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The third&fourth matches

Naruto and omoi stood across from each other down on the arena floor. Naruto stared boredly at the white haired kumo nin while omoi fiddled with a lollipop he had in his mouth. Both gennin were waiting for the signal to start.

-up in the kage box-

"That's your student, isnt it jiraya?" Ay asked the sage who was sitting in the seat to his right, onoki sat in the chair to his left, looking as unhappy as ever.

"Yeah raikage-sama, narutos my student." Jiraya confirmed.

Ay hummed with a nod." Im very curious about his abilities. For one so young he's made it very far in this exam." The kumo kage spoke honestly.

"I agree. I thought konoha would hold back on letting children as young as he become gennin. Especially after that itachi fellow did us all a favor by killing his entire clan off." Onoki spoke up. Jiraya didn't even bat an eye before replying.

"Youd do well not to say things like That tsuchikage-sama." Jiraya told him pleasantly." That is unless you support killing a bunch of innocent children and elderly shop keepers." He added.

Ay snorted in amusement as onoki growled." Lets not fight guys." Ay spoke up." Lets leave that to the gennin below." He got nods of agreement from jiraya and onoki.

"Anyways-" jiraya began as they waited for the match to start."- naruto is a very special brat. Don't let his age fool you, he may be young be he could take out a low level jonnin if he tried hard enough." The kages nodded absentmindedly.

"Hes a fast kid I tell you. I saw his speed first hand during the preliminaries against a mist gennin." Ay told them." He was about as fast as a high level jonnin." Jiraya nodded at that.

"Yes, before he started the academy at four, naruto planned to pass the academy early, he knew that due to his small size hed be at a severe disadvantage against taller or older opponents. So he trained his speed with those weight bracelets he has on his wrists and elbows." Jiraya explained.

"He joined the academy at four?" Onoki asked in surprise." I thought your academy entries started at age six." Jiraya nodded.

"They do but sensei let the boy join at four after he sustained serious injuries fighting off a jonnin just long enough for anbu to apprehend said jonnin." Jiraya told them as he rubbed his chin.

"Oh? What kind of pathetic jonnin couldn't even take out a four year old boy?" Ay asked with a snort.

Jiraya let a grin come across his face as he chuckled in amusement." Actually raikage-sama, that ' pathetic jonnin ' as you put it, was the very same jonnin you sent to kidnap our hyuga heir." Onoki burst out laughing as Ay looked blankly at jiraya.

" youre telling me that, that kid managed to hold his own against my jonnin at the age of four?" Ay asked, not really caring at being called out like that.

"Hold his own? Oh kami no." Jiraya chuckled." Naruro just managed to get under the mans skin and stall him while the anbu were on their way. He got a kunai to the chest for his troubles too. But from what I know now, naruto is really close to the hyuga clan now." Jiraya finished explaining the story.

Ay hummed with a small nod." Im very excited to see what the boy can do now." He added quietly as the match below them began.

-with naruto-

Darui brought his arm down between the two gennin." Begin!" He shouted before disappearing.

Neither gennin moved for a moment before naruto acted first. Throwing his right hand up towards omoi, he shouted out " almighty push!" Omoi couldn't react in time as he was thrown back across the arena. He rolled across the ground with a pained groan.

Quickly rolling up to his feet, omoi drew his sword and charged at naruto with mid chunnin speed. Naruto brought out a chakra rod and began blocking omois sword slashes.

The two locked blades and omoi began to push the younger boy back. Thinking quickly, naruto used his left hand to make one handed signs." Wind style: gale force winds!" Omois eyes widened and before he could react, he was thrown across the arena by a powerful gust of wind. Naruto went through another set of handsigns."fire release: mythical fire flower jutsu!" Naruto shot three baseball sized fireballs at omoi who jumped back from the attack. The fireballs hit the ground in front of him and exploded, blasting him with hot air.

Naruto appeared out of the fiery explosion and punched omoi in the face, but instead of hitting the real omoi, the clone he just hit went up in lighting- electrocuting him. Naruto screamed out in pain before he went up in smoke.

"That kid must love shadow clones." Omoi growled out as he shot out of the ground and landed on his feet. He quickly spun around and brought his sword up to block the black rod that was aiming for his head. He locked eyes with the blond." Youre good kid." He grunted in surprise as he saw the black rod began to slowly cut through his swords blade.

