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Team Placements And Introductions

"Alright everyone, lets quiet down and take our seats." Iruka called out to the class full of brand new genins. The class quieted down and took their seats as iruka cleared his throat and looked out over the small sea of students." Thank you. Now as you all know, everyone here is officially a genin now-" the class erupted into cheers. Iruka chuckled a bit and let the fresh shinobi get their excitement out." I wanted to tell you that im very proud of each and everyone of you. You all worked hard these past few years and you all earned those headbands."

"Hell yeah we did!" Kiba shouted out, pumping his fist into the air. Akamaru barked from atop the boys head, wagging his little tail happily.

Iruka ignored the boys interruption and continued with his speech." Now you may be ninja but you also have to remember that youre all just genin, the lowest rank in the ninja world-" that got a few disappointed groans from the genin."- so you have to continue to work hard in order to climb the ranks. I have no doubt in my mind that you'll all become some of the best shinobi this village has to offer." The chunin told them all with a proud smile.

He smiled wider when the genin began to clap and cheer, both happy with their senseis words and excited to become the best of the best. Once the class quieted down, iruka lifted a clipboard up and began to look at the papers contents." Now ill be reading off your team placements and telling you who your jonin senseis will be. Team 1.."

- With naruto-



Naruto continued to stare blankly at his leader. His ringed eyes seemingly bore into the elder kages soul." Please?" Naruto asked.

"No." Hiruzen replied quickly as he puffed on his wooden pipe. Ah he loved his new pipe. Naruto was a genius! Adding that chakra conducting seal to this beautiful work of art, he didn't need matches or lighters anymore! It saved him a lot of money these past few years.

Naruto fell to his knees in defeat, tears welling up in his eyes as he stared up at his seated leader." Why not!?!" He cried out.

"Because that's picking favorites! And we don't do that to our young genin!" Sarutobi argued, oh he felt like a hypocrite due to him favoriting a young orochimaru.

Naruto shot to his feet and pointed at the elder ninja, faux anger on her masked face." But I wanna teach my hime-chan!" He cried out. Hiruzen groaned as he rubbed his temples." Ill fight you for it?" Naruto suggested.

"I already took hinata onto my team." Kurenai spoke up as she and countless other jonin continued to watch the thirteen year old jonin argue with their esteemed leader with amused looks.

Naruto rounded on the women and pointed at her." Ill fight you for hinata then!" The blond stated passionately.

Kurenai gulped." N-no thank you." She quickly replied. Granted she was ten years older than naruto and she was considered an elite jonin even though she only got promoted a few years ago, but even she knew that naruto would easily destroy her in a fight.

Naruto walked up to her with full puppy dog eyes and stared into her soul." B-but nai-chan.." he began softly, portraying so much emotion with just his eyes and tone of voice." My hime-chan needs me.." he stated, tears welling up in his eyes.

Kurenai was at a loss for words as she stared into those full tearfully sad ringed eyes. She felt her conviction waver. Just as her defense were about to completely crumble, she was saved by kakashi.

"Ma ma naru-chan." The silver haired jonin patted the blond boys head." Calm down will ya short stack?"

Just like that, narutos head practically snapped over to kakashi." What the fuck did you just call me you stupid scarecrow!?!" Naruto shouted out, kakashi paled as he felt the boys KI hit him.

"N-now hold on, i-i-"

"I will cut your stupid face pretty boy!" Naruto stated coldly, pulling out a kunai to emphasize his willingness to ruin kakashis face.

Hiruzen chuckled in amusement." Alright calm down naruto-kun." He waved his hand. Narutos KI vanished along with the kunai that was in the boys hand. The blond jonin faced hiruzen, much to a certain scarecrows relief.

The other freaked out jonin learned something just then. Never make fun of Narutos hight. Seriously, theyd live longer if they didn't bring it up or point it out.

Hiruzen cleared his throat before he continued to talk." Now what I want you to do naruto, is instead of just helping young hinata out, id like you to help asuma, kurenai and kakashi with their students-"

"Isnt that playing favorites since their teams are all clan heirs?" Naruto asked in confusion.

