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S-Ranked Run-ins..

"So.. this seems like a bad situation to be in." Naruto stated plainly as kakashi, yugio and him stood across from two other shinobi.

Both shinobi across from them were wearing black cloaks that had red cloud patterns on them. The one on the right had silver hair that was slicked back, white skin and had a cocky smirk on his face. In his right hand was a very large three bladed scythe.

The one on the left had both the top of his head and his mouth covered by a dark black mask, the only thing visible was his eyes which were a light green color and the whites of his eyes were a bright red color. He wasn't carrying an oversized weapon like his partner was.

Yugio deadpanned at the smaller blond as she held her katana out in front of her, its blade pointed towards the two cloaked shinobi. " you don't say." She mumbled sarcastically.

Kakashi ignored his two squad mates and glared at the two shinobi from behind his dog mask." Why are two S-ranked shinobi trying to enter the land of fire?" Kakashi asked sternly.

The silver haired man sneered at the anbu members." We came to get some sacrifices for jashin-sama!" He stated.

"No, we are here to collect bounties. And im sure you three are worth something." The other man spoke.

"We will not let you through." Kakashi stated sternly." Fox-" the smaller of the three looked up at his captain."- take care of the one with the scythe, cat and I will deal with the other." Dog ordered.

"Yes sir!" Both naruto and yugio replied.

Yugio appeared to the left of kakashi." Lets go!" Kakashi ordered out and the three anbu blurred into action.

-flash back, 2 hours ago- 

It had been two weeks since naruto had joined anbu. His anbu outfit consisted of a black t-shirt that hugged his upper body under a grey colored armored chest plate. He had on black pants that were bandaged around the shins and black boots. He had grey arm guards on with black fingerless gloves. His left arm had bandages wrapped around it from just above the elbow all the way down to his fingertips. 

He had his kunai pouch on his right thigh while his shuriken pouch was strapped to his left. There was a bigger pouch attached to the back of his waist as well. He also had amaya strapped to his back, the handle of the katana stuck out over his right shoulder. Even if he didn't know how to wield her yet, he still kept her on him, just in case.

He had been given the anbu name 'fox' which he had asked the hokage for. His anbu mask was that of a fox face. It had two orange lines going from the middle of the forehead down to the bridge of his nose, said lines then rapped around each eye hole and it had three orange whisker marks on each cheek. Naruto was very happy with how it looked.

The last two weeks were probably the hardest naruto had ever gone through in his life. He spent the first week doing all kinds of tests, from running courses to sparing against other – much more experienced anbu members, just to see if he had what it took to be apart of the anbu ranks. But with much sweat and a bit of blood, he passed and was officially given the anbu rank, even if the other anbu members called him ' rookie'.

The second week was spent getting familiar with the anbu HQ, which was mostly all underground. He was also made to learn a suicide jutsu, just in case he was captured by enemy shinobi and couldn't get away. And last but not least, he had gotten his anbu tattoo which was located on the upper part of his left arm.

Right now though, him and his squad mates which were kakashi – his captain- and yugio who had a cat mask, were currently patrolling the border that separates the land of fire and the land of rain.

They were traveling through the trees, their forms would be blurs to the untrained eye and with kakashis permission naruto had made a bunch of shadow clones that were transformed into normal sized foxes which were sent off to patrol the areas in front of them.

The three didn't speak as they travels through the trees. It was mid day and the sun was high in the sky. Thankfully they weren't to warm since it was beginning to become fall.

Narutos brows furrowed under his mask as one of his clones popped, sending its memories back to him." Hold." Naruto spoke up and all three of them stopped on a large branch.

"Did you see something?" Kakashi questioned.

"No, one of my clones spotted a turned over cart a few miles ahead of us. It could smell blood." Naruto answered.

"Did any of your clones see anything else?" Yugio asked curiously.

"Wait.." naruto muttered as he closed his eyes. He had just gotten another memory from another one of his clones. Going through the memory, naruto frowned." Another clone popped. One of my foxes are tailing two men wearing black cloaks that have a red cloud pattern on them?" Naruto in formed the other two." One of them has a three bladed weapon on his back." He added.

" lead us to the scene real quick, then we'll track down these two men." Kakashi stated.

"Fallow me." Naruto replied before he jumped passed them.

After running through the trees for a about thirty minutes, naruto, kakashi and yugio landing on a dirt road across from the over turned cart.

The three ran over to the cart and looked around it. They instantly saw a larger man wearing what used to be nice clothing but it was covered in dirt and blood. Said mans head was missing from his neck and was lying a few feet away from its body, a look of horror was frozen on the decapitated head.

" bury him, we'll catch up to the two men." Kakashi ordered the fox masked boy.

