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Truths, Love and Preparations!

•    2 weeks after the genin test•

Naruto was lying on his bed staring at an unfolded note that was across the room lying on his dresser with a blank face. It was the final note from the fourth hokage. There was no gifts in said letter nor a long passage. All that was written on the paper was a single paragraph that shook the young jonin to his very core.

'Im sorry for sacrificing you the way I did, please forgive this fool and if you cant forgive me than I understand. Just know that I love you more than anything else- even the village. You mother and I will be watching over you from the pure land. We'll see one another again but for now, goodbye my son.

~ minato namikaze- your loving father'

Naruto was emotionless on the outside but on the inside he was freaking out. Why didn't he realize this sooner? Hed seen the fourths photo almost every day while inside of the old mans office, how did he not see the similarities between him and the fourth? Was he just that stupid or did his mind subconsciously block it out? He didn't understand.

Naruto quickly got off his bed and walked over to the note. He stared down at it for another moment before sealing it away in on of the many storage seals he had on his body.

He headed towards his closet to get around. He needed to clear his head and what better way to do that than to train? So naruto quickly threw on the standard jonin outfit and his usual black mask before vanishing in a swirl of leaves. He knew just who to go to in order to push his limits and to help clear his head.

• training ground 7•

"Again." Kakashi stated as he turned the page in his favorite book. He heard two loud groans from both his students and mentally chuckled. Ah, he enjoyed being a teacher. With said teacher privileges he could make his cute little killing machines do almost anything he wanted.

Said genin were currently using their chakra to run up two large trees. Sakura of course got it on her first try thanks to her smaller chakra reserves and sasuke could only make it halfway up the tree before he fell back to the ground. Kakashis could tell the boy was highly annoyed at the slow pace of his progress, but the uchiha kept pushing himself.

Sakura on the other hand looked dead on her feet. A thin coat of sweat hugged her entire body, her usual long free flowing pink hair was matted and sticking up in a few places thanks to the constant workout. But despite being on the verge of collapsing she continued to push forward.

He suddenly looked up from his book as he felt a small chill race up his spine. He quickly scanned the area around him with his only visible eye. He knew what this feeling was. He only felt it when one of two thing was happening.

One: there was currently an enemy nin that was about to strike at him from outta nowhere.

Option number two: naruto was in one of those moods and needed to clear his head.

"Sakura, sasuke." He called out as he put his book away. The two genin landed on the ground In front of their respective trees and looked at their sensei curiously.

"Whats up sensei?" Sakura asked while panting heavily. Sasuke merely crossed his arms and gave the man a curious look.

Kakashi sighed quietly as he rubbed his hands together." I want you two to sit at the base of your trees and watch. Youre about to see a jonin level spar, maybe this will help you push past your current training barriers." He stated lazily.

Sasuke raised an eyebrow." Wha- holy shit!" He cried out in shock as he was cut off when a blond blur crashed into kakashis precise location, creating a large boom and a giant dust cloud. The two genin fell onto their backsides as they stared wide eyed at the dust cloud.

Said cloud slowly dissipated before revealing a small figure standing in kakashis previous location. Once the dust fully disappeared they found themselves staring at narutos back.

"N-naruto?!?" Sakura cried out in surprise.

Naruto didn't respond. Instead he stared across the training grounds with a hard look in his eyes. He watched as kakashis slowly grew out of the ground.

The silver haired jonin dusted himself off before looking at naruto with a curious expression." You seem angry. What happened?" He wondered out loud.

Naruto raised his left arm and pointed at the man." You were his student and you didn't tell me?!?" Naruto shouted angrily." I thought we were friends kakashi." He stated with narrowed ringed eyes.

Kakashis eyes slightly widened at the accusation." W-what?" Was his stuttered reply.

Naruto growled in annoyance." That's it. Im kicking your ass. Taijutsu only!" Naruto shouted out before vanishing in a blur of speed.

