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The second test!

The kumo jonnin Bee led the group of gennins across the village towards a distant mountain range that could be seen from across the village. It the villagers of kumo thought it weird to see multiple groups of gennin chasing after one of their own jonnin then they didn't say anything about it.

After leaving the village walls bee led them into a thick forest which other gennin had a bit if trouble navigating through, but thanks to narutos smaller size he was able to make it through the thicker brush mostly unscathed, except for a few scratches her and there.

After what felt like an hour of constant running bee finally came to a stop in the middle of the clearing. Naruto burst through the tree line, landed with a roll and jumped up to his feet. Narutos eyes widened a bit as he looked at the mountain base directly behind bee. He tilted his head up in an attempt to see the top of it but the summit  vanished into the clouds.

After waiting a few more minutes for the other gennin to arrive bee crossed his arms with a smirk as he looked at the assembled teams, his eyes stayed on naruto for a few moments before he looked away from the boy and began to speak.

"Pretty sweet, isnt she?" Bee asked them as he looked up at the mountain and naruto felt his stomach drop a bit. Did they have to climb that thing?" Now lets chill for a second and wait for a few friends I forgot to mention." Bee attempted to rap.

Not long after the elder bijuu container said that two kumo chunnin jumped into the clearing from the trees. Naruto recognized one of them as being the women who had gotten him this morning,  if he remembered right her name was mabui? The other chunnin he didn't know or recognize. 

"I do hope we arent late bee-sama." Mabui spoke up as she came to a stop next to bee.

"No way sista, ya just in time you fine dime!" Bee rapped as he threw up a double peace sign. Mabui sighed before looking at the assembled gennin.

"Bee-sama may be in charge of this exam but ill explain what it is, since I doubt you all would be able to understand him anyways."mabui told them.

"Maaa, ya words cut me like a knife" bee pouted. Mabui ignored him and reached into one of her chunnin vests pocket. She pulled out what looked to be two different coins. One was silver and the other gold.

" each team will be getting either a silver coin or a gold coin. After each team has their respective coin you will all head to the base of this mountain-" she pointed at the one directly behind her." You will each space yourselves thirty feet from each team and when you hear the signal you will began climbing the mountain. Your goal for this exam will be to get either a gold or silver coin from another team. So say you got a gold coin, you will have to get a silver coin from a team that has one, weather you steal it or kill them it makes no difference. So long as you have one of each coin by the time you reach the summit of the mountain you and your team will pass this exams. Do you all understand your objective?" Mabui questioned the assembled gennins.

"Yes ma'am!" Was the collective reply of the gennins.

Mabui gave a nod before continuing." Now, you all have three days to reach the top of the mountain. After the three days if youre not there then you will have failed. If you do make it to the top and your team doesn't have both coins then you fail. If you make it to the top and you are missing a teammate or that teammate is injured and unable to fight, then you fail. Now get with your teams and line up into two separate lines. Me and my fellow chunnin will hand out the coins." 

The gennin did as asked and formed two lines next to each other. Mabui began handing out different coins to the left line and the other chunnin did the same for the right line.

Naruto was in the middle of the left line standing in front of a team of iwa nins. He could feel them glaring into the back of his head. Mabui finally got to him and handed the little blond a silver coin before giving the iwa team behind him a gold coin before moving on.

The 'leader' of the iwa team behind him gave the back of narutos head a happy sneer before leaning his head down next to the boys ear and speaking.

"My name is gari, remember it kid cause ill be the one to kill you, leaf dog." Gari growled out with a cruel smirk as he stood back next to his other two teammates. Naruto looked back at him and tilted his head a bit.

"Did you say something, gaki was it? No that wasn't right, gandi? No-"

"Gari you shit stain, my names gari!" The brown haired boy growled out. 

Naruto nodded and gave him a thumbs up." Ill remember it gandi, promise." Gari growled at the boy.

"Now line up at the mountain base!" Mabui ordered. The gennin teams did as told and headed for the rocky base. Each team were thirty feet from the teams next to them.

Naruto was standing all alone in front of the mountain base and just looked up towards the top of it. He was thinking of a P.O.A or commonly known as a plan of action.

'Any ideas kurama?' Naruto asked the fox. Kurama opened one eye and looked out into his containers mindscape before humming a bit.

" that iwa team that's out for your head, they got the coin you need yeah?" Kurama got a small affirmative nod from the blond." I say you climb up the mountain a bit and wait for them to come to you, then you snuff out their pathetic existences, take your coin and fly the rest of the way up to the summit."

Naruto deadpanned a bit.' Why didn't I think of that plan?' He pouted to himself.

" because youre an idiot now let me sleep." Kurama waved him off before closing his eyes and laying his head back onto his front paws.

"What a dick" naruto muttered to himself.

"I can still hear you brat." Kurama growled out lazily.

