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ANBU Missions Pt. 2

Tayuya had her face half way buried into narutos fur as they dashed through the snow. She was grateful for the heated cloak she had on or else she had no doubt she wouldve frozen to death by now.

Naruto suddenly dashed to the left and headed right for the side of a large Rocky Mountain. Tayuya was a bit surprised when instead of smashing into a rock surface, they blew into a narrow cave opening. They traveled a bit deeper into the cave before coming to a stop.

"Off." Naruto ordered. Tayuya quickly got off him and stood straight. She heard the sound of shuffling and after a few minutes a lantern was lit. The light quickly illuminated the cave and allowed Tayuya to see naruto clearly. He had his anbu mask off and clipped to his waist.

He looked up at Tayuya and motioned towards her with his hand." I need you to take your shirt off." He stated plainly.

Tayuya blushed and wrapped the cloak tighter around me." W-what?!? What do you think this is you fucking pervert!?!" She shouted out with a red face.

Naruto looked up at her with a confused tilt to his head." What?" Then his eyes widened in realization." What!?! No no! I need to seal your curse mark off. I cant take the chance of it having a tracking seal mixed in to it." He explained.

Tayuya could see the sense in that. With a huff she discarded the cloak and quickly pealed her shirt off. Naruto blushed lightly." Why arent you wearing a bra!?!" He shouted out in shock, quickly turning away from her.

Tayuya quickly covered her bare chest with the warm cloak." I didn't have time to put one on you dick! If you don't remember, you didn't give me much time to get around before blowing the damn base up!" She replied.

Naruto had to agree with that. He didn't give her much time to get around, so he conceded to her. He quickly had her sit down as he unsealed his sealing supplies.

"Alright, im gonna put a blocking seal on it so if there is a tracking seal mixed in to this then he wont be able to receive a signal from it. Im also gonna put an evil sealing seal over it." He told her.

Tayuya stared blankly at him." What?" She asked. She didn't understand half of that.

Naruto mentally sighed." Im gonna make it so the big bad snake cant track you with the curse seal. Then im gonna make it so you cannot access the curse seals power." He explained in a dumbed down version of what he had said.

Tayuya huffed." Whatever jackass. You don't gotta say it like youre talking to a baby." She crossed her arm in annoyance.

Naruto smirked in amusement as he began to draw lines along her body." Oh did we blow up your mommy?" Naruto cooed out. Tayuyas face turned bright red.

"Don't bring that up you fucker! I thought we killed a foxes mom!" She defended her actions while attempting to ignore the tickling feeling of the brush running lightly across her skin.

Naruto chuckled lightly as he dipped his brush into his ink well and continued to draw over her skin." Im just teasing tayuya-chan." He stated." Anyways, I think youre gonna like konoha." He admitted.

"Whats there to even like?" She asked." Isnt it just a simple village?" She tilted her head curiously.

Naruto snorted a bit." Just a simple village?" He repeated." No. It's a beautiful place. Our shinobi focus a lot on teamwork and creating bonds with fellow shinobi." He explained.

Tayuya let a confused look cross her face." Whats so important about bonds?" She asked." In orochimarus ranks, the strong eat the weak. That's how it was." She told him as he continued to mark up her back.

"That's why no one under orochimaru will ever truly be strong." He told her softly." If you don't have anyone or anything to protect, then you don't really have a reason to fight. But when one has someone or something to protect, then they have a reason to fight." He told her." The need to protect will always push one further. Itll give them the will to keep fighting, even when they run out of strength. The will of fire will push them further, and it will keep pushing them until they have successfully protected their loved ones." He finished his little speech.

Tayuya was a bit overwhelmed by the speech. He spoke of this 'will of fire' passionately. It made her wonder.." how do you know if you have the will of fire?" She questioned curiously.

Naruto let a small smile come over his face as he put his brush down." Tell me. This kin gurl, is she your best friend?" He asked curiously.