Only decades of shinobi experience allowed kakashi to raise his arm up in time to block a rather powerful punch from naruto- who had appeared directly in front of him. Still, despite blocking the punch, kakashi was pushed back a few feet.

"Oh youre going down short stack." Kakashi replied as he rubbed his sore arm. He looked at a fuming naruto before he dashed forward and sent a round house kick towards the boys head.

Naruto leaned back just enough to let the mans heel fly past his head before he shot forward and sent a punch towards the mans left ribcage. Kakashi easily smacked the hand away before he jumped over an incoming kick from the boy.

He raised his leg in mid air before slamming it down towards narutos head. The boy managed to jump back just in time to as kakashis heel impacted the ground which created a small dent in the ground that was surrounded by spiderweb cracks.

Naruto appeared in mid air, right in front of kakashis face and kneed the man in the nose. Kakashi yelped as he stumbled back a few steps. He blinked rapidly in order to keep the reflexive tears from escaping his eye.

Naruto appeared on his right side and punched towards his ribs once again. Kakashis leaned his upper body back enough to dodge the punch before sending his own hand out and grabbed onto narutos outstretched wrist. He heard naruto growl before he sent the boy flying with a powerful throw.

Naruto righted himself in mid air before landing safely on his feet a few yards away from kakashi. Naruto quickly released his weight bands before charging at kakashi again- only this time he was so fast he left an after image of himself behind.

Kakashis lone eye widened before he was kicked right in the chest, sending him flying back. He hit the ground and rolled for a few seconds before he backflipped up onto his feet. He quickly reached up and lifted his headband up, uncovering his left eye which had a scar running down it.

He opened said eye and ignored the shocked gasped he heard from his two students when they saw the red three tomoed eye that was sitting in his eye socket. He quickly closed his right eye and focused in on naruto.

He didn't like bringing obitos gift out during a spar but he knew that hed need it in order to keep up with narutos speed. Only Guy and naruto could push him to use his sharingan during a spar.

He quickly caught narutos fist and held on to it tightly when the boy appeared in front of him, aiming to get another blow in." Why are you so upset naruto?" He asked in a hushed tone.

Naruto looked up at him with sad eyes." Why didn't you tell me that he was my dad kakashi?" He asked softly.

Kakashis sharingan eye widened before it quickly softened as he stared into the boys eyes." So you found out huh?" Was his reply. Naruto only nodded." He made both the third and I promise not to tell you. He wanted you to find out on your own. " he answered the boys question.

Naruto sent a leg up into the mans gut, getting a grunt of pain from kakashi before yanking his fist out of kakashis hand and punching him right in the face, sending him backwards once more." Who all knew?" He asked as kakashi rolled back onto his feet.

"Me-" kakashi dashed forward and sent a punch towards the blond, only for the boy to redirect the punch and send a kick back at him." The third-" he blocked the kick and dropped to the ground, swinging his leg towards narutos feet in an attempt to knock the boy to the ground. But naruto jumped over the leg swipe and cocked his fist back and threw it towards kakashi." Mikoto-chan-" kakashi rolled to the side as narutos fist impacted the ground, said fist easily cracked the hard earth." Jiraya-sama-" he jumped to his feet and dashed forward- throwing his fist out towards the blond. Naruto didn't react fast enough and caught the punch right in his jaw, sending him spiraling off to the side." And tsunade-sama." Kakashi finished answering the blonds question.

Naruto jumped to his feet and let out a light groan as he rubbed his sore jaw. He waved kakashi off and ended the spar." Im done- for now." He added the last part quickly.

Kakashis mentality sighed in happiness as he closed his left eye and brought his headband down to cover it. He walked up to naruto and rubbed the boys head." Im sorry for not telling you." He admitted softly.

Naruto nodded his head." I can understand why you didn't say anything. Doesn't mean I have to like it though." He grumbled as he crossed his arms and huffed.

"Understandable." Was the mans reply before he looked towards his two student with an eye smile." So did that motivate you two enough?" He questioned.

