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The first test!

It was around noon and naruto was sitting in his hotel room with jiraya going over his gear and making sure he had everything while they waited for the cloud chunnin to come get him.

He counted out his kunai and shuriken before putting them in their respective holsters. He wrapped up some ninja wire, stacked flash and explosive tags and stuffed them in the pouch he had on his lower back before looking up at jiraya who was scribbling away in his little notebook.

"I have 50 kunai and 100 shuriken, 25 explosive and flash tags each. I do believe im prepared." Naruto told his sensei with a small nod of his head.

"Good, make sure you also have a storage scroll full of food and water. Most second exams are survival exams so be ready for anything." Jiraya ordered. Naruto nodded his head and went to his green backpack before pulling out a rolled up scroll. He flipped it in his hand before putting it in he back pouch.

"Sensei." Jiraya looked at naruto and watched the boy reach into his kunai pouch and pull out both minatos kunai and seal book before holding the objects out to him." I know that these exams are dangerous and I very well know I could die. If that did happen I don't want any of our villages enemies to find and or use these." Naruto explained quietly.

Jiraya nodded softly and took the objects from the boy." I understand brat. But I know youll make it out in one piece." He told him as he sealed the book and kunai away inside of a storage seal he had on his arm.

There was a knock on their room door and both of them looked at the door." This is it brat, no going back now" jiraya gave the boy a small grin as he stood up and answered the door.

Standing outside of their door was a dark skinned beauty that had to be in her early twenties. She had white hair that was put up in a pony tail and dark blue eyes. She was currently wearing the standard kumo chunnin uniform and had a serious look on her face. 

"Hello, my name is mabui and ill be escorting your gennin to the first exam and ill be taking you – jiraya of the sannin- to the sensei waiting area." The now named mabui spoke with no hint of emotion in her voice."fallow me." She ordered and without another word she turned away and began walking. Naruto and jiraya looked at each other before shrugging and fallowing after the chunnin.

Mabui led her charges through the village and after about a thirty minute walk they came to a stop in front of a two story building. The building was a light grey color with dark blue trimming on the lower part of the walls along with the roof. Naruto could see the difference from his own villages academy.

His academy had a play ground for the kids to use during lunch or after school, kumos academy didn't. It had a lot more training dummies and spar platforms around it then konohas. Naruto also saw an area of the ground that had a large circle drawn on it with white chalk and a post a little ways from it that read 'kenjutsu field.' If kumo made their academy students practice kenjutsu than he was already at a disadvantage.

Hell he was already smaller than probably all of the other gennin so his reach on them was already short, now added a taller gennin with a sword into the mix and he would have to rely on his speed and ranged jutsu more. He just prayed he was fast enough, hell he might have to take off his weights.

"This is where your first exam will be held. Enter through the front door and go to classroom 230. It will be on the second floor." Mabui instructed the young blond.

"Thank for your help ma'am" naruto bowed to the women before jogging off to the building.

Mabui looked at the sannin before motioning him to fallow her as she began walking away. Jiraya gave one last look to his students back before fallowing after the women, wishing him a silent good luck.

-with naruto-

Naruto made it to the second floor and silently passed by a few gennin teams that were hanging out in the hall. He made his way to the correct room number and took a deep breath before sliding the door open.

Inside the room were possibly hundreds of gennin. He could see a few teams from suna and mizu, but most of the teams there were from kumo and iwa.

There was about eight teams from kumo and about five from iwa. Suna had sent two teams and mizu had only sent three teams. What made this worse was that when he opened the door it apparently alerted everyone inside the room as they all stopped what they were doing and looked directly at naruto.

Naruto just stood there with a blank look on his face as he Immediately felt the KI directed at him by everyone in hopes of scaring him. The killer intent was most potent from the iwa gennin.

"The daycares on the other side of the village kid!" Came the laugh of one of the kumo male gennins, the room erupted into laughter and mutters about 'leaf dogs' and 'baby soldiers from konoha.'

Naruto let out a sigh before closing the door behind him and entering the room.' At least they're underestimating me' naruto told himself as he found an empty part of the rooms wall and leaned against it, ignoring the iwa teams glares and KI.

"Yo brat, im feeling matatabis chakra in this room." Kuramas spoke up with narrowed eyes.

'... who?' Naruto asked in confusion.

