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The Contents Of The Scroll!

Authors note: hey everyone! I hope you enjoy this chapter! Let me know what you think of it! *grins evilly*


Naruto woke up to the feeling of his masked cheek being poked. He raised a hand to block the morning sun that was shining in his eyes and looked at the person who had been poking him. He gave a tired eye smile as he saw hinabi lying in the hospital bed next to him, poking his cheek.

"What are you doing here so early?" The boy asked as he rolled onto his side and rubbed the girls head with his bandaged left arm.

Hinabi smiled brightly." Me and oni-chan came to visit you, but you were asleep and oni-chan went to get some snacks. And I was bored so I woke you up!" She stated happily.

Naruto chuckled at the girl and sat up in his bed, scooting back to lean up against the headboard." Well your visits make me feel better." He stated, making the girl smile wider.

"Say aniki, how long do you gotta stay in here for?" Hinabi questioned the boy curiously.

Naruto shrugged." I think ill be aloud to leave soon, after the pain killers have left my system and the doctor checks my arm to see if its still alright." Naruto answered, getting a nod from hinabi.

The door opened and the two saw hinata walk into the room holding a few bags of potato chips. She stopped walking and looked at the two.

She looked at hinabi with narrowed eyes." Hinabi-chan, did you wake naruto-kun up after I told you not too?" Hinata asked the small girl.

Hinabi paled and shook her head before pointing at naruto." No! Aniki woke up on his own!" Hinabi cried out.

Naruto chuckled as he patted the tiny girls head." Hello hime-chan, I missed you." He told hinata who blushed lightly.

Hinata walked over to the bed and hugged naruto." I missed you too, are you okay? Is your arm hurting at all?" She questioned in slight worry.

Naruto shook his head." Im alright. I should be able to leave today. After that I have to let me arm get used to being back on and then I can start my training again!" He gushed happily.

Hinata giggled." Im happy for you then." She told him.

Naruto gave her an eye smile before he remembered something." Oh yeah I almost forgot!" The boy stated.

The two girls watched as naruto pulled out a scroll from his kunai pouch. Opening the scroll and summoning its contents- which was a folded up letter- the blond opened the note and brought out the objects from the seal that was on the paper.

The girls saw three things come out of the note. A rolled up scroll that had a wax stamp holding it closed, a small square picture and a katana lying on the boys blanket covered lap. The katana had a dark blue colored sheath and a black handle that had a dark blue wrapped handle. The guard of the sword was gold and was in the shape of the uzumaki swirl symbol. They didn't know what the blade looked like as naruto didn't unsheathe it.

Instead naruto sealed the scroll and sword away again, picking up the small photo and looking at it. The girls heard naruto let out a small gasp from his mouth.

Hinabi tilted her head as narutos eyes filled with unshed tears." What is it aniki?" She asked softly.

Instead of answering, naruto turned the photo towards them, allowing them to see the photo of a young women in her early twenties. She had long dark red hair, a round tanned face and light purple colored eyes. She had a happy smile on her face.

"Woe.. whos that pretty lady?" Hinabi asked curiously.

Naruto sniffled and wiped his eyes." That's my mother hinabi-chan. This is now the only photo of her I have." The boy stated as he hugged the photo close to his chest.

Hinabi and hinata eyes widened a bit." Well shes very beautiful." Hinata told him happily.

Hinabi tilted her head in confusion." Wait where is she? How come shes not here now?" Hinabi asked with furrowed brows and a frown on her face.

Naruto put a hand on hinabis head." You see, my mom and dad passed away when I was a baby. But theyre waiting for me in the pure world now." He gave hinabi an eye smile.

Hinabi hugged onto narutos chest." That's sad. Everyone deserves a mommy and daddy." The kids voice was a bit muffled do to her face being buried in his chest.

Naruto rubbed hinabis head." Yeah, but I got you and hime-chan." He stated with a nod as he reached over to hinata and pulled her into a side hug. Hinata blushed and laid her head on his shoulder."I have all I need for now." He added.

They were brought out of their conversation by tsunade entering the room. She locked eyes with naruto. Naruto paled a bit as he remembered his fight with the women. She wouldn't hit him with hinata and hinabi here right?

Tsunade walked over to the side of the bed and glared down at the blond. A bit of sweat started to go down the side of the boys head, but he was surprised when tsunade leaned down and gave him a gentle kiss on the forehead.

"Huh?" Was the boy smart reply to the situation.

Tsunade laughed a bit as she leaned back up and put her hands on her hips." I hate to admit it brat, but you were right." She stated with a small smile.

Naruto tilted his head curiously." About your boobs being part of your genjutsu?" The boy questions.

Tsunade smacked him in the side of the head." No you idiot!" She huffed." You were right when you said I was running away from my problems." She stated as she crossed her arms.

"Oh that." Naruto remembered." Of course I was right, im usually right about these things."  The blond stated, puffing his chest out in pride.

