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The emos punishment!

Naruto walked out of the village hospital looking frazzled. His hair was a little messier than usual and he had a few lipstick marks on his masked cheeks. He had stopped by the hospital after his meeting with the hokage in order to visit the girls he had saved and boy was it an experience. He entered the kids room and was instantly ganged up on by the little children who were gushing questions at him, mostly about who he was, how he summoned all the foxes, and how long itd take to get back to their mothers and fathers. He answered the questions as truthfully as he could.

After that hed visited the older girls and had been the subject of a group pile on while being called 'kawii' and kissed on the cheek by multiple girls in thanks for saving them from the thugs.

"that was possibly worse then dying." Kurama gagged out inside his mind. " so much human emotion and affection, I feel sick." The great beast shivered." Hurry up and destroy something brat! I need to feel hatred again!" He cried out.

'Calm down you oversized bed pet' naruto shouted back.' First of all I was the one on the receiving end of all that- that affection! And secondly you should be grateful man, im bringing honor back to all of fox kind" naruto stated proudly. Kurama snorted in return.

"Sure brat, whatever." Kurama chuckled." Anyways, are you sure we need to go to.. them in order to train your fire affinity? Why cant we go to someone else, were in the land of fire kid. Almost every ninja in this village can perform fire jutsus." The fox stated hesitantly.

" true, but they are know as the best fire users in the elemental nations Kurama. If im gonna train my fire affinity then I wanna learn from the best!" Naruto answered with a closed eye nod.

"Ugh! Whatever, look alive brat. We're here" kurama stated as he laid his head on his front paws.

Naruto opened his eyes and stopped walking. Sure enough, right in front of him was his destination. The gates that led into the uchiha compound. Walking up to the big metal gate, naruto slid them open a bit and entered the compound.

'Man its like a ghost town here' the boy thought as he looked around the empty streets. There were both houses and shops that were boarded up. Naruto could even see a few blood stains here and there on the roads and buildings, it freaked him out a bit.

After walking the silent roads for a moment he found his destination. The uchiha clans head household. It was a pretty big place. It was built in a traditional Japanese style, black roof, white walls with the bottom parts being a dark red. He could see the uchiha fan etched into the front door, along with a slightly overgrown garden on each side of the stone walkway.

Walking up the path naruto could hear what sounded like shouting coming from in the home, the closer he got the louder it got.

"You should be helping me! He took everything from us and youre just sitting there like it didn't happen!" Yup that was definitely sasukes voice. Naruto stood right outside the front door now.

"Im not having this conversation again sasuke!" Came the voice of an older female which naruto assume was mikoto." I will not help one of my sons kill the other! I will not have that blood on my hands!" He heard the sound of shattering glass.

"It should have been you that died instead of father! At least he wouldve helped me avenge our clan!" Sasuke shouted back.

Naruto stood there with a frown on his masked face. The door in front of him swung open and he locked eyes with a slightly red faced angry sasuke. Said boy growled at him before walking past him, shoulder checking him on the way.

"Stay out of my way idiot!" Naruto didn't respond as the boy stormed off deeper into the uchiha compound.

Naruto entered the home without consent and headed for the sound of sobbing. He made his way to the kitchen and saw a thirty some year old women sitting on the floor against the island counter with her legs drawn up to her chest and her face buried in her knees. There was a wet stain on the wall across from her and what looked like either a shattered plate or bowl on the ground in front of her.

He knew this was mikoto. She had the usual black eyes as most uchiha with mid back length black hair. She wore a dark blue kimono that had the uchiha emblem on the back of it.

Silently he knelt down and began picking up the broken glass from the floor, pilling it into his left hand. " he shouldn't have said that." Naruto spoke quietly, startling mikoto as she looked up at him quickly with red tear streaked eyes.

"Naruto!" She said quickly, hurriedly wiping the tears from her eyes and cheeks." W-what are you doing here?" She asked.

Naruto didn't look at her and continued to pick the broken dish up." Well, I came here wondering if youd be able to teach me how to use my fire affinity but I heard yours and sasukes argument from outside. He shouldn't have said what he said." Naruto explained.

"I don't know, maybe hes right?" Mikoto choked back a sob." Am I a bad mother because I wont help him kill itatchi?" She asked quietly.

