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The Test!

Naruto stared in shock at the women in front of him. The women was in her early twenties, long red hair that was tied up into a pony tail and had two long bangs hanging down from each side of her head. She had her leaf headband tied around her forehead, her light purple eyes glared into his. She wore a yellow t-shirt under a dark green jounin flak jacket, black leggings that disappeared into her shin high black sandals. She had a pair of black fingerless gloves on and despite looking younger, he knew that this was his mother.

"M-mom?" He questioned softly as he went limp and let the chains hold his body up.

The women gave him a confused look." Why do you call me mom? I don't remember ever having kids." She stated with her arms crossed.

Naruto shook his head." No, y-your name, i-its kushina uzumaki right!?! My n-names naruto! Naruto uzumaki, im your son!" He stated as he struggled to get out of the chains.

The women rolled her head around as she mumbled to herself, seeing if she remembered anything about a naruto uzumaki." Hmmmm" she hummed out before her eyes brightened and she snapped her fingers before pointing at him." I remember now." She stated.

Narutos eyes brightened." So you remember me right? Y-you died the night of my birth how are you here?" He asked her.

She sighed sadly." Slow down kid." She gave him a sad smile." Im not kushina.."

Narutos eyes darkened a bit." I-i.. I don't understand." He replied quietly.

The women let out a small sigh." Im the spirit of this sword that you tried to unsheathe." She began softly."its was a while ago, during the third shinobi war. Kushina was a goddess in kenjutsu and she wanted a sword of her own." She scratched her cheek a bit as she continued." So she began to forge a sword, while forging it she continued to add chakra into the metal she was shaping. When she was finally done with the blade, I awoke." The red head told the boy.

"W-what do you mean you awoke?" Naruto asked softly, devastated that this wasn't his mother despite the women looking like her.

"Some how, when she kept adding chakra into me as she forged me, the chakra gave me sentience, a mind of my own, abilities of my own. I look like this because im made directly from kushinas chakra." She sighed softly." She named me Amaya it means night rain. After I was created, we took the war by storm! We were unstoppable! We became friends." Amaya stated happily before she frowned a bit." I remember her telling me that she was pregnant, but after the war we rarely talked anymore. Then one day.. one day I was sealed into a scroll and I was left in there for so long.. then you unsealed me and tried to unsheathe me and I cant let just anybody use me." She stated fiercely.

Naruto sighed at that." What do I have to do in order for you to let me wield you?" He asked her.

Amaya looked at him curiously." Why do you even wanna wield me? Judging by how young you look, I doubt you even know anything about kenjitsu." She stated.

Naruto clenched his fists as he looked at her." You were my mothers friend, you helped her when she needed you. You are apart of her, I want to be as close as possible to my mother and if learning and mastering kenjutsu lets me be just even an inch closer to her, then by kami above im gonna do it!" He told her passionately.

Amaya appeared inches in front of him." You talk a big game boy." She told him." Your will is indeed strong, but how strong is it?" She asked as she leaned closer to him, her eyes narrowed." You see, I have a special ability that allows me to access the mind of those who pick me up. I can see all your fears." She admitted." You have a lot of them." She added.

"I can see your memories and a few notes, one picture of kushina and the mere words of an old man doesn't mean you truly are my creators son." She told him coldly." Your biggest fear is rejection. You fear being rejected by the ones close to you, you fear being hated again by the village you protect." In a blur of motion her fist was buried deep inside narutos stomach. The boy was staring wide eyed in pain. He couldn't scream due to the wind being knocked out of his lungs. She leaned down next to his ear." Kushinas son would break the chains that bind him with his own chains. A true uzumaki cant be stopped they cannot be slowed down, the uzumakis can only keep going until they reach their limit, and then they break through that limit and keep going. These are the very words kushina told me. Tell me naruto, can you break these chains with your own?"

She waited for a few minutes for the boy to respond but he didn't. She scoffed and turned away from him and began to walk off into the whiteness." It seems youre not the son of kushina. It seems you arent a true uzumaki either." She stated coldly." Right now in the real world, im sucking out all of your chakra. You will die and then I can forget about having a fake uzumaki putting their hands on me." She added blankly. She stopped walking when she heard the boy mumble something. She looked back at him with narrowed eyes." Huh? You gotta speak up boy." She stated.

Naruto slowly lifted his head and his piercing ringed eyes locked with her light purple ones." I said, how dare you?" He growled out. " you dare call me a fake uzumaki? You dare try to take the only thing I have that relates me to my mother away from me?!?" He shouted out. His voice was thick with anger as he seemingly glared into her soul. " im gonna rip your fucking head off!"

Amaya took a step back as a powerful wave of chakra burst forth from the boy. She watched the boy as he struggled to get free of her black chains.

" you think these chains will stop me?!?" Naruto shouted out." You think ill sit here and let you kill me? Let you take me away from hinabi or hinata? You think ill let you take me away from those that I swore to protect?!?" He shouted out in anger." Ill show you.. ill show you what happens when you threaten to take an uzumaki away from his family!"