Kurama facepalmed." The two tailed bijuu you idiot, shes a giant blue flaming cat with two tails and her names matatabi." Kurama explained." Wait let me flare my chakra a bit to get a lock on her."

"..okay?" Was naruto quiet reply.

-with yugito-

Yuhito was standing quietly as her two teammates omoi and karui chatted with one another. Yugito had blond hair that was tied into a low pony tail, letting her hair fall down to the middle of her back. She was kinda tall for being a 9 year old, standing at 4'10. She had yellow eyes with cat like puiples and was wearing a t-shirt that was purple with the top half and arms of the shirt being black. She had on black pants with dark blue shinobe sandals.

Omoi had short spiky white hair and had dark skin with black eyes. He was the same age as her but a few inches taller and wore a grey hoodie and black pants and had a katana strapped to his back.

Karui had short spiky red hair that fell to the back of her neck and she wore a white bandana that held her headband on it. She had yellowish bronze eyes and dark skin, just like omoi had. She was a little shorter than yugito and wore a dark green shirt that had the sleeves ripped off of it with dark blue pants and sandals. She too had a katana strapped to her back.

Yugito wasn't like other kids her age, no she wasn't just a regular orphan. She was also the container for the two tailed bijuu. She became the two tails container when she was two after her mom and dad had passed away and became the surrogated daughter of the raikage ay, she also was training with the eight tails container bee in order to learn how to control her tail beast powers.  So far it was a work in progress.

Her and the two tailed cat matatabi were on good grounds with one another but her seal couldn't be open yet due to her being to young to fully contain and use the cats powerful chakra.

"Kitten.." came matatabis soft voice that sounded out in her head. But it also held a hint of worry.

' whats wrong matatabi?' Yugito asked with furrowed brows.

"Kyuubi..' matatabi replied worriedly as both yugito and the two tails felt a small flare of demonic chakra. Yugito snapped her head over to the source and her cat like eyes locked with silverish ringed eyes of a young blond boy that was wearing a face mask.

"No! How is that possible!" Matatabi shouted inside the girls head." Those eyes! He has fathers eyes! Kurama what have you done!" Matatabi roared out.

"W-what?" Yugito asked out loud as she stumbled forward and held her head.

"Yugito?"omoi asked as both he and karui came to her side.

" here.." all three of them looked up and saw naruto standing directly in front of them.

'Fast!' They all thought. Before they could say anything naruto reached out and put his hand onto yugitos arm.

Both naruto and yugitos vision went black.

-unknown location-

Yugito snapped her eyes opened and found herself standing in a pure white area. Everything was white, the floor the ceiling if there even was a ceiling and it seemed to go On forever.

"Kitten, come here now!" Yugito turned around to see matatabi standing there in all her giant glory. "Hurry kitten before they come! Hide behind my paw!" Yugito did as ordered and ran to the giant cat before ducking behind matatabis leg. There would be time for questions later.

Matatabi stared out in front of them with narrowed mismatched eyes. She watched as kurama appeared in front of her along with a small human boy that was standing on his head.

"Where are we again?" Naruto asked curiously.

"Were in a shared mindscape if you will. Only us tailed beasts and their containers can come here so long as they can lock onto the other containers chakra." Kurama explained wisely before looking at matatabi who was ready to pounce if needed." Hello matatabi." Kurama greeted.

"Woe.." narutos eyes widened as he looked at the giant cat.

"Kurama." Matatabi growled out." You have a lot of nerve bringing me here, and giving that boy those eyes!" She shouted heatedly, naruto took a small step back on kuramas head.

"You will calm down matatabi." A new voice spoke up and everyone looked over to see a giant bull that had eight octopus arms for tails. Standing on its head was a dark skinned man that had on a kumo jonnin uniform, white hair pulled back into a small bun. He had a sword on his back and small black sunglasses on." Kurama will explain why he did was he did." The eight tails spoke with a sure nod.

"Gyuki" both kurama and matatabi called out at the same time.

"Yo! Im killa bee!" The man shouted." Weee!" He rhymed.

"Bee sensei!" Yugito called out happily as the man jumped down from the eight tails head and hugged yugito who had run to him.

" yo miss two and mista nine, gyuki an I stopped by, hope ya don't mind!" Bee rapped out.

"That is highly annoying." Kurama frowned.

"You get used to it." Gyuki replied." Now why did you call matatabi here Kurama." The eight tails questioned.