" don't think that way mikoto-sama" naruto replied quickly. He stood up and dumped the pile of glass into the trashcan." Im not an expert on mothers but I think that youre doing the right thing." He stated with a small nod as he put his hand out to the women in order to help her up off the floor. Mikoto took his hand and he pulled her up to her feet." No mother should have to choose between her children, nor should they have to help one kill the other. Sasukes in the wrong here. He should be considerate of your feeling too but instead hes just stewing in his own hatred." The boy stated as he led her to a stool that was in front of the island counter. He sat her down and walked to the cupboards in order to find a cup.

" look at me, spewing my problems to a child." Mikoto laid her head on her hands." I must be a mess." She added.

"Not at all." Naruto replied as he sat a cup full of water down in front of the woman who gave a quiet 'thank you' before taking a drink for it. Naruto hopped up and sat on the stool across from her." No ones perfect ya know." He gave her an eye smile, getting a soft chuckle from the grown women.

"Anyways, enough of that. What did you need?" Mikoto asked the boy. Naruto scratched his cheek a bit.

" well my sensei wanted me to start working on my elemental affinities but he had to leave the village for a bit." Naruto stated as he looked at her." I wanted to see if youd help me train my fire affinity, but after seeing sasuke I don't know if that's a good idea." He finished.

"Oh yeah, I had heard you became a gennin a few months back. Congrats on that by the way. Whos your sensei again?" She asked curiously.

"Thanks, and im apprenticed under jiraya of the sannin." Mikoto looked surprised at that.

"My that's a great honor, being trained under a sennin that is." She stated." And as for training your fire affinity im not sure." She sighed apologetically." Ive been retired for about thirteen years now, I don't know how well id do at teaching." She added sadly.

" well why don't we find out? Come on!" Naruto grinned as he hopped down from his seat, grabbed her hand and began leading her to the back yard.

"H-hey wait a m-minute!" Mikoto cried out in shock. Eventually she let naruto drag her out into her back yard. They stopped on the dock that was put up over the large pond that came with the home.

"Alright!" Naruto looked up at her and pointed at the water." When I get upset or angry or if I just want to calm down and focus I usually find a training ground and train until I drop." He gave her and eye smile." Now I want you to show me a fire ball!" He ordered in amusement.

" i-I don't know naruto, I havent done that in years!" Mikoto stated nervously.

" come on, it wont hurt to try!" He stated as he stood behind the women and pushed her foreword a bit." Go on"

Mikoto looked at him nervously for a moment before nodding and facing the large pond. She let out a deep sigh before going through handsigns."fire style: Fire ball jutsu!" She shouted out before she shot a fireball the size of a wagon out of her mouth and over the pond. She took a few deep breaths as she smiled slowly. He was right, she did feel a little better.

" awesome!" Naruto cried out." Now do it again, but this time I want you to dig deep down and bring out all that anger and sadness you have and put it in the fire ball." He ordered.

She slowly nodded before closing her eyes and taking a deep breath. She thought about all the hurt, anger, sadness and pain she had went through the night itachi massacred not only her husband but her entire clan! All the anger and sadness she felt whenever sasuke would argue and yell at her.

Snapping her eyes open- showing her fully matured sharingan that seemed to glow a faint red- she moved through hand signs in a blur of motion before shouting out" fire style: giant fire ball jutsu!"

Naruto watched both in complete aw and a bit of fear as the women shot out a gigantic fireball. It had to be about fifteen feet tall and about ten feet wide. 'Mother of all chakra' naruto thought in shock as he took a step back. He could feel the intense heat from the flames and it worried him a bit.

" naruto.." kuramas voice sounded through his head.

'Yeah?' Naruto asked as he watched the wave of fire continue to come out of mikoto, how much angered did this women have!??

"Whatever you do in life, under no circumstance are you ever a loud to anger this human girl." Kurama too was watching the girl spout fire from within narutos mind." Even I cannot bring you back nor heal you from complete disintegration." 

Naruto gulped.' Yes sir' he replied. Finally the flames died down and mikoto sagged a bit while breathing heavily. Her shoulders bobbed up and down as she tried to catch her breath. She looked back at naruto and almost laughed when she saw his face. He had sweat running down the visible part of his face and his skin was a bit pale.

"You were right!" She grinned at him." I feel way better!" She gave him a thumbs up.

