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The Council Meeting

Naruto blocked a tanto with his chakra rod, directed the short sword and rammed his chakra rod into the root members stomach. He had to quickly jump back as a hail of kunai impacted both the now dead root anbu and his previous location.

Three root landed in front of him and charged at him. He quickly went through hand signs." Fire style: mythical flower fire!" Three small fireballs shot out of his mouth and impacted the root ninja, burning them alive.

Backflipping in the air, naruto was upside down as he locked eyes with the root shinobi that had tried to attack him from behind."almighty push!" The root ninja found himself instantly crushed to death as the gravity around him tripled, making him a bloody smear on the ground.

Naruto landed in a crouch, spun around and kicked a root anbus feet out from under him. Lifting off the ground with his hand he spun in the air before slamming a kunai into the downed mans chest.

Naruto flickered away just as three tanto blades impacted the ground, where he was just located. The three shinobi jumped away from him and went through their own hand signs.

"Fires style: fire dragon jutsu!"

"Water style: water dragon jutsu!"

"Lightning style: lightning dragon jutsu-"

All three of them were unable to throw out their attack as three naruto clones sprouted out of the ground behind them and swiftly slit their throats. The clones gave their boss a salute before going up in smoke.

The real naruto was kicked in the back of the head. The boy went forward and pushed himself of the ground before landing on his feet and looking back at danzo and the remaining 12 root nin and danzo who was looking at the fight with a blank expression.

Naruto didn't say anything. Instead he dashed forward. The root nin readied themselves but weren't expecting the boy to jumped over them.

Danzo watched in slight shock as the blond jumped over his ninja and held his fingers out towards him. He was about to move but it was too late. Five Small inch long black pellets shot out of the special jounins finger tips and directly into his body.

Donzo felt two of the pellets enter her legs, two entered both of his arms and the last chakra pellet entered his chest.

Naruto landed with a roll, spun around to face the 12 other root shinobe while he was sliding back on his knees and held his hand up to his masked mouth." Fire style: great fire annihilation!" He blew out a wave of flames that quickly consumed the  root anbu.

Ignoring the now burning dead bodies, naruto tolled to his left just in time to miss being hit with a few kunai that impacted the ground.

Getting up to his feet naruto looked back at the paralyzed danzo. Next to him were two new root members that werent there before.

They both had the standard all black clothes and white masks all root nin had. The one on the left had strawberry blond hair and the one on the right had spiky black hair.

The strawberry blond one spoke up in nan emotionless voice." Torune, deal with him while I free danzo-sama."

"Of course fu." The now named torune spoke up, his voice was emotionless as well.

" I apologize but I have orders to kill him. So im afraid I cant let you leave with him." Naruto called out as he spun a kunai around his finger before gripping it by its handle.

Fu looked back at him." Do not worry, you will be dead soo-"

"Almighty pull!" A naruto clone shouted as he jumped out of the tree line. Fu was pulled off the ground and towards the clone.

Once fu reached naruto, the clome swiftly punch him into the ground. Fu cried out in pain.

Torune charged at naruto while taking his gloves off and naruto could see that the skin on his hands were..purple? Right before torune could touch the boy, naruto smacked his hand to the side with the butt of his kunai.

The blond watched in shock as a swarm of purple bugs moved onto the butt of his kunai and began eating it! Naruto dropped the kunai and jumped away from the now identified aburame.

He stood up and looked at the boy with a slight tilt to his head." Now I know why your name sounded familiar. Torune aburame. You were the only aburame that was capable of housing and controlling a rare type of almost microscopic bug that were capable of disintegrating anything they touched. Once they touched ones skin the bugs quickly injected an acid like substance into a persons body before eating them down to the last bone. A painful death if I do say so myself." Naruto spoke out.

The teen in question didn't outwardly react." You seem to know a lot, may I ask how?" Torune asked the blond.

"I have a friend that's talked about you before." Naruto told him." Anyways, now all I have to do is kill you and that fu guy and ill be done for tonight."

" I wont allow you to beat me." Torune told him before charging forward.

The naruto clone blocked fus kick and slapped his leg away before spinning and kicking fu in the side. Said man caught the boys leg and brought a kunai down on the leg. The clone quickly kimiwaried with one of the dead root bodies that surrounded them.

