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"Try again kid" the toad sannin spoke firmly with his arms crossed as he stood off to the side of the training field watching his new student attempt to get a new jutsu down. The training field was littered with kunai and shuriken. Six year old naruto stood in the middle of the field facing a wooden post that had a handful of shuriken and kunai lodged into it.

The blond grabbed a kunai and shuriken from his two leg pouches. He held his arms in an X position over his chest before chucking the two bladed weapons towards the post." Kunai shadow clone jutsu!" The boy shouted after finishing a set of hand signs and channeling the correct amount of chakra into the jutsu. Both sensei and student watched as the single kunai and shuriken went from one of each- to about twenty of each before impacting the post and its surrounding area.

If jiraya had to be honest with himself hed say he was pretty proud of naruto. Hed been training the kid for about two weeks now and instead of waisting his and the kids time on those horrid D rank missions hed just spent the time training the kid. Man he could see it already! This kid was gonna be a legend when he got older. Everything he threw at the kid weather it be a jutsu, tijutsu, or even something small like a history lesson. The kid soaked it up like a sponge in water.

"Hey, sensei?" Jiraya was brought out of his thoughts as said boy spoke to him.

"Whats up brat?" He asked, putting a hand on his hip. Naruto wiped the sweat from his eyes with his arm before replying.

" I was just wondering if wed be taking any missions any time soon. I mean I know im not ready for something like a B or A ranked mission, but I feel like we could do something of lower difficulty " the boy scratched his masked cheek.

"Usually a fresh gennin like you would be doing D rank missions right now. But ive decided that instead of waisting your time on cleaning gardens and walking dogs, id use that time to train your skills up so we could go on at least low c rank missions" jiraya explained his reasoning. The boy nodded his head in understanding, before tilting his head curiously.

" wait, hows doing that kinda stuff even considered a mission?" How could walking a dog warrant the need of a shinobe? It made no sense to him. It seemed like a waist of village resources truth be told.

" well usually youd be in a team with teo other gennin plus your jounnin sensei. But youre a special case since youre my only student. But usually the D ranks are used in order to get the three gennin used to working with one another, so like a team work exercise" naruto nodded his head. He guessed it made sense, after all itd be difficult to go on higher missions when you couldn't work well with your teammate.

"Anyways, enough with that jutsu I think you got it down already" jiraya waved the boy over at he took a large scroll off his lower back and leaned against it. Naruto looked at the scroll curiously before looking up at his sensei.

"What are we doing now?"

"Since im such a gracious sensei" jiraya began, making dramatic waves and gestured with his hand, getting a deadpan from the six year old." Ive decided to let you-" he unrolled the scroll in mid air before gently laying it on the ground, showing naruto its contents." Sign the toad summoning contract"

Narutos entire body practically vibrated in excitement as he stared down at the list of names. His eyes stopping on the last name recorded. Minato namikaze, the fourth hokage of his village. He had to prevent himself from hyperventilating before looking up at his sensei, who was watching his reaction with a grin. " youre for real about this?"

" of course!" The sage grinned.

" okay, what do I do?" Naruto asked as he kneeled next to the unrolled scroll and looked over all the names.

" first you have to sign youre name with blood-" the blond took a kunai out and cut his thumb before writing his name out on the blank space next to the fourths."then put blood from your thumb on each of your fingers before touching under your name- yup just like that" jiraya picked the newly signed scroll up, blew on the new name before rolling the scroll back up and setting back into its stop on His lower back." Now do these handseals and slam your hand into the ground." He showed the boy the surprisingly few handseals for the jutsu.

"Alright!" Naruto recut his thumb – sometimes it sucked healing so fast- before flashing through the correct handseals and slamming his hand on the ground." Summoning jutsu!" Narutos vision was clouded by smoke as he felt himself shoot into the air.

After the smoke cleared jirayas mouthed fell wide open as he looked up at what his student summoned. It was a ten foot toad alright, its body was a dark green with a few worts here and there on it, but what got his attention the most was the toads eyes. Instead of the usual brown, black, and even sometimes golden bar like eyes- it was the cold looking silverish purple ripple like eyes of the rinnegan. " hey! I did it!" Naruto called out happily.

" no you didn't!" Jiraya cried out, shaking himself back into reality.

"Huh? What do you mean?" Naruto asked while jumping from the toads head, landing next to his sensei and looking up at the toad." Hey!" Naruto cried out while pointing up at the frogs eyes." You didn't tell me they had the same eyes as me, what the hell?!?" He was smacked in the back of the head.

"They don't you idiot! I don't know what kind of toad you summoned but it wasn't one from toad mountain!" Jiraya shouted back, naruto pouted and rubbed his head.