"To warn you both." Kurama spoke gravely. Both bijuu narrowed their eyes at kurama." Im sure you all know about me being controlled by madara and used to fight the first hokage for him yes?" Both bijuu nodded their giant heads as all their containers listened.

"But madara died like forever ago, whats the problem?" Matatabi questioned.

"There is another uchiha out there that's able to control us bijuu." Kurama told them, both other bijuu narrowed their eyes.

"Your attack on konoha was his fault wasn't it?" Gyuki spoke up, it was more of a statement than question though.

"Yes, he ripped me from my previous host and put me in a genjutsu that even I couldn't break. Just like madara had eighty to ninety years ago. The genjutsu wore off about two years later when I woke up and found myself behind bars in this brats stomach." Kurama looked up at naruto who waved at everyone else.

"That doesn't explain why that boy has fathers eyes." Matatabi pointed out as she sat on her hind legs, her two tails swishing behind her calmly.

" it was too help me." Naruto spoke up." I vowed to kurama that I was gonna take this uchiha down when I got strong enough. Right now im not even close to being strong enough but that's why I keep training. Me and kurama are teaming up to either hunt this rogue uchiha down and kill him or remove his eyes and bring him in for what he had done, whatever opportunity shows itself first." Naruto took a breath before continuing." We don't know where he is but it is highly possible that this man already has another one of your brethren under his control and that in itself could be devastating to the elemental nations." Naruto told them truthfully.

"The boys right matatabi." Gyuki told the fire cat before looking at kurama and naruto." We will need time to think on your words, we'll meet again after the chunnin exams are done and over with."

"Agreed" matatabi replied.

"Of course, see you both later." Kurama gave a nod before he and naruto vanished from the shared mindscape.

"This is truly troubling bee." Gyuki looked down at his partner.

"Should we inform my big bro?" Bee asked, not rapping this time and crossing his arms over his chest, yugito stood silently next to the man.

Gyuki thought for a moment before shaking his head." No, I don't want Ay to do something stupid to that boy. If that kid knows how to use those eyes of his then he could turn this entire village into a crater with a single jutsu." Both bee and yugito paled at that thought.

"H-How is that possible!?!" Yugito shouted out in surprise." Hes just a child, younger than me!" She added. Both bijuu looked down at the girl with serious gazed.

"Kitten, we've seen the power those eyes have. I will say this once, be very careful with that kid. If you do have to fight him then use my chakra. Do you understand?"

"O-okay matatabi." Yugito nodded.

"Now lets get out of here." Gyuki commented. Not long after they all vanished from the place.

-back in the classroom-

Yugitos eyes snapped open and she looked directly at naruto as he lowered his arm back to his side.

"Are you okay?" Naruto asked calmly.

"Yo back up from our teammate short stack!" Karui growled heatedly. Narutos eye twitched at the girls jab about his hight.

"Karui, its fine." Yugito said sternly, not looking away from narutos face.


"Its fine." Yugito spoke calmly as she looked at naruto." Whats your name kid?"

"Naruto uzumaki." Naruto answered."you?" He asked.

"Yugito, yugito nii." Yugito answered. Before she could say anything else the door was thrown open and a cloud jonnin walked into the room with a frown on his face.

The man had whiteish blond hair and dark skin. He had a mustache above his top lip that was shaved in the middle of it. He had black eyes and wore a black sleevles hoodie under a white kumo jonnin vest along with black pants and sandals.

"My name is darui and ill be your instructor for the first part of the exams. Everyone sit down." Her ordered in a bored lazy tone that reminded naruto of shikamaru.

After everyone found a seat and sat down at a desk, darui continued." The first part of this exam is a simple written test to find out what you know and how much you know." The jounin continued speaking as a few chunnin came into the room and began passing out test which were placed face down." You have one hour to complete as many questions as you can. Each team starts out with six points. If youre caught cheating than your team loses two points. If your team gets to zero points then you will get a zero on the test and youll be dropped from the chunnin exams." A few mutters broke out at that." Now if youre all done complaining you can began." Everyone quickly flipped their papers over and began working.

Naruto looked at the questions for a moment before frowning.' All these questions seem to be harder than they should be.' Naruto told himself as he looked through the paper. He hesitantly moved his eyes in order to look around the room. Most of the gennins seemed to be struggling as well but naruto noticed a few 'gennin' werent struggling at all.

A kunai flew by his head and impacted the desk behind him, getting a surprised cry for the guy sitting at that desk." Two points redacted." Darui spoke lazily.