Naruto formed a few hand signs and the merchants body and head was swallowed up up by the earth. " fallow me, the men went this way." Naruto told them before he began to run south, kakashi and yugio fallowed quickly.

The three quickly closed in on the two cloak wearing men and hid in the trees while watching the two men.

"I told you not to kill that man you idiot. You most likely attracted the attention of any anbu around the area." The masked one growled out in annoyance.

The silver haired on snorted." Let them come, I'll sacrifice them to jashin-sama as well!" He stated boldly.

"We are not here to kill shinobi hidan." The masked one replied." Right now we are trying to scope out future bounties. Leader-sama will be displeased with you." He added.

"Ba!" Hidan waved his partner off." Im immortal kakuzu. Even if he was mad, its not like he can kill me anyways." The man stated nonchalantly.

" youre right, you cant die. That does not mean he cant dismember you and bury the pieces, then what would you do?" Kakuzu asked rhetorically.

" whatever. You need to lighten up kakuzu. Stop being so damn serious all the ti-"

"Shut up." Kakuzu ordered as he came to a halt, hidan did the same and looked at him with a raised eyebrow." It seems we have visitors." Kakuzu stated as he looked in the direction of the three hidden anbu.

Said anbu seemingly appeared a few feet in front of them. Both kakuzu and hidan raised an eyebrow when the saw the much smaller fox masked anbu member.

Hidan busted out laughing. He doubled over and pointed shakily at naruto." W-who the hell is the kid?" He asked between fits of laughter." What is this? Bring your kid to work day? HAHAHAHA!" Hidan laughed out.

" we must be careful." Yugio spoke to her two teammates in a quiet voice." Ive seen these two in the bingo book. The one with the scythe is hidan the jashin priest from the old hot springs village. The other is kakuzu. Hes from waterfall, both are considered S-rank missing nins." She informed them.

Both naruto and kakashi frowned at the new information. Three anbu members up against two s-ranked missing nin, did they stand a chance?

"So.. this seems like a bad situation to be in."

-flashback end-

Naruto appeared in front of hidan and punched the man right in the nose. Hidan yelped out in pain as he stumbled back a few feet and held his nose.

"You little fucker!" Hidan shouted at the boy." That hurt." He stated.

"My bad." Naruto replied as he pulled two kunai out and held them in a reverse grip.

" youll make a good sacrifice to jashin-sama." Hidan said as he pulled his three bladed scythe from his back and held it in his right hand.

"Who the hell is jashin supposed to be anyways?" Naruto asked curiously.

"Don't think to much about it. Youll be meeting him soon!" Hidan yelled out as he dashed forward, his scythe swinging towards the blond.

Naruto dodged under the swing and ran the edge of his kunai across hidans thigh before appearing a few feet behind the man.

Hidan cussed up a storm and held his now bleeding thigh, glaring at the blond." Stop cutting me!" He shouted.

Naruto was confused. Hidan had ran at him at low jonin speed. Was that as fast as he could go? If so then why was he considered an S-ranked nin?

"Why are you so slow?" Naruto muttered out before flashing through hand signs." Fire style: fireball jursu!" He shot a large fireball towards the scythe wielding man.

Naruto watched the fire engulf the man. He heard hidan cry out in pain for a few seconds before everything went silent, idly ignoring the sound of fighting coming from kakashi and yugios direction.

Naruto narrowed his eyes as the red three bladed scythe shot out of the fire and flew towards him. He took notice of the thick red metal line that was attached to the weapons handle before he jumped to the side, letting the three blades stab into the dirt road.

The flames slowly went away and naruto could see hidan standing there with a crazed grin on his face. His skin was covered in soot and his robe had burn marks on it and he could see the red line that was coming out of his right sleeve.

"You should be nothing more than a burnt husk." Naruto stated plainly, his ringed eyes were narrowed behind his mask.

Hidans grin widened as he jerked his arm back, his scythe ripping out of the ground and flew back into his hand. He let the weapon rest on his shoulder." The power of jashin protects me, brat." The man told him.

'If he cant burn to death then that means fatal hits probably wont work either.' Naruto thought to himself as he dashed forward.

Hidan swung his scythe at the blond but naruto ducked under it and stabbed the man in the gut. He jumped away and landed gracefully, watching hidan spit up blood as he ripped the kunai out of his gut.

"Didn't you hear what that kakuzu guy said?" Amaya asked." He said that ' leader-sama' would dismember him and bury the pieces." She told him.

Narutos ringed eyes widened a bit.' Why didn't I just do that from the start? Hes to slow to be any real problem. I bet the only reason hes S-ranked is because he cant be killed.' Naruto thought.

"Let me taste your blood kid!" Hidan shouted out in glee as he charged forward.

