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Destroying the gentle fist!

It was around 6-6:30 in the morning and naruto had just walked into the hyuga compound. He still had a few hours before he had to meet up with mikoto to start his training so he decided to see what hinata was up to this morning.

Walking through the compound with his hands in his pockets naruto was quickly noticing that the place was too quiet, so he stopped a guard and asked what was going on.

" hinata-sama is sparing with hizashi-sama son, neji-san again." The women spoke curtly." Hashi-sama was against it but the elders over ruled him and set it up." Naruto frowned at that.

"Thank you for telling me nina-san, have a good day." Naruto gave her a small bow before running off.

He hated the hyuga clan elders. They always seemed to plotting against hinata, it was as if they relished in the poor girls losses. He knew that neji was very talented for his age, hell he could be considered a prodigy within the clan as he'd already mastered the gentle fist at such a young age. If most of the more dangerous techniques werent forbidden for the side branch to learn then naruto had no doubt that the boy would've already trained in and mastered some of them, though there were rumors going around that neji was attempting to recreate some of the main branches techniques but there was no solid proof.

He also knew that despite neji hating her for being a main branch heiress, hinata still loved him as if he were her brother and not her cousin. Hinata was a shy, timid sweet girl. She wasn't really good at the gentle fist and she hated fighting. He knew that she wouldn't willingly hurt her cousin, and because of that the clan elders absolutely hated hinata.

Naruto let out a small sigh. He knew that he was forbidden from interfering with the match and could only intervene if neji attempted to fatally wound or attempt to kill hinata. All he could do now was be there for her after the match.

Entering the training room naruto could see the clan elders, hashi, hitome with hinabi on her lap and hizashi sitting on the bleachers that were on the wall across from him, standing in the middle of the room was hinata and neji who were facing one another. After silently making his way to the bleachers naruto sat down next to hitome and hinabi.

" good morning" he spoke softly, catching hitome, hinabi, hashi and hizashis attention.

"I hate how quiet you can be naruto." Hitome told him with a small smile before looking back at the two kids that were about to spar.

"Big brother!" Hinabi said happily. She quickly crawled onto his lap and sat with her back leaning against him. He gave her and eye smile before patting her head.

"Are you both ready?" Called out one of the elder men. He didnt wait for their responses though." Begin!" He sat back down.

Hinata gulped slightly as she got into her stance, neji doing the same. Both had their byakugans activated.

"Ready yourself hinata-sama." Neji called out before dashing forward.

Naruto narrowed his eyes as he watched the battle below. He could clearly see that hinata was going to lose, neji was just to fast for her. He activated his rinnegan in order to get a better look at the fight, hashi and hitome felt his chakra spike a bit and looked at him in confusion.

Naruto ignored them and looked closer at the fight. Nejis feet were solidly planted to the ground, just as the gentle fist required them to be. Hinatas feet on the other hand werent. Every time she attempted to dodge her feet would move a few inches before stopping. It was as if she kept stopping herself from moving, unlike the gentle fist which would either require you to move your upper body to dodge an enemies attack or just completely jump out of the way of the attack before requiring one to replant themselves on the ground.

'Its like shes fighting against her own body?' Naruto thought to himself. He heard hinata cry out in pain before she jumped back a bit from neji, holding her ribs in one hand. That's when naruto saw it and his eyes almost popped out of his head.

Hinatas chakra was flowing like a river, a river. All hyugas were born with an earth affinity and sometimes a second affinity but earth was always their primary affinity. The hyugas gentle fist was built around their earth affinities. Its why they were always planted in one spot while using the tijutsu style. They were imitating an unmovable earth wall that their enemies couldn't break through unless the said hyuga was forced to move from said spot.

If what he was seeing was correct then the reason hinata sucked at the gentle fist was because her body was instinctively fallowing its chakra. So instead of standing still and strong like and earth wall, her bodies natural reflex was to keep moving and flow around her enemies. That meant that she didn't have a primary or even secondary earth affinity! She had a primary water affinity!

"I figured it out!" Naruto shouted as he tirned his rinnegan off. The hyugas around him jumped a bit as his outburst." Stop the fight!" He ordered as he moved a confused hinabi off of his lap and sat her back on hitomes.

"W-what?" Hitome questioned as everyone watched the blond vanish from his spot and reappear in between both hinata and neji.

Said blond quickly caught nejis outstretched hand by the wrist, along with hinatas hand.

