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Christmas Comes To The Leaf

Naruto and kakashi were walking in front of kin who was fast asleep on the large foxes back, each of them wearing a white heated cloak. It was early morning and it was snowing lightly. Naruto had to admit, he loved how beautiful everything looked when it was covered in snow.

The two anbu made their way to the guard shack and werent that surprised to see izumo and kotetsu sitting behind the wooden counter, each of them were wearing grey heated cloaks and had red santa hats on.

"Hey naruto!" Kotetsu greeted happily as izumo bumped fists with the blond anbu.

"Hey guys, kakashi and I are back, did we miss anything while we were gone?" Naruto wondered curiously.

Izumo shook his head as he took a sip from his mug." Everythings been quiet, well except for a few days ago." The chunnin stated, a grin on his face." Man the stores were packed." He chuckled.

Naruto tilted his head in confusion." The hell does stores being packed have to do with anything izumo?" He questioned.

Both chunnin facepalmed." Christmas is tomorrow naruto." Kotetsu stated.

Naruto paled. He almost missed Christmas! Oh man, hinabi would be so sad if he had missed her favorite holiday- well besides her birthday of course.

Naruto rubbed the back of his head sheepishly as he stared at kakashi. Seemingly understanding the blonds worries, he gave him a nod." Go on-" the silver haired anbu waved the boy off." Ill take kin to tayuya and give our report to hokage-sama." He sighed." Go get your shopping done." He ordered lazily.

Naruto gave him a mock salute." Yes sir! Ill buy you something too!" Naruto promised as he reached up and touched his anbu tattoo, sending a bit of chakra into it, naruto went up in smoke.

When the smoke cleared naruto was wearing a standard jonin outfit, except he didn't have a jonin flak jacket on. His black face mask was fitted over the lower half of his face. He pulled his heated cloak around him and with a goodbye nod- the blond vanish.

Kakashi looked back at the transformed clone- which was still carrying a passed out kin." Take her to tayuya while I go chat with hokage-sama. " kakashi told the fox.

The fox just nodded before walking off towards the T&I department. Tayuya was most likely still being held in a cell. He'd drop kin off there and dispel.

With a lazy wave towards the two gate guards, the dog masked kakashi vanished in a cloud of smoke. He had to give his report to hokage-sama and then he was gonna relax and read his icha icha.

-with naruto 2 hours later-

Naruto let out a relived sigh as he exited one of the many shops that were located in konohas shopping district. He had finished his last minute shopping and had the rest of the day off.

Kakashi had found him to tell him that he had the next week off- which was awesome. Hed continue his training after tomorrow.

He vanished in a swirl of leaves and appeared right in front of hinatas house. He heard a bunch of giggles come from his left, looking over he let a smile spread across his masked face. Hinabi, konohamaru, moegi and udon were out playing in the snow.

Hinabi was seven now and had started her second year in the shinobi academy. She had become friends with the hokages grandson konohamaru and his two other friends.

Konohamaru was a good kid. The boy was easily excited when it came to ' cool ninja moves' as the boy had called them. Despite being only seven, he held the world record for trying to assassinate his grandfather multiple times. Which naruto found pretty funny.

Udon was a simple kid. He loved math and was pretty average with academy shinobi arts. The only weird thing about the boy was that snot line that always seemed to be coming out of his nose.

Moegi was a great kid. She was the self proclaimed ' sexiest konochi in the academy' which naruto found odd. They were just children, how did she even know what the word 'sexy' was? Hed have to look into that later.

He watched the kids throw snowballs at each other for a moment before he kneeled down and made his own snowball. Standing up, he threw it lightly and watched in amusement as the ball of snow landed on the top of hinabis head. Said girl was unready for the attack and fell face first into the snow. 

The konohamaru corps busted out laughing before running up to naruto." Boss!" Konohamaru greeted happily.

"Naruto-niichan!" Moegi hugged him.

Naruto chuckled and rubbed the girls head." Whats up guys?" He greeted.