Tayuya nodded her head." She the only friend ive ever had." She replied softly.

"how far would you go in order to save her life? To protect her?" He questioned.

Tayuya thought about his question. How far would she go? Kin has been her only friend. The only person to stand by her during their beginning years under orochimarus service. Kin knew her better than anyone else and she knew kin better than anyone else. They were the best of friends, despite being separated about a year ago. They still kept in contact through letters.

" id do anything to protect her." Tayuya stated softly.

Naruto gave her and eye smile." Then the will of fire already burns within you." He explained before he slapped his hand onto her shoulder- right over her curse mark." Seal!" He shouted. The black ink lines that ran across tayuyas body glowed a bright blue before the kenji and lines seemingly traveled up her body and around her curse mark before it settled into a black circular mark around her curse seal.

Tayuya almost bit her tongue off when he activated the seal. The pain she felt was intense and unexpected, which made it hurt a hell of a lot more. When the pain was gone and naruto was done, she was lying on her side panting and sweating.

"Wha..what the hell?" She panted out.

Naruto sealed his sealing supplies away and dusted himself off." Sorry about that. I totally forgot to tell you it was gonna hurt." He admitted sheepishly.

"I.. hate.. you.. shit head." She stated with a few huffs. She finally caught her breath and quickly pulled her shirt on, idly rubbing her curse seal. It was giving off a few throbs, no doubt because of the new seal added around it.

" anyways, lets rest up here for the night, eat some dinner and tomorrow morning we'll get going. It should take about another day to get to konoha from here." He explained as he began to unseal a few snacks, two bedrolls and some water bottles.

Tayuya automatically dived for the large bag of chips the blond boy had unsealed.

- Unknown location.-

Orochimaru was relaxing in one of his underground bases that was located in lightning country. He was sitting in a throne like chair that was elevated a few feet above the ground.

He was currently thinking about what he should do next. He was on a mission to find a way to learn every jutsu. Starting with an immortality jutsu. He knew he couldn't learn every jutsu in one life time, but what was time to someone that was immortal? He needed to figure out a way for him to stay forever young.

He was broke out of his musing as one of his shinobi entered his 'throne room' at a hurried pace. The man kneeled at the bottom step.

"Orochimaru-sama." The man greeted respectfully.

The snake let an amused smile form on his face." Rise." He ordered." Why have you come before me today? Hmm? Kukukuku." His creepy laugh sent a shiver down the mans spine.

"Ive just been informed by one of our scouts, our base in fire country has been destroyed." He stated.

Orochimaru frowned." Destroyed?" He asked, getting a nod from the man." How? How did anyone find that base and who destroyed it?" He questioned the man, he was beginning to feel annoyed. " and what of tayuya? Where is she?" He wondered.

The shinobi gulped a bit as he replied." We don't know how it was found. All we know is that it was literally blown up. Theres nothing left except a large crater. And as for tayuya.. we don't know sir." He answered hesitantly.

"What do you mean you don't know where she is?" Orochimaru growled out.

The man gulped in fear as he was blasted with a bit of the snake sannins KI." W-we trued to track her with your curse mark. But we aren't receiving any signal from it." He stated." We declared her KIA." He added.

This was not cool. Tayuya was a very strong student of his and he had future plans for her. If she was dead then he had just lost a very important person that wouldve later helped him reach his goals.

He growled in annoyance." Well do you at least know who blew the base up and killed her?" He asked, the tone of his voice promised punishment for the incorrect answer.

The man shook his head." No sir. We don't know who it was or how they even got into the base." He answered. Orochimaru didn't say anything and he was about to speak again but before he could, a kunai was imbedded hilt deep into his chest.

He gurgled out blood and fell to his knees as he looked up at his master. Orochimaru had a furious look on his face as he stepped down from his throne and retched the kunai out of the mans chest and began to brutally stab him over and over again.

" find out who blew my fucking base up! If I don't have an answer within the next two days, then im gonna kill all of you!" He shouted out as he let the now dead body drop to the ground along with the blood stained kunai.