"Don't let it get to your head brat." Tsunade told him with a small smile." Anyways, youre free to leave today. And Ill also be sticking around for awhile. Someones gotta get this hospital running smoothly again." She told him.

"Sweet!" Naruto laughed happily.

" alright ill get outta here. See ya later brat." Tsunade waved over her shoulder as she left the room.

"See ya baa-chan!" Naruto called out.

Not even a second later a pop can busted a small hole through the door before it impacted the blonds forehead, sending him back into his bed.

He groaned as the girls blinked owlishly at him." Was it something I said?" He asked no one in particular, swirls in his eyes.

-3 hour later-

Naruto was now sitting on his bed inside of his apartment. He had spent a few hours with the hyugas to celebrate him getting his arm back. Afterwards he went back to his apartment. It was time to look at the jutsu scroll and his mothers sword.

Picking up the jutsu scroll he removed the wax seal that was holding it closed. He was about to open it but stopped when he saw a seal matrix appear on the scroll where the wax seal was covering it.

"What is this?" He questioned out quietly. He looked closer at the seal and his eyes widened a bit. It wasn't just one seal, it was two overlapping seals! The two seals were a chakra seal and the seal under it was a blood seal! He also saw a security seal tying the two seals together. If the seal was ever forced open or the wrong person tried to open it, the scroll would most likely do one of two things.  One was just catch itself on fire and burn it to ashes, the second option was it blowing up in a fiery explosion, destroying it and the person or persons attempting to open it.

He gulp nervously before removing his mask and bitting down onto his thumb, drawing a bit of blood. Quickly placing his bloody thumb over the seals, he sent chakra into his flowing blood.

He removed his thumb and watched the seals glow a bright blue before they vanished into nothing. Letting out the breath he didn't know he was holding, the boy unrolled the scroll and looked at its contents.

-scroll information-

Jutsu type: kinjutsu

Rank: S

Jutsu name: impure world resurrection

Jutsu description: impure world resurrection allows the jutsus caster to summon anyone back from the dead. Be warned that it takes a high level of chakra to even attempt this jutsu. You also need to use a sacrifice in order to complete the jutsu, a dead bandit will do. You also need DNA samples of the person or persons you wish to summon back for the jutsu to work.

Once complete and you've summoned the person you wish to summon, the summons body will be virtually indestructible, nothing short of complete body annihilation will work. If the person you summoned lost a limb – be it arm, head or leg- the body will automatically regenerate. It can also be beaten by removing the soul of the person you summoned from the makeshift body.

Handsigns: -naruto skipped over this part as he decided he didn't need to learn this yet-

Side note: naruto, it's minato. Don't use this until youre at the age of at least thirteen or older. In the seal below is my hair sample, make sure its not corrupted or contaminated when you use it or else the jutsu wont work. So keep it sealed away until youre ready to summon me.

P.s: hide this jutsu scroll as best as you can. If the enemies of the village got their hands on this jutsu.. the consequences could be horrific.

-end jutsu scroll information-

Naruto was shocked at what he was holding in his hands. With this jutsu he could summon the dead, the dead! That was both badass and scary at the same time.

Taking a deep breath and calming down, naruto rolled the scroll closed before adding his own chakra and blood seal, along with a security seal. The boy got up from the bed and walked over to a photo that he had hanging on his bedrooms wall. The photo was just a picture of a sunset and forest, nothing special.  He took the photo off the wall and turned it around, showing him the black sealing matrix that was located on the back of the picture. 

The blond bit his thumb again, drawing more blood, before putting his chakra infused blood onto the pictures seal. The seal seemed to unravel and naruto put the jutsu scroll up to the seal and sealed the scroll away. Adding a drop of chakra infused blood to the seal again, he watched the seal seemingly close up, locking its objects away so no one but naruto could get them. 

Naruto quickly put the photo back up on the wall and went back to his bed. Sitting on the bed he grabbed his mothers sword and looked it over. He didn't see anything too special about it.

Grabbing the katanas handle, naruto pulled the blade partially out of its sheath. Because when about three inches of the blade was exposed, narutos world turned white and he was dragged into his mindscape.

-inside mindscape-

Naruto groaned as he sat up. He looked around and felt panic rise in him. This wasn't his mindscape at all! Everything around him was white.

"Hello!?!" Naruto called out, his voice didn't even echo! He yelped as black chains seemingly appeared out of nowhere, two wrapped around his wrists and two around his ankles before they lifted him into the air. He tried to wiggle himself free but the chains stretched his arms and legs out tighter, making him wince.

"Who dares touch me! You are not my owner!" A very very pissed off female voice reached narutos ears. The boy raised his head and looked at the female figure that had appeared in front of him.

His eyes widened in shock and he lost the breath in his lungs. He could only think of one word..



*laughed evilly*