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ANBU Missions Pt. 1

-4 years later-

One 10 year old naruto was decked out in his anbu clothing while squatting down on a tree branch looking over at a small clearing in the middle of the woods, the only thing in the clearing was a large tree stump.

It was the middle of winter so he had made a few changed to his outfit, such as a long sleeved shirt instead of his short sleeved one. The other change was the white cloak he had over his body, his hair was hidden under the cloaks hood so the only thing showing was his anbu mask.

Snow covered the branches of the trees along with the ground. The winds were blowing strong and the only reason he didn't have hypothermia was because of the heating seals he had installed into his cloak.

These past four years had been kind to him. His anbu mission record was pretty spotless. Team dog had only failed one mission while together, and that was not his fault. Seriously, who wouldve though a room full of weird red barrels would explode when hit with a firework? Naruto didn't take the blame for that one, even if he was the person who was holding the firework in the first place.

Anyways, he had quickly moved up through the ranks and had been promoted to captain about a year an a half ago, though he accepted the position, he didn't wanna be in charge of a whole anbu squad, so he filed for solo work and he got it. The only times he was paired up with anyone, was when kakashi requested his help with a mission.

Jiraya hasn't been back yet but he did send some info to the hokage, stating that orochimaru and itachi were seen together wearing black robes that had a red cloud pattern on it, which linked them to hidan and kakuzu. But a few months later jiraya in formed them that itachi and orochimaru were last seen fighting one another, it seemed itachi had sent the snake slithering away after kicking his ass.

Anyways, here naruto was now. He had been given an S-ranked mission by the hokage. It seemed that orochimaru had some sort of underground base here in the land of fire, so naruto was supposed to infiltrate the base, recover any information he could and blow the thing sky high. Naruto was very excited about the blowing it up part. He didn't know how the hokage got this info nor did he care. He just did what he was supposed to. He had faith in hid abilities should anything go wrong.

"Alright, lets see.." naruto mumbled as he created a clone on the branch next to him. Without saying anything, the clone turned into a small fox and fell to the ground.

Naruto watched the fox slowly walk towards the tree stump located in the small clearing. It was about ten feet away from it when it suddenly exploded into pieces with a loud boom. Naruto looked a bit horrified. It wasn't every day you get the memory of you blowing up.

Thinking quickly, naruto turned into another small fox and dropped the the ground, right next to the tree he was just in. No doubt the guards would come to investigate what had just set their trap off, so he had a plan for this.

He watched the ground in front of the tree stump swing outwards before two people came out of the rather large doorway. One was a man with short black hair and the other was a women with light red hair. Each of them had kunai drawn.

"What kind of idiot would be out here?" The man asked.

"Why the fuck are you asking me you dumb shit?" The women replied, an annoyed look on her face.

" kami Tayuya, calm down. You don't have to be such a bitch all the time." The guy stated.

Tayuya was about to cuss the guy out but they stopped speaking when they heard a small yipping sound. Looking over towards a tree they saw a small orange fox with weird silverish ringed eyes. Said eyes were big and full of tears as it wobble through the snow towards them. It yipped again, this one sounding a lot sadder.

" are you serious!?! Our trap probably killed this stupid mitts mom or some shit." The guy growled out in annoyance.

Tayuya was a strong willed teen. She was only 14 but even so, she had been trained personally by orochimaru and had been gifted with the mans curse seal. She was given a position as one of the mans personal guards- which was bullshit because they never really guarded the man. But tayuya was a girl no one messed with, her mouth was wild and she had a never ending well of curse words to use against anyone that talked to her. All in all, she was a total bitch. But she was still a teenage girl, and she had one weakness.. cute fluffly animals.

"Lets just kill this thing." The man stated as he went to throw a kunai at the tiny fox.

The foxes eyes seemed to grow bigger with more tears in them as the ringed eyes seemingly glared into her soul. It was so bad that Tayuya finally gave in." Wait!" She shouted out, stopping the man who looked at her in confusion.

Walking up to the small fox she kneeled down and held her hand out to it." Did we blow up your mommy?" Tayuya cooed out.

' you shouldn't coo those types of thing.' Naruto though with a sweatdrop. But alas he had to keep his cover going. So he yipped sadly and pushed his head into her hand.

Tayuya immediately began to pet the small fox. She almost squealed like a little girl, the damn things fur was soft as hell! Fluffy too. Picking the animal up she held it close to her chest." Its okay, Tayuyas gonna take care of you now." The red head told him, her tone sounded like baby talk but naruto rubbed his head against her neck and yipped happily.

" put up another trap fuck stick." The girl told the man as she walked past him and entered a large staircase that led underground.

The man let out an annoyed sigh as he began to do just that.