"I did what you told me to do you old perv! Maybe you just suck at teaching?" The boy shrugged, jiraya gained a tick mark on his forehead.

"Why you-! Just shut up for a moment brat" the sage ordered before biting his thumb, drawing blood and began flying theough handsigns." Summoning jutsu!" He slammed his hand into the ground. Naruto watched as a small cloud of smoke appeared.

"Waddya summon me fer jiraya boy?" Naruto watched as a small old looking toad sat in front of jiraya with his small walking stick in hand.

"Mines way bigger!" Naruto cried out in triumph. He was wacked in the head by jiraya again.

"Shut it!" The sage looked down at the toad he summoned." Pops I need your help. This is my new student naruto" the toad looked at the boy with narrowed eyes as he rubbed his grey beard.

" nice to meet you naruto boy!" Naruto bent down and shook the toads webbed hand.

"You too whoever you are" naruto eye smiled happily. The toad chuckled.

" just call me pops my boy!" Naruto nodded as the toad looked up at jiraya." So waddya need help with jiraya boy? This hadnt be stupid or maa will woop ya, shes making bug stew ya know" jiraya sighed and ran a hand through his hair.

" I had naruto sign the contract and told him to try summoning a toad, and that's what he summoned" jiraya pointed behind the toad, getting said toad to turn around and look up at the ten foot toad naruto had summoned. It was just sitting there looking off in to space.

"Oh my, wadda we got here?" Pops hopped over to the toad and studied it with narrow eyes." This isnt a toad from my mountain, and its eyes, theyre the same as naruto boys" the elder toad spoke mostly to himself.

"I know that's why I summoned you pops. What do we do and how does this effect naruto being able to hold the toad contract?" Jiraya asked the summons.

"Hmm" pops rubbed his beard before turning around to face his two summoners." Naruto boy!" He spoke up. Said boy jumped to attention.

"Yes pops?" The blond asked as the toad pointed at him with its small cain.

" tell your summons to do something" the toad ordered. Naruto scratched his cheek.

" go get me some water!" naruto  yelled up at the ten foot toad. It let out a ribbit before hopping off, making the ground shake a bit every time it landed.  The two humans and one small toad watched the giant toad vanish into the tree line with dead panned expressions.

"Well..." jiraya began skeptically. " that was something"

"Hmm" pops rubbed his chin with his eyes closed, seemingly deep in thought. After a few minuted he looked up at naruto." I believe this might have to do with your eyes naruto boy" he began." Try Summoning something else"

" if you say so" the blond scratched his chin before turning away from the duo. Cutting his thumb and flashing through handseals before smacking the ground, naruto called out" summoning jutsu!" A cloud of smoke later and standing in front of the three was a three headed twenty foot dog."sweet" naruto muttered in awe as the dog looked down at him. Its fur was a midnight black, its white sharp teeth gleamed and its six pair of rinnegan eyes glared straight ahead.

"Now dismiss it, you've proven my theory naruto boy" naruto did as told and the dog went up in smoke. He turned around and looked at the elder toad. Pops was about to speak but stopped at they felt the ground shake.

The three watched as the ten foot toad hopped back into the field, it hopped up to the before opening its mouth. A wave of water came at them like a tidal wave. Naruto let out a high pitch scream as the wave swept them all away.

Five minutes and a quick changed of clothes later found all three back in the now dry training ground with the ten foot toad dismissed. Naruto was sitting cross legged on the ground next to a standing jiraya while facing the elder toad.

" so it seems naruto boy can summon whatever his imagination can come up with" pops rubbed his head." It seems weve discovered another ability your rinnegan gives you." He told naruto.

" this is awesome" naruto had a small glint in his eyes.

"What about the toad contract? Will he still be able to use it?" Jiraya asked. The toad sighed softly and shook his head sadly.

"Im afraid not jiraya boy" jiraya frowned at this." As much as us toads would like to have another summoner, it just doesn't seem like its gonna work" now naruto frowned under his mask. Truth be told he wouldve liked to be a toad summoner."well actually..." the toad trailed off.

"What is it?" Jiraya asked. The toad seemed to think for a moment before nodding his head.

"There might be a way for him to summon us without his rinnegan interfering." Naruto brightened up.

"What is it? Id like to be a toad summoner ya know. I think itd be amazing!" Naruto said happily, bouncing in happiness.

"We could give him a summoning tattoo" pops explained to jiraya. The sannin rubbed his chin while nodding his head.

"I forgot about that" naruto looked between the two.