"W-wha-" naruto cleared his throat in an attempt to hid his embarrassment at being called out like that." Go to sleep fuzzy." Naruto told him.

Naruto was startled a bit when he heard a loud ringing sound. The sound stop a second later and mabuis voice could be heard throughout the area." Now that everyone is ready to go. You may begin climbing in 3...2..1.. go!" Then there was a loud banging sound and all the gennin teams dashed up the mountain side using chakra to stick to the surface.

Naruto just calmly walked up the side of the rock face. They had three days to get to the top, there was no point in burning himself out within the first two hours of the exam, thatd be irresponsible and he wasn't irresponsible.. okay maybe he was kinda irresponsible but he wasn't to bad.

-3 hours later-

Naruto was sitting on a small ledge hed been able to find sticking out of the side of the unusually smooth mountain side. He was slowly munching on an energy bar that he had packed away for these sort of occasions while his feet dangled over the edge of the small ledge. The ledge was probably big enough to fit a wagon on it, so it was a decent size.

He sat there chewing on his food while thinking about the exams so far. The first test was kind of easy to figure out and complete while this test seemed to be more challenging. So far he hadnt seen any other life signs except for himself and he had expected those iwa gennins to find him alre-

The blond was cut off from his musing as a kunai sank into the top of his head. He could only widen his eye before the life left them.

"That was easy!" Gari laughed out as he and his teammates appeared on the ledge the now dead blond had been sitting on." He was pretty easy to kill, looks like the leaf isnt as strong as it once was." He added as he grabbed the kunai and ripped it out of the blonds head, said boys body fell onto its side.

" whatever gari, lets just get the damn coin and go-" garis teammate was cut off as a blur passed in front of him and he found his own throat cut. Gari and saki- their other male teammate- watched in horror as blood sprayed from their teammates throat and onto them. The boys body went pale as he fell to his knees and onto his face, dead.

"What the fuck-" gari was cut off by his only remaining teammate shouting out in surprise. Gari looked at saki and saw the black haired boy wrapped up in ninja wire. He fallowed the line upwards and saw naruto standing above them- standing sideways on the mountain side- with the wire firmly in one hand.

The boys other hand flew through one handed signs before he called out his attack." Fire style: flamethrower jutsu!" Fire shot out of the boys masked mouth and traveled along the ninja wire that was holding saki tied up.

"Nooo!" Gari tried to reach saki in time to untie the boy but it was too late. The flames consumed saki and the only thing gari heard was a horrible scream come from his teammate that lasted for a few minutes before the wire was cut and sakis burning dead body fell to the ground. Gari fell to his knees, his eyes wide in shock at what had just happened.

It was suppose to be easy! All they had to do was kill one six year old! Then they wouldve had their coins and passed the test while also killing off a leaf ninja! He understood now, it was all a trap. The boy had picked his two teammates off in about thirty seconds! He looked over at the 'dead' blond that he had personally stabbed in the head and saw the body go up in smoke." Shadowclone?.." he muttered out in shock as tears of rage formed in his eyes.

" do you know how hard it is to keep a shadow clone that had been stabbed in the head from popping?" Gari looked up at the voice and saw naruto standing next to the now not burning dead body of saki. The boy gently tapped the charred body with his foot before looking back at gari.

"Y-you killed them.." gari muttered as he shakily got to his feet and glared at the masked blond who had a bored look on his face.

" youre damn right I did gandi. Honestly I expected you all sooner, but you were late." Naruto clicked his tongue in annoyance.

"Im gonna fucking kill you!" Gari raged, his eyes were red with angry tears.

Naruto tilted his head at the boy and gave him an eye smile." The last person who said that to me got his ass handed to him." Naruto replied calmly, thinking of a certain uchiha boy." I do hope youre better than him as well or else ill get bored quickly."

With that gari was on him and naruto barely had enough time to block the iwa gennins kunai with his own. Naruto pushed the boy back and charged at him. Their kunai blades Continued to bounce off one anothers, throwing sparks between them.

Gari swiped at the blonds neck but naruto used his kunai to stop the older boys, the force behind the boys strike made him slide back a bit before naruto used his free hand to smack garis kunai hand away and to punch him in the throat.

Garis eyes widened as he jumped back from the boy, barely stopping himself from falling off the edge of the cliff. He rubbed his now soar throat as he looked at the younger blond with narrowed eyes." Youre a lot better than I expected you to be." Gari commented as he readied himself again.

"Id say that to you too but I was told that lyings a bad thing to do." Naruto replied as he twirled his kunai with his finger before wrapping his hand around the handle and readying himself.

" im gonna enjoy cutting you down!" Gari growled out as he charged at the blond with low chunnin speed.

