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Reattaching The Arm!

Naruto stood in front of the village gates, staring out into the distance. He had gotten a message from jiraya earlier this morning telling him that hed be arriving with tsunade and to wait for them at the main gate.

Hed been waiting for two hours and it was already noon. He was getting bored, so with a chakra enhanced jump, he landed on top of the villigas gate arch way, sat down with his legs dangling and pulled out the fourths notebook. He began skimming through it as he thought back to the last week.

After the fiasco with danzo and his goons, the man had went underground, just as the third predicted. He hadnt seen hide or hair of a single root agent since.

He had made sure to check up on ruby as well. The poor girl had indeed had nightmares over what she saw but with inochis help, the girl managed to heal and was able to get back into the academy with little to no problems. He had even taken time out of his own schedule to help the girl catch back up with her studies.

He was a little surprised to find out that ruby lived with her older sister-yang- and that their parents passed away during the kyubi attack six years ago.

Yang-despite being a young teenager at the time- managed to take care of ruby and had gotten a job at a local store. She was making enough to pay bills and keep food on the table.

Letting out a long sigh naruto put his book away and let himself fall backwards, handing upside down from his knees.

"What are you doing all the way up there brat?" Naruto looked under him and saw jiraya standing next to two people he didn't recognize.

Naruto eye smiled." Sensei, youre back!" He let himself fall. Spinning in the air he landed on his feet.

Jiraya chuckled and patted the boys head as he motioned to the two girls behind him." Naruto this is tsunade, my old teammate."

Naruto looked at the women curiously. She looked was to youn, mid twenties young. Long blond hair that was tied into two low handing pigtails that stopped at the middle of her back. She had brown eyes and a small blue diamond on her forehead. She wore a grey kimono shirt with a long green coat over it, dark blue pants and black sandals. The thing naruto noticed the most was how large the womens chest was. They seemed way bigger than anything hes ever seen on any adult women before.

-and the young girl behind her is shizune, tsunades apprentice." Jiraya motioned toward the dark haired teen.

Shizune was about 19 years old. She was a few inches shorter than tsunade, she had short black hair that fell to her shoulders. She had black eyes and wore a black robe that had sleeves that hung down past the girls hand. Naruto instantly knew that shizune had senbon launchers around her wrists.

"Its nice to meet you two. My names naruto uzumaki." He stated as he held his hand out. He shook both of the womens hands and looked at tsunade." So youre my senseis old teammate?" He asked curiously.

Tsunade snorted." Sadly yes, I was." She nodded.

Naruto looked at her with furrowed brows and before jiraya could stop him naruto managed to ask his question." Then shouldn't you be like fifty?" Naruto asked curiously.

A tick mark appeared on the medic sannins forehead. Jiraya pulled his student to the side and whispered into the boys ear." Don't talk about her age. She may look young be she actually hides her real looks behind a really well made genjutsu that only she could deactivate. Even the byuakugan can see through it."

Naruto looked over his shoulder and the blond women who was tapping her foot impatiently before looking at jiraya and nodding." I understand, I wont talk about her age anymore." He told him.

Walking back over to the two women, Jiraya spoke up." So this is the medic that'll be putting your arm back on."

Naruto nodded and stood in front of tsunade." So are those boobs real baa-chan or are they apart of your genjutsu?" Naruto asked curiously.

Jiraya paled and shizune chocked on her own spit. Tsunade formed a fist and looked up at the boy with furious eyes." You little gaki!" And she punched the blond, sending the boy literally flying across the village.

-with the hokage-

Hurizen was huffing on his pipe as he looked over a few papers. It was a nice day out today and he had a feeling like something good was about to happen today.

Shrugging his shoulders he looked back at his paper work but almost swallowed his pipe in shock as a small blond blur blew through his window and into the wall across from him.

In a blur of movement his anbu guard had surrounded the intruder with their weapons drawn.

Hurizen heard a groan and saw naruto fall out of the crater his body had made on the hard concrete wall. The boy landed face down with a small whimper.

"Stand down." Hurizen ordered with a smile." It seems tsunades back in the village."

Naruto slowly rolled onto his back and looked up at the ceiling." Was it something I said?" The blond asked.

A few seconds later the office door seeing open and tsunade stomped into the room with a scowl on her face, jiraya and shizune fallowing behind her.

"You guys got here so fast." Naruto whispered out as he lay on the floor, looking up at them.

Jiraya leaned over him and grinned." You were in the air for four minutes! Usually its me being punch by her! Man it feel good to be the one watching." He stated with a nod.

"Shut it you perv or your next!" Tsunade threatened, jiraya yelped and cowered in the corner of the room.