"Whats a summoning tattoo?" He asked curiously. Both toad and sensei looked at him seriously.

" naruto boy a summoning tattoo is a mark us toads would give you so youd be able to summon us toads without your rinnegan interfering." Pops began explaining and jiraya picked up were the toad left off.

" so instead of having to use handsigns all youd have to do is swipe some blood over the tattoo and send chakra into the mark at the same time. That's how it works." Naruto nodded his head.

" so its just the summoning jutsu without handseals?" The young boy asked curiously, making sure he understood them right.

"Pretty much" the toad nodded his old head." But be warned, getting the summoning tattoo is extremely painful and itll use up almost all your chakra in order for it to be added." Pops spoke grimly." So think about this for a moment naruto boy. If you really wanna be a toad summoner then we'll do it, but if not then its alright" he nodded sagely.

Naruto furrowed his brows and closed his eyes. Would it be worth it? Of course it would. Granted he could summon anything he wanted but he wouldn't have the companionship that would come with the toads. And if the history books were true then theyed also be great in battle. So, taking a deep breath and opening his eyes naruto nodded his head with an eye smile. "Id love to be the next toad summoner, pops" he spoke with certainty. Both jiraya and pops nodded their heads with a small smile.

"Alright naruto boy, take your shirt off" he hopped up to the boy as he took his shirt off." Jiraya boy will draw the seals for this, try not to move."

"Understood pops" naruto replied, throwing his shirt off to the side, showing off his well sculpted upper body. Even though he was only six you could tell he worked out a lot.

"Where would you like the mark brat?" Jiraya asked as he knelt next to the boy, ink and brush already ready.

"Right here sensei" naruto replied, pointing to the area that was on the bottom of his wrist, right under his right hand.

Jiraya nodded and began drawing seals all over the boys body. Naruto watched and tried not to move his body to much as jiraya marked up his upper body. The sage made intercut symbols and lines over him, all connected to one another that eventually led down to his wrist. After about thirty minutes the sage was putting his sealing supplies away.

"Youre up pops" jiraya stepped back as the toad nodded and lifted his can and pit the bottom of it on the spot naruto wanted the tattoo.

"Now, when I count to three I want you to send all your chakra into this point on your wrist. Got it?" Pops asked seriously.

"Yes sir" the boy replied, getting a nod from the toad.

"One...two..three!" Pops shouted as he and naruto both pumped all their chakra into his wrist." Mark of the toads!" He shouted and naruto felt pain rack through his entire body. He saw the limes and symbols on his body  burn a bright red before a scream ripped through his throat and the world around him went black.

Both jiraya and the toad watched as naruto passed out. The red marks on the boys body seemed to move across his skin and towards his wrist. The formed into a single kenji that said 'toad'. The kenji was about the size of a ryo piece. Jiraya caught the boy before he hit the ground and picked him up bride style before looking at pops who was huffing.

"He had a lot of chakra" pops told jiraya as he wiped the sweat from his brow.

"Thank you for this pops" jiraya spoke softly." I know minato wouldve wanted his son to have the toads fighting by his side" the small toad smiled.

"Minato boy was a good man, strong too. I can already tell that naruto boy will be just as strong, if not stronger than his father" jiraya agreed with the elder sage." Anyways im off now. Ill in form everyone we got a new summoner"

"See ya" jiraya nodded as the toad vanished into smoke. He looked down at the sleeping boy in his arms and grinned." Lets get you to the hyuga compound. Im sure hinata would love to take care of you" he snickered as he walked out of the clearing.

-30 minutes later-

Hinata just got home from her first day at the shinobe academy and was sitting at home waiting for naruto to show up. She wanted to tell him what she learned at school today and maybe ask if he could help her train a bit too. She blushed at the thought of being alone with her crush.

She was knocked out of her daydream when the door bell rang." Hinata could you see who that is? I cant im making dinner!" Her mother called out from the kitchen.

"Okay mother. I got it" the six year old jumped off the couch and ran to the door before pulling it open."hello how ca-" hinata froze mid sentence and her face went from its usual pale color to a dark tomato red as she saw a passed out naruto lying shirtless on her front porch.

"N-na-naruto-kun" she whispered out before her brain turned to mush and she fainted, landing right on top of the sleeping boy.

"Hmm? Hinata, who is it?" Hitome asked as she walked towards the door. She looked down at the two kids with a blank face before squealing happily." Hinabi get the camera!" She shouted as she ran back into the house.

Jiraya, who was standing on the roof of a building across from hinatas home snickered in amusement before turning away from the scene." Time for some research!" He declared before rubbing his hands together, giggling like a mad pervert and vanishing into smoke.