Naruto dashed forward at the same speed and the two locked blade with a resounding 'cling!'naruto quickly smashed his forehead into garis, said gennin cried out in pain as he stumbled back a bit, naruto used the opening to slide between garis legs on his knees and slice the back of both of the boys ankles. Gari cried out and fell to his knees as naruto stood behind him.

Gari sat on his knees as he tried to catch his breath. Sweat poured down his face as he looked down at the ground. He was tired and had barely any chakra left. He had used it all up while climbing the mountain and to pump into his limbs in order to block the blonds attacks. For such a small kid he was strong as hell. He had planned to kill the leaf gennin and then rest on the ledge they were on but it seemed it was all for nothing. His teammates were dead and he didn't have the energy to fight any longer.

"Will you tell me were your coin is or will I have to search your corps?" Naruto asked the older boy as he stared at the back of the iwa gennins head.

" fuck you, you konoha dog!" Gari growled out as he tried to stand only to fall back to his knees. He could feel the pain in the back of each ankle and knew the blond had managed to sever both arteries. In a last ditch effort, gari spun around and sent the rest of his chakra to his legs before getting to his feet and dashing towards naruto in a blind rage." Die!"

Narutos eyes widened as the other gennin lunged at him with his kunai. Naruto moved his head to the side and he felt the boys kunai graze his cheeks. Naruto managed to raise his kunai up to his chest just as the boys body impacted him.

Naruto skidded back to the very edge of the ledge, iwa nins body in tow and sent as much chakra into his feet as he could in order to stop himself from falling. Naruto closed his eyes and gave the three gennin a quick prayer as he felt garis blood seep onto his hand. He pushed the boys body back and let his kunai go. Gari landed on his back and stared lifelessly up at the cloudy sky. Naruto looked at his kunai that was impaled hilt deep into garis heart. He knew the boy was dead. He touched his cheek with his unbloodied hand and looked at his fingers, there was blood on them. Gari managed to cut his cheek.

He quickly turned around, pulled his mask of his face and puked over the side of the ledge. Hed wanted to do that the moment he cut that other gennins throat, along with the smell of burning flesh and naruto almost puked before his fight with gari. Wiping his mouth and putting his mask back on, naruto looked back at the dead gennins and began searching their corpses.

He found the gold coin a few minutes later on the iwa gennin that had been on the receiving end of his flamethrower jutsu. Standing with his back to the edge naruto looked at the three dead gennin and gave a sad sigh.

"I really hate killing." He spoke out loud before he let his body fall backwards. Naruto felt the wind against his body and stayed like that for a moment before his body was covered by a cloud of smoke. There was a shrill hawk cry before a pitch black hawk with silver ringed eyes shot out of the smoke heading towards the mountain peak.

-at the peak of the mountain-

It had already been four hours since the second exam started and mabui along with killer bee had been waiting atop the mountain. They were both sitting around a small fire, their sleeping bags were unpacked and set up on either side of the fire.

"Yo miss dime, wanna hear another rhyme?" Bee asked the white haired girl. Said girl let out a loud groan.

" I swear to kami bee, if I gotta listen to another one of your damn rhymes im gonna jump off that cliffside." Mabui pointed at the edge of the summit." Now shut up and let me rea-"

Mabui was cut off when she and bee heard a loud hawk cry. They glanced at each other before standing up. There wasn't supposed to be any type of birds up this high. The air was to thin for them to breath or fly.

The two watched as a hawk shot up over the edge and continued to go higher into the air. They watched the bird seemingly stop flying before it turned its beak to the summit and nosed dived down towards it.  Five feet above the mountain top the bird went up in smoke and a black blur hit the ground and rolled itself up to its feet. They stared at the small blond konoha gennin as he dusted his clothes off and looked up at them with an innocent tilt of his head.

" do I pass?" Naruto asked as he held his right hand which had both a silver coin and a gold coin in his palm and blood all over said hand.

"B-but the test just started!?!" Mabui cried out in shock." How'd you get up here so fast!?!" She asked.

" I flew" naruto replied in a bored tone before throwing the two coins to killer bee who caught them and examined the coins to make sure they were the real deal." And do you know how hard that was? To fly so far up here with how thin the air is?" Naruto questioned as he pointed at them." I had to keep exerting wind chakra out of my wings to keep myself from falling to my death!" He told them as he waved his arms around in exaggerated movement.

" yo mabui, these coins are really the real thing yo!" Bee spoke up as he finished his examination of the coins." Mista nine just beat my test with the fastest time, congrats, you pass my test this time." Be grinned at the young boy and gave him a double peace sign.

" oh man, this is great. Just wait till I tell my sensei! Hes gonna be so amazed!" Naruto cheered as he fist pumped the air.

Mabui just pouted in exasperation as she slowly walk over to the blond and put a hand on his shoulder. The boy looked up at her.

" come on, ill take you back to your hotel room. Your sensei will be there shortly as well." Naruto nodded to her and they vanished in a swirl of leaves.