-with naruto-

Naruto And Tayuya had made it back to the village. After a long day of getting any and all information out of tayuya about orochimarus plans and operations, she had agreed to stay in one of the T&I rooms for the next few days, to make sure she wasn't a spy of course.

Naruto on the other hand was gearing up with kakashi. He had promised to get kin out of orochimarus grasp and he was a man of his word. So with permission from the third hokage and kakashi deciding to tag along, the two were quickly getting their gear around.

"Mission recap." Kakashi stated as he filled one of his leg pouches full of kunai.

Naruto idly nodded as he adjusted his grey chest plate." Tayuya said that orochimaru has a base over in lightning country. Its supposed to where kin is being held. We gotta get into the base and get kin out- unharmed." Naruto emphasized." Secondary objective is to collect any intel and data the base has in it. To make sure we don't start a war with kumo, the old man has sent the Riakage a letter, stating that we'll be working in his country." Naruto explained the mission details.

"What if we run into orochimaru?" Kakashi questioned curiously.

Naruto looked at the taller man and kakashi could practically feel the amusement rolling of the smaller captain." We do our best to kill him of course." Naruto stated." But kins life and whatever data we find take priority." The blond stated.

Kakashi nodded his head as he stretched his arms and cracked his neck before looking at naruto." Ready?" He asked.

"Its so gross when you pop your neck like that you know." Naruto replied with a pout.

"Alright lets go! Team awesome move out!" Kakashi cheered innocently before he vanished in a swirl of leaves.

"That's the stupidest team name ever." Naruto mumbled out before he too vanished.

- Two weeks later-

Kakashi and naruto had found the base. It too was hidden in a small clearing that had a tree stump in the middle of said clearing- which naruto thought was kinda stupid. Who hid their secret bases under the same type of tree trunk?

" im having an odd feeling of deja-vu." Naruto stated dryly as the stood in a tree, looking out into the clearing.

Kakashi looked curious." Whys that?" He asked.

"The base I pulled tayuya from was hidden in a clearing just like this. Tree trunk and all." Naruto explained, motioning towards said clearing.

Kakashi shrugged his shoulders and the two dropped to the ground." Lets just get to work." Kakashi told him lazily.

Naruto nodded his head in agreement and the two formed the same hand signs before they began to sink into the ground.

-inside the base-

Orochimaru was standing in his throne room. There was a group of his shinobi standing along the walls, each of them lined up.

Standing in front of the snake sannin was a teenage girl that was around fourteen or fifteen. She had pale skin, long black hair that fell to her mid back. She wore a grey t-shirt, black cargo pants and a headband around her forehead. Said head band had a music note engraved on it. 

She kneeled in front of her leader and bowed her head." You called for me, my lord?" She asked nervously. It wasn't everyday that orochimaru called for a genin.

Orochimaru nodded his head." Yes I did. Tell me. Youre friends with tayuya, no?" He asked as he walked towards his throne, keeping his back to her.

Kin looked up and nodded her head." Yes sir. Did something happen?" She asked hesitantly.

"The base tayuya was stationed at was attacked." Kins breath caught in her throat." Tayuya is dead." He stated, a convincing frown formed on orochimarus face as he looked at kin. Said girls eyes were wide and tears rolled silently down her cheeks.

" we don't know who did it, but I also find myself short one guard." Orochimaru began." And tayuya told me that if anything should happen to her, I should go to you and have you take her place." He lied smoothly." What do you say kin? Will you accept my mark and take the place of dear tayuya?" He asked sweetly.

Kin stood up and wiped the tears from her face before giving the sannin a stern nod." Only if you allow me to hunt down those that killed her and allow me to kill them." She stated.

Orochimaru pretended to think about it before nodding his head." That can be arranged my dear kin." He stated with a grin." Now ready yourself."

Kin stood straight and strong. She tilted her head to the side, giving the traitorous sannin a clear view of her left shoulder.