" holy shi-"


"-crap! Holy crap!" Naruto corrected himself quickly." That was freakin amazing mikoto!" He gushed as he waved his arms around in excitement." You just vaporized like, half of the freakin pond!"

'Oops' mikoto thought. It was true, she noticed that the water line of the pond had indeed went down about an inch or two.

"Man, women can be scary!" Naruto commented. Mikoto let out a laugh as the boy wiped the sweat from his brow.

"Indeed." She nodded. She looked back at the water and sighed." Now if only I could get sasuke under control." She added softly.

" if you need I can go hunt him down." Naruto pointed his thumb behind him." I could spar with him, let him get his anger out before dragging him back here so you could lay into him." He gave the women an eye smile.

Mikoto let out a snort." He has been acting like a stuck up brat lately huh?" She got a small nod from the boy." Alright naruto. Go find sasuke, bring him down a few levels and bring him back here. After that ill began your training tomorrow morning."

Naruto beamed up at the women." Deal! Do you know where he might be?" The blond ask. Mikoto rubbed her chin and thought for a moment.

" hes either at the river that runs through the compound or hes at one of the uchihas training fields on the south side of the compound." The women answered with a nod of her head.

"Okay, ill be back soon!" Naruto replied before turning around and running off to check the river.

-with sasuke-

Sasuke was standing in the middle of one of the training grounds located in the uchiha compound. He growled as he punch a wooden post. He was angry. Angry at itachi, angry at his mother for not feeling the same way that he was, angry that she wouldn't train him in order to make him stronger, and he was angry with the village. They werent sending shinobe out to hunt that family killer down! Its like they didn't care that itachi was out there anymore, like they didn't care about what had happened to his clan!

Why wouldn't his mother help him? Didn't she understand that he needed power in order to kill itachi? He growled in anger as he continued to punch the wooden post.

"My, arent you an angry one?" Sasuke almost jumped out of his skin as he heard the calm amused voice. He spun around expecting to see someone but there was no one there.

"Whos there?!? Show yourself!" He ordered out loudly.

"Up here idiot." Sasuke spun back around and looked up. Sure enough, crouched down on top of the wooden post he was just beating was naruto. Said boy had an amused look in his silverish ringed eyes.

"Oh, its you." Sasuke scoffed and relaxed." I don't have time to play with you idiot." He added.

Naruto snorted at the boys words." Don't flatter yourself broody, theres much better playmates out there than you." He stood up on the pole and stuffed his hands in his pockets.

"Leave or im gonna beat you into the ground. Youre trespassing on uchiha land." Sasuke growled out as he crossed his arms over his chest.

"Cant keep hiding behind your name sasuke. The uchiha name means nothing to me kid" naruto smirked as the uchiha quickly threw a kunai at him. It was fast for an academy student but it was in slow motion to naruto. Naruto tilted his head a bit to the right and let the kunai sail past his head with out even blinking.

"My turn." Naruto replied coldly. Sasuke watched with wide eyes as narutos body seemed to flicker for a moment before the boy vanished.

"Wha-Ah!" Sasuke felt himself get thrown across the training ground. He felt the pain in his ribs as he hit the ground and tumbled a few feet before coming to a stop. He let out a pained groan as he held his left ribs.

" I thought uchiha kids were supposed to be strong?" He heard naruto mock him. He growled in anger before jumping up to his feet and glaring at the blond boy who was now standing a few feet away from him with his hands in his pockets, a bored look on his masked face.

Sasukes temper quickly flared to the max. He dashed at the blond with a war cry and began throwing a series of punches and kicks. He grew even more irritated when naruto either blocked or avoided his attacks with an unimpressed look.

He threw a fist at the blonds face but naruto batted his hand away before spinning and kicking sasuke away from him. Said boy managed to right himself in mid air and land on his feet, skidding back a bit.

" is that all you got kid?" Naruto taunted with a bored tone.

" im gonna fucking kill you!" Sasuke shouted out in pure hatred. He flashed through hand signs and shouted." Fire sty-" he was cut off when naruto appeared in front of him, smacked his hands apart which disrupted his chakra flow, and punched him directly in the chest. Sasuke hit the ground hard. Tears pricked at the corner of his closed eyes and he tried to regain the breath he had just lost from impacting the ground. He opened his teary eyes when he felt a hand grab his shirt and locked eyes with narutos rinnegan.