"What is the meaning of this!?!" The elder that started the fight shouted out." This is the second time you've inter a spar!" He added.

"Unhand me!" Neji growled as he ripped his hand out of naruto grip.

"N-naruto-kun?" Hinata panted out.

"I figured it out. This match isnt a fair match up and its dishonorable to have this type of spar." Naruto called out.

"Explain. This had better be good naruto." Hashi spoke calmly, but naruto could tell he was annoyed.

"I figured out why hinata sucks at the gentle fist." The blond replied with an eye smile. Hinatas shoulders sagged in depression.

"Yeah, its because she not talented boy." Another elder called out.

"Youre both correct and wrong" naruto stated as he held on to hinatas hand, getting a small blush from the girl." Okay, all hyugas have a main earth affinity right? Its what the gentle fist is built around, yes?"

"Yes, what does this have to do with hinatas gentle fist training?" Hashi asked.

" if im right about this then youre all gonna feel stupid." He chuckled. He turned to hinata and dug into his shuriken pouch while ignoring the outraged cries of the elders. He pulled out a piece of chakra paper and held it up to hinata." Now hime-" said girl blushed a bit darker."- this is chakra paper. What you do with it is this." He put the paper between his fingers." You add your chakra into the paper and itll tell you your elemental affinity, if its fire the paper will burn to ash, if its lightning itll crinkle up, wind itll slice the paper in half, earth itll crumble to dust, and if its water it will soak the paper, watch."

Naruto sent chakra into the paper and everyone watched with wide eyes as the paper was cut into four strips. On strip caught on fire, the next one turned soggy, the next crumbled to dust and the last one crinkled up into a small ball.

"As you can see, I have an affinity for all elements thanks to my rinnegan. Now I want you to do the same thing as I just did." Naruto told hinata as he handed her another piece of chakra paper.

"O-okay" she held the paper between two fingers and sent her chakra into the paper. Everyone expected to see the paper turn to dust but instead they witnessed the paper fill with water before it became soggy and fell apart in the girls hand." S-so I h-have a water affinity?" Hinata asked softly.

" it seems I was correct." Naruto looked at the rest of the people in the room." You see, its not because she doesn't train hard enough or she just simply sucks at the gentle fist. Her body just simply isnt made for the gentle fist, so her bodies natural reflex is fighting against her brain." Naruto explained." Unlike everyone else's body, hinatas just isnt made to stand in one spot like an earth wall, it's literally meant to move and flow like water." Naruto finished his explanation.

" how'd we miss this?" Hashi questioned, mostly to himself. He was impressed with narutos insight. He was also grateful for it, had it not been for him hashi didn't know if hed ever figure out why hinata wasn't good with the gentle fist.

"Actually I don't blame you for not noticing." Naruto told the clan head." The hyugas are naturally born with an earth affinity and they usually don't use any elemental attacks or jutsus so they just never test it. And if im correct then either you or hitome have a secondary water affinity. Hell, judging by the strength of hinatas water affinity I wouldn't be surprised if you both have one and it just passed down to hinata." Naruto pointed at hinata and grinned under his mask." Hell, if she trained in water jutsus her water manipulation could eventually rival if not surpass the second hokages." He praised.

"That's nice and all but if she cant use the gentle fist then what good is she as both a hyuga and clan heir ?" Neji questioned coldly.

"What hinata needs is either to find a tijutsu style that fits her element or make her own." Naruto replied while deciding to ignore the boys insult to hinata.

"That's a waist of time. The gentle fist is the best tijutsu style in the world. Clearly no matter what she comes up with itll still be below the gentle fist." Neji replied arrogantly, getting a few nods from the elders.

"In my own teachers words ' everything has a weakness to exploit.'" Naruto recited his masters words.

"Your teacher is a fool then boy." And elder shot back.

"So jiraya of the sannin is a fool now?" Naruto questioned, making some of the elders choke on air." Fine then ill prove it too you. Come neji let us fight."

"You may be a gennin naruto but you arent strong enough to defeat me." Neji replied blankly.

"I didn't know you were a cowered neji, is that seal affecting your brain?" Naruto knew he hit a sore spot when he felt the temperature in the room drop several degrees. He quickly moved hinata off the mat before facing neji again.

" fine. If you wish for me to humiliate you then so be it." Neji growled out as he wordlessly activated his byakugan and got into his fighting stance. Naruto got into his swirling storm stance and waited for the match to begin.