Orochimaru grinned and dashed towards the young girl, his top fangs seemed to extend as he appeared in front of kin and began to descend towards her shoulder.

His teeth almost made contact with her skin, but before they could- he was violently thrown across the room and into the wall, hard.

Kin fell onto her but as two people  in ANBU clothing and masks appeared in front of her. The smaller blond one faced her and picked her up by the scruff if her shirt, which sucked because he was shorter than her.

"Are you kin?" He asked plainly. She slowly nodded her head." Good." And he threw her backwards. She yelped out as she flew down out of the opened chamber doors and down the hall. How did such a small kid have enough strength to send her flying like this!?

Kin faced the floor and watched as a large fox shot out of the ground, it flew under her and two red chains shot out of its back, wrapped around her and pulled her onto its back before it landed on the ground and dashed towards the bases exit. She tried to struggle but it was no use. The chains held her limbs together and wouldn't be loosening up any time soon.

-with naruto and kakashi-

Both anbu stood next to each other, their kunais drawn and were facing the room full of shinobi. Said shinobi were shocked as they watched their leader pull himself out of the wall, blood dripping down the mans forehead as his yellow eyes glared towards the two anbu.

"I see. So it was konoha nin that blew up my base in fire country hmm?" Orochimaru stated with a creepy chuckle and a twisted smile on his pale face.

The two anbu didn't reply, instead they tightened their grips on their weapons." Kill them! Kukuku." Orochimaru ordered and the twenty sound nin charged forward on his command.

Naruto summoned about five clones and they all charged forward, kakashi fallowing behind.

Naruto dodged a sword swipe and slashed a sound nins neck before jumping over another sword and slapping an explosive tag over the mans mouth. Pushing the man into his comrades, naruto set the tag off, killing about three other nin.

Naruto chucked his kunai into another nins chest before flashing through hand signs." Water style: water jet jutsu!" He held a hand up to his mouth and shot out a thin stream of water at a random nin. The water impacted the mans chest and cut a hole straight through the mans chest.

Ending the jutsu and jumped over a stray fireball, naruto stuck to the ceiling and threw his hands out towards a group of five shinobi." Almighty push." He mumbled and the nin were either crushed into the ground or thrown across the room and sent smashing into the far wall.

Naruto dropped back to the ground and looked towards kakashi. Said man had already dropped his half of the men and narutos clones were already finished killing their targets and had disappeared.

Kakashi jumped back to narutos side and the two looked at orochimaru who had a sick twisted grin on his face. 

"So konoha sent their dogs to try and hunt me down again huh?" The snake sannin asked in amusement.

"Youre orochimaru right?" Naruto asked curiously, getting a nod from the pale man. Naruto snorted." I expected you to be taller." Kakashi chuckled lightly.

"I think im gonna enjoy killing you, kid." Orochimaru stated with a frown.

"Ma ma, don't get so angry orochi-chan. Its not good for your health." Naruto waved him off before dashing forward towards the sannin.

Orochimaru was taken back by the brats speed and was kicked in the face. He smacked against the wall again before growling and dashing towards the fox masked anbu.

Naruto diverted the sannins punch and lashed out with his own. His fist was caught by orochimaru and said sannin swung him around and threw him across the room.

Naruto skidded across the ground before righting himself onto his feet and sliding to a stop.

Kakashi dashed forward and began to fight the sannin, dodging and blocking the mans hits. He was able to fallow the snakes movements thanks to his sharingan.

He smacked the snaked hand to the side and punched him in the throat." Jump!" He heard naruto shout and without a second thought, he jumped upside down and stuck to the ceiling just in time to see four baseball sized fireballs to fly past his last location.

Orochimaru dodged the fireballs and flashed through his own handsigns." Earth style: mud river!" Orochimaru spat out a literal river of mid towards the smaller blond.

