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Family Reunion Pt. 2

Naruto was lying on his back on the cold cement floor. His shirt was open, exposing his rather well defined abs and he had his jonin vest lying under his head like a makeshift pillow.

Both jiraya and minato where kneeling over him, getting ready to open the seal that kept Kurama locked away while tsunade, hiruzen, kakashi and kushina stood back. Jiraya had a sealing formula written over his hand and forearm which naruto assumed was the key to his reaper death seal.

Minato looked at narutos face and flashed him a small smile." Are you and kurama ready son?" He asked the boy.

"Just hurry up already!" Kurama begged from within narutos mind.

Naruto sweatdropped. The bijuu sounded like a whiny child. He nodded his head." Yeah, were ready dad." The boy replied.

Minato nodded." Alright, sensei-" he looked up at jiraya."-all you have to do is send chakra into the sealing formula that's written on your hand and arm." He nodded towards said formula."then put your fingertips to the seal and twist, after that ill need you to do the same to the seal that's on me." Minato explained.

"Alright kid, I can do that." Jiraya stated with a nod as minato began to take his hokage cloak, jonin vest and his blue long sleeved shirt off.

After he was done, minato gave his sensei a nod before looking down at narutos stomach." Alright naruto, let me see your seal." He told the boy.

Naruto did as asked and sent chakra into his stomach. A second later the reaper death seal appeared on his stomach. Minato took a second to look over his sons seal, making sure that nothing had been tampered with.

Satisfied with how the seal was, minato nodded." Alright, kurama-" minato began to speak to the fox that was within his son." I need you to keep as much of your chakra from seeping into naruto as you can. Right now youre only made up of yang chakra and if all of that yang chakra gets flooded into narutos system then it could kill him." The dead kage explained.

Kurama nodded his large head." Got it and now that I think about it, that's probably why we couldn't keep up our kyubi mode kid." The fox stated.

Naruto deadpanned." He said he understands." The boy related the message.

"Alright then sensei, open the seal please." Minato instructed. Jiraya nodded his head and moved his hand towards narutos seal.

"Wait!" Hiruzen cried out, getting everyone to look at the man." Wait. We need to put up some chakra blocking seals on this room. The village would be in uproar if they felt kuramas chakra in such a high dosage." He explained. He could already see the village and the village councils reaction if they felt the full might of the kyubis chakra.

Naruto tilted his head a bit." If its such a big deal then why didn't they all freak out when I used kuramas chakra on the hokage mountain? You know, back when I fucked danzos shit up." The boy asked curiously.

Kushina appeared over naruto and smacked him in the side of the head, getting a yelp of pain from the boy." Watch your language young man!" She stated with an aura of death surrounding her." I may be dead but that doesn't mean you can use such foul language around me." She shook a fist at her rapidly paling son.

" y-yea ma'am!" Naruto stated with a scared look on his face, getting minato and jiraya to chuckle at him.

Hiruzen shook his head a bit." They did freak out naruto, that's mainly what the council meeting afterwards was about." He stated.

"Ah." Naruto nodded." Makes sense." He added with a shrug.

"Could you put those seals up dear?" Minato asked his wife.

The aura of death that surrounded the red head instantly vanished and kushina smiled cutely at her loving husband." Of course I can sweetheart." And she walked off to do as asked.

After a few moments, kushina finished putting the last seal up before giving her husband a nod, signaling that the job was done.

"Alright, lets continue." Minato ordered as he reverted into his 'hokage mode' as kushina often called it.

Jiraya nodded and put his finger tips to narutos seal. He turned his hand and unraveled the seal. Naruto grunted in discomfort as kuramas chakra began to flow into his system in larger quantities than what he was use too before the bijuu began to halt the flow of as much of his chakra as he could.

"Alright, good so far." Minato stated before sending his chakra into his stomach, allowing his reaper death seal to be seen." Alright sensei, open my seal up now."

"Alright." Jiraya replied before moving his hand up to minatos seal and opening it just like he did with narutos.