Hurizen chuckled as he stood up from his desk. Walking around the wooden construct he hugged his old student." Its so good to see you tsunade." He stated happily.

Tsunade gave a small smile and hugged her sensei back." Its good to see you too sensei." They broke the hug." Sadly ill only be staying long enough to put the gakis arm back on."

Naruto appeared between the two, looking perfectly fine and an eye smile on his face." I cant wait to get my arm back baa-chan!" Hurizen laughed as tsunade wrapped her arm around the kids head and began to give him a noogie.

"Stop calling me baa-chan your freakin brat!" The blond ordered." Or else ill put your arm on backwards!" She added as she let the boy go. Naruto stumbled back and managed to right himself after hurizen had stopped him in place.

"As if youd do something like that you old hag." Naruto stated as he crossed his arms.

"Why you little-" tsunade stopped and calmed herself down with a few deep breaths." Lets just get this over with brat. The sooner I get your arm back on the sooner I can leave." She breathed out.

Hurizen frowned a bit at that but nodded nonetheless. He knew that it must've taken tsunade a lot in order to even step back into the village. He was sad that tsunade hated the village but he understood why she did. It had taken everything from her and gave nothing back.

Naruto pumped his fist into the air." Lets go put my arm back on!" The blond whooped out.

-an hour later-

Naruto was sitting in a hospital bed wearing his face mask and a hospital gown. He was waiting for tsunade to prepare his severed arm for reattachment.

Reaching over into his kunai pouch which was lying on the nightstand next to the bed. Pulling out a scroll and opening it, he saw another sealing matrix. This was his second scroll from minato, he hadnt had time to really read it until now.

Unsealing the letter within, he put the scroll back onto the nightstand and opened the letter.

' dear naruto.

If youre reading this then you've reached the rank of chunnin. No doubt you have questions about why I left you my seal book and three pronged kunai.

I want you to figure out how to use my flying thunder god jutsu, along with my original jutsu. The resengan. These are my gifts to you naruto.

You are my legacy and not just the container of the kyubi. Know that I didn't pick you at random that night. You are the only one I can trust to keep the kyubi out of his hands.

You may not know this but the night of the sealing I took half of the kyubis chakra and sealed it into me, ill be taking it to the shinagamis stomach with me. That means I too am the jinchuriki of the kyubi.

In this letter I leave you two more things. One is a jutsu that youll need to preform in order to get the rest of kyubis chakra back, but don't do that until youre about thirteen or fourteen. Your body wont be able to handle the stress until then.

The second gift is a sword. This sword was wielded by the very same women who gave birth to you. Its your mothers sword, along with a photo of her.

Promise me that you wont try to find out anymore until you've been given the last letter. Knowing more could put you and the village in extreme danger.

Know that im proud of how far you've come. Ill talk to you again soon naruto. Stay strong and may the will of fire burn brightly within you.

~minato namikaze'

Naruto noticed the small dried blood drops on the page and closed the letter back up before sealing it away in the sealing scroll. He quickly put the scroll in his kunai poich before wiping his eyes of the small tears that threatened to fall.

Hed wait until after he woke up from his surgery to look at the photo of his mother. He wanted it to be the first thing he saw when he woke up.

Recomposing himself, he managed a bored look as tsunade entered the room, dragging a silver table on wheels. On the table was his severed arm. Shizune entered the room afterwards, closing the door behind her.

"Are you ready brat?" Tsunade asked the boy as she raised a blue doctors mask over her mouth. Her and shizune were wearing the usual surgeon garbs.

"Yeah, lets do this." Naruto answered as he laid back onto the bed. Shizune put something over his mouth and he calmly breathed in the fumes.

"This will help you fall asleep. You wont feel anything during the surgery. Start counting backwards from 100." She told him.

"99, 98,97..96..95..94...93...92..91....90.." narutos eyes slowly shut as the sleeping agent entered his system. The boy was fast asleep.

"Are we ready tsunade-sama?" Shizune asked her master.

Tsunade nodded." Yes, lets begin the operation."

And with that. They began the long operation of reattaching the young boys arm.


Author note: hey everyone, i hope you enjoy this chapter!

Now a lot of you wanna know what my schedule for updating this story will be, well ill tell ya now.

I dont really have a schedule for when i update. I almost always come out with at least one chapter a day. I will never miss more than one day.

If i know that i wont be able to update for more than a day then ill make sure to get on here and let you all know.

I hope this helps? Im still getting used to having people actually enjoy my writing *chuckles nervously* so all this is new to me.

Anyways i hope you all have a wonderful day or night, depending on when you read this. And i hope you all enjoy this chapter!