"Big brother!" He was unprepared for hinabi to slam into him so it toppled him over and he landed on his back." Youre back, just in time to." Hinabi stated as she sat on his chest." Christmas is tomorrow, did you get me anything?!?" She questioned the blond.

Naruto lifted his hand and promptly pushed the girl off of him, getting a yelp from hinabi as he stood up and brushed the snow off of him." Oh hey there firecracker-chan. Didn't know you were out here." He teased the girl.

"Mouuu." Hinabi pouted, a storm cloud appeared over her head as she drew circles in the snow with her finger." Big brother hates hinabi.." she sniffled.

She yelped when she was suddenly picked up and hugged tightly." Its okay hinabi-chan! Aniki loves youuu." Naruto cried anime tears as he hugged the girl, rubbing his masked cheek against hers.

"Aniki!!" Hinabi cried out in embarrassment as she pushed his face away.

"Ah it seems naruto-kuns home." The kids all looked towards the porch and saw hitome standing there with a smile on her face.

Naruto gave her a cheerful smile as he let hinabi down." Hello hitomi-chan. Wheres hime-chan at?" He wondered.

The women motioned towards the house." Shes in bed." She answered with a sad smile." She caught a cold." She informed the blond.

Naruto rubbed hinabis head." Im gonna go say hi to her." He stated as he walked towards the house, giving hitome a quick hug he went inside and headed to hinatas bedroom.

"Hinata-chan!!" He cried out as he slid her bedroom door open. He walked into the room and let out an amused snort.

Hinata was bundled up and lying under her blankets. Her cheeks were tinged a light red as she sniffled, telling naruto that her nose was all stuffed up. She looked at naruto and smiled.

"N-naruto-kun." She greeted as he came over and sat on the side of her bed." Y-youre home." She stated happily.

He nodded his head." Yup, im back." He reached over and put his hand against her forehead and frowned." You have a small fever." He stated.

Hinata nodded and pulled her covers closer to her." Mom said I should be okay soon." Naruto gave her a small smile as he crawled into bed next to her and laid his head on hers.

"Its settled then." He began." Ill stay with you tonight and we can watch movies until you feel better. Okay?" He asked her with a smile.

Hinata blushed lightly and buried her head deeper into his side." That sounds awesome." She admitted softly.

Naruto chuckled lightly and began to rub the sick girls head. Not long after, the sound of hinatas light snoring reached his ears and he had to admit. His hime-chan looked absolutely adorable.

- Later that night-

It was around midnight and naruto was wide awake. He knew that by this time of night everyone in the house was asleep.

He slowly got out of hinatas grip and got off the bed. He stretched his arms and back before making his way out of the room and into the living room.

He smiled softly when he saw the lit up Christmas tree that was fully decorated. There was a bunch of wrapped gifts sitting under the tree that weren't there earlier. He knew that hitome and hiashi stayed up later than usual in order to set the gifts out. He also knew that both hinata and hinabi would he excited when they saw how many gifts 'santa' had brought them.

He kneeled down in front of a tree and sent chakra into a storage seal he had on his arm. In his hand appeared a storage scroll and he carefully began to unseal some wrapped up gifts he had bought earlier that day.

But as he began to set them out he was froze solid in place when he heard the soft sleepy voice of hinabi." Big brother, what are you doing?" She asked tiredly as she walked into the living room, rubbing her eyes sleepily.

Naruto slowly sat the gifts down and face hinabi." What are you doing up so late firecracker-chan?" He asked softly as the girl hugged him. Naruto idly rubbed her back.

"I was thirsty." She explained." And I was just so excited for santa to come." She added quietly." Why are you putting gifts under the tree?" She questioned curiously.

Naruto scratched the side of his head sheepishly." Well you see, santa forgot to give you all of your girls gifts. So he had to come back, but hes on a tight schedule so I told him id set them under the tree for him." He lied off of the top of his head.

Hinabi gasped lightly." You met santa?" She asked, stars in her white eyes.