Minato grunted a bit before giving his sensei a nod." Alright naruto, nows the hard part." He began as he laid both of his hands on narutos seal." Im gonna start pumping kuramas yin chakra into your seal. Youre gonna feel like your insides are being ripped apart, but I promise you that youll be okay. Alright?" He wanted to make sure his son was still okay with going through with this.

"Okay, im ready dad." Naruro replied with a quick nod.

"Okay, guys-" he looked up towards the rest of the people in the room." I need two of you two come over here and hold his legs and arms down." He ordered.

"Right away sensei." Kakashi replied as he and tsunade quickly went over. Kakashi knelt above narutos head and held the boys arms to the ground while tsunade did the same to the boys feet.

"Okay, here we go, on three. One..two..three!" Minato began to send yin kuramas Chakra into narutos seal.

Naruto lied, he wasn't ready for that sorta pain. A blood curtailing scream ripped its way out of narutos throat. It felt as if someone had cut him open and poured lava directly into his gut. He had never experienced such pain in his entire life and he wanted it to stop. He began to desperately thrash his hands and feet in an attempt to get away but kakashi and tsunade were doing a hell of job at keeping him pinned down.

Pain surged through his body and he screamed once more before he began to lose conciseness. The last thing he felt before his world faded to black was the tears streaming down his cheeks.

•some time later•

Naruto let out a groan as he began to come around. His entire body was throbbing and his joints felt stiff. He slowly opened his eyes and was greeted to the blinding light that he was lying under. He quickly closed his eyes again as he felt his head throb.

"Ugh.." he groaned once more as he turned his head to the side." What happened?" He questioned softly, his throat felt raw and dry.

"It seems youre finally awake."naruto opened his eyes slowly and saw the figure of his father sitting next to him. Now that he was beginning to wake up more he realized that the floor felt way comfier than what he remembered it to be. He looked up and saw his mothers sleeping face and realized that he was lying on his moms legs with his head resting on her stomach.

"How long was I out? And where is everyone else?" Naruto wondered as he notice kakashi, jiraya, tsunade and hiruzen werent in the room anymore.

Minato smiled softly at his son." You were asleep for about four hours." He replied." And kakashi, hiruzen, jiraya and tsunade had to leave awhile ago. They all had stuff to do and couldn't stay here all day." He explained softly.

"Ah" was the reply he got from naruto.

"How are you feeling son?" Minato asked curiously.

Naruto chuckled weakly." Like a big bruise." He answered.

Minato laughed a bit." Yeah I expected as much." He sighed as he leaned back against the wall." Tell me naruto, when I died did the village treat you like a hero like I asked them too?" He questioned.

Naruto sighed a bit before slowly shaking his head." No, the first four years of my life sucked." Minato looked at his son as he kept talking." I was thrown out of the orphanage at three and lived on the streets for a year.." the boy trailed off.

Minato had a guilty look on his face." Why didn't you go to hiruzen when you were kicked out, and where was jiraya or kakashi? Why didn't they raise you?" He asked, slightly pissed off at his former sensei and student.

"Don't be mad at them dad." Naruto replied, sensing his fathers anger." Jiraya-sensei was away from the village until I was six and kakashi couldn't raise me." The blond admitted." Due to my jinchuriky status, I wasn't aloud to be adopted by anyone or any clans as they saw it 'giving to much power to a single clan' or something stupid like that." Naruto explained with a slightly irked look on his face.

"But everything changed when I was four." Naruto began, getting minatos attention." One night I was out near outskirts of the village and I stumbled upon a kumo jonin trying to kidnap hinata-chan- shes the heiress of the hyuga clan, Hiashi and hitomes daughter." Naruto explained when he saw the curious look on minatos face.

"Ah" minato nodded in understanding.

"Anyways long story short, I managed to stall the jonin long enough for help to arrive and I got stabbed right in the chest-" naruto rubbed his chest as he remembered that night." That's how I met kurama. The ol' furball saved my life and we talked for a bit. He explained to me that he was put under a genjutsu by the masked uchiha when he attacked the village. The end result was him agreeing to team up with me to bring this guy to justice for not only getting you and mom killed, but all the other people that died that night thanks to his actions." Naruto explained.

