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First Date!

Naruto quickly brushed the non-existent dirt off of his white short sleeve button up shirt as he walked up to hinatas home. He had on a pair of jeans and instead of his usual shinobi sandals, he was wear a pair of black tennis shoes. He had his usual face mask on but he wasn't carrying any of his usual weapon pouches and he left amaya behind at his apartment as well. He wanted this to be a good date for both him and hinata. But that didn't mean he was unprepared incase something did happen. He had a few sharp weapons sealed away on his body, just in case.

He entered the home and walked into the living room where he was quickly pounced on by hinabi.

"Aniki!" Hinabi shouted happily as she barreled into his gut head first.

Naruto grunted and winced as he patted her head, along with gaining back the air she had knocked out of him." Firecracker-chan. Whats up? And wheres everyone else at?" He wondered curiously as he looked at the empty living room. Was hinata getting cold feet? He sure hoped not.

Hinabi looked up at him with a bright childlike smile." Big sis is in her room with mommy, something about finishing up." The girl shrugged cluelessly.

Naruto hummed with a small nod. He was glad that hinata was still okay to go out with him. Suddenly he heard a gruff chuckle from within his mind.

"So do you plan on telling her about me brat?" Kurama wondered curiously as he rested his head on his front paws.

Naruto frowned a bit.' Do you think I should?' He asked the fox.' I mean.. ive been around her and practically lived with her since we were four. I think shed be okay with me having you sealed up in my gut.' The blond stated.

Kurama snorted." You humans have many different faces kid. Ive seen many of your kind fall to greed and lust, ive seen humans turn their backs on those they call friends." The great beast told him.

Naruto sweated a bit.' H-hinatas not like that though!' He defended.' Shes a sweet and kind girl. Shed never turn er back on me.' He declared boldly.

Kurama hummed a bit." We shall see kid. Im going to sleep now, have fun on your date." And with that kurama closed his eyes.


Naruto yelped in surprise as he felt someone swat his wrist. Looking down he saw hinabi glaring up at him."w-what?" He stuttered out as he rubbed his wrist.

Hinabi huffed." I asked you why big sis was getting all dressed up, but you just stared at the wall and ignored me." The tiny girl crossed her arms in annoyance.

Naruto chuckled in embarrassment." Sorry sorry." He apologized sheepishly before he squatted down and put his hands on the girls shoulders, getting her to look him in the eye." As for your other question, im taking hinata-chan out on a date." He stated with an eye smile.

Hinabis eyes widened." You and big sis are finally gonna date?" She got a nod from the boy and exploded." Awesome! That means youll guys get married and then youll be my real brother!" She stated happily." Then youll both have kids- mom said it takes awhile for kids to cook in the mommies tummy though- then ill be the best aunt!" The little girl continued to gush while ignoring narutos steadily growing sweatdrop.

"Youre moving a bit fast there don't you think hina-"

"Isnt this just great?!?" Hinabi shouted into his face, totally ignoring him and cutting him off at the same time." Oh man! I have to go tell everyone!" She stated happily.

"Wait-" naruto tried to stop the girl but she had already dashed out of the house. He stood up and ran a hand over his face." Man she can get way to excited sometimes." He sighed to himself.

"Naruto-chan!" He heard someone shout his name cheerfully. He turned around and saw hitome standing in the room entry way. She looked down at him with a happy smile.

"Ah, hello hitome-chan." He greeted with a small wave." Is hime-chan ready for our date?" He wondered curiously, a small blush lit up on his masked cheeks.

Hitome giggled like a school girl." Yup! Are you ready to see her?" She questioned the boy. Naruto simply nodded his head.

The mother of two moved to the side and naruto finally saw hinata- who had been standing behind her mother the whole time- and his ringed eyes widened slightly.

Hinata stood their with her short hair neatly brushed. She wore a light purple t- shirt, a white skirt – and even though he couldn't see it, she had black shirts on under her skirt- and was wearing white tennis shoes. She also had a light red hue dusting her cheeks.

"Wow hinata-chan!" The blond sheepishly rubbed the back of his head with a goofy smile on his face." You look amazing!" He told her honestly.

Hinatas blush darkened just a bit more as she nervously flattened her skirt out." Th-thank you naruto-kun." She gave him a happy smile." You look very h-handsome yourself." She complemented the boys look.

Hitome giggled happily off to the side as she watched the two kids. She quickly pulled her camera out of seemingly no where and grinned at the two of them." I want pictures!" She stated.

"Mooom!" Hinata cried out in embarrassment as she covered her face with her hands.

After letting hitome snap a few photos of them, naruto and hinata were off on their first date. They walked through the streets of konoha hand in hand.

Hinata looked up to naruto with a small curious look in her eye." So where are we going for our d-date naruto-kun?" She asked the boy.

