked towards the main living area where he found hitome sitting on the couch watching tv.

Hearing the foot steps coming towards her, she looked up and smiled as she saw a large fox coming into the room." Hello naruto-kun" she spoke softly.

" hey hitomie-chan, is hinata or hinabi here? I got some news to tell you a-" naruto was cut off by a blur shooting out of nowhere and impacting his side. He grunted and fell onto his side." What the-" he looked back to see a tiny hinabi rubbing her face into the fur on his side.

"Aniki" hinabi said happily." Whaaaaa, so soft" naruto sweat dropped.

"Firecracker-chan!" Naruto went up in a cloud of smoke before walking out of it, holding hinabi in his arms who had buried her face into his neck. " have you been good for your mother today?" The boy asked.

"Yes!" Hinabi cried out as if it was impossible for her to not be good." I been paying with mom, and my toys!"

" you've been playing with your mom and toys huh?" Naruto smiled as hinabi nodded her head.

" oh hey naruto-kun" naruto looked over to see hinata enter the room with a smile on her face.

" hi hinata-chan" he waved happily.

" so why are you out of the academy so early today? Did they end school early?" Hitome asked the boy as she reached for a cup of water from the coffee table.

"Actually I graduated early!" Naruto said, pulling out a head band from his back pocket. Hinata gasped and hitome spit out the water she had in her mouth before standing up.

"Yo-You What?!?" Hitome cried out.

" yeah I met my new sensei today too" naruto nodded.

" shiny..." hinabi said with wide eyes as she grabbed narutos new headband and looked at it with awe for a moment, before putting it in her mouth.

"Gah! No, bad hinabi!" Naruto cried out as he took the headband from the three year old and put her down." But that's why I wanted to talk to you guys today" naruto said, scratching his masked cheek.

" ill be going away on missions now so I wont be around much anymore" naruto told them sadly." But when I don't have missions or training going on ill come visit you know!"

"Wha.." everyone looked down to hinabi. The poor girls big eyes were full of tears, snot dripping from her nose and quivering lips." W-whys aniki going away?!?" She cried." Is it cause hinabis bad?!? I wont be bad no more I promise, don't leave aniki!" The three year old bawled as she hugged onto, and cried into narutos pant leg.

"Aww" the three older people said. Naruto kneeled down and hugged hinabi close to his chest.

" silly firecracker-chan" naruto spoke softly as he rubbed the back of her head." Anikis not leaving you. I was just explaining that ill have to start leaving the village soon since im a ninja now" hinabi looked up at him.

"But why you gotta leave?" Hinabi asked while sniffling. Naruto picked her up and spun her around, getting a giggle from her.

" cause I have to protect the village you know?" He pulled his mask down, showing his smile to the little girl." Every time I go out on a mission ill be protecting someone from bad people, you understand?"

"Yes" hinabi sniffled and hugged him around his neck before kissing his cheek." I love you aniki" hinabi buried her face into the boys neck as he smiled and rubbed her back.

"Love you too firecracker-chan" he replied. He heard some sniffling and looked over only to sweatdrop as he saw both hitome and hinata wiping the tears from their eyes. Hitome was snapping a few photos while wiping her eyes.

"That was beautiful naruto-kun" hinata stated before running over and hugging him. Naruto rapped his arm around her waist.

"Promise youll be safe?"hinata asked softly.

" please, safe is my middle name!" Naruto replied cheerfully, getting giggles from the girls.

'Is this what its like to have a family?' He asked himself before hugging hinata and hinabi tighter, he closed his eyes as hitome took more photos.

"Oh!" Hitome shouted, getting everyone except hinabi, To look at her." We gotta celebrate!"

"Cake!" Hinabi shouted with a pumped fist. Naruto snickered happily as they all shuffled to the dinning room.