He swung his scythe at narutos ribs but his blade was blocked by a black rod. He looked up and locked eyes with the boy. His eyes widened when he saw a pair of familiar ringed eyes.

" why do you have those ey-" he was cut off when the boy pushed his weapon away and dashed at him.

Naruto stabbed his chakra rod into the mans gut before pulling amaya out. He dashed behind the now paralyzed man and swung the razor sharp blade down on hidans right arm, severing the limb. A choked cry came out of hidan. He wouldve shouted in pain had he not been paralyzed.

" I found a way to take care of you." Naruto stated happily as he quickly swung towards the mans neck.

He had to quickly jump away from the jashinist as a bunch of black.. string things? Impacted the ground where he just was.

Fallowing the black lines he came across an.. odd sight. It was the other guy- kakuzu. The mans left hand was off of his body and  naruto could see a bunch of black worm like things wiggling everywhere.

He also saw kakashi and yugio dodging four black masses that had white masks for heads. One mask was firing off earth jutsu, another was firing of water jutsu, the third was throwing out lightning jutsu and the fourth was shooting out fireballs.

" what the hell are you?" Naruto questioned in shock.

"Your executioner." Kakuzu replied as he charged forward.

Naruto managed to jump away as the mans fist impacted the ground, creating a large crater where he once stood.

Landing on his feet, naruto put amaya away and pulled out a kunai before dashing forward at high jonin speed. He slashed at the masked man but was further shocked when kakuzu blocked his kunai with his bare forearm!

Naruto was to shocked to dodge the fist that had impacted his chest. He flew back and skidded across the ground with a groan.

Sitting up and looking down at his now dented breast plate, naruto sighed as he climbed back to his feet and looked at kakuzu who was glaring at him.

"That hurt." Naruto stated coldly.

The man grunted." Good."

Four dark red chains began to grow out of narutos lower back, the chains had a razor sharp kunai at the end of each one." My turn." The blond replied coldly.

Kakuzus eyes widened a bit when naruto vanished from his sight. Only years if experience aloud him to jump back as naruto reappeared and smashed his chains into the ground, forming a large crater where the nin once stood. 

Narutos chains flew forward and began to slash at kakuzu. Said man was dodging as fast as he could, he was surprised when small cuts began to form on his arms along with a bunch of tares in his cloak. It showed that the boys chains were sharp enough to cut through his rock skin jutsu.

Suddenly the chains retreated and kakuzu found himself sailing towards the young boy who now held a hand out towards him.

Three of the boys chains met his flight path and speared through him. One in the shoulder, one through the heart and one through the stomach.

Naruto stared coldly at the impaled nin before throwing the body away from him with his chains. He let his chains fade and looked up at hidan who was still paralyzed.

Looking over at his teammates he watched kakashi destroy the earth styled masked creature. He then saw yugio cut the water creature in half.

Kakashi and yugio jumped back as the last two masked creatures dashed towards kakuzus body. They seemingly attached themselves to his arms before crawling up his sleeves and into his clothes.

The three anbu watched in a horrid fascination as kakuzu stood up from the ground and brushed himself off. The man vanished and reappeared next to hidan and glared at the now formed up anbu group.

" this trip has been a waste." He growled out." Ive lost three of my hearts, we are leaving hidan." He told his partner as he ripped the chakra rod out of the mans gut and threw it to the ground.

Hidan shouted out in pain." Fuck! That little fucker cut my fucking arm off!!" He raged as black tendrils came out of kakuzus sleeve and picked the dismembered arm up off the ground.

Hidan was about to charge at naruto but was stopped when kakuzu grabbed him by the shoulder." I said were leaving!" The ex waterfall nin stated sternly.

Hidan was about to tell him to fuck off but stopped. He looked at naruto and growled." The next time I see you im gonna cut you in half you little shit!" He stated as he pointed his scythe at the small blond. Naruto flipped him off." Motherfuc-" the two vanished in a swirl of leaves.

"Shouldn't we go after them?" Naruto asked kakashi.

"No, we need to inform the hokage about this. I cant feel their chakra around so they probably went across the border." Kakashi replied.

" we should head back to the village now." Yugio spoke up as she held her burnt hand." I need to get this healed." She stated.

"Lets go then." Kakashi ordered and the three vanished.

- A few hours later-

There was a group of people standing in a circle. The only thing you could make out on the figures were their eyes and the outline of their bodies.

One pair of ringed eyes seemed to narrow." Are you sure you saw the same eyes as mine hidan?" A deep voice asked out through the dark room.

"Yes leader-sama." Hidan replied before sneering." The little fucker had your eyes and he cut my fucking arm off!" He growled out.