Naruto looked at her and eye smiled." Im gonna take you to my favorite spot in the entire village." He told her softly." I planned a small picnic for us there." He added.

Hinata smiled softly and moved closer to his side while lying her free hand on his arm." That sounds wonderful." She admitted softly.

Another fifteen minutes later and the two found themselves on top of the hokage mountain. Lying on the grass was a small black blanket, big enough for two people to sit on it. Next to the blanket was a small woven basket.

The two sat down and began to eat what naruto had packed- which was a few small sandwiches. He also brought a few bottles of water for them and for dessert he brought-

"Cinnamon buns!" Hinata shouted out in glee, all sense of nervousness and shyness had vanished throughout the evening as they chatted with one another.

Naruto laughed in amusement as he held a plastic container that held four cinnamon buns in his hand." Of course! I knew they were your favorite so I decided to but some." He explained.

"Gimme gimme!" Hinata stated as she wiggled her fingers towards the delicious buns, a small line of drool falling from her lips.

Naruto chuckled before opening the container and handing her one. He blinked owlishly as she reached forward and snatched the the three other cinnamon buns instead of the one he held out to her. He smirked with a small sigh as he took a bite of his only bun.

Hinata was already halfway done with her second bun, a happily content look on her face as she inhaled her dessert.

'Is this what its like for people who see me eat ramen?' He wondered to himself as he stared at his date. He smiled and shook his head.' Nah.' He decided.' Hinatas much cuter than me, even when she stuffs her face like that.'

Hinata sighed happily as she finished her food, idly licking the crumbs from the corner of her mouth. She looked at naruto and blushed brightly.

'Oh no! I just pigged out in front of naruto-kun!' She mentaly berated herself with a bright blush on her face.

"S-sorry." She stuttered out in embarrassment. Naruto chuckled softly as he finished his own snack.

He waved her apology off and smiled at her." Its alright, it just means you like the food I brought. And that makes me happy." He told her.

He looked up at the suns position and his eyes widened." Ah, we almost missed it!" He panicked as he shot onto his feet.

Hinata looked confused." Missed what?" She questioned softly. She let out a cute 'eep' when naruto picked her up and walked towards the edge of the mountain.

"The best view in the village of course!" He stated with an absolute nod. He sat down close to the edge of the mountain and sat hinata down between his legs. " look hime-chan." He pointed out over the village." Look at our home." He added softly.

Hinata did as he instructed and looked out over the village and quickly gasped in awe. The way the setting sun bathed the village in an orange/pink light was truly beautiful.

Naruto smiled softly as he saw her reaction. He quickly looked back out over the village." I come up here whenever im sad or if I just wanna relax and clear my head." He told her as he closed his eyes." Up here yo can truly see the beauty of our home." He added softly as he reopened his eyes.

"It's beautiful naruto-kun." Hinata told him while looking out over the village.

Naruto looked down at her and smiled." I.. I actually wanted to tell you something.." he began, catching hinatas attention. The girl looked over her shoulder at him." This isnt really something I like to talk about.." he admitted nervously.

"Take your time naruto-kun." She told him softly. Naruto took a deep breath and looked back at her.

"You know about the kyubi attack thirteen years ago right?" He asked." How the fourth defeated and killed the fox?" He added softly.

Hinata nodded and gave him a confused look." Yeah. Its said that the fourth hokage sacrificed his life in order to kill the nine tails and save the village." She remembered the lecture from the academy." Whats this about naruto-kun?" She wondered curiously.

Naruto frowned lightly before looking out over the village." That night the fourth wasn't able to kill the kyubi. It was a lie told by the third hokage in order to keep the younger generations from panicking. But the older generation knew the truth." He began.

"You see the bijuu are basically masses of chakra given sentience. And no one can kill chakra, you can only seal it away." Hinatas eyes widened a bit as she began to pick up on what the blond was saying. But she kept quiet and let him continue." So that night the fourth used a suicide jutsu that sealed half of the kyubis chakra into him- which took it to the shinagamis stomach with him- and he sealed the other half away into a newborn child."

"You were that child, werent you?" She asked softly. Her face had a look of sadness on it. She watched naruto nod his head.

"But that's only half of what truly happened that night." He told her.

Hinata furrowed her brows." Whats the whole story?" She wondered. He was glad to see that she wasn't upset or scared of him.

He let out a soft sigh." That night a the previous jailer if the kyubi was giving birth. That women was kushina uzumaki, my mother." He reached into his pocket and brought out a small photo of his mother and showed it to hinata.

Hinata smiled softly as she looked at the photo of the red haired women." Shes beautiful." She admitted.

Naruto nodded his head in agreement." For a female jinchuriky, giving birth is very dangerous as the body naturally maintains and grows the baby within the womb instead of using its energy to keep their seals in check and stable." Naruto explained." So during my birth the fourth hokage- my dad-" hinata gasped lightly at that revelation."- was there making sure her seal stayed together. But there was a problem.." naruto trailed off as a tear rolled down his cheek.