Naruto easily used chakra to walk on the mud river and went through his own handsigns before slamming his hands onto the moving river of mud." Earth style: earth spikes!" Four stone spikes shot out of the mud and shit towards orochimaru.

Said sannin jumped to the right, dodging the stone spikes but wasn't able to dodge the punch kakashi sent towards him. He smashed into the ground and slid away from the silver haired man.

" I thought youd be stronger." Naruto admitted as he appeared next to kakashi.

"Ill show you stronger you damned brat." Orochimaru sneered as he got to his feet and bit his thumb, making it bleed.

Naruto knew exactly what was about to happen and quickly cut his own thumb open." Lets go wild!" He shouted out as he and orochimaru flashed through the same handsigns before slamming their hands onto the ground.

"Summoning jutsu!/summoning jutsu!" They both shouted out at the same time before everything went up in smoke.

-with kin-

Kin was still chained to the foxes back, though now she was in a sitting position. They were sitting just outside of orochimarus base, waiting for something.

Suddenly the fox jumped backwards and kin watched in wide eyed shock as the clearing in front of her seemingly exploded outwards.

The smoke and dust cleared away and kins eyes widened further when she saw orochimaru standing on the head of a giant purple snake. She knew who the snake was. It was manda, the boss of the snake summons.

Across from manda was a giant red toad that was wearing a dark blue jacket and had a very large tanto strapped to its side. Standing on the toads head was the two anbu from before. It also had a large wooden pipe in its mouth and a scar running down its left eye.

"Whyy amm iii suummond?" Manda hissed out in what sounded like annoyance.

" I need you to deal with these fools. It seems you get to play with that old toad as well. It seems my old teammates been busy training a new student." Orochimaru stated.

"Sorry for summoning you so suddenly bunta-sama." Naruto apologized to the boss toad.

Gamabunta hummed." Ill forgive you this once gaki!" He boomed out." But you have to have a drink with me soon as payment." He ordered.

" of course!" Naruto answered with a nod." But first we gotta make a nice pair of snake skinned boots out of these two." He added while motioning towards the snake sannin and his summons. 

"Ah, manda-chan." Gamabunta mocked." Its been far to long since ive kicked your scaly ass." He stated.

Manda hissed at the toad." Imm gonnaaa enjoyy eattiingg you." The snake hissed." Itss beenn faarr too longg sinceee ivvee had frog legsss."

With that manda dashed forward at an insane rate of speed. Manda lunged at the toad but gamabunta managed to dodge out of the way. Said toad pulled out his sword and swiped at the snake, barely missing the tip of its tail. Manda hit the ground and quickly slithered around to face the toad again.

" lets get some oil bunta-sama!" Naruto shouted out.

"Right away kid." Gamabunta replied. His cheek puffed up and he spat out a large stream of black oil.

Naruto went through hand signs and took a deep breath." Fire style: flamethrower jirsu!" And he spit out a thin stream of fire.

The fire hit the oil and ignited it into a raging fire storm that burnt anything in its path. The fire hit mandas position and lasted for a few seconds before the fire went out and they saw that manda was gone.

Kakashi looked behind them and saw the ground began to crack." Behind us!" He shouted out and Gamabunta spun around just in time as manda shot out of the ground.

Mandas body wrapped around the large toad and he was about to bite into the toads neck but bunta blocked his fangs with his sword.

" a little help here kid!" Gamabunta grunted out.

Naruto nodded and held his hand out towards kakashi." Let me get some lightning." Kakashis eyes widened and he nodded his head and held his hand about a foot away from narutos." Bunta-samma. When I say so, I want you to unsummon yourself, okay?" Naruto shouted out as a blue ball of chakra began to form in his outstretched hand.

"Got it kid, just tell me when." Gamabunta replied as he held the giant snake back.

Kakashi slowly added lightning into the blonds swirling ball of chakra. Purple lightning began to crackle around the baseball sized rasengan. After a few seconds naruto nodded his head." Ready?" The blond asked.

Kakashi nodded his head." Lets go!"