Sakura and sasuke just sat there and stared at the two with wide eyes. Throughout the fight the two only saw blurs unless the two nin clashed. Their eyes just werent trained enough to keep up with such speed and even though the fight seemed long, it only lasted for about three to four minutes. Five tops.

Sasuke was too dumbfounded to demand answers about why his sensei- who wasn't an uchiha- had the sharingan. All he could think about was how fast naruto was. The boy had left an after image behind. A freakin after image. How fast was naruto really? Even he knew that what he witnessed wasn't the blonds top speed. He wanted- no, he needed that type of speed. If he was that fast then he had no doubt that hed be able to kill itachi.

Sakura just stared dumbly at the two jonin. How was it possible for someone to be as fast as these two? Her brain just couldn't comprehend such speed. Were all elite jonin as fast as these two? If so then how could she ever hope to match up to any of them? She mentally berated herself.' We can be just as fast as them. All we need to do is continue to train! Cha!' She mentally cheered herself on as she jumped to her feet and dashed up her tree. She needed to grow her chakra reserves even more if she hoped to be as strong as Naruto or her sensei on day!

"Great.." kakashis lazy tone reached narutos ears as the two watched sasuke sit dumbly at the bottom of his tree while sakura raced up and down her own tree." We broke them." Kakashi added.

Naruto snorted in amusement before looking away from the genin and began walking off." Meet me in the old mans office in two hours kakashi. Oh and if your late ill burn your book collection!" Naruto waved over his shoulder as he vanished into thin air.

Kakashi paled at the blonds threat. Hed be on time for sure. He wouldn't risk his precious icha icha. Ever.

•with naruto•

Naruto entered the hyuga household feeling much better than he did earlier. Thankfully he was able to work off most of his frustrations during his spar with kakashi.

He slid his sandals off and placed them next to the front door before walking towards the living room where he could hear the noise from the tv.

Entering the room he couldn't help but smile as he saw hinata sitting on the couch with hinabi sitting between the girls legs, and said older sibling was braiding hinabis long brown hair as hinabi watched cartoons on the tv.

"Im home." He greeted with an eye smile as he walked into the room. Both girls looked at him and smiled.

"Welcome home aniki." Hinabi greeted happily.

"Naruto-kun." Hinata greeted with a happy smile on her face as she quickly finished braiding hinabis hair." There you go hinabi-chan." Said girl quickly got up and brought her braided hair over her shoulder to look at it.

Stared filled the seven year olds eyes." Thank you sis!" She cried out happily.

Hinata giggled at her little sisters excitement before she squeak in surprise as naruto fell onto the couch and laid his head onto her lap. She looked down at him and locked eyes with the boy.

Suddenly anime tears exploded out of narutos eyes as he reached up and cupped hinatas cheeks." I missed you guys so much today!" He cried out.

The two sisters sweat dropped at his antics." Ne, big brother can be so dramatic sometimes." Hinabi stated plainly.

The tears vanished from narutos eyes as he pointed at the younger girl." You were a lot cuter when you were younger." Was his reply.

"Bleh!" Hinabi stuck her tongue out at her older brother figure before running off towards her room, giggling all the way.

Naruto huffed." I get no respect around here." He whined playfully. Hinata giggled in amusement. He reached up and slid his mask down, letting hinata see his face as he smiled up at her. "So hime-chan, I was thinking.." he began.

Hinata hummed curiously." You shouldn't do that, you might hurt yourself." Was her quick reply.

Naruto fell off the couch in faux sadness." Mouu, hime-chans so mean to me." He sulked with his face pressed against the floor.

Hinata giggled." Oh come on naruto-kun, you know im just joking." She stated with a cheerful smile.

Naruto appeared sitting on his knees in front of her, his chin resting on his hands as he looked up at her with a small smile." Anyways, as I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted-" he glared playfully up her, making her smile widen." I was wondering if youd like to go on a date with me tonight?." He asked curiously.

Hinatas eyes widened in shock." W-what?" She stuttered as her face turned bright red." A d-date with n-naruto-kun?" She asked as she began to nervously poke her fingers together. Was this really happening?

