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Family Reunion Pt. 1

Naruto was nervous- no scratch that. He was scared. He stood in front of his bathroom mirror rubbing his hands together with a nervous look on his face.

Today was the day hed be resurrecting his parents.

A million questions were flying through his brain. What would they think of him? Would they be proud of how far hed come since he was born? Would they even recognize him? What if he messed the jutsu up and ruined the only DNA sample he had from his father? What if the jutsu backfired and killed them all? What if-

"Okay, calm down kid." Kurama spoke up as he stared out into his jailers mindscape. A second later naruto appeared in front of his cell.

"I cant help it kurama!" Naruto cried out as he pulled his blond locks." Im freaking out man! This is the first time ill be seeing my parents. How can I not be scared?" The boy shouted up at the giant fox.

Kurama silently stared down at naruto, letting the boy vent his frustration. After making sure he was done, the fox spoke up with a light sigh." Don't think about it to much brat. You've done S-ranked missions without even breaking a sweat. Whys this so much harder for you?" Honestly. He didnt understand humans that much at all.

Naruto pointed up at the nine tails." This is way different then an S-ranked mission kurama. Im meeting my parents for the first time since I was born. I have the right to be nervous." The boy stated.

Kurama shrugged his furry shoulders." Im just excited to finally be whole again." The bijuu sighed wistfully before glaring down at his container." Do you know how sucky it is to literally be ripped in half?" He questioned the small human." No? Well I do. It sucks big time. And don't even get me started on how it felt to have the fucking shinigami stick his hand into my very soul!" The great bijuu shivered and closed his blood red eyes before turning his head to the side." I felt violated kit! The damn thing didn't even take me out to dinner first and it had the nerve to stick itself inside of me!" Kurama cried out.

Naruto sweat dropped at how dramatic the fox was. Granted he was glad he didnt know what any of that felt like. Hell he didn't even wanna think about what it felt like to have his soul fondled by the death god.

The boy cleared his throat." Anyways, ill try to stay calm kurama. Im just worried that they.. well.." naruto rubbed the back of his head nervously.

"You think they'll be disappointed in you or something?" Kurama asked softly- or well as soft as a giant fox could.

Naruto nodded his head as he stared at the floor. Kurama sighed before laying down, resting his head on his paws. He stared down at his container and shook his head a bit." Don't worry about that kid. I have no doubt that they'll be proud of you." Naruto looked up at the fox with a slightly surprised look in his eyes." Hell youre one of the strongest shinobi this village has and youre only thirteen! No doubt within a few years time youll be nominated for the position of hokage."

Naruto blushed lightly at the praise." You really think so kurama?" Naruto asked curiously.

The fox nodded his head." Now get out of here and go meet your parents kid." Kurama waved the boy off.

Naruto nodded his head and vanished from his mindscape. Snapping his ringed eyes open, naruto once again was met with his reflection as he stared into the bathroom mirror.

He patted down his outfit which consisted of his black long sleeve button up shirt which had the sleeves rolled up to his elbows, his black pants which had a kunai and shuriken holster strapped to his thighs and white bandage like wrappings around his shins. He also wore black shinobi sandals, one black fingerless glove covered his right hand while his left hand was wrapped in white bandages that ran from his finger tips all the way up to just above his elbow. He also had his black shinobi headband tied to his forehead and his jonin flak jacket zipped up over his shirt.

He let out a soft sigh before he reach up to the black mask that hung around his neck and pulled it up, covering the bottom half of his face. He gave his reflection a small nod before he vanished in a swirl of leaves.

-    The tower located in the middle of the forest of death-

Naruto appeared in a concrete room located in the basement area of the tower. In the room with him was the third hokage, kakashi, tsunade and his sensei jiraya who was talking animatedly with kakashi about his new up and coming icha icha book while tsunade was chatting to Hiruzen about the on goings if the villages hospital.

The four of them fell silent as naruto made his entrance. The first to speak up was jiraya." Hey kid!" He greeted his student with a smile before walking up and patting the boys back.

"Welcome back sensei." Naruto greeted happily." Hows your spy network coming along? Any knew info?" The boy asked.

Jiraya nodded his head." Yup! But we'll talk about that after we're done here." Jiraya replied with a small smile.

Naruto nodded his head before looking over towards hiruzen who spoke up." Are you ready naruto-kun?" The elder kage asked while puffing away on his pipe.

Naruto nodded his head." As ready as ill ever be old man!" Was the boys reply." Wheres the bodies at?" He asked.

"Behind you brat." Tsunade stated as she waved her hand towards naruto.