"- since I feel that you need to start socializing with kids your own age." Sarutobi completely ignored narutos valid statement." I believe itll be good for all parties involved." He finished with a happy nod.

Naruto vanished and reappeared on kurenais back, his head buried in her neck while anime tears poured down his face." You gotta carry me nai-chan, I cant feel my legs. This sadness is to much!" He cried out." First I cant teach my hime-chan, then our leader goes senile!" He wailed." We gotta throw it all out nai-chan. We gotta just build a whole new konoha!" He stated with a nod.

Massive sweatdrops appeared on everyones head. Naruto could be so dramatic when he really wanted to be. They just chalked it up to puberty.

So clearing his throat, hiruzen continued speaking." So everyone has their teams. I expect you all to inform me if they passed or failed your tests by night fall two days from now." He told them sternly. after all, it wouldn't be cool if his jonin began to slack off.

Kakashi raised his hand a bit before speaking." What about my team sir? I only have sasuke and sakura, no third member." He stated in his usual bored/lazy tone.

Hiruzen hummed in thought before answering." If your team passes your test than just take naruto on any missions that involve them going outside of the village." He instructed.

"Yes sir." Kakashi nodded in understanding.

"Okay, now everyone get out. Shoo!" He waved them off playfully.

The office full of jonin quickly emptied, leaving hiruzen alone in his office. He let out a tired groan and quickly began to do his work while puffing on his pipe.

- At the academy-

The only genin left in the room were sasuke, sakura, ino, shikamaru, choji, shino, kiba and hinata. They were waiting patiently for their new senseis to show up.

Sakura was extremely happy. She had been put on the same team with her not so secret crush. The best part? It was only her and sasuke!

Ino was sitting with her face down on her desk. She was mentally crying to herself. Why did forehead get put on the same team as sasuke-kun while she got stuck with shikamaru and choji? It wasn't fair at all!

Sasuke was silently brooding to himself as he stared aimlessly out of the window. shino was silent, shikamaru was asleep, choji was eating a bag of chips and kiba was chatting with akamaru.

Hinata was sitting in her seat with a slightly sad look on her face. Naruto had told her that hed do his best to become her jonin sensei- but he told her not to get her hopes up.

Don't get her wrong, she liked Kurenai-sensei. The women had helped her with her training multiple times over the last few years. She was almost like a big sister to hinata, but she still wished that naruto couldve been her sensei.

The young huyga was broken from her thoughts as the classroom door slid open and a women walked in. Hinata instantly knew that it was Kurenai, but said sensei was dragging naruto into the room by his leg.

Said boyvwas laying on his back, letting kurenai drag him across the floor, a depressed look on his face as he sung." Im so lonely, mr. lonely-"

"Stop being so damn dramatic naruto!" Kurenai scolded with a twitching eye.

"I have nobody, to call my own!!!" Naruto sung louder as the older women dropped his leg.

The nine genin stared blankly at the familiar blond, hinata giggled lightly." What are you doing naruto-kun?" She asked softly, a smile on her face.

Naruto vanished from the floor and appeared lying on one of the benches, his head was buried in hinatas stomach.

"Hime-chan!" He cried out." I did my best but the old man said no! I cant be your sensei-" he bawled." -I gotta help the other senseis teach all of you!" He added.

Everyone sweatdropped at the blond." Wouldn't you still be teaching me then?" Hinata asked dryly.

Naruto stopped crying and appeared standing next to an irritated looking kurenai, all sense of depression and sadness was gone from his face as he nodded his head." Yeah I suppose so." He answered.

"Why you little-" Kurenai was cut off as asuma entered the room, a cigarette firmly planted between his lips as he came in.

"Hope I wasn't late." Asuma greeted them." I had to make a quick stop to get more cigarettes." He added.

"Whatever." Kurenai huffed as she crossed her arms. She looked at the assembled genin and smiled at them." Anyways, team 8, come with me please." She told them.

Shino and hinata got up from their seats while kiba fallowed with a big grin on his face." You see that akamaru, our senseis a total babe!" He stated as he fallowed his team out of the room.

"Nai-chans gonna kill that boy." Naruto stated, asuma nodding his head in agreement.

"Anyways, team 10." He motioned them to fallow. Said team quickly fallowed after the man.