Fu dropped the body and looked at the clone before charging forward and swiping at the boy with his kunai. The clone grabbed the mans wrist and head butted him, shattering the root mask and showing naruto the face of fu yamanaka, one of inos cousins.

The clone headbutted the man again before pushing him back. Fu stumbled as he held onto his bloodied and broken nose. He spit out a few bloody teeth before looking back at naruto.

Fu charged at the boy again and swiped at him once more. The clone ducked under the blow and formed a chakra rod before stabbing it into the yamanakas leg. Fu was instantly frozen in place and the clone smirked at him before he went up in smoke, leaving fu stuck in place.

The real naruto was having a bit of trouble. Torune wasn't stronger or faster than him or anything, but the real problem was the mass of purple bugs the man had! Naruto couldn't touch him because the bugs would then infect him. He couldn't use ninjutsu either because the bugs would each the chakra from the attack before it hit their owner.

"You are out matched." Torune stated as he sent another wave of bugs out towards the blond. Naruto quickly pushed them back with his almighty push.

"You know-" naruto began as he repelled another cloud of bugs."- for someone that's not suppose to have emotion, you sure are cocky!" The special jounin sent another wave of gravity out, blowing the aburame back.

He was about to charge when a high pitched scream caught the attention of the only four living people that were in the clearing. Naruto and torune looked to the tree line and naruto let out a groan.

Standing there with wide terrified – and possible traumatized- eyes was ruby. Yes, the same girl from irukas class.

"Why are you up here at this time of night!?!" Naruto cried out in irritation. He looked at torune and groaned as the man threw his hands up and sent a cloud of nano bugs that quickly shot towards the terrified girl.

"Fuck!" Naruto shouted as he dashed towards ruby. He made it just in time to cover the kid with his body as they were covered by the swarm of bugs.

-with kakashi-

Kakashi along with yugio and anko appeared inside of the hokages office with the three female hyugas. The two kids looked a little dazed from the jutsu but hitome wasn't.

The women marched up to the hokages desk and looked at the aged hokage." Tell me whats going on." She ordered.

"Naruto was being tailed by a root nin and managed to slip away long enough to send me a note that was carried by a clone. I gave the clone orders and it relayed them to naruto." Hurizen began as he got up from his seat and walked to his window. He looked out over his village and grimaced. " judging by the chakra output from the top of the hokage mountain, naruto is currently battling danzos forces."

Hitome was shocked at that information." Then why is he up there alone!?!" Hitome asked loudly.

"I cant send any reinforcements because I don't know whos on danzos side." Hurizen replied calmly." The three shinobi behind you are the only ones I trust completely and naruro wanted them to get you and the girls out of harms way. With you three being kept safe, danzo cant force naruto to join him." The third explained.

"What about naruto?" Hitome asked.

"Hes on his own until he uses kyubis chakra. That's the signal for me to intervene." Hurizen answered.

Hitome looked worried." I don't like thi-"

She was cut off when everyone felt a wave of kuybis chakra wash over them- and no doubt the entire village felt it as well.

"Kakashi, on me!" Hurizen ordered and both men vanished.

-with naruto a few seconds earlier.-

Torune watched as his cloud of bugs covered both naruto and the girl. He was about to go free fu when his cloud of bugs were blown backwards by a golden chakra.

Torune covered his eyes for a momemt before looking at naruto."h-how? You should be dead!" Torune shouted out in shock, guess danzo didn't take out all of his emotions after all.

Naruto stood their wrapped in the golden glow of his chakra cloak, said cloak was also surrounding ruby who was kneeling on the ground behind him.

"That wasn't very nice." Naruto stated coldly. All torune saw was a golden flash before his head rolled off his shoulders and his lifeless body fell to the ground.

Naruto appeared standing behind the fallen body and looked at danzo who was still frozen, he watched as fu somehow took the chakra rod out of his leg and dashed towards danzo.

"No!" Naruto appeared in front of a still paralyzed danzo just as fu did and managed to rip the frozen mans right eye out if his head before he vanished with fu in a swirl of leaves. Naruto stumbled forward as his golden cloak deactivated and both hurizen and kakashi appeared in the clearing.

"Naruto!" Kakashi shouted as he ran past all the dead root bodies and straight for the boy.

