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The First&Second matches!

Author note: this chapter I added something new to the chunnin exams. I added a tv interview for the gennin. I know it probably wouldn't happen like ever but hey, its called a fanfic for a reason. If you don't like it then sorry? Anyways I hope you all en

Jiraya and naruto were currently walking down a dirt road. Just as samui had told them- Jiraya was indeed waiting outside of the building. The sannin already had their things packed and before naruto knew it, they were on the road heading away from the cloud village. 

Naruto put his hands in his jean pockets and looked up at his sensei." So where are we gonna train sensei?" Naruto asked curiously." Itd be pointless to go all the way back to konoha as its two weeks away and we only have a month to train." He added as an afterthought.

Jiraya nodded to his student and answered." No were not going to konoha, instead were taking you to toad mountain to train for the month-"

"Really!??" Naruto was jumping around the sannin." Oh man I cant wait to meet everyone. Whats the toad boss like? Is he cool? How about maa? You mentioned a maa right-" jiraya whacked the small blond in the head, sending the boy into the ground face first. The blond let out a pitiful groan as jiraya picked him up off the ground by the back of his shirt.

"Stop getting so excited kid. Youll meet everyone soon. We just needed to be away from kumo in order for us to get there. Here should be a good spot." Jiraya was glad no one was around as he didn't want people to see him dragging a small boy into the thick woods. He didn't need that type of image, it was more of orochimarus thing than his.

Jiraya dragged naruto through the forest for a moment before they came to a small clearing. Jiraya dropped the boy without a care in the world and began going through handsigns, ignoring narutos groan of pain from being dropped on the head again." Summoning jutsu!" Jiraya slapped the ground and a smoke cloud appeared.

"Waddya need jiraya boy?" Came pas old croak. Naruto appeared next to jiraya looking perfectly okay and acted like nothing happened.

"Heya pa!" Naruto gave the old small toad a wave.

"Ah, naruto-boy. How are you?" Pa questioned.

"Im good. Sorry I havent summoned any toads yet, ive been really busy and I havent had much free time." The blond told the toad as he rubbed his head with a small chuckle.

"That's alright naruto-boy, just make sure you meet gamabunta soon yeah?" Pa replied. Naruto gave him a thumbs up.

"Actual he can meet bunta soon. I need us to go to the mountain for the month so I can train naruto without any interruptions." Jiraya spoke up. Pa looked at him with a tilted head.

"Waddya mean jiraya-boy?" Pa asked.

"Narutos taking the chunnin exams pa. Hes made it to the third round and we got one month to train him up." Jiraya explained to the toad.

"Ah, alright alright. Ill take us there. Come naruto boy, jiraya-boy." Pa held his cane up." Touch the stick." Naruto and jiraya did as asked and then narutos entire body seemed to pulse, the world around them shifted and he found himself in a nice beautiful clearing.

Naruto looked at the scenery for a second before ripping his mask off and puking on the ground. He felt an intense vertigo feeling wash through his body as he puked again, jiraya rubbed his back in an attempt to help.

"You'll get use to it kid." Jiraya told him honestly. After a minute naruto wiped his mouth and put his mask back on before looking at pa who was just waiting for them now.

"Come, lets go meet the others." Pa motioned them to fallow.

Naruto walked after the toad while looking at everything around him. There was grassy fields -with houses big enough to fit an adult in them scattered throughout them. There was large stone toad statues around the area as well.

Then came the toads themselves. There were possibly thousands of toads. Some as small as a kunai and some as big as the hokage tower, some were even wielding weapons and shields. They were all different colors too, some red and brown or blue and green, it was the entire freakin rainbow of colorful toads.

After a bit of walking they came to a small house that was built into the side of a hill. Pa opened the door and went in while jiraya and naruto fallowed.

"Ma, im back!" Pa shouted out."I brought guests!" He added.

"Im in the kitchen hun!" Came a female grandmotherly voice. When everyone got to the kitchen naruto saw the female toad.

Ma was the same size as pa, same color too. The difference between the two is that pa had a grey beard while ma had grey curly hair on her head and a pair of old lady glasses on her face. She looked at naruto and tilted her head in confusion before her eyes widened a bit.

"You must be jiraya-boys student and the new contract holder!" She hopped over to him as he squatted down and held his hand out.

"My names naruto uzumaki, its nice to meet you ma'am." The boy eye smiled as he shook her webbed hand.

"Oh my, such a well mannered boy. Just call me ma naruto-boy." She told him with a smile. 

"Alright, ma." Naruto replied with a nod.

"So what brings ya boys here?"ma asked while looking up at jiraya.