Spinning around naruto did In fact see two lifeless bodies lying on the cold cement floor. One was the body of an elder bald man while the other body was that of a female that looked to be in her twenties. Each body was clothed in the standard orange prison jumpsuit.

Nodding his head naruro pulled out the impure resurrection jutsu scroll and opened it before handing it to jiraya." Can you help me draw this seal on the ground sensei?" He questioned.

Taking the scroll and looking at it, jiraya found the picture of the seal that was needed and let out a low whistle." This is gonna take about an hour to draw, even with both of us drawing it." The white haired sannin stated.

Naruto nodded his head in agreement." So..?" He inquired.

Jiraya shrugged." Sure, I got this no problem. You take the right side and ill take the left." He stated before he rolled the scroll up and began to unseal his sealing supplies- naruto of course did the same and the two began to work.

-    An hour later-

Naruto and jiraya both stood back next to the three others in the room and looked over their work. If you took away the two dead bodies that were lying in the center of the rather large circular seal, youd see a beautiful work of art.

"I have no idea what im staring at here." Was tsunades statement. Hell even kakashi and hiruzen were stumped when they looked at the seal. Both men had a bit if sealing experience but nothing that could compare to what jiraya and naruto could do.

Tsunade had also fallowed the scrolls instructions on what to do with the needed DNA and had set all that up for the young blond.

Clapping his hands together, naruto gathered everyones attention." Well jiraya-sensei and I have double checked the seal and made sure everything was drawn out correctly. All I have to do now is complete the handsigns. Is everyone ready?" He asked, getting nods from everyone. " alright here we go." He took a deep breath." Maximum effort." The blond stated before he began to flash through hand signs.

Finishing the required hand signs, naruto slapped both of his hands into the ground and called out" forbidden jutsu: impure resurrection!" The effect was instant as naruto felt a large chuck of his chakra quickly drain from his reserves and flow into the large seal that was on the floor. But thanks to his massive chakra reserves, naruto wasn't to worried about the missing chakra.

Everyone watched as two grey stone coffins rose up from the floor and incased the two bodies before a stone lid covered each coffin. The coffins seemingly sunk into the ground and vanished.

"Just a little more!" Naruto called out as he pumped more chakra into the forbidden jutsu.

A second later two pale yellow coffins began to rise out of the ground. On one coffin everyone could see the word 'namikaze' written in dark red coloring while the other coffin had 'uzumaki' written on its lid.

Once the coffins were fully revealed, naruto ended the chakra flow to the jutsu and whipoed the sweat from his brow. The whole time his gaze was set firmly on the two coffins.

Suddenly the coffin lids fell forward and shattered into dust once they hit the floor. Naruto felt his breath hitch and his eyes widen slightly at the two people he saw before him.

Minato namikaze stumbled out of the left coffin. He was wearing his hokage outfit and he looked the same as he did during his youth. The only difference was the different crack like lines that ran across his face and the fact that the whites of his eyes were pitch black, leaving the blue parts of his eyes to stick out like a sore thumb.

The fourth hokage took a deep breath of air before looking to his right. He watched in surprise as his wife, kushina uzumaki stumbled out of her own coffin.

The red headed girl was wearing a green dress that had short cream colored sleeves. There was the noticeable cracks running along her face, just like minatos and the whites of her eyes were pitch black as well, leaving her lilac colored eyes to stick out just as much as her husbands blue eyes.

She looked up at minato with wide, shocked eyes." M-minato-kun?" She gasped out.

Minato looked just as shocked as her." Kushina-chan." He whispered out as the two quickly hugged one another.

"My love. Whats going on?" Kushina asked as she hugged her husband tighter.

"If what I think is right then this is the second hokages kinjutsu. The impure resurrection. But that would mean.." the deceased hokage trailed off as the two lovers broke their hug.

They both looked over at the four people standing a few feet away from them, each with both shocked and happy looks in their eyes.

"Mom.. dad.." their eyes locked on to the speaker and they saw a young boy no older than thirteen kneeling on the ground. His purplish ringed eyes were filled with unshed tears as he reached up and lowered his mask, showing the two his whisker marked face.

Both of their eyes widened as they only knew one person that had those whisker marks." N-naruto?" Kushina asked in a hushed tone. She took a step forward and reached a hand out to him as tears filled her eyes."n-naru-chan? Is that you?" She asked softly.

The next thing she knew was that the boy had seemingly appeared in front of her and wrapped her in a hug, burying his face into her stomach." Mom!" Naruto cried out.

