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The Sannin Comes Home

Jiraya had done it! After searching for two in a half weeks, he had finally found his wayward teammate and her apprentice. He was currently in a small bar in some little village in the land of grass.

Walking into the bar and ignoring the loud talking from the other patrons, jiraya focused on tsunades face. She was currently sitting in a booth with her apprentice sitting across from here.

Jiraya walked over to the booth and plopped down next to shizune- getting a surprised yelp from said girl." I finally found you."

Tsunade looked up at him with narrowed eyes." What do you want you old perv?" She asked, cutting straight to the point.

"Ah, lord jiraya!" Shizune greeted with a small bow.

Jiraya patted the girls head." How are you shizune? Doing good I hope?" He questioned.

Shizune nodded happily." Yeah, im doing good. What can we help you with?" She asked curiously.

Jiraya looked at his teammate with a serious expression on his face." Actually I need your help tsunade." He stated calmly.

The blond gulped the rest of her sake down before refilling the cup." Depends on what you need." She told him.

Instead of replying, jiraya rolled his right sleeve up and put his thumb over a small seal he had on his right arm and sent chakra into it. A scroll appeared in his hand and he laid it out on the table.

Unrolling the scroll and showing tsunade that it was a stasis scroll, he added chakra to the seal matrix and a cloud of smoke later tsunade and shizune were staring at a childs severed arm.

" for the love of kami jiraya! When did you start cutting up kids!?!" Tsunade shouted out.

Ignoring the strange looks from everyone else that was in the bar, jiraya replied." I don't cut kids up idiot!" He yelled at her." Its my students arm, he got it cut off in his final match of kumos chunnin exams and I need you to put it back on him!" He told her loudly.

Realization dawned on the blond sannin. She remembered watching the chunnin exams almost two months ago and did indeed remember seeing a small blond konoha gennin get his arm cut off. She lost a lot of money since she betting against him too.

" well wheres the rest of him then?" Shizune asked curiously.

Jiraya sighed." He back in konoha-"

"Nope!" Tsunade crossed her arms over her chest in an 'X' formation as she shook her head." Im not going back to konoha." She told her teammate adamantly.

Jiraya sealed the arm away and rolled the scroll back up as he replied." Listen tsunade ill pay you if I need to and you don't need to stay in konoha, you can leave right after if you want. I just need you to reattach his arm." Jiraya told her.

"No." Tsunade answered, a stone look on her face.

Jiraya narrowed his eyes at the women and stood up from the table. In the blink of an eye jiraya had tsunades face held against the table, shizune gasped and shot out of her seat. If these two were about to fight then she needed to leave as fast as possible, a battle between two sannin could destroy this entire town!

Jiraya leaned down and spoke into tsunades ear." Fine. If you wont do it for money then do it for minato and kushina, its their kid im teaching after all and last I checked naruto was your godson just as much as he is mine." Jiraya let tsunade go and walked towards the door before stopping and looking back at them from over his shoulder."if you change your mind then meet me at the edge of town tomorrow morning." With that said, jiraya looked away from her and left the bar.

Shizune quietly sat back down. She looked at tsunade as the sannin looked down at her broken sake cup. "Tsunade-sama?" Shizune spoke up." Are you gonna help jiraya-sama?" She asked quietly.

Tsunade sighed and lifted the larger bottle of sake to her lip." I don't know." She answered before she took a large gulp of the alcoholic beverage.

- Back in konoha 6:30am-

It was only last night when naruto had to deal with danzo and his goons and he had stayed up all night making sure that no root members would come back to try something during the night.

Now he had to go help iruka at the academy and he was tired! He was wearing his usual outfit with his special jounin vest on, but his hair was messier than usual and he had bags under his eyes.

The hokage had informed him that ruby wouldn't be into class today.. or possibly tomorrow, the girl had to get a mental check up with inochi. Stumbling upon twenty dead bodies and having a near death experience will do that to ya.

Entering the classroom thirty minutes late was never good, but he ignored the strange looks the academy students gave him and looked at iruka.

"Ruby wont be here today or possibly tomorrow." He told the older chunnin.

Iruka gave him a weird look." Uh.. why?" He asked.

Naruto looked him dead in the eye and iruka felt a small chill go up his spine." She stumbled upon me killing a few people." Iruka choked on his spit and the kids gasped out in shock.