Soon the only people left in the room were sakura, sasuke and naruto. Sakura was the first to speak up." Hey naruto!" She greeted with a happy smile.

Naruto brightened up." Hey sakura-chan. How have you been?" He asked as he sat next to her.

Sakura shifted her body so she was facing him." Everythings been alright. I havent seen you in a few weeks. What have you been doing lately?"

Surprisingly sasuke cut into their conversation." Your friends with him?" He asked the pinkette.

Sakura blushed lightly. She wasn't used to her crush talking to her so suddenly." H-hai-" she nodded her head." Ive known naruto since we were four. We used to play together a lot, but after he finished the academy we didn't see him as much." She explained to the uchiha.

Sasuke looked at naruto with a somewhat curious expression." Why are you here anyways? Our senseis kakashi hatake." He stated plainly.

Naruto snorted at the uchiha." You'll be waiting her for a few hours then. Kakashis always late to anything other than A or S-ranked missions." He admitted with an amused look in his eyes.  He leaned back in his seat and put his feet up onto the desk.

Sakura looked confused." Why would he be so late? Hes a jonin. Shouldn't he be responsible and show up on time?" She asked the blond curiously.

Naruto shrugged." Don't get me wrong. Kakashi is considered one of the strongest ninja this village has-" sasuke perked up at that. If this kakashi guy was so strong then he could help him reach his goal faster."- but he's extremely lazy." And his hopes were dashed.

Sakura frowned a bit." But that doesn't answer sasuke-kuna question. Why are you here naruto?" She wondered curiously.

"The old man wants me to help the other senseis teach team 7,8 and 10." Naruto answered." And when ever you guys go out of the village for a mission, ill be your third teammate- fourth if you count kakashi." Naruto told her.

"So we have two jonin on our team then?" She asked.

Naruto shrugged." Basically." He answered." Now we just have to wait for the scarecrow to show up." He added plainly.

-3 hours later-

The three of them were sitting around the room lazily. Sakura and sasuke were completely annoyed with how late their sensei was while naruto was sitting in the back of the class, writing something down in a black book.

Naruto was writing his third book! He indeed stuck with the name ' the life of a human sacrifice'. He wrote about his past missions though he altered a bunch of things and used different names for all of the characters. Jiraya was right, when he got stressed out hed usually write and forget about his worries. If he wasn't writing then he was working on his seals, still trying to learn how to do the flying thunder god jutsu. He was close, he could feel it!

"This is soo boring!" Sakura complained. She- along with sasuke- perked up when they heard the classrooms door slide open.

The two genin watched as a man with gravity defying silver hair walked in. His lower face was covered with a black mask, his headband was pulled down to cover his left eye and he wore the standard  jonin uniform plus black fingerless gloves.

Kakashi stared blankly at his two students for a moment." My first impression of you is.. youre boring. Meet me on the roof in five minutes." He ordered before he went up in smoke.

"Why that stupid jerk!" Sakura raged, holding her fist up in a threatening manner." Who does he think he is?!?" She roared.

Sasuke clicked his tongue in annoyance as he quickly walked out of the room."w-wait for me sasuke-kun!" Sakura cried out as she chased after her crush.

Naruto closed his book and then sealed it away in a storage seal he had on his arm before getting up and vanishing in a swirl of leaves.

He reappeared sitting on the metal rail located on the academy roof, right next to kakashi who was leaning against the rail reading his icha icha book.

"So what do you think about them?" Kakashi asked the younger shinobi.

Naruto shrugged a bit before answering." Sasukes still a brooding kid, I can practically taste the arrogance that the kid has. Sakura-chan is a fangirl but I think I can beat that out of her. She has some of the best chakra control in the academy, a wonderful future medic nin if I do say so myself. But she has a small chakra reserve, but we can work on that too." Naruto told him with a slightly bored look on his masked face.

Kakashi put his book away and hummed in thought." Do you think I can do the bell test with them?" He questioned.

Naruto shook his head." No, sasuke will no doubt leave sakura behind. And if she got in his way I don't think hed have any bad feelings about using her crush on him as leverage in order to get her out of the way." Naruto explained with a small frown.

