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Making Peace With The Past..

Tsunade stared down at the masked blond boy who was currently still asleep in his hospital bed. After the boy had fallen asleep she left the operating room and let shizune deal with reattaching the boys arm. After seeing both her little brother and ex-lover die, she developed a great fear of blood.

As embarrassing as it was to admit, she would freeze up and go into a panic attack at the sight of blood. So she had let shizune reattach the boys arm and afterwards she checked it over to make sure her apprentice had done it right.

Now naruto was passed out in his bed, his left arm was covered in bandages. The bandages went from just above his elbow all the way down to the boys fingertips.

She was about to make her way out of the room when the blond opened his mouth and spoke." What was the point of bringing you here?" He asked out, his tone was soft.

Tsunade looked at him, surprised that he was even awake. He shouldn't have woken up till tomorrow morning." What?" Tsunade asked.

Naruto turned his head and opened his eyes, looking at her." You didn't do anything except put me to sleep. After that you left. So what was the point of jiraya-sensei waisting his time in order to find you when your student did all the work?" Naruto questioned.

"And how do you know I left?" Tsunade asked with furrowed brows, slightly annoyed with the boy.

"You may have put me to sleep but the drugs don't work on a bijuu." He stated.

The sannin froze at that. How did the bijuu even know she left? Why was it talking to naruto? This was bad!

"Naruto don't listen to the kyubi. Its probably just trying to trick you-" she was cut off when she was thrown into the wall by an unseen force."w-wha-"

"I wouldve thrown you farther if I wasn't so drugged up right now." Came narutos voice. Tsunade looked up at him and locked eyes with the boys intense ringed eyes." Don't you ever speak about kurama like that again." He lifted his right hand and pointed at her." He may have killed a bunch of people that night, but you have no right to judge him. Especially since you don't know what really happened that night!" He stated with a hard yet quiet voice. The drugs were really messing with him.

Tsunade stood up and dusted herself off. She looked at the boys eyes and frowned." Whats more to know?" She asked him, she wanted answers.

"Why would you care?" Naruto asked back." I read your file, It told me about how you renounced the village after the passing of your brother and lover. I actually don't even know why you came back. Anyways, what I know is classified and since you renounced the village, you have no right to that information." The blond told her. 

"Im a sannin-"

"You were a sannin." Naruto cut her off with a hard look." It pisses me off that jirayas paying you for something you didn't even do." He frowned at her." Shizune deserves that money, not you." He stated.

Tsunade let a tick mark grow on her forehead." Who do you think youre talking to like that brat!?! Im tsunade of the sannin, granddaughter and great-niece of the first and second hokage boy. Watch your tone." She ordered.

"You are nothing but a civilian now-" naruto replied as he sat up and pointed at the blond."- you may be a sannin but that is nothing but a title from when you were a ninja." He narrowed his eyes." And I have no doubt that both lord first and second would be pissed at how the one that they entrusted the village to, abandon it after losing a few loved ones!" He shouted back at her.

Tsunades eyes flashed red in anger." Keep your mouth closed kid, you don't know what youre getting into!" Tsunade growled out.

"My parents died the night I was born." Naruto looked her square in the eyes." I will never know what its like to have parents or possibly a future sibling because that was all taken away from me by some stupid uchiha who decided to attack the night of my birth!"

Naruto climbed out if his bed and stood on shaky legs as he looked at the blond in front of him.

" I was thrown into the orphanage and for the next four years of my life I was hated! Beaten! Spit on and ignored! When I was three they threw me out onto the streets because they didn't wanna house the 'demon child'! The only reason that's not happening now is because I wear this fucking mask to hide my birthmarks!" He ripped the mask off of his face, showing tsunade the three whisker marks he had on each of his cheeks.

Tsunades eyes widened at all this information. An uchiha was responsible for the kyubi attack? The boy was beaten and thrown out of the orphanage at three?!?

Naruto pointed at her, catching his breath from yelling." So don't stand there and think that you had it bad because you lost two people. Theres a lot more people out there that have lost more and survived." Naruto crawled back into his bed after putting his mask back on." Im a special jounin despite my age because I used all the sadness and anger I had to push me forward. I always thought to myself, would my parents want me to give in? Of course not! Theyd want me to become stronger and protect those that cant protect themselves from going through the same pain as I did, as we did." He stated quietly.

" unlike you I didn't run away from my pain and sadness. I didn't run away from my problems because I knew that itd only make them worse." He laid back down and faced the wall, showing his back to tsunade who had tears in her eyes." Tell shizune I said thanks for putting my arm back on. You can leave the village now since you hate it here so much." He stated coldly.

It upset him to no end! Knowing that tsunade- one of the fucking sannin- was running away from her problems. He didn't hate tsunade, no, far from it. He just hated the fact that she ran around acting as if her life had been the worse there ever was. He felt for her, he really did. Losing not only your lover but also your little brother was painful. He couldn't imagine losing hinabi or hinata, but he knew that they would have wanted him to move on and be happy.

Tsunade ran from the village that both dan and niwaki had died for! She made their sacrifices worth nothing and trampled on the heroism that they had. And for what? Drinking sake and waisting all her money to gamble? It pissed him off to think about.