A pair of honey colored eyes narrowed a bit." We cant do anything yet." It was a females voice." We are not yet ready to move on our targets and we cant risk the other hidden villages catching on to us yet." She stated.

"Konans right." The voice came from a figure that had a pair of mengekyo sharingan eyes." We cannot do anything about this quite yet."

"It wont matter. This anbu may have eyes like mine, but my pain is far greater than his.." the ringed eyes of the man seemed to stare coldly off into the distance." Continue with what you all were doing. But do not enter fire country again. Dismissed."

The figured vanished one by one until only the ringed eyes and honey colored eyes remained.

" what do you think?" Konan asked.

" ill have zetsu look into this."  Pain stated. Konan nodded and vanished, leaving pain to look off into the empty room.

-back in konoha-

" they said they were scouting bounties?" Hiruzen asked curiously as he rubbed his chin. All three anbu nodded their heads.

Kakashi spoke up." Yes, they also said that they had a leader. They didn't say a name though." Hiruzen hummed at that.

" so we have more S-ranked missing ninja teaming up hmm?" The third stated quietly.

"More?" Naruto asked with a curious tilt to his head." Was there reports of other S-ranked nin teaming up?" He asked.

Hiruzen nodded with a small sigh." Its why jiraya-kun left. He had gotten intel stating that itachi and orochimaru were spotted together over in rice country." He explained, getting shocked gasps from the three anbu.

"That could be a big problem." Yugio stated as she gently rubbed her now bandaged hand. " if S-ranked missing nins are teaming up then that could be trouble for every nation, not just us." She added.

The males nodded in agreement." Right now we cant do anything about it. Ill send jiraya a message to inform him of this." The third stated." You all have the next two days off to recover and relax." He told them with a small smile.

"Yes sir." The anbu replied at the same time.

Hiruzen waved his hand at them." You all can go." The three bowed their heads before vanishing.

- With naruto-

Naruto was now wearing his regular clothes as he entered hinatas home. Taking his sandals off at the door, he walked towards the sound of talking.

Silently entering the dinning room he leaned against the doorway and let a small smile come to his masked face as he saw everyone sitting around the table talking.

Hitome looked up at him and smiled." Welcome back." She greeted him.

Everyone looked at him and gave him a smile." Big brother!" Hinabi shouted happily.

"Firecracker-chan." He greeted as he kissed the top of the girls head." Hime." He greeted hinata with a hug.

Hinata blushed as she broke the hug." Hello naruto-kun. How was your day?" She asked softly.

Naruto gave her an eye smile as he sat down across from her." Oh you know, just beating up the bad guys." He stated happily, getting a giggle from the girls.

" long day?" Hashi asked as he watched naruto lean back in his chair.

Naruto nodded his head." Yeah." The boy rubbed his chest, right where kakuzu had punched him. " I got the next two days off though." He stated with an eye smile.

Hinabi shouted happily." That means you can hang out with me and oni-chan then." She stated happily.

Hinata nodded her head." I could use your help with my training after I get out of the academy." She told him softly, a light blush on her face.

Naruto gave her a nod." No problem. Ill help as much as I can." Hinata smiled happily at that.

"Will you be staying here tonight naruto-chan?" Hitome teased with a small smile.

"Yeah we can have a movie night!" Hinabi stated.

Naruto chuckled at the young girl and nodded his head." That sounds like a plan." He agreed.

" and then we can sleep in my room!" Hinabi added with a nod as she took a bite of her dinner." I miss your fox form." She sighed softly." Such soft fur." She added.

Hitome giggled at that while naruto gave her a smile." We can sleep out in the living room tonight so I can lay with both you and hime." He promised the little hyuga.

Hinabi whooped happily." Then we gotta eat fast so we can start the movie night!" And she began to shovel food into her mouth at an alarming speed.

"She reminds me of naruto when he eats ramen." Hashi stated.

Naruto put his hand over his heart as he stared at hashi in faux sadness." Your words cut me deep hashi-sama." He stated with a fake sniffle as he pretended to wipe a tear from his eye.

Hashis response was to flick a pea at the boys head before letting out a soft chuckle." Lets hurry up. Lets not keep hinabi waiting." Everyone stared at the youngest hyuga and widened their eyes as they saw the girls empty plate and her cheeks were puffed out, each one crammed full with food.

Naruto shook his head." Chew slowly firecracker-chan. Cant have you choking now can we?" He questioned.

"Ill be fine aniki." Came hinabis muffled reply.

Naruto laughed a bit at the girl. He loved hanging out with the hyugas. Hinabi made sure to find a way to keep everyone entertained.

'Lets hope she doesn't get into pranks when shes older.' Naruto thought to himself with an amused glint in his eyes.