Happy tears began to flow down kushinas cheeks as she fell to her knees and wrapped her arms around her son, burying her tear streaked face into her sons blond locks." Naru-chan! My baby boy!" She cried happily.

Minato stood back and watched his wife hug their son with a smile on his face. He didn't wanna ruin the moment and intervene as he didn't know if naruto was mad at him for what he had done.

He yelped in shock as a red chain shot out of narutos lower back and wrapped itself around his waist before pulling him towards the uzumaki duo until he was kneeling right next to them.

The chain vanished back into narutos lower back before the boy looked up at him with tears flowing from his ringed eyes."dad.." the boys quivering voice reached minatos ears.

"Naruto-chan.." minato replied softly. He watched as naruto reached out with one arm and wrapped it around the back of his neck before pulling him into a hug." Naru-chan?" Minato whispered out as tears pricked at the corner of his eyes.

Naruto hugged his parents tighter and sniffled." Its okay dad. I forgive you!" Minatos face broke out into a wide happy smile before he hugged his wife and son close to him.

"Thank you." Minato whispered softly.

Hiruzen, kakashi, jiraya and tsunade watched the family reunite with happy looks on their faces. After a few minutes the family broke the hug and stood up, each of them wiping tears from their eyes.

Kushina was the first to speak up as she noticed her sons outfit." Naru-chan, that's a jonin vest." She stated." Why are you wearing it at such a young age?" She questioned with a slight sniffle.

Naruto used his arm to wipe away any remaining tears from his face before he looked up at her with a wide smile." Ive been a jonin for awhile now mom." He stated proudly.

Both kushina and minato sputtered in shock." A jonin!?!" Kushina cried out in shock.

Naruto nodded his head." Yeah!" He stated." I joined the academy when I was four, made genin at six, then a few months after making genin I competed in the chunnin exams and thanks to my skills I got promoted to special jonin- became the youngest special jonin in konoha history!- then about two months after that I joined anbu-" naruto took a deep breath before continuing." Made anbu captain at eight, then retired from anbu at twelve and got elite jonin rank afterwards." Naruto told his parents." Theres so much I wanna tell you guys." He admitted with a happy smile on his face.

Kushina and minato stared at their son with dumbfounded expressions on their faces. After a few seconds passed and all that information was soaked up by their brains, kushina exploded." Hell yeah!" She pumped her fist into the air as she looked at minato." You hear that minato-kun?!? Our sons a freakin badass!" She whooped loudly before picking her son up and hugging him tightly." Im so proud of my baby boy!" She admitted brightly.

Minato smiled proudly at his son before looking at the four other people in the room. He let a small smile come to his face." Hiruzen, tsunade-sama, jiraya-sensei and.. kakashi is that you?" He wondered as he stared at the tall silver haired man.

Kakashi stepped forward and eye smiled at his sensei." Yeah sensei, its me." He admitted." Im happy to see you and kushina-sama again." He added happily.

Kushina gasped as she put naruto back on his feet." Kashi-kun!" She smiled happily before she walked up to the man and hugged him." You've grown so much since I saw you last." She admitted softly. Kakashi closed his only visible eye and hugged the women he thought of as a mother back.

"Its been thirteen years. Ive missed you and sensei a lot." Kakashi told her before they broke their hug.

Kushina smiled at him before looking at everyone else." Old man, baa-chan, pervy sage!" She greeted the other three with a happy tear filled smile.

"Its good to see you kushina-chan." Hiruzen replied with a happy smile.

Tsunade hugged the red head tightly." Its been awhile brat." She added softly.

Jiraya came over to them and rubbed the red heads head. A bright smile on his face." Its good to see you again, tomato-chan!" He laughed when kushinas cheeks puffed up in annoyance at being called her old academy nickname.

Kushina huffed before muttering something about 'stupid pervy sages'.

Minato smiled in amusement at his wife's attitude before looking down at his son. He locked eyes with the boy and raised a curious eyebrow." Naru-chan. Why are your eyes like that?" He questioned curiously." They were blue when you were a baby." He added.

Kushina looked back at her son and put a finger to her chin, a curious look on her face." Yeah! I saw that too. What gives naru-chan?" She asked.

Naruto chuckled and rubbed the back of his head, a goofy grin on his face." Lets sit down. I have so much to tell you guys!" Naruto replied.

-    2 hours later-

"So.." minato began as he and everyone else sat in a circle on the floor of the room. He was looking at naruto who was sitting across from him, leaning against kushina who was running her hands through his spiky blond hair." Let me get this straight. You met the kyubi at four, befriended him, said new friend was able to give you the fabled rinnegan so you two could stop the masked man?" He raised an eyebrow at his son, silently asking if hed gotten everything right so far.