Hinata had a crush on her savior ever since that night. When he risked his own life to save her it- well it made her heart flutter. At first it started out as a small innocent crush, but over the years she had gotten to know him better and had been able to bond with him on a higher level and soon that crush grew into something more.

Naruto leaned back on his legs and scratched the back of his head nervously as a small blush appeared on his whiskered cheeks." I-I mean yeah a date." He told her softly." I've been meaning to ask you a lot sooner but missions got in the way of it." He stated." Y-you don't have to if you don't wanna-"

"No!" Hinata shouted, cutting him off. She blushed brighter as she shook her head and waved her arms around." I-I mean yes! I wanna go on a date with you!" She stated hurriedly, worried that she might have given him the wrong impression with her shocked silence.

Naruto instantly brightened up." Really? You wanna?" He asked with a large goofy smile on his face. Said smile made hinatas heart beat faster.

She nodded her head quickly." O-of course." She answered, this time her voice was softer.

"Awesome!" Naruto shouted happily as he pumped his fist in the air.

Hinata couldn't help but giggle at his actions." W-what should I wear?" She questioned nervously, a light blush still noticeable on her cheeks.

Naruto scratched the side of his head as he replied." Wear something casual. I already have everything planned out." He stated with a nod of his head." Nothing to fancy but I think youll like what I have planned." He told her honestly.

Hinata nodded her head in understanding." Casual, got it." She told him with a small smile.

Naruto jumped to his feet and smiled at her." I have to go get everything around. Ill be back to pick you up at seven okay?" He wondered.

Hinata nodded her head." Ill be ready by then." She stated.

Naruto leaned down and softly kissed her cheek before pulling back and putting his mask back on." See you soon, hime-chan." He eye smiled before he vanished in a small gust of wind.

Making sure he was gone, hinata suddenly squealed happily as she kicked her feet back and forth, hugging herself happily. She couldn't believe it! She was finally going on a date with her crush! Her heart was beating fast in excitement. Was this what happiness felt like? If so then she wanted to feel like this forever!

Suddenly she heard someone clear their throat. Sitting up straight she looked towards the living room entryway and locked eyes with her mother who was standing in the doorway with a big smirk on her face.

Hinatas eyes slowly traveled from her mothers smirking face down to the black camera that she was holding in her left hand. Suddenly her face turned a dark red as steam shot out of her ears.

"M-MOM!" She cried out in embarrassment as she dashed towards her mother in an attempt to snatch the camera from the older women's hands.

Hitome held her hand out and watched in amusement as her thoroughly embarrassed daughter was held back by the forehead, her smaller arms were swinging wildly between the two, trying their hardest to reach the video evidence of what was possible the cutest thing the mother had ever witnessed.

Hitome suddenly giggled in a mischievous manner." Wait until I show this to your father!" She stated innocently.

Hinatas efforts doubled. She didn't want her dad to see that video!" MOM PLEASE!" She whined out.

Hitome just continued to giggle as she held her red faced daughter away from the camera.

•with naruto•

Naruto entered the hokages office and nodded his head towards the two occupants of the room. Kakashi and Hiruzen had been waiting patiently for him.

"Hey guys." He greeted with a wave as he closed the office door.

"Yo." Kakashi greeted lazily.

"Naruto-kun." Hiruzen gave him a small nod." I assume this is about minato?" He questioned.

Naruto quickly added a silencing seal to the room before giving the old man a nod." Yes but its not what you think." Naruto stated as he walked up to the desk.

"Oh?" The third replied with a raised eyebrow." Then what is it?" He wondered.

Naruto ran a hand through his hair and sighed." Do you remember the second note i got from him?" Naruto asked as he reached into his pouch and brought out a rolled up scroll.

"Of course." Hiruzen replied as his eyes narrowed slightly as he looked at the scroll that was in the blonds hands. It was no doubt a jutsu scroll, but what jutsu would it be?