" what about a full on battle then?" Kakashi wondered.

Naruto shrugged." I can fight them." He stated." I could somehow force them to work together." The blond told him.

"We'll do that then." Kakashi agreed with the boy.

The two fell silent as sasuke and sakura made it to the roof, just in time to. They had 30 seconds to spare.

After instructing the two to sit down, kakashi began to speak." Alright. We'll start off by introducing ourselves, things we like, hate, our hobbies and dreams for the future." Kakashi told them lazily.

Sakura raised her hand." Can you go first sensei? So we know what to say." She asked the grey haired man.

Kakashi nodded his head." Sure. My names kakashi hatake, I have a few likes. I hate some things too, my hobby is reading and youre to young to know about my future dreams." He gave them all an eye smile.

'All we know is his name and he likes reading.' Sasuke and sakura thought at the same time, each genin had a sweatdrop on their heads.

"Alright!" Kakashi clapped cheerfully." Your turn pinky." He motioned towards sakura.

Sakura huffed at the nickname but let it slide this time. " my names sakura haruno and im 13." She began her introduction." I like- well the person I like is.. my dream for the future-" a bright blush lit up her cheeks as she squealed happily.

Naruto and kakashi deadpanned at the girl." And your dislikes?.." kakashi wondered.

"I hate ino-pig! Cha!" She stated loudly and passionately.

"Oookay!" Kakashi cleared his throat." Your turn mr. broody!" He looked at sasuke cheerfully.

Sasuke let out a 'hn' before speaking up." My names sasuke uchiha and im thirteen. I don't like much and I dislike a lot of things-" he looked at sakura out of the corner of his eye." My hobby is training and I don't have a dream for the future.. no, ill make it a reality." His voice got darker." My goal is to hunt down and kill a certain man.."

'Hes so cool!' Sakura mentally gushed as she stared at her crush with hearts in her eyes.

Kakashi mentally sighed. This boy was a true brooder. He looked at naruto and motioned for him to speak up.

Naruto slowly nodded his head." Uh, yeah. Anyways im naruto uzumaki and im 13." Naruto began." I like ramen, hime-chan, my friends, and some other things. I dislike traitors, rapists and those who needlessly throw lives away." He frowned a bit but brushed it off." My hobby is training, doing missions and hanging out with my precious people. My dream for the future?" He hummed a bit. What dream should he tell them about?" Oh, id like to become hokage some day." He finished with a nod.

Kakashi nodded his head and looked back at the two genin." As im sure naruto has told you already, he'll be joining us sometimes during training and he'll also be with us when we eventually go outside of the village to do higher ranked missions." Sakura nodded her head while sasuke just hn'ed." Anyways, tomorrow we'll be doing your first mission, we'll be testing to see if you can be a genin or not." He mentally chuckled when both of the kids looked at him in shock.

"What do you mean sensei?!? Were already genin, see!" She pointed to her red headband, which was being used as a hair bands.

Kakashi chuckled lazily." The academy test is just to see if you have what it takes to be a genin. Ill be testing to see if youre aloud to be a genin." He informed them." If you fail youll either be dropped from the shinobi program all together or youll be sent back to the academy." He added.

Sakura paled while sasuke furrowed his brows, seemingly in annoyance." Whats the test?" He asked his sensei.

Kakashi eye smiled at him." That's a secret. Anyways, meet me at training ground seven tomorrow at six in the morning. Don't be late- oh and I wouldn't eat breakfast if I were you, youll just puke it up later. Bye!" And kakashi vanished in a cloud of smoke.

Naruto hopped down from his seat on the rail and stretched his arms before giving the two an eye smile." Good luck tomorrow!" And he was gone.

Sasuke growled before getting up, stuffing his hands into his pockets and walking towards the door in order to leave the roof.

"W-wait for me sasuke-kun!" Sakura called out, jogging after him while her inner self was having a mental breakdown.

  She had spent the last few years of her life doing whatever she could to get close to sasuke. And now she was on a team with him and before she could get to know him better, that stupid scarecrow was putting her lives work in danger! She silently promised herself that shed do everything within her power to pass this test so she could stay with sasuke-kun.