Hurizen quickly went over to ruby and began to make sure the kid was alright.

"He got away." Naruto told them as he looked back at kakashi." Danzo got away with and accomplice names fu yamanaka, ino-chans older cousin." Naruto told the masked man.

"Are you alright?" Kakashi questioned.

Naruto nodded and held his closed fist up to kakashi just as hurizen and ruby ran up to them." Old man I need some answers."

"About what?" the elder kage asked. Naruto let the object in his hand fall into kakashis outstretched hand. Everyone present stared at the object in a mixture of shock and confusion.

"About why danzo had that in his bandaged eye and why he has six more implanted on his bandaged arm." Naruto told him in a serious tone as they all looked at the single mangekyo sharingan that was in the palm of kakashis hand.

- 30 minutes later-

Hurizen and naruto walked into the council chamber and ignored the civilian and shinobi council bickering. Hurizen made his way to his chair at the head of the council table and naruto stood on the other side of the table.

"Everyone quiet down!" The third bellowed out, silencing the two separate councils." Now im sure youre all wondering about what happened tonight and hashi-" said man looked up at him."- hitome, hinabi and hinata are all safe. Theyre currently in my office being watched over by Yugio and anko.

"Thank you hokage-sama, I was very worried about them." Hashi replied.

Hurizen nodded and looked at everyone." Now I know you all felt the kyubis chakra but I implore you to listen to naruto here before you all jump to conclusions." Everyone looked at the special jounin and hurizen motioned for him to began.

Naruto cleared his throat." Earlier tonight I was walking through the village and noticed that I was being fallowed. I managed to see what at first I thought was an anbu but it wasn't. It was a member of root-"

"Impossible!" Homaru spoke up." Root has been disbanded since the end of the third war boy, if you have no proof then youll be punis-" he was cut off when naruto threw a white anbu mask onto the table, the mask had the kenji for root on its forehead.

"As I was saying before I was rudely interrupted-" naruto glared at the now silent homaru."- I managed to lose him long enough to send a message to the hokage, he gave me orders- if youll explain hokage-sama."

Hurizen nodded and spoke up." I gave naruto the order to kill all root members and anyone associated with them." The council was surprised at that." As I ordered danzo to disband the root devision a long time ago, so anyone that was root or associated with it are considered traitors to this village." The man spoke sternly.

"I waited for them to act and they did." Naruto told them." Danzo himself showed up and began attempting to persuade me into joining root and to become his weapon. After I declind the offer he threatened to kill hinata, hinabi, hashi and hitome-" at this hashi sneered."- but thankfully hokage-sama hot hitome and the kids away already. Hashi was surrounded by his guards so he was already safe."

Shikaku spoke up." What happened then?" He asked.

Naruto sighed." Danzo had the twenty root anbu try an kill me. He made the mistake of sticking around to see the job done as I managed to kill the root ninja and paralyze him with one of my chakra rods." Naruto let a frown grace his masked face." Before I could kill him though his two personal bodyguards showed up. Shibi-sama im sorry to tell you this but one of them was torune abrume." A frown graced the abrume heads face." I killed him." Naruto stated before looking at inochi." The other body guard was fu yamanaka-" inochis eyes widened." I wasn't able to kill him before he got away with danzo, but I did manage to rip this out of danzos head."

Mikoto felt unrefined rage build up inside of her as she watched naruto lay a clear vial down on the table. Inside the vial was a mangekyo sharingan, in fact she knew whos eye that was. She stood up and looked at naruto.

" that was shisui sharingan!" Mikoto shouted out." My son itachi was blamed for killing him! How did danzo get it?!?" She questioned.

Naruto sighed sadly as he looked at the women." Mikoto-sama.. I don't know how danzo got it but I do know that he had six more sharingan implanted on his right arm. The one he keeps covered with bandages."

Mikotos eyes widened at that." A-are you saying that he desecrated my families bodies and took their sharingans?!?" She asked in a quiet rage.

Naruto rubbed his head before replying." Mikoto-sama, I hate to ask this.. but was itachi apart of root?" Mikoto stumbled back in shock of the boys question.

"I-i.." she sat down in her chair." I don't know.. what are y-you implying naruto?" She asked quietly.