Naruto looked from the old man to kakashi. He made sure the other jonin was listening, which he was, before looking back at the hokage and handing the scroll to him.

"Inside that letter was this jutsu- along with instructions." Naruto stated as he watched Hiruzen open up the scroll. Thankfully he had removed the security seals before coming her. Man itd be bad if he was responsible for the death if not only the hokage, but also one of the villages too ninja.

He watched Hiruzens eyes widen in surprise as he looked at the scroll. The elder kage looked up at him with a serious gaze." Tell me everything now." He ordered.

Naruto sighed." When dad – wow its gonna take a bit to get used to calling him that- anyways. When dad sealed kurama into me, he took kuramas yin chakra into the shinagamis stomach with him, technically making himself into the yin kuramas jinchuriky while I have kuramas yang chakra." He took a deep breath before continuing his tale." He told me that when I turned thirteen he wanted me to use that jutsu to summon him so that he could unlock my seal and give me yin kurama, turning me into the true jinchuriky of the nine tails." Naruto finished his explanation.

" so you plan to use the second hokages impure resurrection jutsu in order to bring sensei back to the living world?" Kakashis question sounded more like a statement.

Naruto nodded slowly." Why didn't you tell me about this sooner naruto?" The third asked, his tone was a bit softer now.

Naruto sighed and plopped down in one of the chairs that were stationed in front of the old mans desk." When I first got the note and the jutsu, I wasn't to concerned about it as I was still years away from even attempting to use it." The blond replied." And with all the missions ive been doing, plus joining anbu I didn't have much free time to bring it up. And the days I had off from work I wanted to spend with my friends. I guess it just slipped my mind until recently." He admitted softly.

"Do you know how to preform the jutsu?" The third asked as he lit his pipe up and took a long hit from it.

Naruto nodded slowly." I studied the hand seals over these past few months. All I need is a body to use as a sacrifice, preferably a death row inmate or someone like that." Naruto stated.

Hiruzen leaned back in his chair and closed his eyes as he took some time to think. After a few moments he opened his eyes and looked at the young blond sitting across from him.

"We'll need to find a way to get a sample of minatos DNA without arousing any suspicion from any of the council members or any other shinobi." The ild man stated.

"Already hit his DNA old man. He sealed it away at the bottom of the scroll." Naruto replied, nodding his head towards the scroll that was now lying on Hiruzens desk.

The man nodded his head in understanding." Fine. We'll have a body ready for use in two days." The kage stated." Ill accompany you during this jutsu as well, just to make sure everything gies correctly." He added.

Naruto nodded his head before looking up at kakashi." Id like you to be there as well." He told the other jonin.

Kakashi rubbed his eye and sighed." Of course ill be there idiot." He mumbled out.

Naruto nodded and looked back at Hiruzen." If I can make a request old man?" Said old man motioned for him to continue." Is it possible to get a sample of my mothers DNA too?" Naruto asked softly." I.. I wanna meet them both.." he stated.

Hurizen nodded slowly." Ill have tsunade bring up kushinas hospital records. They should still hold a few samples of her blood. But that also means we'll have to get another body and bring tsunade in on this as well." He stated, slightly concerned.

Naruto waved his concern off." That's fine. I trust tsunade and anyways. Ill be sending out a message to jiraya as well. He'll wanna be here for this too. Ill have him reversed summoned here." Naruto explained.

Hiruzen nodded his head as he rolled up the jutsu scroll." Ill keep this on me until were ready." Naruto agreed to that." Is there anything else?" He questioned.

"No sir." Naruto replied with a lazy salute." Anyways I have to go g et ready for my date. Let me know when everythings ready!" And the boy vanished in a swirl of leaves.

Both men blinked owlishly." A date?" Kakashi asked in confusion.

"Two hundred ryo says its with hinata."Hiruzen stated with a small smirk.

Kakashi eyes his leader with a weary eye before pulling out two hundred ryo." Youre so on." He stated. The third lowered his kage hat over his face a chuckled softly.