Naruto took a calming breath and a smile spread out over his masked face. He figured it out, you were suppose to cheat in order to get the answers to the questions. No gennin or chunnin could possible answer these. Looking at the back of one of the only 'gennins' scribbling away at their tests naruto made a handsign under the desk.

"Shadow clone jutsu." Naruto spoke out, everyone looked at him as a clone appeared standing next to him.'gotta time it just right.' Naruto thought.

"Two points taken from you bud." Darui told him as he threw a kunai at the blonds clone.

'Now!' Naruto shouted inside his head as the kunai was about an inch from the clones face. The clone went up in smoke, blocking out everyones view of it and the kunai. They heard the kunai clatter to the ground as the smoke cleared.

"Dang!" Naruto pouted, getting chuckles from everyone else. Darui went back to looking out the window and the students went back to their tests.

Naruto let of a small smirk as he looked down as his closed fist. Opening his hand he saw a fly standing on the palm of his hand. He gave it a small nod before it flew off and landed on one of the 'gennins' shoulders.

Naruto stretched his arms and put his hands behind his head while sitting back in his chair, he locked eyes with darui and gave him an eye smile.

'Kids' darui snorted silently. He continued to have a stare down with the blond and  notice a small fly flying out of the room from under the door but paid it no mind, not noticing that it went up in smoke. Darui watched naruto close his eyes for a moment before looking back at him in amusement. He could feel the victorious smirk that no doubt was under the boys mask. Said kid grabbed his pencil and began writing down the answers to his question.

'What was up with tha-' darui stopped as his eyes widened. That shadowclone the boy made, it didn't sound like it popped like a usual shadowclone would if it had been hit by his kunai. Then there was that fly that had just left the room, he knew for a fact that there wasn't a fly in the room when the test started and that it showed up after the kids shadowclone 'dispelled.' He thought for a moment.' But did the kid really think that far a head? Was it his plan all along?' Darui got his answer when naruto locked eyes with him again, set his pencil down and eye smiled at him.

"Oh you sneaky brat." Darui found himself smirking at the boy.

"Sir?" A student asked in confusion.

"Nothing, you got 45 minutes left." Darui lost his smirk and went back to being lazy, after failing a few teams of course.

45 minutes later a timer went off." Pencils down, times up." Darui called out as he stopped the timer. There were a few groans from the gennin but he ignored them. He looked at all the students that were still here." Now, raise your hand if you have three or more questions left to answer." About twelve gennin raised their hands and darui nodded." Everyone that has their hands raised go find your team and get out, you failed the test."

The room was in uproar." What do you mean!?! That's not fair at all!" An iwa gennin shouted in outrage.

"Chunnin will be sent on spying mission or information gathering missions. If you couldn't get info on one or two targets than that's fine, it could be worked out with other chunnin or jonnin. But if its three or more things youre putting the lives of not only your team but potentially the lives of everyone in your village at risk, hence youre not ready for chunnin yet. Try again next year." Darui finished his speech as the failed gennin teams left the room groaning and complaining to one another.

He looked out at and counted the rest of the teams and counted 60 teams out of the hundred he started with. He was satisfied with that number.

"Now to those that are still here, congrats. You've passed the first part of the chunnin exams." Darui told them with a small nod.

Before the gennin could celebrate the door was kicked off its hinges and naruto watched with a sweatdrop as Bee jumped into the room making weird signs with his hands.

"Yo bros! Its killa bee, don't celebrate yet cause ill be your next master tasker!" Bee rapped horribly. Everyone stared blankly at the man, yugito had her head held down in shame and darui sighed in exasperation.

"What?" A gennin asked out in confusion.

"This is jonnin Bee, he'll be in charge if your second exams." Darui explained lazily.

"That's what I said my brotha from a different motha!" Bee whooped out. He looked at all the gennin with grins." Fallow killa bee suckas!" He ordered as he left the room.

"This is gonna be fun!" Naruto said as he dashed out of the room after the man, the other gennin quickly fallowed the small blond.

Darui snorted and began picking up all the test. He finally git to narutos and looked at it and its answers. The blond answered all the questions correctly and he saw some writing at the bottom of the page that read ' got ya!' With a drawing of a chibi naruto giving him a peace sign.

"Tricky kids" darui clicked his tongue in half annoyance and half amusement before going back to picking up the other test sheets.