The young blond nodded his head." Yeah, ol' fuzz butt is actually a really nice perso-er fox. He can be grouchy sometimes but nothing to crazy." Naruto explained." And he was able to tell that the masked man that took control of him that night wasn't actually madara uchiha." Naruto told them." He said that the masked mans chakra was similar to madaras but wasn't his. Meaning that it was a descendent of madara. So all we really have to go on is the fact that the man that attack you and mom was indeed an uchiha." The boy finished with a nod.

Naruto had spent the last two hours telling his parents about his life. Hed told them about how he met kurama in the first place which forced him to tell them about the attempted kidnapping on hinata- which kushina raged about and threatened to burn the cloud village down- naruto found his moms anger quite amusing. He told them about how close he became to hinata and her family, how he had made many friends. He also told them about the uchiha clan massacre, which both kushina and minato were understandably upset about.

He had told them about becoming jirayas student- much to minatos happiness- and about how he lost his arm during the chunnin exams. He had told them about the most important things that had eventually led up to him reviving them.

The young jonin could practically feel how proud his parents were of him and it made him feel amazing. It made him want to keep getting stronger, just to make them even prouder of him.

Minato hummed curiously as he thought over the information given to him." Wed have to go back into the shinobi records and look for any missing or runaway uchiha that was around during that time." The man stated, getting everyone around him to agree." But the bigger issue is this-" he began, gaining a serious look on his face." This masked uchiha told me that he was specifically after the kyubi. And he also had an ability to become transparent and faze through my attacks. I was only able to hit him thanks to the speed granted to me by my flying thunder god jutsu." Minato explained.

Jiraya frowned at that." You said he was specifically after the kyubi?" The sage asked his former student. Said student nodded and he let out a sigh." Then hes either a member or the creator of that group." Jiraya stated with a frown.

"Sensei?" Minato tilted his head curiously, silently asking his sensei to explain.

The sage rubbed his chin a bit as his mouth formed into a thin line." I left the village awhile ago looking into a lead stating that itachi uchiha and orochimaru were seen working together." Minatos brows furrowed a bit." After a few years one of my spies told me about an underground group that had begun to pop up all over the place. Apparently both itachi and orochimaru joined this group. The fact that they joined means that this group is likely filled with ninja either the same strength as them or stronger than them." Naruto frowned a bit. He had fought orochimaru a few years ago with kakashis help and had managed to force the sannin into fleeing.

Hiruzen took a hit from his pipe before looking at his student curiously." Do you have a name for this group jiraya-kun?" The elder kage asked curiously.

Jiraya nodded his head." The groups called akatsuki and from what I was able to gather, their members can be identified by their cloaks which are black with red clouds on them." The sannin told them all.

Everyone heard a groan and looked over at naruto who was rubbing his face." That's just great!" The boy cried out.

Jiraya raised an eyebrow." You sound like you've run into them before?" He inquired.

Naruto nodded with a sigh." Yeah, yugio, kakashi and I had a run in with two members a few years ago. Kakazu and hidan, both are S-ranked missing nins." Naruto began." Hidan could easily be taken out by a low jonin. The thing that makes the man a high S-class nin is that fact that he's immortal." He stated, shocking everyone in the room.

"Immortal!??" Kushina sputtered out in shock." Hows that possible?"she asked as she looked at her son.

Naruto ran a hand through his hair before he explained." Yeah, not sure how but he can live through numerous fatal blows. In fact his partner kakazu was the one to tell me how to defeat hidan. You gotta cut him into pieces before burying the pieces, or at least that's the easiest way to defeat hidan. And the mans slow, like high chunnin to low jonin slow." Naruto added." But that was years ago so I cant tell you what his abilities are now." He added after a moment.

After soaking in the information, the troup turned to kakashi who began speaking about kakazu." Kakazu is different than his partner. He had masks stitched all over his chest, five of them in fact. He called each mask a 'heart' for some reason. When yugio and I fought him, the masks were able to come out of him, each mask created its own body out of these.. black worm/rope things. Each mask was able to control one of the elements as well. He also had rock hard skin and no doubt would need someone with the punching force of tsunade-sama to be able to actual inflict physical pain on him." Kakashi took a breath before he continued." The only real way we were able to really hurt him was by destroying those masks. No doubt over the years he has recollected the hearts we destroyed." Kakashi finished with a small frown.

