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The final match!


The first thing naruto did was jumped away from the two girls in order to get more room to move about. Yugito on the other hand went straight for Kurotsuchi.

"I apologize-" yugito pulled out a kunai and locked blades with the iwa gennin, yellow cat like eyes narrowed as they met the black eyes of Kurotsuchis."- but in order to go all out against naruto, I must first take you out of the figh-Ah"

Kurotsuchi watched in surprise as yugito was kicked in the side of the head by the smaller blond boy. Yugito hit the ground and rolled onto her knees. She grabbed her head as it throbbed in pain.

Naruto landed in front of Kurotsuchi and pointed up at her." If youre the only reason she hasn't gone full bijuu mode yet then I need to keep you in the fight for as long as possible!" He stated with narrowed eyes.

Kurotsuchi growled at the boy before swiping at his throat with her kunai, naruto blocked the blade with his own but didn't react fast enough to block the iwa gennins kick. Kurotsuchi kicked naruto hard, sending him across the field.

"I don't need or want your help leaf dog! Now just shut up and die!" Kurotsuchi dashed forward in an attempt to kill naruto quickly but said boy lifted himself into a hand stand and caught her swinging arm with his foot. He pushed himself off the ground, spun and kicked a surprised Kurotsuchi in the side of the face, sending her head into the ground.

Naruto landed on his feet in a crouched position and flashed through hand signs."water style: violent water wave!" A strong jet of water shot out of narutos mouth and impacted yugitos chest. Yugito was attempting to sneak up on Kurotsuchi but was thrown back by narutos attack.

"Lave style: liquid fire!" Naruto looked over a Kurotsuchi and saw a wave of fiery lava shoot straight towards him.

"Fuck!" He held his hand out towards the ground." Almighty pull!" A part of the rocky ground was ripped up and used as a shield. Naruto ducked behind the rock just as the lava impacted it. Naruto watched the lava split into to streams and flow around the edges of his makeshift shield.

Naruto saw a shadow fall over him and looked up to see yugito holding her hands out in front of her mouth." Fire style: dragon fire jutsu!" Naruto stared blankly as yugito shot out a giant fire ball that took the shape of a dragon. Said dragon roared and charged straight at him.

Just as the dragon was about to hit him, narutos body flickered before he vanished, leaving the dragon behind to impact the ground and explode. Naruto appeared on the other side of the field and wiped the sweat from his brow.

"Holy shit.. girls are crazy.." he muttered to himself.

Yugito landed on the ground where her fire dragon had impacted and with a roll, shot up to her feet just in time to block a kick from Kurotsuchi.

Now yugito was getting very annoyed. Why couldn't this stupid iwa nin understand that in order to win she needed to bring out matatabi! She didn't want to accidentally kill this girl, she just wanted to fight naruto!

"Calm down kitten, getting mad will make you mess up and in a shinobi battle one mess up could lead to your own fall." The two tailed cat purred out.

Yugito growled and sent her fist forward, Kurotsuchi simply blocked it and sent her own kick.' Cant we just fight them both with the cloak?' Yugito questioned as she kicked Kurotsuchi away from her.

"We could but I will not be held responsible for the death of that old onokis granddaughter." Matatabi told the younger girl.

'If she dies then ill take full blame.' Yugito promised. Matatabi nodded before sending a bit of her chakra out into her container.

Naruto let out a groan as he saw a red cloak of pure bijuu chakra seep out of yugito skin before it seemed to form in a cat like appearance. Yugitos nails grew longer and sharper along with her canine teeth. Her left eye turned green while her right stayed its bright yellow color.

"It seems shes bringing matatabi out to play." Kurama chuckled." Good luck kid." He added.

-kage box-

"So the little blond is a bijuu container huh?" Onoki asked with a frown. Hes always hated bijuu containers and the only reason he kept his own two around was for village security.

"Yes and if yugitos bringing out matatabi then shes either really mad or she just needs something to one up her opponents." Ay stated as he watched the fight below.

"If she does fully transform in the two tails then I assume you have seals set up to protect the civilians?" Jiraya asked curiously.

Ay nodded and onoki snorted." Not scared for your student are you jiraya?" Onoki jabbed.

Jiraya let out an amused laugh." Please if anyone should be worried it should be you two. Restraining bijuu is in narutos blood." The two kage were a little confused by the sages statement but decided to just continue to watch the match.

On the inside though, jiraya was worried for his student. He quickly sent a prayer to narutos favorite god before looking back towards the fight.

-with naruto-

Naruto was never as happy for training his speed than he was right now. Having deactivated his weight seals, naruto was fast enough to dodge the bijuu cloaked girls attacks.

Kurotsuchi was still recovering from the punch yugito had given her before she turned her different colored eyes on naruto and attacked.

Yugito swiped a clawed hand at narutos face but the boy caught her by the wrist, the pressure though pushed the boy back a bit. Naruto shot forward and kneed yugito in the gut, said girl did little more than grunt before grabbing his arm and throwing him into the wall that was across the arena.

Naruto impacted the wall hard. Blood leaked out of his masked mouth as he tried to regain his breath. He looked up and saw yugito slowly stalking towards him with a grin on her face.

Before she could make it close to him though, Kurotsuchi flew in and kicked yugito in the face, ignoring the bijuu chakra that licked and burnt her ankle a bit. Yugito was thrown to the side as Kurotsuchi flashed through hand signs." Earth style: earth dragon blast!" The iwa nin shouted while slapping her hands to the ground.

A ten foot tall mud dragon head formed out of the ground. It opened its mouth and shot five balls of mud from its mouth before it disintegrated and fell to the dirt floor.  The mud balls connected with yugitos chest, one after another. The bijuu cloaked girl was thrown into the ground and growled in pain.

Kurotsuchi turned towards naruto with a haggard breath. Her chakra was low and she could probably only throw out one more jutsu before she was down for the count. 

Naruto was able to make his way up to his feet as he rubbed his sore arm. He looked at Kurotsuchi and groaned lowly.

"I may not have much chakra left-" Kurotsuchi panted out." But ill still kick your ass-" the iwa nin was cut off by a loud roar.

Both iwa and konoha gennin looked at yugito who burst free from her mud prison. The girl had two tails swishing behind her that were attached to her bijuu cloak. She glared murder at both of them before roaring out.

"Im gonna kill you both!" And with that stated, yugito shot forward in her demonic rage.

Kurotsuchi had no time to react as Yugito appeared in front of her and grabbed her by her left wrist. She cried out in pain when yuhito pulled her towards her and raised her other clawed hand. Before Kurotsuchi could say or do anything, yugito swiped her claw towards the girls arm, Kurotsuchi closed her eyes in both pain and fear.

There was a cry of pain and the sound of blood splattering. The crowed looked on in total shock...


I know I know.. Im evil! 