Amaya watched in amazement as five blood red chains shot out of narutos lower back. Each chain had a razor sharp kunai like point at the tip of them.

Four of the chains wrapped around the black chains that held naruto captive. She instantly felt the boys chains began to drain her chakra. The fifth chain shot forward over his left shoulder and wrapped itself around her neck and began to squeeze, choking her as it lifted her off the ground.

" you may have my mothers face, but you are not her!" He roared out as the chain that was wrapped around her neck, drew back and threw her across the empty white plain. The four black chains shattered like glass and naruto fell to the ground, landing in a crouch as he looked up at her, his chains waving wildly behind him like tails.

Amaya let out a series of coughs as she got up to her feet, rubbing her bruised and sore throat. She looked at naruto and had to admit, the boy looked feral with his chains waving around like that.

A bit of excitement shone brightly in her eyes as five black chains sprouted out of her lower back, each chain had a straight serrated looking saw blade at the tip of them. She let a wicked smile cross her face." Yes!" She shouted as she leaned forward a bit." Show me naruto! Show me how strong your chains are!" She shouted out before shooting off towards the blond in a blur of motion.

Naruto let out a roar as he too vanished in a burst of speed. The two reappeared directly in front of each other, their five chains clashing against one another, throwing sparks everywhere.

As their chains clashed, the two were in the middle of a heated hand to hand combat exchange.

Naruto threw his fist forward but Amaya smacked it away, sending a kick towards his side. Naruto caught her leg and jumped upwards, spinning in the air and sending his own kick towards her head.

She used the leg naruto was gripping onto as an advantage and spun around, her other foot hitting the side of his face, sending him flying away from her. She landed in a crouch as she stared at naruto.

Said boys body hit the ground and tumbled a bit before two of his chain stuck into the ground and lifted him up into the air. Righting himself he let his chains come out of the ground as he landed on his feet. He glared at her as he rubbed the right side of his face. That kick had hurt.

He dashed forward and took her by surprise since his speed jumped from high chunnin to high jounin. Getting inside of her guard he punched her in the stomach repeatedly, lifting her feet off the ground before one of his chain wrapped itself around her waist. He spun around and used the chain to throw her across the area.

Amaya was about to right herself and use her chains to stop her momentum when naruto seemingly appeared above her and slammed her into the ground with two of his chains. Before she could react, another chain wrapped itself around her left ankle and threw her again.

This time she was able to stop her flight with her chains, landing on her feet she looked up at naruto and grinned. She hadnt been in such a fun battle since the war! 

She dashed forward and punched naruto in the face, sending the boy stumbling backwards. One of her chains slammed into his stomach and carried him into the ground, hard.

In an act of defiance, naruto sent his chains forward and wrapped them around her black chains. He quickly pulled his chains back and amaya was lifted off the ground and flung over the boy before she crashed into the ground. He gripped onto the chain that had sent him into the ground and used it to fling himself backwards.

He landed directly over her and without a second thought, he started to punch her in the face. He wrapped her body in his chain and rolled to the side, using the momentum to throw her away from him.

Her body hit the ground hard and rag-dolled across the ground for a good twenty feet before she came to a stop. Naruto stood ready, he was panting though. It took a lot of chakra to maintain these chains.

He was a bit caught of guard when amayas chains vanished and she sat up laughing her head off.

Amaya laughed happily as she sat up and eventually got up to her feet. She was low on chakra as she didn't have the reserves naruto did. She was just a sword after all. The bruising and the bloody nose she was sporting seemingly vanished, leaving her looking perfectly fine, if a bit shaky.

She looked at naruto with a big smile." You did it." She stated.

Naruto blinked owlishly at the women." Huh?" He asked in confusion.

Amaya sighed softly." You passed my test. You've proven to me that you are indeed both kushinas kid and a true uzumaki." She told him as she rubbed her left arm. Being thrown around like that really hurt.

Naruto didn't relax at all. He didnt know if this was a trick or not so he stayed ready." What do you mean test?" He called out.

Amaya sighed softly and looked at him." I already knew who you were idiot." She told him with a huff as she crossed her arms." The moment you touched me, I knew that you were indeed kushinas kid."

"How could you know that?" He asked with furrowed brows as his own red chains seemingly sunk back inside of his back. He relaxed his stance afterwards.

"Before the fourth sealed me away in that damn scroll, he added a small almost unnoticeable seal to my handle. Anyone that didn't have his or kushinas blood flowing through their veins wouldve instantly had their chakra sucked out of their body, killing them instantly." She admitted.

Naruto looked at her in both anger and annoyance." Then what was with all that crap you said earlier?!?" He yelled.