"W-what!?!" Iruka cried out.

Naruto waved him off." Its fine, they were traitors and I had the hokages okay in all of it. But yeah shes with inochi now." He walked into the sea of students and looked at a kiba who was sitting next to hinata."move." Said boy seemingly vanished and appeared next to shino." Im going to sleep." The blond laid down on the wooden bench and put his head on hinatas lap, getting a bright blush from the girl.

"B-but youre suppose to help me!" Iruka called out. His reply was a rather quiet snore from the already sleeping blond.

"F-forgive h-him iruka-sensei." Hinata stuttered out quietly." H-he d-didn't sleep last night." She told him.

Iruka let out a sight and gave the girl a small nod." Its alright hinata, we'll let him sleep." Naruto may be a special jounin and a prodigy but he was still a six year old boy and he too needed rest.

He was about to start his lesson when naruto bolted up to his feet." Oh shit!" The blond called out." I almost forgot!"

Everyone watched the boy take out a kunai and put the handle of it in his mouth before using it to cut his finger. Everyone watched as he angled his hand in a way that let the blood drip onto the black mark he had on his wrist. Taking the kunai from his mouth and putting it away, the blond sent chakra into the summoning tattoo." Summoning jutsu!" He slammed his hand down on hinatas desk.

A cloud of smoke later and what looked to be a small frog with a cane was sitting on the desk.

"Naruto-boy? Waddya need?" Pa croaked out. There were a few loud yelps, making the toad look around and notice it was in a class room." Why did ya summon me here?" He asked.

" I need the toad clan to protect something until I need it again." Naruto told him as he lifted the toad off of the desk and put him on his shoulder.

"How valuable is this something?" Pa asked.

"S rank." Was the boys reply, getting a wide eyed look from iruka and pa. Naruto walked out of the class, closing the door behind him.

Out in the hallway naruto made sure no one was around before taking a glass vial out of his kunai pouch and holding it up to the elder toad. Pa let a grim look cross his face as he stared at the evolved sharingan that was floating in a clear liquid inside of the vial.

"Where did you get this naruto-boy?" Pa asked quietly.

Naruto sighed." Danzos root attacked me last night and I killed twenty one of them, danzo was there as well and I ripped this out of his head before he could get away. He had six more regular sharingan in his bandaged arm." He told the toad.

"Why give it to us?" The toad asked.

Naruto lowered the vial and looked at pa." The council wanted it to be transplanted into someone but mikoto-sama was against the idea. We came to a compromise, the eye would be kept safe by the toad summons until mikoto-sama chose someone to implant it in." Naruto explained the situation.

Pa nodded his head in understanding." I see. Alright naruto boy, ill take the eye with me back home and ill keep it safe in mine an mas place." Naruto put the vial in the toads webbed hand.

"Thank you pa, I appreciate this. If theres anyway I can repay you, let me know okay?" Naruto told him with an eye smile.

Pa gave him a chuckle." Don't worry about it naruto-boy." The toad told him." Now, ill go and tell ma what happened, would you like me to send a message to jiraya-boy about this?" He asked.

Naruto nodded." Yeah, jiraya should know as well." Pa gave him a nod before vanishing into smoke.

Walking back into the classroom, ignoring everyone and walking back up to hinata, he quickly laid back down and buried his head into her coat covered stomach before quickly going back to sleep.

Everyone in the room sweat dropped as they heard a light snore coming from the blond.

-with danzo-

Danzo was beyond furious. He was currently in one of his hidden root bases located a few miles outside of konoha. He was deep underground and was currently sitting in front of a fireplace, looking at a brand new edition of the bingo book. He was looking at his own picture and entry.

Name: Donzo Shimaru

Rank: retired jounin & ex-council member

Affiliation: ex-konoha shinobi

Rank: S

Description: Danzo was the leader of the root anbu konoha had created and used during the second and third shinobi wars. After the war the third hokage disband it but danzo continued to run it without the hokages knowledge and kept the organization underground.

Danzo is considered highly dangerous for any shinobi to battle against. Between his own root shinobi and the six implanted sharingan he has, hes very dangerous. If youre below A rank then flee. If youre above A rank then make sure you have back up if you do battle.