"This is most troubling news." Hiruzen stated as he stroked his beard, idly chewing on the stem of his pipe. Everyone else in the room agreed with the man."its clear to see that this akatsuki group is after the bijuu. The question now is what do we do to stop them?" He asked them all." If this group was able to get their hands on just one bijuu- let alone all of them. The entire elemental nations would be in danger. We know that this masked uchiha has the ability to control bijuu, he proved it by putting kurama under a genjutsu. And we don't know if he taught itachi to do the same or not." The man told them all.

The room fell into a sudden silence as everyone tried to think of what to do next. If akatsuki was made up of S-ranked shinobi who where teamed up in pairs to specifically fight and capture bijuu, than stopping even a pair of them would be rather difficult.

Naruto stood up, gaining the attention of everyone in the room. He had a hard look in his eyes." We need to get into contact with the rest of the jinchuriky." The boy began." We cannot let even one bijuu get captured by this group." He stated fiercely." We can start in cloud. Ive met with the eight and two tails jinchuriky, ive even met their bijuu." Naruto told them, shocking them all." I already have killer bees and yugitos support, all we have to do now is speak to the raikage and form some sort of alliance." Naruto told them." After that me and jiraya sensei can go out looking for the other jinchuriky." He finished.

"It could take years to find all of them." Tsunade pointed out." And then how do you even know that the Riakage will agree to any sort of alliance with the leaf?" She asked.

Naruto shrugged." Ill find a way to convince him." Naruto swore." Having jiraya sensei there will also help, just incase things go south." He added nonchalantly.

Minato sighed softly as he stood up." Naruto-chan, you have to understand that you cant just walk into a village and demand to see the kage of said village, let alone began telling them that their villages jinchuriky are being hunted down." The deceased hokage stated with a small frown on his face. " and I know for a fact that onoki doesn't like jinchuriky. Hell hed sell them to the highest bidder if he could. The only reason he has two of them is for village security." He stated with a frown.

Narutos brow furrowed. He hated the fact that jinchuriky were seen as demons, less than human. It wasn't their fault that they were forced to hold bijuu. Their lives were sacrificed to their respective villages as babies, never being able to chose wether they wanted a bijuu in them or not. It honestly upset him to no end.

Luckily before he could speak his mind, jiraya cut in." Actually the brats on to something." He stated, getting everyones attention.

"I am?" Naruto asked dumbly.

Jiraya nodded his head with a small chuckle." Thanks to my spy network I know where the jinchuriky are, or at least the general area of where they are." He began." I know that the one tails is currently stuffed into the gut of the kazikages kid over in suna. The two and eight tails are located in cloud, the three and six tails are somewhere in mist country, the seven tails is inside of a girl over in the waterfall village, while the four and five tails jinchuriky are traveling around rock country. " jiraya told them all, smirking at the surprised looks that were on everyones faces.

He let his smile thin out a bit as he walked over to naruto and rubbed the boys head." Anyways, I could also use that time to show naruto my spy network and how to run and maintain it." He stated." I planned to have minato take it over but he was killed before I could show him it." He gave his old student a sad smile. Minato of course returned the touching gesture.

Naruto looked up at his sensei in shock. Jiraya wanted him to eventually run the mans spy network? That would be a lot of work!

Hiruzen hummed softly." That's actually not a bad idea. How long do you think all of this would take jiraya-kun? Not only finding and talking to the other jinchuriky but also teaching naruto how to run your network?" The older kage asked his student curiously.

Jiraya hummed and rubbed his chin as he thought about it. No doubt hed have to throw a bunch of training sessions into that already difficult schedule. After all, he still had more to teach naruto. So after a moment of thought he replied." Id say it would take about three, three and a half years." Jiraya answered with a confident nod.

Hiruzen nodded his head." Okay then ill send you guys off after the chunnin exams." Naruto and jiraya nodded in agreement.

Minato cleared his throat, gaining the attention of everyone before looking at his son."now, we've been here for awhile and I do believe its time to transfer my half of the kyubi into you." He stated.

That statement immediately got the attention of kurama who practically bounced on his paws in excitement." Finally! Inari-sama above ive been listening to you hairless monkeys talking for so long! Its kuramas time to shine baby!" The fox shouted out happily." Lets do this! Gimme gimme!" He stated.

Naruto sweat dropped at kuramas behavior." Yeah, that's a good idea dad. So what do I have to do?" He wondered with a curious tilt to his head.

Minato gave his son a smile." I need you to show me your seal and lie on your back alright?"

Naruto nodded his head in understanding before he began to take his jonin jacket off..