"Thanks." Naruto replied as he vanished in a cloud of smoke, causing omoi to stumble forward. He was kicked in the back, sending him to the ground. He quickly front flipped back to his feet and looked back at the original naruto who was standing a few feet away from his.

" that's highly annoying." Omoi commented with an eye twitch. Naruto just shrugged in response. Omoi put his sword away and flashed through hand signs." Lightning stle: lightning blast jutsu!" Omoi held both of his hands out towards naruto and the blond watched a beam of lightning shoot out at him, to surprised by the attack, naruto was hit dead on in the chest.

The blond cried out as his muscles spasmed and he was thrown into the wall by the attack. Slumping to the ground naruto locked eyes with omoi who appeared in front of him.

"To cocky?" The white haired gennin asked.

"Nah, just had to take a hit to get you into position." Naruto replied, and despite the pain he felt, the blond smirked up at omoi.

Omois eyes widened as the ground on either side of him exploded outwards. Two giant foxes burst from the ground and smacked him across the field with two chakra enforced tails.

The crowed cheered out in excitement when the saw the arrival of the foxes.

Said foxes circled naruto as he stood up and rubbed there heads. Omoi stood up, holding his now bruised left side and glared at the foxes.

"What the hell? Where did those foxes come from?" Omoi asked.

" I call, the foxes come." Naruto grinned at the boy." My very first mission I ended up taking out a large groups of bandits. I later discovered a trap door that led to a room full of sex slaves-" the crowed gasped at that."- me and my foxes saved them and took them to konoha where theyre getting the help they need. The children that I saved began calling me 'inari-sama'. After seeing me control over fifty foxes they named me after the god of foxes himself." Naruto raised both arms and about ten more foxes came out of the ground from behind him." Let me show you exactly why they called me inari-sama!" Naruto went up in smoke and what walked out of the smoke made omoi step back a few steps. A fox the size of a wagon walked out of the smoke and glared at him with ringed eyes.

"Get him." Naruto ordered. The ten foxes charged at omoi.

The white haired gennin drew his sword and began slicing through foxes that disappeared into smoke when killed. He went to cut into another fox but was stopped when a tail wrapped around his sword arm and restrained it. Omoi looked behind him and saw the wagon sized fox holding his arm back with its tail. Another fox latched onto his leg and pulled him down to his knees.

"Kami damnit!" Omoi shouted as he channeled lightning chakra throughout his body. The original naruto let go just in time to see his other foxes get electrocuted and turned to smoke. Omoi stood up, rolled his shoulders and pointed at naruto.

"Youre starting to annoy me kid." Omoi told him. The giant fox shrugged plainly.

Naruto dashed towards omoi who held the tip of his sword at eye level with the fox. Naruto didn't bat and eye and just kept charging.

Omoi thrust his sword forward in an attempt to impale the fox, but a few inched from the fox, it went up in smoke and naruto appeared out of the smoke, the swords speared right through the boys stomach until the hilt touched the boys shirt.

The crowed let out a shocked gasp.

Naruto reached his hand out and gently grabbed omois shirt, pulling the wide eyed boys face closer to his. Omoi heard one word that made his face pale.

"Boom" naruto whispered before he exploded in a violent fireball.

Omoi spun through the air, his sword was destroyed and his body was singed. That explosion not only blew out his eardrums but also sent small pieces if his own blade into his arms and hands. What made it all worse was the giant fox that burst out of the ground, flew above him and brought him painfully down to the ground, keeping its oversized paw on his chest which held him to the ground.

Omoi knew he had lost, coughing painfully he managed to raise his left hand. " I forfeit." Omoi spoke out. Naruto backed away from the gennin and turned back into his human form as darui appeared with a medic team to get omoi off the field and checked out.

Darui grabbed narutos hand and raised it into the air." The winner of the third round is naruto of the leaf!" He called out.

The crowed was silent for a moment, taking in what had just happened before exploding into cheers.

Naruto gave them all a wave before heading towards the competitors box. He needed something to drink after that match. Getting hit with that lightning attack made him thirsty.

-in the kage box-

The two kages were both a bit shocked at that. Ay thought that jiraya was just boasting about his student and that maybe omoi would take the kid out of the exams. Bit he was proven wrong.