"Now bunta-sama!" Naruto shouted out as he and kakashi sent chakra to their legs and jumped off the toads head and towards mandas head, right where orochimaru was standing.

"Good luck." Bunta mumbled before he went up in smoke.

Manda fell forward a bit before looking up when he heard the dual war cry from both anbu members. He saw a small blue ball that had lightning crrackling around it being held by both of the men.

" lightning style: lightning rasengan!" Both kakashi and naruto shouted out the name of their combined attack right as they impacted the head of manda. Slamming the ball of chakra into the summons head, Orochimaru screamed out in anger as the world around them turned white and they were defend by a loud boom.

Naruto and kakashi were thrown backwards by the shockwave. Righting themselves in mid air they watched their attack unfold.

Manda was crying out in pain as large arcs of lightning traveled through and around his body, turning a few parts of his purple body into a dark black color as his long body continued to spasm.

"Youll payy for thisss orochimaru!" Manda hissed out in pain before he went up in smoke, going back to the summon realm.

Naruto and kakashi landed on their feet and watched for any sign of movement from orochimaru.

The saw the sannin stand up from the ground, about ten feet away from their position.  He had blood coming from his mouth, ears and forehead. His unusually pale skin had a few burn marks on it and his yellow eyes glared daggers into them.

" ill repay you both for this! Do you hear me?!" He shouted out in anger." Just you wait! Ill kill you both the next time we meet!" He stated before he began to sink into the ground.

"Ah go suck yourself you stupid snake." Naruto replied as he gave the sannin the bird.

Once the sannin was gone, both naruto and kakashi relaxed." I cant feel my arm." Kakashi stated as her rubbed his left arm.

Naruto nodded in agreement as he rubbed his right hand." It seems that jutsu still has some drawbacks that we have to work on." Kakashi nodded in agreement.

They were brought out of their conversation when the heard something walking up behind them. Turning around they saw narutos large fox with a very scared kin sitting on its back.

Kin was terrified of these two guys. Not only did they fight off manda with another boss summons, but they also made orochimaru – a fucking sannin- run away with his tail between his legs. What could people like that possibly want with her?

The fox masked anbu spoke up first." You are kin right? We didn't accidentally kill her down there did we?" He asked as he motioned towards the large hole in the ground that was about a fifty yard away from them.

She slowly nodded her head." I-im kin. What do you w-want with me?" She asked nervously.

Naruto held his arms out." Its your lucky day!" He stated happily." Tayuya sent us to get you." He explained.

Kins breath caught in her throat when she heard her friends name." W-what? Tayuya? Where is she? If you hurt her I swear ill kill you!" She shouted out as she tried to get out of the stupid red chains that were holding her.

Naruto waved her threat off." Ma ma, calm down. Tayuyas alive and safe. She waiting for you back in konoha." The blond stated plainly.

Kin stopped struggling at that." B-but.. orochimaru said she was dead. I was gonna take her place among his guards!" She argued.

" good, that means the blocking seal I put over her curse mark worked." Naruto stated.

"B-blocking seal?" Kin asked in confusion.

Naruto nodded his head." Yeah. I raided orochimarus base over in fire country. Actually I wouldn't have been able to even get in without tayuyas help. After I got all the data I could, I offered to get her out of there and she agreed just as long as I agreed to come get you." Naruto explained as he pointed at her. " now here we are!" Naruto added happily.

" so shes alive?" Kin asked with hopeful tears in her eyes.

Naruto nodded his head." Yeah. She waiting for you back in konoha." He answered.

Relief flooded through kins body and she let herself fall forward onto the fox she was currently sitting on. Tears fell down her face." What are we waiting for? Lets go see her!" Kin ordered and the red chains came undone from her limbs and simply wrapped themselves around her waist in order to keep her on the foxes back. 

"Im so gonna eat some ramen when I get home." Naruto stated happily as he and kakashi began to walk away, the orange fox with kin on its back fallowed after them.