Minato nodded softly." What happened next?" He asked curiously.

Naruto smiled softly." After I woke up in the hospital I had found out that thanks to my help in saving hinata, the hyuga clan gave me their support and I became friends with hinata. Over time they became family, well everyone but hinata." Naruto stated." Shes my girlfriend now and itd be totally weird if i saw her as family." Minato laughed at the irked look on his sons face. Naruto chuckled a bit." But yeah, hinabi- hinatas little sister- is growing up way to fast!" He stated." I still remember when she was a little chubby baby with no teeth, now shes ten and is attending the academy." He let out a small sigh.

Minato smiled happily." Im glad that despite us not being there, you managed to find precious people and grow strong." He stated proudly.

"Im just happy to see my baby again." Both naruto and minato looked at kushina and saw that she was looking down at narutos face with tears in her eyes and a smile on her face." I never had a doubt in my mind about you being strong." She stated as she put a hand on narutos cheek, running her thumb over his whisker mark." I just worried that you wouldn't be able to feel our love from the pure lands." She whispered softly.

Tears gathered in narutos ringed eyes."mom.." they slid down the sides of his cheeks. He reached up and gently grabbed his mothers hand before smiling up at her." I love you both." He stated happily.

Tears poured down kushinas cheeks as she bent down and hugged narutos head." My baby! I love you so much!" She cried happily.

Minato smiled at his wife and son before reaching up and wiping a few stray tears from his eyes. Who wouldve thought that the dead could cry? He chuckled softly as he leaned over and wrapped his family up into a hug.

• 2 hours later•

After spending a few more hours just sitting around talking with one another, the time had finally come. It was time for naruto to end the jutsu and send his parents back to the pure lands.

Kushina and minato were standing in front of naruto, holding each others hand as they looked at their son with small smiles on their faces.

Naruto hated having to do this. He didn't want them to go but he knew that they didn't belong in the living world. He knew that it was their time to rest peacefully, without having to worry about him.

"Are you gonna be okay naruto?" Minato asked softly, seeing the doubt on his sons face.

"I.. I don't know." Naruto replied." I just got to meet you guys and I have to send you away already." He frowned.

Kushina gave him a sad smile." I know its hard naru-chan, believe me. I want nothing more than to stay here with you, but our times already past." She told him as a few sad tears fell from her eyes.

Tears gathered in narutos eyes as he held up a singled hand sign." You guys don't have to worry about me anymore!" He began as he sniffled." Im alright here. I have friends and loved ones so im not alone anymore. Im growing stronger so I can protect our home, im gonna-" his voice broke a bit." Im gonna be the hokage some day and im gonna protect everyone. So you guys can rest easy now, ya hear?" He felt the tears rolling down his cheeks but made no attempt to wipe them away.

Kushina smiled at naruto as her own tears fell." We hear you naru-chan. We believe in you okay? We'll see you again, but make sure it's a long time from now. Ill kill you if you die at such a young age, ya hear!" She cried as she held onto her husbands arm.

Naruto nodded his head with a sniffle as he looked at his dad who smiled brightly at him." Naruto, the worlds not always kind, but given your jonin rank I believe you already know that huh?" He chuckled a bit." I just want you to know that no matter what you do in life, ill always love you. Know that me and your mother couldn't be more proud of you than we already are. You've grown up into a fine young man and im proud to be able to call you my son." He used his sleeve to wipe his own tears away before giving his son a proud smile.

"We love you naruto!" Both minato and kushina yelled at the same time.

"Impure resurrection: release!" Naruto cried out as he released the jutsu. Tears began to fall even quicker as he stared at his parents. Their body began to dissolve and turn into dust, but they never stopped smiling at him.

He watched as their bodies blew away into nothing and their souls float towards the ceiling."I love you to mom, dad." He whispered softly as he fell to his knees and watched as his parents souls moved on into the pure lands. Once they were gone he looked down at his shaking hands before wrapping himself into a hug." I love you guys too." He closed his eyes tightly and began to cry softly.