Naruto sighed." If itachi was apart of root then he would've been totally loyal to danzo, just like his other lackeys. It's a very possible that donzo ordered itachi to.. you know." He didn't wanna say it out loud but he didn't need to. Everyone in the room understood what he was implying and it hit mikoto the hardest. The women was tearing up." But there is a silver lining in all of this." Naruto told the gathered council.

"What could possibly be good about any of this?" Tsume asked out loud.

Naruto held up the vial that had the sharingan in it." This was the only mengekyo sharingan that donzo had. The other six sharingan werent evolved like this one." The blond stated.

"How do you know that?" Hurizen asked curiously.

"When I activated my rinnegan, the first thing I noticed was how danzo had seven areas on his body that his chakra was being sucked towards. Six were on his arm and the seventh was in his eye." The blond began." I recognized that he had sharigan implants because kakashis chakra does the same thing. When inactive his chakra isnt sucked to his left eye as fast as it is when hes using it. So the six marks on danzo I instantly  knew were sharingans. This one however-" he shook the vial a bit."- was sucking way more chakra into it than the others, meaning that this was the only mengekyo sharingan that he had implanted." He explained." That's why I made sure to rip it out of his head." He added coldly.

"Wait" mikoto spoke up sniffling." If you have that then where is shisuis other sharingan?" Naruto sighed.

"Danzo didn't have it, so right now its considered M.I.A." The boy answered.

Hurizen cut in." Right now danzo is probably going underground. He knows that his actions tonight had drawn a lot of attention to him. As of right now danzo shimura will be considered an S ranked missing ninja. He will be added to the bingo books with either a kill on sight order or if hes surrounded by root then any shinobi is to flee. Do I make myself clear?" He asked sternly.

"Yes sir!" Was the councils unified reply.

Homura spoke up." Now what are we going to do with the eye? We cant just leave it lying around." He stated.

"Ill take it-" naruto cut mikoto off.

"No!" He told her with a shake of his head." You and sasuke are the only uchiha left here in the village, if donzo wanted this eye back then he could easily over run you and take it." Naruto told her sternly.

Mikoto furrowed her brows." There are places I can hide it."

Naruto shook his head again." If itachi was suppose to be the clan head, then I have to assume that he knows every secret that the uchiha clan have, and by proxy danzo too."

Mikoto let out a tired sigh. She had to give naruto credit, the boy was very smart. Itachi did indeed know every secret the uchiha clan had, even the hidden locations they had within the compound." Then where will we put it?" She asked.

Naruto rubbed his masked chin." I could give it to the toads?" Naruto suggested.

"No!" Homaru shouted out as he waved his arms." We have a powerful weapon, I say we implant it into one of our jounin. Then wed have another strong shinobi like kakashi hatake!" He stated.

Mikoto stood and shouted in outrage." You will not pass my families eyes around like a fucking trophy!" She told them all.

" your family is dead mikoto, we need to look out for the villages safety!" The councilor replied.

"My family wouldn't be dead if it wasn't for your teammate! For all we know you could be another one of danzo goonies!" Mikoto pointed at the man, her sharingan activating out of pure instinct.

Hurizen smacked the table loudly, getting everyones attention." You both will calm down this instant!" He ordered sternly. Mikotos eyes went back to normal and the two sat down.

"What if.." naruto began, the boy rubbed his cheek." What if mikoto chooses who gets the eye?" He asked calmly, he looked at mikoto." I hate to say this as you are one of my precious people but Homaru is partially right. We do need to keep this eye safe, but we also need to look out for the village. So what if I keep it with the toads for now, until you personally find someone you trust to take the eye?" Naruto compromised.

Mikoto thought about it for few minutes before letting out a long sigh and nodding." I can agree to that but it can only be me who chooses, not sasuke or anyone else." Mikoto stated.

Naruto looked at the third." Does that please everyone?" He asked.

After a few moments of mumbling to one another, the council agreed on that course of action.

"Then its settled." Hurizen spoke up." Naruto will give the eye to the toads for safe keeping until mikoto has found someone to take the eye. Now, its been a long day so we'll end this meeting now, Goodnight everyone." With that the council members and the hokage left the room.

Naruto put the vial inside his kunai pouch as hashi came over and put his hand on his shoulder." Come naruto, let us go see the girls." Hashi told him.

"Right behind ya." Naruto replied as he fallowed the man out of the room.