Konoha: 500,000

Iwa: none

Kumo: none

Suna: none

Kiri: none

Warning: Danzo is to be considered a traitor to konoha, along with anyone that helps him. If anyone is found attempting to aid or abed him, you will be executed along with him.

-end entry-

Danzo growled and closed the book. After everything he had done for the village, this is how he was repaid! Branded as a traitor and is to be hunted down like a stray dog!

He put his hand up to his now empty right eye socket. It was all that stupid weapons fault! Not only had naruto killed a good number of his stronger root agents but the boy had also taken away his greatest weapon, the mengekyo sharingan that he had stolen from shisui Uchiha. Without it the other six sharingan he had in his right arm were currently useless.

Without shisuis mengekyo he couldnt plant false ideas into anyones head in order to get them under his control, he couldn't use amaterasu, nor could he use izanagi to evade fatal injuries. As of last night the six sharingan he had in his arm were made useless.

Who wouldve thought naruto had grown so much? Danzo would admit that he did indeed underestimate the boys strength. He had watched as the six year old slaughtered his agents with ease, managed to paralyze him and kill one of his two personal body guards!

He knew the kid was skilled and earned his rank as a special jounin but he only had one arm! He should've been weakened enough for his agents to either subdue and capture him or out right kill him. But no, the kid destroyed them. If naruto could do all that with one arm, what could he do with two?

Plus the boy had somehow known about the mengekyo or else he wouldn't have went straight for it and ripped it out of his head. To make matters worse, one of his agents reported that the men he sent to watch over the hyuga family had been killed by kakashi, yugio and anko. That meant that naruto was somehow able to inform hurizen about what was going on and had him send ninja to secure the boys precious people. That was why naruto didn't even flinch when he had threatened to have hinata, hinabi, and hitome killed because he knew that they were already safe.

The damn boy was a step ahead of him the whole time! And danzo had played right into his hands! He would never admit it, but just knowing that naruto could've killed him anytime he wished while he was paralyzed actually made danzo a bit scared.

Danzo let out another sneer as he stared into the burning embers of the fire that was in front of him. Hed stay underground for now.

But one day he would get what was rightfully his! Both the hokage hat and the nine tails. Hed get them alright. A sinister grin swept over danzos face.

"Just you wait hurizen. When the village is at its weakest, that's when ill strike." He promised. It might not be tomorrow or next week or even a year from now. But hed wait patiently for the right moment to strike.

After all, he was a shinobi. Waiting for an opportunity to strike was apart of his being.

- with jiraya-

Jiraya sat up in the branch of a tree that was located just outside of the small village where he had found tsunade at. It was the morning after his little talk with her and he was waiting to see if she would show up or not.

He had also just been in formed about what danzo had done during his time away from this village and to say he was upset was an understatement.

Hed already sent out letters to his informants and spies. He told them to keep their ears to the ground and look for anything related to danzo or root.

Now all he could do was wait for one of his spies to get in touch with him.

He was brought out of his musing when he heard twigs breaking and leaves crunching from behind him. He looked behind him and towards the ground and let a small smile grace his face.

Standing their next to one another was tsunade and shizune." So you made up your mind?" He called out.

Tsunade looked up at him and answered." Ill go and put this kids arm back on. Youll pay me and then ill leave again. That's the deal." Tsuande told him.

Jiraya jumped down and landed in front of her with a smile." Trust me, by the time you get done talking to naruto, youll wanna stay in the village just to be near him."

Tsunade snorted in amusement." Even the silverest of tongues couldn't make me stay in that village longer than whats needed." She stated.

Jiraya just looked away and began walking." How about we bet on it?" Jiraya asked with a grin.

Tsunade perked up at that." Whats the stakes?" She asked.

" if you do end up wanting to leave then ill give you half of all of my money-" tsunades eyes flashed with little money signs. As much as she hated to admit it- the toad sannins perverted books had made him one of the richest people alive, so even half of that fortune would be able to pay back all of her debts and shed still be able to live the high life until she dies." But if he manages to make you stay then you have to model for my next book cover!." Jiraya grinned at her.

"Oh youre so on!" Tsunade told him with a happy look on her face.

'Oh my dearest tsunade-' jiraya thought to himself.' You don't know it yet but you've already lost this bet, after all. Anyone that bets against naruto always losses.' He let a small grin form on his face as the three of them began their journey back to the leaf village.