"Im disappointed sasuke. You talk such a big game but you have no skill to back it up." Naruto scolded. Sasuke tried to punch the blond in a last ditch effort to inflict pain but his hand was caught and he was quickly spun around on to his stomach. Naruto put both of the boys hands behind his back and tied them together." Now, your mother would like to talk to you and she sent me to fetch you-" it pissed sasuke off when he said that as if he was catching a runaway dog."- youre gonna keep your mouth shut and listen to her speak, unless you want me to kick your ass again?" Naruto questioned. Sasuke just growled in response but didn't say anything." No? Good boy. Now up we go!" The blond lifted the young uchiha onto his shoulder and began walking towards mikotos house.

After a five minute walk with nothing but silence between the two, naruto opened the front door to mikotos house.

"Mikoto-sama, I brought a gift!" Naruto shouted into the house.

"Im in the living room!" Came the women's response. Naruto walked through the house before entering the living room. He looked around it for a moment.

It was a pretty decent sized living room with a large sofa with a glass coffee table in front of it. Two leather chairs on either side positioned at a bit of an angle in order to see the large 57 inch flat screen tv that was mounted on the wall above a brick fireplace.

He looked at mikoto who was sitting on the sofa with a glass of wine in her right hand. She took a sip of wine before looking at the blond.

" look at this adorable little thing I caught." He shook sasuke who was still slung over his shoulder." I found him beating up a poor defenseless log in your training ground." Mikoto let out an amused snort.

"Will you let me down already!?!" Sasuke shouted out. Naruto looked at mikoto who nodded and pointed at one of the chairs.

"Put him down there." She told him. Naruto nodded and set the boy on the chair. He quickly backed away and let mikoto take over.

Mikoto stood up after putting the glass of wine she had down on the table. She watched naruto leave the room before going over and standing in front of her son who was looking down at the ground, his hands still tied behind his back with ninja wire.

"Look at me sasuke." She spoke firmly, but sasuke didn't budge." I said look at me!" She shouted. Sasuke jumped a bit and look up at his mother with wide eyes." Do you think im not angry?"

"W-what?" Came the boys dumb reply.

"About itatchi" she explained, sasukes face tightened." He was my first born son. I loved him more than anyone in this family ever did. When he first became a ninja and ended his first life, I was there to hold him as he cried his eyes out." She began, she held back a sob and took a calming breath before looking back at sasuke." After every mission hed come home and tell me what he had did, weather it be to celebrate saving a merchants life or to cry over the fact that his client had died and the mission failed. I was there to watch him grow up."

She heard what sounded like liquid pouring and looked behind her to see naruto pouring himself a glass of her wine." What are you doing naruto?" She asked with a sweat drop.

Naruto finished pouring himself some wine and looked up at her before flicking his headband." Ninja" he said as if that explained everything. Mikoto decided to ignore the blond who turned his back to them in order to pull his mask down and drink, he didn't want to show his face.

" the point is-" mikoto looked back at sasuke, a frown on her face." – when itachi killed our clan and tore our family apart, I blamed myself." She admitted, shocking sasuke." I wonder if it was my fault he did it. Did I not raise him right? Did I miss some sort of signs? What did I do wrong that led to him killing us all?" Tears slid down her cheeks as she let out a shuddered breath." I cant answer any of those questions because hes not here to tell me the answers!"

"Then why wont you help me train?" Sasuke asked heatedly." If I was stronger I could go out and hunt him down! I could get those answer mom!" Sasuke pleaded.

" I refuse to teach you anything because youre trying to get power for the wrong reasons!" Mikoto yelled at him.

" how is what im trying to do wrong?" Sasuke asked." Im trying to avenge our clan!" He added.

" that's the problem!" Mikoto got into the boys face as her hands balled into fists." You want power to kill, not protect! Whats the point in killing itachi for a dead clan? Will it bring them back!?!" She questioned." No it wont!"

"What would you have me do then!?!" Sasuke asked." I will never forget what itachi did and I will never forgive him!" He added.

"No ones asking you to forgive or forget sasuke." Mikoto spoke softly. She kneeled down and grabbed the boys face, making him look directly at her face. Her eyes were filled with sadness." You need to get out of his shadow, stop living in the past because all youre doing is living a life of pain and revenge and neither will get you too your goal. Lets say you catch up to itachi and kill him, what will you do then?" She asked in a serious tone.