Naruto nodded his head." Yup and he said that you and hinata-chan were the goodest girls this year." Naruto replied.

Hinabi pumped her fist." All my hard work paid off!" She stated proudly.

Naruto sweat dropped and idly patted the kids head." Yup. Now, run back to bed while I finish putting your gifts under the tree okay?" He asked.

Hinabi nodded and hugged him tightly." Night aniki!" And she ran off towards her room.

Naruto let out a relieved sight." Goodnight hinabi-chan." He replied softly.

He quickly finished putting the gifts under the tree and rolled up his storage scroll before sealing it away.

He got up and walked towards the front door, throwing his heated cloak over his shoulders as he left the house, quietly closing the door behind him.

He rubbed his hands together in an attempt to keep them warm as he began to walk towards the gates of the hyuga compound, waving to the guards he passed.

-15 minutes later-

He made his way up to the door of a small apartment building that was located in the shinobi housing district.

He pulled out a small orange book from his kunai pouch and looked down at it. It was a brand new icha icha book that was signed by jiraya. This volume wasn't even on the shelves yet. Ah the perks of being the apprentice to jiraya himself.

He laid the book on the ground in front of the door before knocking on said door and vanishing in a blur of speed.

The door swung open not a second later and revealed the form of kakashi. He was wearing a sleeveless black shirt, his usual mask and a pair of grey sweat pants.

He lazily looked around and saw no one. He was about to close the door when he saw an orange object lying in front of the door. He hummed curiously as he picked the book up and looked at it.

His eye shined brightly when he saw that it was a brand new icha icha book! He quickly opened to cover and saw that it was signed by jiraya-sama himself. He also saw another writing and quickly read it." Merry Christmas aniki." He read the passage and let a warm smile come to his face.

He looked out towards the snow covered village and chuckled." Right back at ya naruto-chan." He stated before heading back inside and closing the door behind him.

-10 minutes later-

Naruto entered the hokages office through the window and sat in the windowsill for a moment, looking at his leader with a sweat drop.

Hiruzen was leaning back in his chair and sleeping. Drool was falling from his mouth and his kage hat was lying on his desk next to a pile of papers.

"How long has he been like that?" He asked quietly. A male anbu appeared before him. The anbu had brown hair and was wearing a bear mask.

"Since eleven." The anbu stated.

Naruto chuckled lightly as he pulled out two objects from his back pouch. On was a bag of tobacco that he had picked up on his way back from lightning country and the other was a brand new pipe.

The pipe was wooden and had a chakra conducting seal engraved on it. When ever Hiruzen would send fire natured chakra into the seal, the seal would transport that chakra into the area where the tobacco would be held and light said tobacco. Hed never need matches or lighters again!

"Well I brought him some Christmas gifts." Naruto stated as he walked past the anbu and lifted the kage hat. He put said hat on his head before lying the bag of tobacco down and leaning the pipe against it before placing a small card in front of the objects.

"You know I could technically kill you for putting that hat on right?" Bear asked the young blond dryly.

Naruto chuckled as he took the kage hat off and gently laid it over the gifts he had laid on the desk. He looked at the anbu and gave the man a wink." Itll be our little secret yamato." And with that the blond hopped back out of the window and vanished into the night.

The anbu sighed as he closed the window behind the blond before he went back to his post.

-the next morning-


Narutos ringed eyes snapped open as hinabis shout echoed throughout the entire house. In the blink of an eye naruto was standing up and fully clothed, plus a red santa hat that he put on top of his head. He loved Christmas, the day when family came together a gifted each other with things and love.

He hummed happily as he left hinatas room, idly noting that the girl was already out of the room. While walking past the kitchen he snatched a mug of coffee from one of the counters and took a sip of it. He stopped and looked at the mug, letting the taste of the warm liquid assault his taste buds. With a small hum and a nod he continued walking until he got to the living room.

"Good morning naruto-kun!" Hitome greeted with a cheerful smile.