"We came to train him for the chunnin exams and so he could get better acquainted with the toad clan." The sage replied with a small smile.

"Well before you start trainning come have lunch!" Ma told them as she began hopping back towards a pan on the stove." I made worm soup!"

Naruto looked at jiraya in alarm but didn't say anything. Jiraya paled a bit." I already ate ma but naruto hasn't. In fact he just got done with the second test for the exam, im sure hes hungry!" Jiraya told the elder toad a little to quickly.

Naruto looked appalled. He looked at jiraya like the man had just killed his favorite puppy. The look got worse when he saw ma prepare him a bowl of what looked like brown sludge that wiggled every now and then.

"Eat up naruto-boy!" Pa said as he got himself a bowl." You need your nutrition if youre gonna grow up big and strong like jiraya-boy there." He added with a sagely nod.

"Y-yes sir.." naruto accepted his fate before sitting down at the tiny toad sized table. He lowered his mask as he put a spoonful of the 'food' near his mouth. He took a moment to pray to the god Inari in hopes of him surviving the next month before putting the spoon in his mouth.

- 1 month later-

Naruto was standing in a line next to the other chunnin exam competitors. All around them was a stadium packed full of cheering and excited fans. Naruto could also see multiple camera crews pointing their cameras at them.

Jiraya was sitting up in the kage box with Ay and the tsuchikage onoki or better known as onoki the fence sitter due to his mastery over the second tsuchikages dust release. Jiraya had been aloud to sit up there since he was an 'honored guest' or something like that. Naruto didn't really pay attention to his sensei when he was gushing about sitting in the kage box.

The crowed seemed to quite down when Ay stood up and raised his hand. After everyone was silent he began speaking." Hello everyone both here and all across the elemental nations!" There was a loud cheer before they went silent again." Id like to welcome you all to the chunnin exam finals. Now the final exam will began in about an hour but first- since this is such a big event- a few reporters would like to interview the competitors before we began. So make sure you have your snacks a drinks because I do believe this is gonna be a wild ride!" Ay finished with a small grin as the crowed went crazy.

Naruto felt a tap on his shoulder and turned around to see the kumo chunnin samui." Yes?" He questioned.

"Fallow me, ill lead you to your interview." Samui told him as she began walking off. Naruto noticed the other gennin being led away and quickly fallowed samui into the arena corridors.

After a quick walk samui led him into a small room. Naruto saw two chairs sitting in front of a camera with a man sitting behind the camera. Next to him was a women in her late twenties with short neck length blond hair. She wore a white t-shirt that had a tan short sleeved jacket that went to just under her bust. She wore a tan business skirt and a pair of white high heals. This chick looked pretty fancy.

She looked up and smiled at them as she cane over and held her hand out to naruto." My names ichikawa shino and ill be the one doing your interview." She told him. He reached up and shook her hand with his gloved one.

"My names naruto uzumaki, its nice to meet you ma'am." Naruto replied with an eye smile.

"Please, just call me kawa, all my friends do." She told him with a happy smile, naruto nodded his head in understanding." Now, lets take a seat and we'll begin the interview." She motioned towards the two chairs and led him over to the one on the right while she sat in the left chair.

Naruto took a seat and noticed how comfortable the chair was. He was cut from his musing as kawa picked up two microphones and handed him one while grabbing her own.

"We'll be going live in 3..2..1!" The camera man spoke up and naruto saw a red light come on, on the camera. A sign lit up next to the camera that read 'on air' but he looked over at kawa as she smiled and began speaking into the camera.

"Hello everyone from around the elemental nations. My names ichikawa shino and im here, live with one very special guest. His names naruto uzumaki and hes the youngest gennin taking part in this years chunnin exam." She looked at naruto will a smile." Can you tell us how old you are naruto?"

"Im six years old." Naruto replied with an eye smile.

"Tell us, how does it feel being the only konoha gennin to take part in this years exams? Were you worried or scared at the start?" Ichikawa asked him curiously.

" mm I was very nervous when the exams started. Even now im kinda nervous, but all we can do is hope ill pull through and bring it home for konoha." He told the camera honestly, getting a small chuckle from the interviewer." As for how do I feel knowing that im the only leaf gennin here this year. well.. I feel honored that hokage-sama chose me – out of any other gennin team – to come here to kumo in order to participate and hopefully win this years exams." Naruto answered, lavishing the hokage with praise was always good. It showed that the hokage was still respected by his ninja.

"Now, we know you have a busy day today so we wont keep you much longer, just two more question. Since youre here on live tv, is there anyone out there watching that you wanna give a shoutout to?" She asked curiously.

"Oh yeah." Naruto nodded and looked at the camera with an eye smile." Hinata, firecracker-chan. Ill see you all soon and I hope youre rooting for me." He gave the camera a happy wave.