Not to mention the time his sensei waisted in finding her in the first place. She didn't even put his arm back on and yet, no doubt, jiraya was going to pay her for her students work. And where would all that money go? Straight to the fucking bars and gambling halls!

He let out a sigh and closed his eyes as he heard his rooms door open and close, signaling that tsunade had left. He let himself slowly fall back asleep.

-with jiraya-

Jiraya had fallowed tsunade out of the hospital and towards the hero stone that was placed in one of the training grounds near the edge of the village.

He had heard hers and narutos conversation- well it was mostly naruto yelling at her. He was in the hallways listening and had his invisibility jutsu active so he wouldn't get caught. He had fallowed after tsunade after she had fled the boys room with tears in her eyes.

He found tsunade sitting on her knees in front of the stone, she was crying softly. She wiped the tears from her face as she sensed jiraya appear behind her.

"W-what do you want you old perv?" She called out quietly. Jiraya stood a few feet away. His arms crossed over his chest and a sad look on his face.

"You know he doesn't hate you." The sage told her softly.

Tsunade snorted." It didn't sound like he loved me either." She stated as more tears fell down her cheeks.

Jiraya sighed and ran a hand through his hair." Trust me, he doesn't hate you. He just hates what youre doing." He told her. He rested a hand on her shoulder and the two vanished in a swirl of leaves.

They appeared on top of the thirds stone head atop the hokage mountain. Tsunade was still on her knees as the two looked out over the village.

"What do you see?" Jiraya asked her, his tone was soft and caring.

Tsunade sniffled." A bunch of clueless people who don't know that no matter what they do they'll most likely die from some stupid shinobi matters." Tsunade stated coldly." I see the village responsible for my brother and lovers deaths." She added softly.

Jiraya continued to look out at the village." Do you know what naruto sees when he comes up here?" He asked. Not receiving an answer, he continued." He sees a bunch of people that needs him to protect them. He sees kids being kids, mothers caring for their infants and fathers playing catch with their sons." Jiraya told her." Naruto lost so much when he was but a few minutes old. The village hated him for something he had no control over. Naruto may not know it but sometimes I catch the sad look in his eyes when he looks out over the village. The pain of not having parents or knowing the love of a mother or friends when he was young had cut him deeper than any blade or word ever could."

Tsunade looked up at jiraya and was surprised to see a tear slid down the mans cheek.

"But he uses that pain and sadness to protect all of these people. People that hurt him or didn't even know he existed. I remember asking him why he wanted to protect the ones that had hurt him so much, do you know what he said to me?" He looked at his teammate and saw her shake her head.

"He told me ' I want to make sure that they never have to feel what I felt. I don't want moms to feel the pain that comes with burying her son or daughters. And I don't want sons or daughters to come home to no parents. Right now the will of fires burning inside them all and I wanna be the one to protect that flame'" jiraya repeated his students words.

Tsunades eyes filled with more tears as she looked up at jiraya." Why did they have to die jiraya?" She bawled out. Jiraya kneeled down and hugged her." Why? Why did they have to leave me!" She cried into the mans chest." I miss them so much! It hurts so much!" Jiraya knew that she was speaking about dan and niwaki.

"Shhh, let it out." Jiraya hushed her softly, letting her know that itd all be okay.

Tsunade grabbed onto his jacket and bawled harder into his chest." Why did it have to be them? Why not me?" She cried.

"The world works in mysterious ways tsunade." Jiraya told her softly." Sometimes those we love are taken from us. But you have to ask yourself, no matter how much it hurts, would they have wanted you to run away or would they have wanted you to mourn their deaths before using that pain to make you stronger?"

"I don't know how!" Tsunade admitted through her tears." How do I become stronger? How can I turn this pain into strength when all I can think about is how much I miss them?" She begged for an answer.

Jiraya gave her a soft smile as he ran his hand through her hair in an attempt to calm her down." Stay.." he told her." Stay and let naruto show you how.."

Tsunade looked up at her teammate, tear stained face and could only nod.

"One day.." jiraya began as he looked out over the village and admired the sun set with a small smile." One day narutos gonna change this world. Hes gonna bring peace to us all and I wanna be there! Standing next to him. I wanna help him when he falls!" He looked at tsunade with a happy look on his face." Im telling you tsunade, naruto changes people, for the better. Stick with him and he'll make you a better person." Jiraya stood up and offered his teammate a hand." So let him rekindle the burnt out flames of your will."

Tsunade had never heard such conviction in her teammates tone before. It surprised her with how much jiraya truly believe in his young student. It honestly made her want to believe in the boy as well.

"Now-" jiraya spoke up as he helped tsunade to her feet." Lets get you home so you can rest. Tomorrow morning youll talk with naruto again." He told her with a smile.

"O-okay." Tsunade replied softly. Before they vanished she couldve sworn she saw the transparent figures of both niwaki and dan. Each of them giving her a smile and her little brother holding out a thumbs up to her.

Tsunade closed her eyes to hold back the tears that wanted to free themselves, before giving her friend a small nod. The two vanished from the top of the mountain, leaving swirling leaves and a single tear drop behind to fall to the ground.