- Later that night-

Naruto was sitting on a twin sized bed inside of a spartan styled room. The walls and floor were the same color, which was a creamy brown color. The only thing that was in the room was a wooden table and one chair, and the bed he was sitting on. There was also one photo sitting on the table, it was off tayuya and some other girl that had black hair.  Tayuya was sitting at the table writing some report or something.

It turned out that despite her age, tayuya actually ran this base. He didn't know why orochimaru would put such a young girl in charge and he didn't care really. He knew better than anyone to never underestimate a kid.

He had spent the day in tayuyas arms or lying on her shoulders as she walked around the rather large underground base, making sure that everything was running smoothly.

One thing that naruto noticed was that everyone in this base was either low ranking missing nin or just plain bandits and thugs, there was no high ranking nins or any sort of actual civilized foundations. It was the strong eating the weak, that's it. Though he knew that should he have too, he could easily take out everyone in this base.

He had seen the cafeteria, security room where about three men were watching over a bunch of security cameras, and the prison ward. It took a lot of will power for naruto to keep his cool in that part of the base.

The cells were filled with weird mutated people that had lost their minds and some of the cells were littered with dead bodies, from children to elderly, all dead. Hed have no remorse when blowing this base sky high.

He was shaken from his thoughts when the bed moved. Looking over he saw Tayuya laying on the bed with her head lying on a pillow. She was staring blankly at the wall.

Crawling up the bed he laid on his side, so his face was across from hers. Tayuya blinked and let a small smile come across her face as she reached up and began to gently pet the small foxes side.

But her smile turned into a frown." This place sucks." She began softly." I hate it here. The things im forced to do by that stupid snake bitch." Naruto saw small tears form in the corner of her brown eyes." I wish I could be somewhere else. I feel bad for bringing you in here." She admitted to the small fox.

Naruto let out a small yip and lifted his small paw before booping  her on the nose. She let out a small laugh as she petted him.

'Great.' Naruto thought.' Now I have to take her with me.' He mentally sighed. If she wished to be free than he had to help her. Its just who he was, stupid caring heart of his.

-3 days later-

The last three days had been pretty eventful for the small fox. He had been going everywhere with the red headed girl and despite her temper, he could see that she was a good person. He had to use every ounce of his cute little fox body to stop the girl from crying herself to sleep every night.

Speaking of nights. When everyone was asleep he had sent out a bunch of clones turned spiders to slip out of the room at night and head towards the only office the base had.

He had clones then copy all the papers and notes they could find before sealing them into scrolls, labeling said scrolls and passing them onto him. Hed then take said labeled scrolls and seal them into a much larger sealing scroll that was about a head or two shorter than him. It took three days to copy and seal away all the data he could find.

Right now he was in his human form, kneeling on the floor and quietly making sure he had everything packed while a platoon of clones- using jirayas camouflage jutsu- were out running through the silent halls and planting a bunch of exploding tags everywhere.

Naruto got a small glint in his eye. This explosion wouldn't even count as an explosion, no. This explosion was gonna be art.

-somewhere far away-

A sleeping man with long blond hair that was tied up into a pony tail sneezed so hard that it woke him up.

Sitting up deidara rubbed his nose and looked around the small room he was in with a sniffle.

"Someones talking about art yeah?" He mumbled out before he passed back out, this time with a smile on his face.

-back with naruto-

Finishing his check list, naruto rolled the large scroll up and sealed it away inside of a storage seal he had on his right arm. He stood up and dusted his pant legs off before walking over to the table and clicking the lamp on.

He looked over at the sleeping Tayuya and sighed. He couldn't leave her here to die. Walking over to the girl he let four chains come out of his back, said chains silently wrapped themselves around the sleeping girls limbs. Standing over the girl naruto put his gloved hand over her mouth and nose. It took a few seconds but the red heads eyes snapped open and a panicked muffle left her mouth. Her brown eyes locked onto his mask and she froze, her face going completely ghost white.

Naruto lifted his free hand up to his mouth and signaled for her to be quiet." Im gonna remove my hand from your mouth. When I do youre gonna be completely silent or else ill kill you. Okay?" Tayuya hesitantly nodded her head. And as promised naruto slowly removed his hand from her mouth.

"H-How did you get in here?" Tayuya asked quietly, fear lacing her voice.

Tayuya knew what those masks stood for. This guy was an anbu from the leaf village. They were considered the very best and the most skilled within their villages. Not only did this one sneak into the base somehow, but he was also waking her up. The question was why? Why didn't he jutsu slit her throat while she was asleep?

Narto tilted his head in amusement."you don't remember?" He asked in a faux hurt tone." You guys blew my mother up and you personally carried me in here." He stated.

Tayuya looked confused for a moment before her eyes widened in shock. The fox! That cute little thing was an anbu this while time! Her face turned red in anger as she thought about all the shit she said to the fox. Now this man knew all her deepest fears and regrets. Fuck!

"You son of a bit-" the anbu covered her mouth and ignored her muffled curse words.