Ichikawa let out a soft giggle as she raised her mic to her mouth." Now, last question. Can we get a peak under that mask?" Naruto didn't know it but millions of people in their homes leaned closer to the tv.

"Oh you wanna see whats under this mask?" Naruto asked, getting a nod from the interviewer and the people across the nations." Under this mask.." naruto reached up and grabbed his mask before pulling it down, showing another mask." Is another mask!" Everyone facefaulted.

-hyuga household-

"HAHAHAHA!" Hinabi laughed as she pointed at the tv. " d-did you see that? Huh mom? Dad?" The little girl giggled out.

Hitome chuckled and answered." Yes honey, naruto-kun got us all with that one."

"N-naruto-kun" hinata giggled out.

Hashi sighed in exasperation. That blond idiot was gonna be the death of him. But he had to admit, it was a good prank.

-jonnin lounge-

Asuma, kurenai, anko, gai, yugio, and a few other jonnin looked back at kakashi who was looking up at the tv with a proud tear rolling down his exposed eye.

"Im so damn proud of you naruto!" The silver haired jonnin cried out.

"Noooo!" Gai cried out manly tears as he fell to his knees." Curse you kakashi! You got your own mini-me before i! Hes even got your cool hipness!" The man bawled before standing up and pointing at the one eyed jonnin." I too will get a mini-me, just you wait! And his flames of youth will burn brighter than the sun!" Gai swore.

On that very same day gai began to train his own star pupil. Rock lee.

-with naruto-

After the interview ended naruto quickly found himself put up into a little viewing area for the contestants, he was surrounded by the other gennin that made it this far.

Darui appeared in the middle of the dirt arena and held his hand up, the crowed began to quiet down." My names darui and ill be the referee of this portion of the exam. The contestants may remember me from the first test." He got a few nods." Now, the rules are the same as the preliminaries. To win your match either knock out or kill your opponent, though I will try to stop any needless death. If I say stop, you stop. My word is law here. Do you all understand?"

He got a bunch of 'yes sirs' from the gennin before he nodded his head and held out a small remote. He clicked the remote and the giant electronic board that was located on the other side of the arena began spinning for a moment before it stopped and showed two names.

" will okuma of the mist and tama from the mist please come down here." Darui ordered calmly.

The crowed cheered as both fighters made their way down into the arena. They stood across from one another and gave each other a small nod.

"Now, if youre both ready-" darui got two nods in return."- then let both the chunnin exams and your match begin, now!" He vanished from the field.

The first to act was tama who went through a series of handsigns." Water style: water pellet jutsu!" Tama shouted as he shot four compressed water bullets at okuma, said girl jumped backwards as the jutsu impacted the ground, leaving four noticeable dents in the hard dirt.

Okuma went through her own handsigns."water style: whip of water!" A whip made out of water formed in okumas right hand. She snapped the whip forward and tama had to jump to the left in order to avoid being hit.

The boy quickly threw a handful of kunai at his fellow mist gennin but okuma dodged them before swinging her whip around. Tama cried out in pain as the water whip wrapped around his outstretched arm before he was violently pulled through the air towards okuma.

Okuma let the whip disintegrate before shooting about 20 senbon at her flying opponent. Tama spun mid air and avoided the senbon. He landed on his feet and jumped backwards before rubbing his sore wrist.

"That wasn't very nice okuma"  tama taunted a bit.

"Oh well." Okuma shrugged as she dashed forward, pulling out a kunai and slashing at tama who ducked under her attack and punched her in the gut. Okuma stumbled back a bit and grunted out in pain.

Tama quickly pulled out a kunai and swung at okuma who blocked the blade with her own. She quickly pushed the boy back before knocking his kunai out of his hand and sending hers into his right leg. Tama cried out in pain as he tried to retreat but okuma wouldn't allow that.

The girl began sending a series of punches at his chest, breaking a few of his ribs before she added chakra to her leg, spun and roundhouse kicked him in the chest. Tama flew backwards about ten feet, hit the ground and rolled to a stop.

Tama quickly got up and ripped the kunai out of his leg before he dashed forward, ignoring the protest his injured leg was giving. He made it to okuma and quickly punched her in the chin before she could block the strike. She stumbled back and tama stepped forward, punching her in the stomach which made her double over in pain. He grabbed her by the back of her head and smashed her face into his knee.

Okuma cried out in pain as she fell onto her back. Ignoring the pain of her now broken and bleeding nose, she rolled backwards and up to her feet before throwing her left hand out, sending five senbon through the air and into tamas chest. The boy fell to the ground and gasped in pain. He tried to remove the senbon but before he could, okuma appeared behind him and brought the butt of her kunai down on the back of his neck, knocking the boy out.