"Ill restore our clan to its former glory!" Sasuke replied.

"How can you do that when you keep pushing everyone away?" Mikoto asked, catching sasuke off guard." You keep pushing everyone away and that will lead to a lonely life. Right now youd gladly sacrifice this entire village and everyone in it as long as it got you even a foot closer to itachi and it sickens me." Sasuke watched in surprise as mikoto stood up and turned her back to him.


"Don't" mikoto order, he could her the tears in her voice even though he couldn't see it he knew she was crying." You are not my sasuke. My sasuke is a sweet and kind boy. You speak as if youre already a grown man." Mikoto wrapped her arms around herself." From this moment forward until my sasuke comes back youre not aloud within the clan library-"

"What!?!" Sasuke cried out.

"- you will learn everything yourself at the academy like a clanless child until I say otherwise." Mikoto dared not to look at sasuke or else shed brake down and go back on her punishment." You wanna act like a baby and throw fits until you get your way then ill punish you like one. You're grounded to your room until I say otherwise, youll only leave your room to eat breakfast, lunch and dinner, along with going to the bathroom and showering."

"You cant do this to me! I have to get stronger! I need to kill itschi!" Sasuke shouted in anger. He couldn't believe this was happening to him!" Im the uchiha clan heir! That library is mine my blood right!" He added.

Mikoto spun around and smacked him in the face, leaving a red mark on his cheek." And I am both the clan head and your mother and I will not allow my child to disobey or talk back to me! Now youll do as I say and youll deal with your punishment, do I make myself clear?!?" She shouted with narrowed eyes. Sasuke sneered at her." Do. I. Make. Myself. Clear?" She repeated heatedly, emphasizing each word.

"Yes" sasuke growled out.

Mikoto turned her back to him and looked at naruto who was sitting on the floor in the corner of the room reading a small leathered notebook, his glass of wine sitting on the floor next to him and his mask back in place.

"Naruto" she called out. Said boy looked up from his book and stared at her." Untie sasuke please and escort him to his room. If he tries anything then tie him back up. I need some fresh air." With that said she grabbed the entire bottle of wine and left the room, heading for the back door.

Naruto stood up and put the book away. He walked over to sasuke who was looking down at the floor. He pulled the boy up to his feet." Lead on sasuke." Naruto spoke with a bored expression on his face. Sasuke didn't reply he just started walking towards his room with naruto fallowing behind him.

-with mikoto-

Mikoto stared out at the night sky. She didn't even realize how late it was. She took another drink from the wine bottle and leaned back in the beach chair she was sitting on. She let out a sigh before chuckling to herself.

She couldn't believe what she had just done. After all this time she finally punished sasuke and began to feel like the women of the household again. It felt good knowing she had control of her son again, even though it hurt her to punish sasuke, she knew it had to be done. She just hoped that in the long run itd help sasuke heal. She didn't even look up when she felt narutos chakra signature appear in the chair next to hers.

"Sasukes in his room. I locked the door and windows to his room from the outside with ninja wire. I don't trust him enough to assume he wont try anything stupid." Naruto told her calmly.

"My, are you telling me youre scared hed try to hurt his mother?" Mikoto looked at the blond curiously. Naruto looked at her with a blank expression.

"He threatened to kill me and tried to fire a fireball at me earlier when I told him he sucked." Mikoto snorted at that as she took another drink of wine." So no, I don't trust him." 

The two sat in silence for a bit and just watched the night sky. After a few moments mikoto gave him a tired smile.

"Thank you for your help today naruto" she spoke softly.

"No problem mikoto-sama" naruto replied as he stood up from his seat." Ill come over around seven to start our training" he added.

"Noon." Mikoto told him as she lifted the wine bottle and shook it a bit." Come at noon, ima gonna drink tonight away." She informed the boy.

" very well." He chuckled as he began walking away." Goodnight" he waved over his shoulder.

"Sweet dreams naruto!" Mikoto called back to him before he simply vanished in a swirl of wind and leaves. She leaned back in her chair and sighed." Hes a good kid kushina." She muttered to herself." Im kinda jealous sasuke isnt as well behaved as him." She pouted. She couldve sworn she heard her best friend giving her a mocking laugh.