Onoki was a bit surprised at how well the small blond planned out his attacks. It was a simple but effective plan. Distract, surprise and then strike your opponent when he least expects it. Even he thought the boy was actually impaled on omois sword but it appeared that naruto switched out with an exploding clone when that smoke cloud appeared.

"Hm, the kids good, ill give him that." Ay told the two sitting next to him.

"Narutos a true prodigy, and with his dedication to konoha, I know that the next generation are in good hands." Jiraya spoke with pride, showing the two kage that he truly believed in his student.

"Don't get to cocky jiraya, the boy still has yet to face my granddaughter. Im sure she'll wipe the floor with that blond mop the kid calls hair." Onoki spoke out. He was sure Kurotsuchi would win.

Jiraya just hummed in amusement.

-back to the fights-

" will yugito of kumo and okuma of the mist please make their way down here." Darui called out.

Yugito grinned as she cracked her knuckles and jumped down to the arena floor. She was excited to finally fight and her blood was definitely flowing after seeing narutos match. She didn't know what it was about that kid but all she knew was that she wanted to be better than him. Was that petty? Never mind she didn't care if it was.

Yugito and okuma stood facing each other. Okuma readied her senbon launchers and yugito cracked her neck.

"If you're both ready then begin!" Darui started the match and vanished.

Yugito flashed through handsigns." Fire style: fireball jutsu!" She spat out a large fireball towards her opponent.

Okuma went through her own handsigns." Water style: water wall!" She slapped both hands to the ground and a wall of water rose up, protecting the mist nin from the fireball that wouldve fried her if it had hit her.

But before she could react, yugito appeared next to her.' She got faster!' Was what okuma thought before she was punched in the side of the head. She flew to the side, hit the ground and rolled up to her feet. She lifted both hands and shot a handful of senbon at the bijuu container.

Yugito managed to block the needles with a kunai before she chucked the kunai at okuma and went through more handsigns." Claw creation!" Her finger nails grew rapidly into 5 inch dagger like blades.

Yugito charged at okuma who pulled out a kunai in a horrible attempt to defend herself. Yugito swiped her right hand at okuma who tried to block it with her kunai but the girls nails were to sharp. Yugitos nails dig into the kunais blade before she retched it from the mist gennins grasp and threw it behind her. She spun around and kicked okuma in the gut, sending the girl to her knees. Yugito spun behind the girl and brought her elbow down on the mist nins neck, nocking her unconscious.

Yugito calmed down and let both her elongated nails and her adrenaline fade away before she looked down at the sleeping mist nod and gave her a small nod.

Darui appeared next to her and held her hand in the air as the medics took okumas unconscious body away.

"Winner of the fourth round, yugito of kumo." The crowed cheered happily and clapped for the girl as she made her way back to the viewing area.

-kage box-

"That was the fastest match yet." Onoki told them with a grunt.

"True but she acted like a wild animal." Jiraya spoke up with a frown.

"That's yugitos style." Ay told them with a small nod." Shes always been the type to hit'em fast and hard. Though I think she got faster this last month." Ay gave himself a small nod." But I still think she has a bit more to learn before she can become chunnin, maybe a field promotion is in order later on."

"Hmm, maybe. So whos fighting next?" Jiraya asked curiously.

"Ah! This is the best part my friends. Instead of a usual one on one fight, ive decided that this last round with be a one vs one vs one!" The raikage grinned.

"So my granddaughter against the leaf brat and your brat huh?" Onoki rubbed his chin in thought." Sounds interested, im in." He added with a nod.

"Jiraya?" Ay asked.

"Go for it." Jiraya answered." Id like to see what naruto can do in a situation like this one." He added with a grin.

-arena floor-

Darui listened to the chunnin that was whispering in his ear before looking at him with a raised eyebrow. He shrugged before nodding.

"If that's what they wish." Darui told the man before said chunnin vanished. Darui looked up at the crowed." This match will be a bit different then the other matches. The last three contestants will be pitted against each other in a three-way fight. So will naruto, Kurotsuchi and yugito please come down here."

Said gennin made their way down to the arena and stood across from each other in a triangle like formation, darui standing in the middle if them.

"Now, in this match you three will be against each other. If one of you gets knocked out then I will retrieve your bodies so you wont get hit with the crossfire of the other two fighters. Are you all ready?" The crowed was on the edge of their seats as they waited for the match between these powerful gennin to begin. The three gennin nodded their heads and darui swung his hand down.


-another cliffhanger-