Darui appeared next to her and leaned down to check the boys vitals. He was alright, just banged up a bit. The jonnin stood up and grabbed okumas hand before raising it in the air." The winner of the first match is okuma of the mist!" He shouted. The crowed cheered loudly for the young gennin as the medics came to take both her and tama to get healed up.

After the arena was clear, darui looked up at the electronic board and clicked his remote again. The board spit out two more names.

" will Kurotsuchi of iwa and karui of kumo please make there way down?" Darui called out.

Said two competitors made their way onto the field. The fiery karui gave Kurotsuchi a small nod as they stood across from one another.

"Good luck iwa" karui smirked.

Kurotsuchi gave the girl a small friendly smile." Good luck to you as well, kumo." The iwa gennin replied.

"May the best of us win." Both girls spoke at the same time, saying the same sentence.

Darui stood between them and raised his right arm up." Let the second round begin!" He shouted before vanishing.

With out a second thought, both girls charged at one another with a kunai in each of their hands.

Karui swung her left hand and her blade locked with Kurotsuchis blade that she held in her right hand. The red head swung her right hand and it locked with Kurotsuchis left hand.

The two girls locked eyes and Kurotsuchi spoke up with a grin." Gotta do better than that red!" Karui growled with a smile.

"Trust me, I will!" Karui replied as she sent lightning chakra through her kunai. The lighting traveled into Kurotsuchis kunai, but the iwa gennin dropped her kunai quick enough and jumped backwards while flashing through handsigns.

"Lava style: liquid fire!" Kurotsuchi shouted out, spitting a wave of lava out of her mouth and towards the kumo gennin.

"Shit!" Karui shouted out through gritted teeth as she jumped away from the attack. She quickly went through hand signs."lighting style: lightning bolt jutsu!" A bolt of lightning shot out of karuis palm and shot towards Kurotsuchi whos eyes widened. The iwa nin brought up an earth wall just in time to protect her from the jutsu. Karui growled in irritation when she saw that Kurotsuchi managed to block her attack.

Thinking quickly karui made a lightning clone before she vanished, sinking into the ground. The clone brought out its sword just as the earth wall sunk back into the ground. Karui charged at Kurotsuchi and swung her sword.

Kurotsuchi managed the block the attack with a kunai before pushing the red head back. She quickly slashed at the girl but karui blocked the strike with her sword.

Karui spun and kicked Kurotsuchi back before jumping into the air, spinning and throwing her sword at the girls stomach.

The sword missed its mark as the iwa gennin managed to jump back. The sword sunk into the ground and Kurotsuchi used it as a ramp, running up the blade and jumping into the air. She stuck her kunai into the still air born karuis shoulder.

The red head burst into a cloud of lightning that traveled into Kurotsuchis body, shocking the girl. The iwa gennin cried out in pain as she hit the ground and rolled. She managed to recover just as the real karui exploded out of the ground, sword in hand.

Despite being electrocuted and a bit singed, Kurotsuchi managed to redirect the girls sword with a kunai. The swords blade hit the ground and Kurotsuchi spun her kunai around and jabbed the butt of it into the red head throat. Said red head choked as she found herself unable to breath and in that time Kurotsuchi managed to punch her in the gut before kicking the red head away.

As the red head landed on the ground, Kurotsuchi finished a set of handsigns."earth style: mud weight jutsu!" Kurotsuchi shot out a few globs of mud that impacted the down red head. The mud locked her hands, feet, and midsection to the ground before it rapidly hardened into stone, locking the girl into place.

Kurotsuchi made her way over to the red head, panting all the way. She pulled out a kunai, knelt down and rested the blade against the downed girls throat." Forfeit" Kurotsuchi ordered as she tried to regain her breath.

Karui groaned out and slumped her head back to the ground." I give!" She called out and darui appeared next to them. He helped Kurotsuchi up before breaking the stone that held karui in place. He helped the girl up before raising Kurotsuchis hand into the air.

"This winner of the second round is Kurotsuchi of iwa!" Darui declared. The crowd cheered for the girl as the medic came out to escort the girls to the medical room.

"You did great red." Kurotsuchi told karui. Said red head gave her a weak smile.

"Thanks, you did great too, for a rock girl that is." Karui teased the iwa gennin, said iwa gennin just laughed as she fallowed the medics off the arena floor.

Darui clicked the remote and let the board spit out two more names. After the names appeared he looked up at the rest of the competitors.

" will naruto of konoha and omoi of kumo make there way down here please!"

—- cliffhanger!!—