"Begin!" Hashi shouted out.

Neji pumped chakra into his legs and dashed at naruto with high gennin speed. He sent chakra into his fingertips and lunged it towards the center of narutos chest. Naruto used his left hand to smack nejis strike away before palm thrusting into nejis chest. Neji wasn't fast enough to block the hit and took it full force in the chest. He slid back a bit before growling and charging at the blond again.

Neji threw his hands forward so fast that to the naked eye they became two blurs that were glowing blue from the amount of chakra neji was pumping into the attacks.

Naruto cleanly blocked or redirected nejis attacks before he was hit three times in the right shoulder. He managed to jump away before rubbing his shoulder.

"I told you once before. You may be a gennin but you are still no match for me nor my gentle fist. Give up before I hurt you further." Neji spoke coldly with a small smirk on his chest.

"Beat him up aniki!" Hinabi shouted out from the bleachers. Hitome, hashi and hinata sweatdropped at the girls shout.

" you think just because you poked me three times im done?" Naruto asked as he stood straight up and laughed at the boy." Let me show just how far above you I am." Narutos tone went cold.

To both neji and most of the elders narutos body seemed to flicker in and out before he completely vanished from sight. They watched as neji was shot into the air before a blur fallowed quickly behind the airborne boy.

To neji it all happened to fast. One moment he was standing ready on the ground and the next he was in the air getting hit from every direction. Naruto appeared right above him and white eyes met ringed eyes before naruto punched him in the face, sending the boy into the ground with a hard thud.

Naruto reappeared in his original spot with his hands in his pockets." You see neji. Even before I entered the academy I planned on graduating early and I knew that id be to small to go toe to toe with most if not all other shinobe out there. So I trained my speed. How can you hit me if you cant see or fallow my movements?" The blond vanish and reappeared next to the downed hyuga boy.

"When I was fighting you I notice to blaring weaknesses of the gentle fist style. One, its possible to get inside your defenses as long as ones fast enough to dodge your strikes. Two, theres a spot on the back of your neck about the size of a ryo that you cant see from. I managed to appear in your only blind spot and if I wanted to I could've put a kunai in the back of your skull and you wouldn't have been able to see or stop it." Every hyuga gulped at that.

The older hyuga knew of that blind spot and it was one of the clans greatest kept secrets. So for a mere six year old boy to not only find that blind spot but to exploit it was actually scary.

Naruto kneeled next to neji and let out a sigh." You're too arrogant neji. You underestimated me and you payed the price for it." He kinda felt back as he looked down at neji. He broke the boys nose when he punched him in the face." If theres any rules that you need to know about being a shinobe is these two. Never underestimate your enemy and always look underneath the underneath." With that naruto stood up and looked at hashi.

"The winner of this match is naruto. Hizashi please take neji to get his nose fixed and healed up." Hashi spoke with a small nod to his twin brother.

"Of course hashi-sama." Hizashi bowed a bit before walking over to neji and picking him up. He looked at naruto and gave him a small nod." I hope your lesson has helped neji."

"Uh..sure?" Naruto scratched the back of his head as the man carried his son away. After that hashi dismissed everyone leaving only naruto hinata and hinabi in the room. Said kid seemed to simply appear ontop of narutos shoulders.

"That was amazing!" Hinabi cried out as she grabbed narutos hair and pulled it in her excitement." You were like wam! Hicha! Bam!" The kid made exaggerated karate chops in the air." And then he hit the ground and you won!" Hinabi finished with a sagely nod.

Naruto gave the girl an amused snort before looking at hinata."after my training today ill go ask around in order to find you a tijutsu style. If I cant find you one then we'll have to work on making up your own." He smiled at the girl.

"T-together?" Hinata asked with a small blush.

"Of course." Naruto replied as he lifted hinabi off his shoulders and sat her on the ground next to him." I would love to try and help you with making your own style."

"Th-that sounds good then!" Hinata replied happily.

" anyways I have to go meet up with mikoto-sama, ill see you all later." Naruto told them. He patted hinabis head and gave hinata a quick kiss on the cheek before vanishing into thin air.

"Oohh, hinata-chan gots a boyfriend!" Hinabi teased a tomato red hinata.

"W-what are y-you saying hinabi!" Hinata cried out in embarrassment before she fainted. Hinabi put her hands on her hips and shook her head.

"Older kids are so weird." She told herself as she began to drag hinata towards their house by the poor girls foot.