Hinata saw this and frowned softly. She realized that this was hard for naruto to talk about. So she wanted to be there for him and make sure he knew that he could trust her with this information. She raised her hand and wiped the tear from his cheek.

Naruto gave her a small smile." Thanks." She nodded her head." Anyways, just after I was born a man was able to break threw the barrier seal dad had put up. This man was able to kill an entire squad of anbu and the thirds wife without ever being detected-" hinata gasped lightly at that." Or that's what the old man told me. They found the anbu squad and his wife dead with their throats cut. No one really knew what had happened until I was able to get the information both from my dad and the kyubi." He told her.

"But sometime that night the man was able to basically rip the kyubi out of my mothers seal, summon it directly in the middle of the village and put the fox under a genjutsu that made it go on a rampage." He sighed as he ran his hand through his hair." Both if my parents died protecting me and the village that night and I was turned into the new jinchuriky of the nine tails." He patted his stomach and gave her a small smile." Ol' fuzz butt is sealed away in my gut for now." He told her.

Hinata looked at his stomach before looking back up at him." For now?" She inquired curiously.

Naruto nodded his head." Turns out the kyubis not the evil monster we all thought he was. It was just the genjutsu he was put under that made him so angry- though he doesn't really like other humans I suppose. But I know he likes me." Naruto stated confidently.

He heard the fox snort in his mind but decided to ignore him. He looked at hinata and gave her a small smile." My dream is to one day find this man that took my family away and killed all those people, and either bring him in for his crimes or kill him to give those he took from us a sense of justice. To show them that they havent been forgotten." Naruto told her.

"That's a good dream." Hinata admitted softly." I just wish I was strong enough to be there with you." She told him with a small blush.

Naruto smiled." Just keep training hinata-chan and I have no doubt in my mind that youll be one of the best shinobi this village could ever have."

She blushed brightly and poked her fingers together." You really think I could become that strong one day?" She asked nervously.

Naruto shook his head." I don't think hime-chan." He tapped his temple and smiled at her." I know it for a fact." He added.

Hinata smiled brightly and hugged the boy. Naruto chuckled and wrapped his arms around her before looking out over the village.

The sun had set during their talk and it was now night time. He let out a small content sigh before rubbing her back.

"We should head home. Its getting late and I don't want hashi killing me for keep his daughter out to late." He teased the girl as they broke their hug and stood up." Did you have fun tonight?" He wondered curiously.

Hinata smiled shyly." Yes. I had a wonderful time." She told him with a nod. Naruto smiled happily as he took her hand in his.

"Then we'll have to do this again sometime." He got a happy nod from the girl." Oh and hinata?"

She looked up at him and tilted her head a bit." Yes naruto-kun?" Was her cute reply.

Naruto smiled brightly at the girl." Thank you for listening to my story." And the two vanished in a swirl of leaves, leaving their picnic supplies behind. Hed come back for them later.

-hokages office at the same time-

Hiruzen and kakashi were watching their favorite blonds date through Hiruzens crystal ball. The third let the image of an empty mountain top fade before sitting back in his chair and lighting his pipe.

He took a puff before blowing the smoke from his lungs with a content sigh." Its kinda boring always being right you know." The elder man stated with a smug smile on his face as he stared at the silver haired jonin.

Kakashi chuckled at the mans attitude." I wouldn't know how that feels." He stated."but should we be worried about hinata? I mean naruto did just tell her two highly classified village secrets." The man stated as he crossed his arms with an amused glint in his only visible eye.

The elder kage waved the jonins concern off." No. I trust naruto and if he trusts young hinata with that information then I too will trust her." Hiruzen stated with a confident nod.

Kakashi nodded his head. He could agree with that logic."so hows preparations for the resurrection coming along?" The silver haired man asked.

"So far so good. We just need one more body than we'll be ready." The third replied before giving the man a curious look." How are you handling this kakashi? I assume youre feeling nervous about seeing your sensei again after so ling?" He wondered.

Kakashi sighed softly before running a hand through his hair." Ill admit, im nervous about seeing sensei and kushina-sama again. But I think itll be good for me to see them. I didn't get to say goodbye to them when they died. I think I can do that when I see them once more." Kakashi told his leader.

Hiruzen nodded his head." Itll be good to see them once more." He agreed with the masked man." Anyways, lets worry about that later. Go home and get some rest for now. Ill call for you and naruto when were ready." Hiruzen promised.

Kakashi nodded his head and gave the man a lazy salute." See ya later hokage-sama." And he vanished in a cloud of smoke.

Hiruzen waved the smoke away while muttering something about ' stupid silver haired dogs' before he began to finish up todays paper work.