"Hitome-chan!" He replied happily.

"Is that my coffee mug?" Hiashi asked the boy with a blank face.

Naruto looked at the mug in his hand before looking back up at hiashi with slightly narrowed eyes." No?" His reply sounded more like a question.

Hiashi let out a sigh before chuckling." Merry Christmas naruto-chan." He patted the boys santa hat covered head.

Naruto gave him an eye smile and a thumbs up before looking towards the Christmas tree. An amused smile came to his face when he saw hinata and hinabi opening their gifts.

Hinata smiled happily when she unwrapped one of her gifts and saw that it was a flower pressing book." Whaa! Mom look I can press my flowers now!" She stated happily, holding the book up towards her parents.

Hitome looked a bit surprised before she quickly smiled at her daughter." It seems santa knew just what to get you huh?" Hinata nodded her head quickly before going back to her pile of gifts. Hitome looked at her husband curiously." I don't remember buying that." She whispered to him. Hiashi shrugged his shoulders.

Both of them looked at naruto who was whistling innocently, holding his mug in his hands with an amused look in his eyes.

"Did you buy that naruto-kun?" Hitome asked curiously.

Naruto gave her an eye smile." Yup." Was the boys cheerful reply. Hitome giggled lightly at the boys cheerfulness.

There was a small cloud of smoke that appeared right in front of naruto. Everyone looked at the small smoke cloud as it disappeared, showing the form of a small shin hight dark blue toad.

"Gamaoni?" Naruto greeted curiously as he squatted down in front of the toad." Whats up?" He questioned.

The toad greeted him with a lazy salute." Oheyo naruto-kun." The frog replied as he held up a small black book." This is from jiraya-kun. He said Merry Christmas."

Naruto took the book." Thank you gamaoni, tell sensei that I said I miss him and that he needs to come home soon, yeah?" The blond eye smiled.

The toad gave him a mock salute." Yes sir, see ya naruto!" And the amphibian vanished in a puff of smoke.

Naruto stood up and hummed as he opened the book. A note fell out of the cover, catching the note and opening it up he began to read.

' hey brat Merry Christmas!

I know its been awhile since we've seen one another. I just need a few more years and ill be back alright?

Anyways, sensei told me about you joining anbu after I left. I wanted to tell you to be safe ya hear?!? Anyways, I know that shinobi life is difficult, anbu life is even harder. The stress is unreal sometimes, so I wanted to give you a way to relive that stress.

This book is completely blank. It needs someone to write in it so I want you to try writing alright? You can write whatever you want to and once your finished ill take it to my publisher and we'll see what everyone thinks ne?

Ill see you soon naruto and just know that im super proud of you.

~ pervy sage'

Naruto slid the letter back into the cover of the empty book. He hummed softly as he flipped through the blank pages. He gave a slight nod as he look out at the sunrise through one of the windows.

'So youre gonna write your own book brat?' Came the gruff voice of kurama.

'Why not?' Naruto replied.' Maybe sensei is right. This life is stressful and not everyones a hundred foot fox that can just smash his problems with a single paw.' He added with a mental chuckle as he heard kurama snort.

' well whats it gonna be about huh? A book needs to be good ya know. Its gotta show the emotions of the writer, it has to have a good story line, characters, backstories, and all that other stuff' the fox stated as his tails swished slowly behind him.' Oh and you need a title.' Kurama added.

Naruto hummed a bit before he replied.' What about.. The Life of a Human sacrifice?' He asked curiously.

Kurama barked out laughing.' That sounds so stupid!' Naruto sweat dropped.

'Whatever. Ill figure something out.' Naruto replied.

He was broke from his thoughts when hitome shook his shoulder a bit. He looked up at the mother of two curiously as she gave him a small smile." Are you gonna ho get your gifts yet?" She questioned curiously.

Narutos eyes widened a bit." Yeah sorry, I was lost in thought for a minute." Naruto answered as he walked off towards the Christmas tree, a small smile on his face.

He loved Christmas!