"Im trying to get you out of here you fucking idiot." Naruto whispered harshly. Tayuya stopped her raging at that and looked up at him in confusion. Naruto let out a sigh." At first, yes. I was gonna kill everyone in this base before going home and eating a bowl of ramen." He stated plainly, a wishful sigh at the thought of ramen." But then you started telling me things and I realized that you were as much a prisoner as those freaks down in the prison ward." He stated.

"What do you want?" She asked quietly. A look of defeat came across her face. She realized that even if she wanted to fight back, this guy would just kill her along with everyone else. She could also feel her chakra slowly being drained away by those weird red chains of his.

Naruto reached up and took his mask off, giving tayuya a clear look at his half masked face. The boys ringed eyes stared down at her. She was also shocked to see that this anbu was just a fucking kid!

"How old are you? Seven?" She asked with a tick mark. She was caught off guard by a kid playing dress up!?! Fuck!

Naruto sighed in annoyance at the jab to his age." Im ten you jerk." He answered." And for your in formation. Im an anbu captain." He added, making the girl freeze in place.

"Ill ask again, what do you want?" She repeated her earlier question.

Naruto leaned over her a bit." I have a proposition for you." He began." Stay here and die like the rest of these stupid fucks, or come with me back to the leaf, get that curse mark of yours sealed away, tell us everything you know about orochimaru and his operations and then ill make sure you become a shinobi of the leaf." He told her.

Tayuya frowned at that and glared up at him." You expect me to believe that you could convince the hokage to not have me torture then killed, but instead to let me join your village? Don't make me laugh!" She growled out.

Narutos eyes narrowed." My name is naruto uzumaki, im an anbu captain, pupil of jiraya the sannin and I might as well be the hokages grandson." He informed her, making her eyes widen." I give you my word that as long as you cooperate with us, we will keep you unharmed and safe. After a small probationary period the hokage will allow you to become a shinobi." Naruto told her with a small smile." Its called being a turn coat. Its when one shinobi from another village wants to leave and join another village. If you can provide decent intel on your old 'employers' then itll be enough to grant you asylum in our village." Naruto explained.

"I know what a ducking turn coat is you idiot!" She growled out in annoyance. She calmed down and sighed." Fine, take me with you. Ill die here if you don't." She stated softly as she looked at the photo that was sitting on the table." But you have to promise me something first."

Naruto raised an eyebrow." Oh?" He mumbled curiously.

"You see that girl in the photo there." Naruto looked at the photo and nodded her head." That's kin, shes my only friend. When we get to your village ill give you any intel I have, including her location. Youre gonna go get her and bring her to me, got it?" She stated with a hard tone.

Naruto wanted to say no but this girls intel would be invaluable. So with a small growl he answered." Fuck! Fine. Get your shit ready. Youre gonna walk me outta here and then im blowing this base up." He told her as his red chains vanished and he turned into the oh so familiar small fox.

Tayuya quickly hir up and got around. Packing her clothes and changing into warmer clothing. After she was done naruto climbed up onto her shoulders and gave her a nod.

Tayuya left her room and began to head towards the base exit. She had nervous butterflies in her belly. Is this it? Would she finally be free?

She almost had a heart attack when one of the night guards called out to her." What are you doing up tayuya?" Said girl froze with wide eyes.

She calmed down and faced the man, an annoyed sneer on her lips." The fuck do you care? Im going to get some fresh air. I cant deal with the constant smell of dirty men coming from being cooped up in this dirty fucking base all the time." She told him.

The man paled a bit. He had seen tayuya kill a few men when she was annoyed once. So with a nod he quickly ran away.

Tayuya let out a sigh as she headed towards the exit. Naruro looked at her with an amused smirk." That was funny." He stated with a small chuckle.

Tayuya gave the small fox a dirty look." Youre cuter when you yip, shit head." She mumbled as she began to leave the base.


Tayuya had on narutos white cloak as they stood about a hundred yards away from the base entrance. Naruto rolled his shoulders and rubbed his hands together. He did his best to ignore the cold. "Ready?" The blond asked.

"Just do it already, shit head." She ordered.

Naruto nodded and formed a handseal." Kai!" And all they knew what fire.

The explosion was amazingly huge! It shook the ground and the shockwave actually threw both of them back a couple feet. The snow surrounding them was instantly melted and evaporated.

Tayuya laid on the ground, looking up at the mushroom cloud in shock." How many explosives did you fucking use?!?" She shouted out, her ears ringing a bit.

"All of them!" Came narutos dazed shout. The blonds ears were ringing much more than tayuyas, thanks to his heightened hearing. He turned into a large fox and shook his head a bit and he walked over to tayuya and lowered his head a bit." Climb on. We need to leave." He ordered.

The red head quickly climbed onto the large foxes back and gripped its fur tightly. Not even a second later she yelped out in surprise as they vanished from their spot in a blur of speed.