Amaya walked up to him and put a hand on his shoulder, ignoring the way he tensed up in case he had to defend himself." I needed to know that kushinas kid was ready to wield me. I needed to know that your will was strong enough." She stated softly, a small smile gracing her face." I needed to know that you wouldn't abuse me and use me for the wrong purposes." She told him truthfully.

"When I saw how you reacted to the threat of killing you, I almost assumed it was out of a basic need to survive, to not be erased. But instead you said that you wouldn't let me take you away from hinabi or hinata, that you wouldn't let me take you away from those youre trying to protect." She ruffled his blond hair and smiled at him." That right there is what an uzumaki really is. Theyre people who protect their loved ones no matter the cost, even if it kills them in the end."

Naruto looked up at her with curious eyes." But.. the fight-"

She cut him off." I may have gotten ahead of myself." She told him with an awkward chuckle." Its been a long time since ive done battle, the thrill of it kinda took over." She admitted sheepishly. Naruto sweatdropped at that.

Amaya kneeled down and put her hands on his shoulders, getting him to lock eyes with her." Let me tell something that kushina literally beat into me." She began softly." When you have someone or something that's precious to you and you fight to protect that person or that thing.. that's when you truly become strong." She told him, her tone was soft but serious." You could be the strongest there ever was, but if you had nothing to protect then youd lose against someone that has something to protect." She explained to him.

Naruto nodded slowly." I understand." He stated softly." I wanna protect a lot of things." He began." I wanna protect my precious people. I wanna protect my home and its people, even if they were total jerks to me when I was younger. I wanna protect my parents legacy." He admitted with a determined fire in his eyes." I..i need your help to protect them all.. will you help me amaya?" He asked softly.

Amaya gave him a small smile." Of course. Ill help you just as I helped your mother. " she told him." But there are some things you have to do." She stated.

"Whats that?" He asked with a curious tilt to his head.

"Im a sentient sword that was created by chakra, therefore I too need chakra to survive. Ill need to feed off of your chakra every now and then when im low on my own." She admitted, getting a nod from the boy." Last but not least, im not a practice sword and I refuse to be swung wildly around. Youre gonna find someone to teach you the art of the sword and you will master it." She demanded." Also I need to be with you at all times so I can feed off your chakra, except for nights. Im usually asleep then." She stated with a nod.

Naruto nodded in understanding as he put one of his hands on her shoulder." Thank you amaya. You wont regret becoming my partner, I promise." He stated softly as he began to channel his chakra into her.

She closed her eyes and sighed in content as she began to consume his chakra, turning it into her own. She felt life coming back to her as she was already low on chakra since she was sealed away for six years. She looked back at him and smiled.

"Its time for you to return now, kuramas been calling for you for about two hours now." She told him.

"Will I be able to visit you or talk to you again?" He asked as he kept feeding her chakra.

She nodded her head." Ill be a voice inside your mind, just like kuramas is. And if you wish to see me all you have to do is ask and ill pull you in here." She gave him a smile before flicking his forehead." Wake up now."

Narutos world turned black. He slowly opened his eyes and found himself sitting on his bed, holding the partially opened sword in his hand. Gently sliding the blade closed, he laid it on his lap as he looked towards the window.

The sun had begun to set and he couldn't help but to notice how beautiful the sunset looked. That was until he was cut off from his musing by his local tenant.

"NARUTO!" Kurama roared as loud as he could inside the boys mind.

Naruto yelped as he quickly rubbed his head." Why the fuck are you yelling so loud fuzz butt?!?" He shouted aloud.

"Ive been calling for you for like two hours you brat! What the hell happened? Its like you were gone! One moment you were here and the next you werent." Kurama told him.

Naruto sighed softly as he rubbed his forehead." Sorry about that. When I opened the sword amaya sucked me into a shared mindspace." He told the fox.

Kurama tilted his head." Who the hell is amaya and what dose she gotta do with that hunk of metal?" He questioned.

The fox was totally caught of guard when a female voice answered him." Im amaya you furry ass! Im the sword. I wont stand for you calling me a hunk of metal, you got that?" Amayas voice rung out through the blond boys head.

"So youre a sentient sword then?" Kurama asked.

"Yeah." Amaya replied.

"Just great. Just what we needed, another voice in the kids mind." The great fox grumbled to himself.

Amaya snorted." You act as if this place is full or something." She stated." Do you got a problem with me being here you oversized stuffed animal?" She demanded.

Kurama growled in irritation." Silence yourself women! I am the great kyubi! I will not be insulted by a mere talking sword!" He demanded with narrowed eyes, his furry chest puffed out in pride.

There was a moment of silence before amaya exploded." Who the fuck do you think youre talking to like that?!? Huh?!?" The sentient sword demanded to know." I will beat your ass so hard youd wish you were dead! I couldn't care less if you were kami herself you stupid fox looking thing! Why do you got human hands huh you fucking half breed!?!"

Naruto sat in his bed with a twitching eye as the two voices in his head began to verbally assault one another. He let out a silent groan as he laid back in the bed. This was gonna be a long night.